Will the sheep re-elect McLiberals again?

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Wouldn't voting for ANY politician be a form of insanity? If the diagnosis is: Committing the same act over and over again expecting different results.

Has there ever been a politician who's done what he said he'd do BEFORE being voted in?

Thing is: If you don't vote, they take your silence as acceptance. AND if you don't vote, you have no right to bi*ch. No vote is apathy. A spoiled ballot is still a statement. Mickey Mouse for Prez!



kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
Wouldn't voting for ANY politician be a form of insanity? If the diagnosis is: Committing the same act over and over again expecting different results.

Has there ever been a politician who's done what he said he'd do BEFORE being voted in?

Good one Twila.

I like the promises of 1435 million dollars to be spent on .........(you name it).........over the next 20 years.........knowing full well they won't be there to do it.

God we love being treated like defectives.


lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Wouldn't voting for ANY politician be a form of insanity? If the diagnosis is: Committing the same act over and over again expecting different results.

Has there ever been a politician who's done what he said he'd do BEFORE being voted in?
Yeah ... Harris promised a War on Poverty. We just didn't know it would be a take-no-prisoners type battle...



Electoral Member
Apr 4, 2007
Hither and yon
Some of the logic here confuses me.

That was the end result for sure. What ENABLED them to work like that...................????

Lack of control????????............nah.

Lack of funds???????????.........nah.

Lack of the Harrisites givin a sh!t..........nah.

Compasionate conservatism at its' best.

You can do better than that Walter.


So your saying that because a conservative gov was in power that caused two workers to become useless, drunken incompetents?
Boy, now THAT is holding your Gov accountable.......or what?

And now we have the wunderkind..........steve........in a minority situation thank whasshisname.........Who has given us........dead soldiers!!! Nice one.


S0....like I heard........... that the troops in Afghanistan were fufilling a UN mandated comittment.
and like........the Liberal Party of Canada both negotiated that comittment AND sent the troops there.
Errrrrrrrrrr......... but its the Conservative fault.
Boy, now that is holding the Gov of the day accountable.........or what?

Remember folks if you dont vote dont bitch.
If you dont fill out a ballot the for all intents and purposes you do not exist.....to the politicians and their flunkies.
Spoil a ballot, vote for a whacko, vote from the heart or vote from your brain, whatever just get the hell out there and vote.



Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
McSquinty is still too creepy:

not to mention a scary lyin' sunufabiatch. :angryfire:

Anybody else deserves a chance from the remaining clowns. My vote goes for the guy that has a ton of business and management experience...John Tory.
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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Some of the logic here confuses me.

That was the end result for sure. What ENABLED them to work like that...................????
They were hired by the town of Walkerton and were solely responsible to the town council. Nepotism at its finest.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
They were hired by the town of Walkerton and were solely responsible to the town council. Nepotism at its finest.

What you don't seem to want to accept is Harris downloaded the weight of Ontario services - highways, waterworks, social, education - onto municipalities who could ill afford them yet expected all to be maintained at a level equal to that which the Province required. What could municipalities do but cut corners wherever possible? You cannot run a government like a business. It is not a profit making situation when there are people who live beneath that bottom line.

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May 28, 2007
Honour our Fallen
Have Ontario residents smartened-up yet?

Are they still easily pacified by the lying fiberals?

Is the McGuilty fan club as dumb as ever?

Voters, please share your thoughts.
Well it's official you know sqaut about ontario's politics....
Hapton is a non starter...he hasn't said or done anything of consequence since he was made ...what ever he is suppossed to be...Wall flower comes to mind....

and the con man that worked for mulroney..in fact was mulroney everything mulroney did besides make himself rich off the bloated board of directors he got humself on after selling us to the american corporations....
yeay john tory ..a man for the people....barf!!!!

do you realize when Brian quit..he imediatyl was put on 8 board of directors in the USA at a 250 grand a pop gig per....and he only had to show for 3 meetings a year......
Now you tell me how the hell did he land those gigs?
John tory...the guy that made it possible through spin.....


Nominee Member
Sep 14, 2007
This sentence emphasises the shortcomings of our democracy: our ability to hold politicians accountable is only reactionary. Mike Harris is probably laughing the way to the bank every day at the moment. What does he care if he screwed the Conservatives over for a few elections, he got what he wanted.

