White Privilage


House Member
May 18, 2010
because they were good at killing people?
Is that why all the Syrian refugees and others alway want to go to Great White countries?

Why don't you go to Gabon, I hear they are looking for losers like you.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Is that why all the Syrian refugees and others alway want to go to Great White countries?

Why don't you go to Gabon, I hear they are looking for losers like you.
is that what we are?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
They just want a little piece... that's all.

Actually LIE-berals have trained natives to THINK BIG! So they dont want a little piece- they want total control!

And natives are not exactly saints when it comes to building empires- one has only read of the vicious warfare between the Huron/Algonquin Confederacy on one side and the Iroquois to realize that natives have exactkly the same empire building capacity as White people! Natives on the western plains did not fight so relentlessly as eastern tribes because the population was smaller and there was more room- hence rather less friction!

The Aug. 8, 2016 issue of McLean`s Magazine contains a `special report on race and power` that, if accepted by Cdns, will-so I believe- encourage bigotry in Canada. McLean`s trumpets the news that native people RARELY get elected to positions of authority outside the reserves and McLean`s thinks it’s a legacy of bigotry! Apparently McLean`s supports reverse discrimination-how else to explain their simple minded statistical analysis of racial numbers in Saskatchewan?

I ask-how is it that Cdns are overlooking and rejecting prospective native politicians? Especially when they all too often lack even a high school diploma-the BASIC educational building block in Canada. Only 25 percent of natives living on reserves graduate from high school. An even smaller number go on to higher education so surely McLean`s might want to be honest and recognize that a MAJOR lack of qualification might be behind some of this alleged racist behaviour?

Traditionally politicians work themselves up from local municipal positions and from school boards and such other small beginnings-gaining eloquence, insight and the wisdom of experience on the way. There are substantial obstacles to natives from reserves making such headway due to the assorted scandals that plague the great majority of reserves-not just in Saskatchewan but right across the country.

It is true that only one third of natives live on reserves-with the remainder living in regular cities like the rest of us so one may ask why these natives do not seek political office? Perhaps it is again due to lack of education? Or perhaps it is a legacy of watching the endemic corruption on reserves that has persuaded natives living off reserves that politics is a dirty game they don’t want to play? Or perhaps white voters have seen and heard so much about the corruption and chaos on reserves that they justly fear to vote for any native candidate? Such things are not related to simple minded bigotry but are grounded in fact and logic.

Who in the wider world beyond Kashetchewan Reserve would vote for any of that band council? Federal govt built the band a drinking water plant and sewage treatment plant and then sent native volunteers off to a crash course in how to manage the plants. Due to native educational short-comings and the accelerated/limited training courses given to quickly get ill prepared and semi literate natives up to speed, govt recognized that outside help would often be needed and a bank account was set up so that the band could dip into the funds to hire white experts as needed to come in and show natives how to repair more complex machinery and keep the plants running.

Imagine the surprise when BOTH plants-sewage and drinking water-broke down and left the band with raw piss coming out their taps! Further-the band was BROKE-NO MONEY left in the repair bill bank accounts. Govt was bewildered and auditors were sent in to track the cash-while band council MOCKED govt for mishandling their water systems and being CHEAP with funds!

Auditors reported back that the repair money had been spent instead on air fares to send a hockey team to California for a tournament! A LARGE number of adult chaperones also went along. Add in bills for hotel rooms, nice meals, alcohol and some mad money for playing at the local casino and voila-the bank account is empty! Though why natives would blame govt for this is not clear to anybody but natives?

Housing in Kashetchewan is also a thorny issue. `Kash`-as the reserve is known-stands on the Hudson`s Bay Lowlands-a vast set of river deltas created by millions of creeks and streams-it`s 1.5 million square km with an average elevation of SIX FEET above sea level. To suggest that there is risk of flooding during the spring thaw is a MASSIVE UNDERSTATEMENT!

The drinking water plant and sewage plant were built by white men and they STARTED the job by piling up tons of sand and gravel to produce an elevated pad with the plant built on top-out of the reach of flood waters. The natives were hired to build the less technically demanding prefab band homes and they are virtually ALL flood damaged to varying degrees because native home builders apparently did NOT pile up sand and gravel pads for the houses to sit upon out of reach of flood waters. But natives happily BLAME federal govt for their housing troubles!

Natives in eastern Canada also have housing troubles that they blame on Ottawa. But those natives don’t want to discuss the Carribean cruises they took-using housing money! They don’t want to discuss the salaries of native band leaders-one of whom leads a band of less than 500 people and collects a salary of over half a million dollars per year!

Natives in `Kash` don’t want to discuss the epidemic of skin disease that is plaguing area kids and got so bad this spring that a team of govt doctors was flown in to assess and treat a pack of kids-with several of the worst cases being airlifted out to Thunder Bay for hospital treatment. Nor does anybody want to admit that the skin ailments are apparently triggered by lack of contact with soap and water and by a lack of clean clothing-even though the `Kash` water plants were returned to fully functioning status a couple of years back.

Natives in any number of reserves are complaining of epidemic rates of suicide and of drug abuse.

Native politicians from the reserves are clearly hamstrung by these terrible and deplorable situations-how can any educated person from the larger world-meaning white community- consider bypassing conventionally skilled and educated politicians and instead choose some aspiring native politician with a sketchy education and tied to a long history of corruption and malfeasance?

Further-it now costs the average federal member of our parliament roughly one hundred thousand dollars to mount an effective campaign for public office-so where would un-employed natives get this kind of money? Selling illegal smokes is profitable but is it that profitable that a native with political aspirations would risk such money from his own pocket just to get on a public stage?

So here is a fun question being ignored by Mc`Leans writers: “is it bigotry or is it common sense that is keeping natives out of political offices”?

Another good question is this: “is the LIE-beral party of Canada hurting or helping Cdns”? I say LIE-berals are killing natives with misplaced kindness. LIE-berals have rescinded virtually all the Conservative mandated legislation that would have compelled native bands into something more closely resembling responsible govt!

By compelling bands to post ALL band expenses online-including salaries and pensions, the interested (Conservative) observer could see at a glance how well and how carefully the band was managing its tax money. And since virtually ALL that money is supplied by ordinary Cdns-they would have some reassurance that there would be no more Carribean cruises and no more visits to casinos by native leaders at tax payer expense! Housing money would be spent on JUST THAT!

How sad that LIE-berals do NOT APPROVE of these measure which would have made life easier on reserves by minimizing troubles and enuring that best use was made of tax money! LIE-berals are applying a form of bigotry of their own. They seem to have written off natives and consigned them to a hellish life of shortages and limitations-while preaching of their LIE-beral style care and concern!

LIE-berals consider it beneath them to try to ensure tax money is spent wisely on reserves and they certainly have no known plans to INCREASE the amount of tax money flowing to reserves. In fact there are indications that the way the new LIE-beral child care benefit is set up- natives can actually expect LESS money in future!

People who don’t file a T-4 income tax form-and that includes most natives since natives living on reserves do NOT PAY income tax-won’t be getting the new child benefit! Either natives will do without or LIE-berals will eventually have to come up with some alternate program just for reserves! After all, natives making a living selling illegal smokes or guns etc will NOT want to give govt written records regarding their alleged income in case Revenue Canada agents come sniffing around looking for sales tax payoffs!)

And after all this, does McLean`s STILL want to suggest that it is white racists that are blocking native from positions of power?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Actually LIE-berals have trained natives to THINK BIG! So they dont want a little piece- they want total control!

And natives are not exactly saints when it comes to building empires- one has only read of the vicious warfare between the Huron/Algonquin Confederacy on one side and the Iroquois to realize that natives have exactkly the same empire building capacity as White people! Natives on the western plains did not fight so relentlessly as eastern tribes because the population was smaller and there was more room- hence rather less friction!

The Aug. 8, 2016 issue of McLean`s Magazine contains a `special report on race and power` that, if accepted by Cdns, will-so I believe- encourage bigotry in Canada. McLean`s trumpets the news that native people RARELY get elected to positions of authority outside the reserves and McLean`s thinks it’s a legacy of bigotry! Apparently McLean`s supports reverse discrimination-how else to explain their simple minded statistical analysis of racial numbers in Saskatchewan?

I ask-how is it that Cdns are overlooking and rejecting prospective native politicians? Especially when they all too often lack even a high school diploma-the BASIC educational building block in Canada. Only 25 percent of natives living on reserves graduate from high school. An even smaller number go on to higher education so surely McLean`s might want to be honest and recognize that a MAJOR lack of qualification might be behind some of this alleged racist behaviour?