We really need a better way to hold our politicians accountable for their legislation. If there wasn't a party that wanted to do just this, I wouldn't vote, out of sheer disgust at the near pointlessness of it.
" If the people really believe that the people they elect to office are the ones making the decisions they are living in fantasyland." That is a quote from Paul Helyer, former Dep. PM under Pierre Trudeau. He said this because it is the bureaucrats who are really running the show, and they are neither elected nor accountable to the people they are supposed to serve. What we really need when a government changes hands is for the bureaucrats (Deputy Ministers) to be either fired or shuffled around so that the incoming government can actually implement their agendas without the bureaucrats simply continuing on as if the direction hasn't been changed.

It is like that bureaucrat who decided that he will make law by announcing that veiled Muslims do not have to show their face in order to vote. He was asked by a Committee Chair if he was ordered to change that announcement and to tell veiled Muslims that they have to show their faces in order to verify identity, would he, and his answer was "No, not at this time." My opinion is that he should have been fired on the spot. It is bad enough that we have a bunch of appointed Judges overstepping their mandates and making law, now we have appointed bureaucrats who want to do the same thing. He should be told, that he has two choices, change his announcement or be fired forthwith. For God's sake, this man is an employee of the taxpayers and the people who are supposed to be in charge are the people we elect to office because they are the only people we can hold accountable, and if we are going to have their employees refuse an order, then it is definitely time to change how government is run. I can just imagine telling my boss that I refuse to obey an order. I can guarantee that I will immediately be looking for another job, with no recourse for compensation, because refusing to do what the boss tells you he/she wants done is insubordination and is subject to dismissal without notice.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
It's easiest to believe the guy who makes the littlest promises....


Or, the guy that tells the fewest lies. Promises don't impress me but I hate liars. Mcguilty pulled a huge one with health tax. I'd give Tory or even the Green bike dude a go before letting liberals rob us again. ;-)


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
What you don't seem to want to accept is Harris downloaded the weight of Ontario services - highways, waterworks, social, education - onto municipalities who could ill afford them yet expected all to be maintained at a level equal to that which the Province required. What could municipalities do but cut corners wherever possible? You cannot run a government like a business. It is not a profit making situation when there are people who live beneath that bottom line.

And the private lab told the two drunks that they had a problem with the water and the drunks did nothing about it. Stupid private lab.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
And the private lab told the two drunks that they had a problem with the water and the drunks did nothing about it. Stupid private lab.

Yeah me I wire da house an I put all the light on one fuse, eh, an all a plug on a odder an I put da toast on an da light she go dim. My toaster fuk?

Private lab.... Where was the Provincial Ministry of Health who oversees the local Health Boards who used to take care of municipal water supplies as well as the well? Yeah ... stupid two-by-four couldn't support the weight of the whole building....

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Electoral Member
May 27, 2005
Eastern Ontario
problem is that most votes in Ontario are in the Toronto area. The Toronto area is full of fear..fear of crime, fear for their children, Fear of change and the business reaction to it etc etc....all it takes is for a liberal politic type to mention the sky will fall if they don't vote Liberal and they all fall in line.

All Mc guillicutty has done over his term is to raise taxes..and throw money at schools ..but not in a good way...all the schools did was raise salaries, cut workload and buy new office furniture....If things are going so well as we here from Dweeblie... then why are there bake sales at school for buying books? a 50 dollar "usuer fee" per kid at each school start.

If healthcare is so much better then why do I now wait 4 hours at my small community hospital when I us to wait 30min's in 2002?...The only reason the schools are quiet with no strikes is because the teachers got everything they wanted...not the kids!!

Why is it if my Doctor wants my kid to have an ultrasound in June I am told it will be Oct before he's in..then I take him to New York state in 3 days for the test at my expense?? This has nothing to do with funding..The test cost me no more out of pocket that OHIP was going to pay....

These are realities..mine!! Dalton will tell you otherwise....but he's not telling you the truth..his "together" campain is shallow, he doesn't take to everyday people.he only uses stats with no real life back up..it's all feel good while we all suffer..


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Never underestimate the ignorance and gullability of the GTA. Besides, they're still cranky they don't have yet another Quebec francophone as our Prime Minister.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
You have a doctor!?!? I have a cardiologist - only because a clinic doctor referred me. My health is gonna go for a dump again because I have to think twice about that wait in ER....

McGuinty didn't fix it ... and Harris broke it.