Traditionally politicians work themselves up from local municipal positions and from school boards and such other small beginnings-gaining eloquence, insight and the wisdom of experience on the way. There are substantial obstacles to natives from reserves making such headway due to the assorted scandals that plague the great majority of reserves-not just in Saskatchewan but right across the country.

It is true that only one third of natives live on reserves-with the remainder living in regular cities like the rest of us so one may ask why these natives do not seek political office? Perhaps it is again due to lack of education? Or perhaps it is a legacy of watching the endemic corruption on reserves that has persuaded natives living off reserves that politics is a dirty game they don’t want to play? Or perhaps white voters have seen and heard so much about the corruption and chaos on reserves that they justly fear to vote for any native candidate? Such things are not related to simple minded bigotry but are grounded in fact and logic.

Who in the wider world beyond Kashetchewan Reserve would vote for any of that band council? Federal govt built the band a drinking water plant and sewage treatment plant and then sent native volunteers off to a crash course in how to manage the plants. Due to native educational short-comings and the accelerated/limited training courses given to quickly get ill prepared and semi literate natives up to speed, govt recognized that outside help would often be needed and a bank account was set up so that the band could dip into the funds to hire white experts as needed to come in and show natives how to repair more complex machinery and keep the plants running.

Imagine the surprise when BOTH plants-sewage and drinking water-broke down and left the band with raw piss coming out their taps! Further-the band was BROKE-NO MONEY left in the repair bill bank accounts. Govt was bewildered and auditors were sent in to track the cash-while band council MOCKED govt for mishandling their water systems and being CHEAP with funds!

Auditors reported back that the repair money had been spent instead on air fares to send a hockey team to California for a tournament! A LARGE number of adult chaperones also went along. Add in bills for hotel rooms, nice meals, alcohol and some mad money for playing at the local casino and voila-the bank account is empty! Though why natives would blame govt for this is not clear to anybody but natives?

Housing in Kashetchewan is also a thorny issue. `Kash`-as the reserve is known-stands on the Hudson`s Bay Lowlands-a vast set of river deltas created by millions of creeks and streams-it`s 1.5 million square km with an average elevation of SIX FEET above sea level. To suggest that there is risk of flooding during the spring thaw is a MASSIVE UNDERSTATEMENT!

The drinking water plant and sewage plant were built by white men and they STARTED the job by piling up tons of sand and gravel to produce an elevated pad with the plant built on top-out of the reach of flood waters. The natives were hired to build the less technically demanding prefab band homes and they are virtually ALL flood damaged to varying degrees because native home builders apparently did NOT pile up sand and gravel pads for the houses to sit upon out of reach of flood waters. But natives happily BLAME federal govt for their housing troubles!

Natives in eastern Canada also have housing troubles that they blame on Ottawa. But those natives don’t want to discuss the Carribean cruises they took-using housing money! They don’t want to discuss the salaries of native band leaders-one of whom leads a band of less than 500 people and collects a salary of over half a million dollars per year!

Natives in `Kash` don’t want to discuss the epidemic of skin disease that is plaguing area kids and got so bad this spring that a team of govt doctors was flown in to assess and treat a pack of kids-with several of the worst cases being airlifted out to Thunder Bay for hospital treatment. Nor does anybody want to admit that the skin ailments are apparently triggered by lack of contact with soap and water and by a lack of clean clothing-even though the `Kash` water plants were returned to fully functioning status a couple of years back.

Natives in any number of reserves are complaining of epidemic rates of suicide and of drug abuse.

Native politicians from the reserves are clearly hamstrung by these terrible and deplorable situations-how can any educated person from the larger world-meaning white community- consider bypassing conventionally skilled and educated politicians and instead choose some aspiring native politician with a sketchy education and tied to a long history of corruption and malfeasance?

Further-it now costs the average federal member of our parliament roughly one hundred thousand dollars to mount an effective campaign for public office-so where would un-employed natives get this kind of money? Selling illegal smokes is profitable but is it that profitable that a native with political aspirations would risk such money from his own pocket just to get on a public stage?

So here is a fun question being ignored by Mc`Leans writers: “is it bigotry or is it common sense that is keeping natives out of political offices”?

Another good question is this: “is the LIE-beral party of Canada hurting or helping Cdns”? I say LIE-berals are killing natives with misplaced kindness. LIE-berals have rescinded virtually all the Conservative mandated legislation that would have compelled native bands into something more closely resembling responsible govt!

By compelling bands to post ALL band expenses online-including salaries and pensions, the interested (Conservative) observer could see at a glance how well and how carefully the band was managing its tax money. And since virtually ALL that money is supplied by ordinary Cdns-they would have some reassurance that there would be no more Carribean cruises and no more visits to casinos by native leaders at tax payer expense! Housing money would be spent on JUST THAT!

How sad that LIE-berals do NOT APPROVE of these measure which would have made life easier on reserves by minimizing troubles and enuring that best use was made of tax money! LIE-berals are applying a form of bigotry of their own. They seem to have written off natives and consigned them to a hellish life of shortages and limitations-while preaching of their LIE-beral style care and concern!

LIE-berals consider it beneath them to try to ensure tax money is spent wisely on reserves and they certainly have no known plans to INCREASE the amount of tax money flowing to reserves. In fact there are indications that the way the new LIE-beral child care benefit is set up- natives can actually expect LESS money in future!

People who don’t file a T-4 income tax form-and that includes most natives since natives living on reserves do NOT PAY income tax-won’t be getting the new child benefit! Either natives will do without or LIE-berals will eventually have to come up with some alternate program just for reserves! After all, natives making a living selling illegal smokes or guns etc will NOT want to give govt written records regarding their alleged income in case Revenue Canada agents come sniffing around looking for sales tax payoffs!)

And after all this, does McLean`s STILL want to suggest that it is white racists that are blocking native from positions of power?

Here is an article illustrating how little effort LIE-berals are putting inrto dealing with the drug crisis on reserves:

Officials declare state of emergency over drug crisis on Stoney Nakoda First Nation.

By Michele Jarvie, Postmedia. First posted: Sunday, July 24, 2016 07:10 PM EDT | Updated: Monday, July 25, 2016 11:26 AM EDT

(With some comments of my own in brackets):

Topic: The opioid crisis. The three First Nations bands near Morley are in a crisis situation over extremely high rates of prescription drug addictions and overdoses among members. With addiction rates surging as high as 60% among adult members of the reserve, Stoney Nakoda has declared a state of emergency.

(How can people be referred to as a `nation` when the `national` income is almost entirely welfare money sent over from another `nation`?)

“We had something like 139 deaths attributed to opiates within a two-year period on the nation,” said Lindsay Blackett, CEO of the Chiniki band, one of three that comprise Stoney Nakoda. “There’s only 6,000 people on the whole reserve so that’s a significant number vis-à-vis the population.”

He said fentanyl is the No. 1 culprit on the reserve — the same deadly drug that is devastating communities across Canada. More than 270 Albertans died from fentanyl overdoses last year with at least 20 deaths on the southern Blood Reserve alone since the summer of 2014.

A prescription painkiller, fentanyl is up to 100 times more potent than morphine and is often passed off as a new form of OxyContin. “A lot of people are abusing it. And once you’re hooked, that’s a jealous mistress. Once it hooks you, it wrecks your life,” said Blackett.

“It’s not a reflection on one particular community. It’s not like we’re the only ones dealing with it. It’s widespread and not just in the native population. It’s just more pronounced in the native population.” Blackett noted the opiate crisis is just part of a larger drug and alcohol challenge being faced on the reserve.

Health Canada officials say they have been working with First Nations’ chiefs and administration and the Alberta government to support the communities and address complex issues of mental illness and suicide, addictions, chronic disease and improve access to quality health care.

(There is no practical way to improve access to health care on tiny reserves when Ontari-owe LIE-berals are closing hospitals in moderate sized CITIES! And LIE-berals were caught lying about how many hospitals were actually closed! But not to worry- the money saved was spent on Muslim `invaders` crossing our borders!)

On June 17, federal Health Minister Jane Philpott announced new actions to address opioid misuse, which includes better prescribing practices and treatment options, reducing easy access to unnecessary opioids and improving the national evidence base.

Health Canada funds $86 million annually for addictions support for First Nations and Inuit communities through the National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program and the National Youth Solvent Abuse Program. Through these programs, a network of 43 treatment centres is supported, as well as drug and alcohol prevention services in the majority of First Nations and Inuit communities.

Alberta Health Minister Sarah Hoffman says the province has been working with First Nations on responding to the fentanyl crisis, with addictions treatment and education. Government officials are also sharing electronic data to help First Nations roll out immunization programs.

(What does child immunization have to do with adults being a drugged up mess?)

“We know that First Nations peoples are struggling with higher rates of diabetes, addictions and poverty — all of which contribute to poorer health outcomes.”

(Drugged up addicts just don’t have a proper work ethic! Perhaps LIE-berals can somehow BUY it for them?)

The high number of addicted adults on the Morley-area reserve is anecdotal at best as actual numbers are not known. Prescription opioid addiction numbers are not tracked, nor are deaths unless they are related to fentanyl — a drug that appeared on the streets in 2012 and has become the single-largest public health threat in Alberta.

(I say this lack of `numbers` indicates that some activists and poverty pimps DON’T WANT to `find` the numbers. Some appear worried that respect for natives will plummet if the extent of their addictions and troubles are fully known. Others appear concerned that full disclosure of troubles will result in White Govt taking away much of the power and authority of band councils and imposing decisions on bands in order to force more responsible govt into place-a course of action that IS desperately needed!)

(The spectacle of Atiwapiskat Chief Teresa Spence refusing to discuss how she and her political allies burned through ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS of govt money in five years without using a penny to build the housing that the cash was earmarked for-AND without being able to show a single receipt for all that cash-while band members lived in tents and shacks in the Arctic winter is a thing that leaves a BAD TASTE in the mouths of many Cdn tax payers!)

“We really do a poor job on surveillance of opioid overdose deaths and that’s a good way to measure addictions,” said Alberta addictions specialist Hakique Virani. “We don’t count it unless it’s fentanyl. Until we do that, we don’t have a handle on numbers.”

Virani was not surprised by the suggestion that 50 to 60% of Stoney Nakoda residents are prescription addicts. In fact, he suspects the number is higher in the adult population.

Asked how people can repeatedly get drugs prescribed, sometimes for years at a time, Virani said it often happens because no one asks questions. Or they’re ill-equipped to deal with the fallout.

(Or perhaps some drug company sales people and doctors are simply committing criminal acts by supplying drugged up natives and profiting nicely from it?)

“The patient may not even be complaining of anything wrong. When doctors inherit patients with prescription addictions, often they’ll just perpetually refill it because there may not be any complaint of side-effects.

(Or are some doctors being THREATENED if they do not refill the prescriptions? Doctors are sworn to “do no harm” and simply handing out drugs with no questions asked sounds a lot like harm and blackmail to me!)

“Even if they are demonstrating signs of dependency, would the best thing be to cut them off? No,” said Virani, who treats patients at an Edmonton methadone clinic and teaches at the University of Alberta. He has been critical of the government’s handling of the fentanyl drug crisis.

(What? Cutting off the supply of a dangerous drug is a BAD thing? How?)

“It’s a difficult dilemma. It is dangerous to keep prescribing but in the absence of safe and effective treatment for dependency, what do you do?”

(Its especially difficult to treat people who insist on staying in the same miserable, corrupt conditions that originally persuaded them to chemically alter their mood!)

Treatment for prescription opiate drug addiction includes stabilizing patients with other long-acting medications such as methadone or Suboxone. Counseling for underlying issues is also needed or more advanced therapy for psychiatric or psychological trauma.

(But of course there is no such handy stabilization option on benighted reserves!)

But methadone and Suboxone can be dangerous medications so use of them requires following monitoring protocols, which can be difficult to do in remote areas or First Nations reserves with limited access to health clinics and doctors.

“It’s unfortunately not a unique situation for First Nations in Alberta, it’s not a unique situation for some towns in Alberta. An entire provincial problem is poor access to treatment. And it’s not changing near fast enough.”

Virani said Alberta needs to rethink how local practitioners are supported. He pointed to a project that is working well in Slave Lake, where the province partnered with First Nations bands to provide telemedicine in co-operation with practitioners on site.

(One obvious obstacle to such a solution is GETTING practitioners on site! Natives who have the drive and determination to BECOME practitioners often are reluctant to return to the mess they worked so hard to escape! And they certainly would not want to bring their children to live in such an isolated and messed up place! If past news reports are correct then it is often unsafe for even armed police officers after dark in the worst off reserves in times of crisis!)

“If we’re creative and committed to addressing this problem, we can do it. Until we accept it’s a public health emergency, we’ll continue to bail out a sinking ship with a spoon.”

part two

A program started in 1986 monitors the use of medications prone to misuse and abuse. The Triplicate Prescription Program (TPP) is administered by the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta and includes agencies like Alberta Health, Alberta College of Pharmacists and Alberta Dental Association.

The program collects prescribing and dispensing data for a range of drugs including fentanyl, methadone and Oxycodone.

With Alberta physicians being the highest prescribers of codeine-containing medications in the country, according to the CPSA, painkillers containing codeine and two widely used anti-anxiety drugs, Ativan and Valium, were added to the watch list in 2015.

If the TPP system detects certain parameters, such as clients using more than one pharmacy or doctor, or getting more than a certain amount of drugs, a letter is sent to the prescribing physician. Last year, 3,277 warning letters were sent.

(And does ANYBODY MONITOR the results-if any-that are produced by the warning letter? My guess is Not Often!)

“There are very specific flags that would result in a letter being sent,” said Donna Call, a media spokesperson for the College.

An adviser meets with the physician to discuss the treatment plan, and where necessary, provide more education and resources to improve prescribing practices. Call said discipline would only be considered if a physician is found to be engaging in criminal behaviour or refuses a recommended intervention.

(Oh right-a doctor who is being bribed or blackmailed into supplying LOTS of Opiates will be VERY RESPONSIVE to `education` from `do-good` donkies. They might even start using forged documents and fake names for their prescriptions-I am sure that sort of thing will cure the problem?)

The CPSA recognized the issue in its April newsletter, The Messenger. “We recognize physician prescribing habits are a direct contributor to opiates misuse.” It has developed some initiatives to address that including high-risk interventions with physicians whose prescribing practices could lead to harm, and computerized comparisons of prescribing.

(Prescribing practices have been recognized as a problem in Toronto area methadone clinics with easy access to medical records and police oversight and tis still a problem. How much harder will the `cure` be out in the woods?)

Prescription drug abuse has a tragic history on many of Canada’s reserves despite the efforts of indigenous leaders and health officials to combat the problem.

Between 1986 and 1988, at least 42 indigenous people died from prescription drug overdoses.

In 1994, the Alberta Chief Medical Examiner and the College of Physicians and Surgeons investigated 15 overdose deaths on the Eden Valley reserve, population 450, and how easily and often the victims got their pills from doctors.

And in 1997, the federal Auditor-General condemned health programs for indigenous people, saying prescription drug abuse on Alberta reserves was the highest in the country. The stats showed that in one three-month period in 1996, more than 700 First Nations people across the country received at least 50 prescriptions and almost 1,600 were prescribed more than 15 different drugs. In both cases, Alberta accounted for more than half the national total.

A followup A-G report in 2006 found little had changed. “We found that some of the recommendations that would likely make a significant difference in the lives and well-being of First Nations people and Inuit were not being implemented or that progress was unsatisfactory,” read Sheila Fraser’s Status Report.

It found that Health Canada had not conducted any analysis of prescription drug use or analyzed data on drug-related deaths of its clients since 1999. The audit also determined that the number of clients obtaining more than 50 prescriptions over a three-month period had almost tripled compared with the 2000 audit.

(This lack of Health Canada action is a direct result of over-lapping areas of responsibility-provincial health care managers and federal health care types each looking to the other for leadership-coupled with LIE-beral funding of the civil service gravy train-the more money spent on perks and frills and solid gold pensions for civil service Hogs-the LESS MONEY there is for solving real problems!)



Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
It's hysterical to watch the privileged white discuss white privilege.

BTW Beer Man, do you write all that BS or is it cut and paste from some conservative, white supremacist blog site?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
It's hysterical to watch the privileged white discuss white privilege.

BTW Beer Man, do you write all that BS or is it cut and paste from some conservative, white supremacist blog site?

SO does that mean you are giving up your welfare cheque supplied by white people that work and pay taxes?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Topic: The opioid crisis. The three First Nations bands near Morley are in a crisis situation over extremely high rates of prescription drug addictions and overdoses among members. With addiction rates surging as high as 60% among adult members of the reserve, Stoney Nakoda has declared a state of emergency.

(How can people be referred to as a `nation` when the `national` income is almost entirely welfare money sent over from another `nation`?)
In addition to money, pills are a form of income and currency.

Add on the illegal grow ops and meth labs and there is more money.

Ask Cliff, he is a weed clipper earning money under the table.

SO does that mean you are giving up your welfare cheque supplied by white people that work and pay taxes?

He won't give up welfare, he'd have to pay for the prescriptions he sells.

It's why he cried bloody murder when forced off welfare onto OAS.


Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
Opioids crisis crosses many bridges.

For sure. It hits everyone, not sure how bad it is in the major cities though but i imagine its bad.

When i went to pick up an ounce of weed the other week, the house i went too had both whites and natives scrapping Fentanyl patches into their pipes and smoking crack. Kinda sad but i couldn't help them. Thunder Bay.... :(


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
For sure. It hits everyone, not sure how bad it is in the major cities though but i imagine its bad.

When i went to pick up an ounce of weed the other week, the house i went too had both whites and natives scrapping Fentanyl patches into their pipes and smoking crack. Kinda sad but i couldn't help them. Thunder Bay.... :(

Here is another issue related to natives: Poor screwed up LIE-berals have NO CLUE which way to turn next! They want us to quit smoking so they will have lower health care bills to pay. They want us to pay major tobacco Sin taxes to help pay for their gravy. And they want to cling to power by purchasing native votes at any price! So we get this mess:

Tax-free cigarettes adding to Ontario's contraband problem

CHRISTINE VAN GEYN, Special to the Toronto Sun
First posted: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 08:59 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 09:02 PM EDT. Toronto Sun files

Premier Kathleen Wynne knows that contraband cigarettes are a problem in Ontario — costing her government millions each year in lost revenues. But her tough talk doesn’t match her actions.

Let’s start with the tough talk. This past January she announced a whole new department within the Ontario Provincial Police just to deal with contraband smokes. Will it work? Maybe, maybe not. By itself, this probably won’t make the problem worse.

But what of her actions? A month after announcing the new OPP task force on contraband, the Wynne government hiked tobacco taxes by $3 a carton, making illegal cigarettes that much more attractive.

And then there’s the real kicker, the Ontario government allocates millions of tax-free cigarettes to smoke shacks on reserves for sale to Status Indians. In fact, they allocate so many cigarettes to reserves that it’s likely only 122 million out of 435 million cigarettes allocated to reserves are sold to Status Indians.

The leftovers? Sold illegally.

It sounds crazy, but it’s true. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has obtained documents through a Freedom of Information request that shows that Ontario Cigarette Allocation System is sending so many tax-free cigarettes to Ontario reserves that to be consumed legally, every smoker on a reserve over the age of 15 would have to smoke 61 cigarettes a day, every day.

It is painfully clear from these numbers that huge quantities of cigarettes from the government allocation system are being sold illegally to people who are not Status Indians. This fact is even more obvious when billboards for “smoke shacks” and “tax free smokes” are found throughout reservations.

Indeed, based on the government’s own numbers, the CTF estimates that last year, at minimum 47% and possibly upwards of 72% of all sales of tax-exempt government allocated tobacco were made illegally to people who were not Status Indians.

As for the recent tax hikes, there is a relationship between increased tax rates for tobacco and increased contraband. As tobacco taxes have risen, so has the incentive to smuggle, produce and sell tobacco illegally in order to avoid taxes.

The CTF also estimates that in 2014-15 alone, the overall contraband tobacco trade in Ontario cost the federal and provincial governments up to $1.22 billion in lost tax revenue. Over the past eight years, the total tax loss is as high as $9.2 billion.

To make up that tax hole, Wynne turns to hard-working Ontario families with plans like taxing home heating fuels, hiking gasoline taxes, and now possibly even applying a double land-transfer tax for homes outside of Toronto.

Law enforcement is a component in the fight against contraband, but doubling down on enforcement without changing the underlying conditions that fuel the contraband tobacco trade is throwing good money after bad.

One of the simplest steps to fight contraband would be to reduce the number of tax-free government allocated cigarettes given to aboriginal reserves.

The Ontario government should reduce the allocation amount by half, and then conduct a followup investigation to determine if further reductions are necessary.

This is a more sensible — and far less costly — solution than continuing to spend new money on enforcement measures while simultaneously hiking the taxes that drive consumers to the black market. It’s a solution that Wynne needs to consider if she is serious about fighting the black market in cigarettes, getting back some of those lost tax dollars, and keeping cigarettes out of the hands of children.

— Christine Van Geyn is the Ontario director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Here is another issue related to natives: Poor screwed up LIE-berals have NO CLUE which way to turn next! They want us to quit smoking so they will have lower health care bills to pay. They want us to pay major tobacco Sin taxes to help pay for their gravy. And they want to cling to power by purchasing native votes at any price! So we get this mess:

Tax-free cigarettes adding to Ontario's contraband problem

CHRISTINE VAN GEYN, Special to the Toronto Sun
First posted: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 08:59 PM EDT | Updated: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 09:02 PM EDT. Toronto Sun files

Premier Kathleen Wynne knows that contraband cigarettes are a problem in Ontario — costing her government millions each year in lost revenues. But her tough talk doesn’t match her actions.

Let’s start with the tough talk. This past January she announced a whole new department within the Ontario Provincial Police just to deal with contraband smokes. Will it work? Maybe, maybe not. By itself, this probably won’t make the problem worse.

But what of her actions? A month after announcing the new OPP task force on contraband, the Wynne government hiked tobacco taxes by $3 a carton, making illegal cigarettes that much more attractive.

And then there’s the real kicker, the Ontario government allocates millions of tax-free cigarettes to smoke shacks on reserves for sale to Status Indians. In fact, they allocate so many cigarettes to reserves that it’s likely only 122 million out of 435 million cigarettes allocated to reserves are sold to Status Indians.

The leftovers? Sold illegally.

It sounds crazy, but it’s true. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has obtained documents through a Freedom of Information request that shows that Ontario Cigarette Allocation System is sending so many tax-free cigarettes to Ontario reserves that to be consumed legally, every smoker on a reserve over the age of 15 would have to smoke 61 cigarettes a day, every day.

It is painfully clear from these numbers that huge quantities of cigarettes from the government allocation system are being sold illegally to people who are not Status Indians. This fact is even more obvious when billboards for “smoke shacks” and “tax free smokes” are found throughout reservations.

Indeed, based on the government’s own numbers, the CTF estimates that last year, at minimum 47% and possibly upwards of 72% of all sales of tax-exempt government allocated tobacco were made illegally to people who were not Status Indians.

As for the recent tax hikes, there is a relationship between increased tax rates for tobacco and increased contraband. As tobacco taxes have risen, so has the incentive to smuggle, produce and sell tobacco illegally in order to avoid taxes.

The CTF also estimates that in 2014-15 alone, the overall contraband tobacco trade in Ontario cost the federal and provincial governments up to $1.22 billion in lost tax revenue. Over the past eight years, the total tax loss is as high as $9.2 billion.

To make up that tax hole, Wynne turns to hard-working Ontario families with plans like taxing home heating fuels, hiking gasoline taxes, and now possibly even applying a double land-transfer tax for homes outside of Toronto.

Law enforcement is a component in the fight against contraband, but doubling down on enforcement without changing the underlying conditions that fuel the contraband tobacco trade is throwing good money after bad.

One of the simplest steps to fight contraband would be to reduce the number of tax-free government allocated cigarettes given to aboriginal reserves.

The Ontario government should reduce the allocation amount by half, and then conduct a followup investigation to determine if further reductions are necessary.

This is a more sensible — and far less costly — solution than continuing to spend new money on enforcement measures while simultaneously hiking the taxes that drive consumers to the black market. It’s a solution that Wynne needs to consider if she is serious about fighting the black market in cigarettes, getting back some of those lost tax dollars, and keeping cigarettes out of the hands of children.

— Christine Van Geyn is the Ontario director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation
No extra dues paying members of the OPP that way .


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Woman at centre of social media storm says no one told her how to dress

The woman at the centre of a social media storm surrounding the use of her image says the conversation was misinformed from the start.
A Facebook user noted the woman's appearance in a Government of Canada advertising campaign bore a resemblance to the Disney cartoon character Pocahontas. She and others were quick to challenge what they saw as racist stereotyping of Indigenous people .
Neegann Aaswaakshin — Saulteaux of the Anishinaabe Nation and member of the Fishing Lake First Nation — is a lawyer who has worked on Indigenous policy and law with many organizations and governments, including the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, the Native Women's Society of Canada, the Assembly of First Nations and the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General.
She was also the model involved. No one told her how to dress.

'I was just being myself'

Aaswaakshin has worked as a freelance model since she was a teenager, so when she was approached by an Indigenous-owned communications company in Ottawa to be part of a photo shoot for an Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada campaign, she agreed.
She arrived at the photo shoot with clothing and jewlery options to match different coloured backgrounds.
"I chose all of my own jewlery and wardrobe. I was not intending to look like any character," Aaswaakshin said. "I was just being myself. Anyone who knows me knows that's how I like to dress. I like to wear turquoise jewlery from time to time."
She said conversations about stereotypes are important, especially in light of the hurt caused by "some of the stereotypes and imagery used to depict Indigenous people in the media such as Pocahontas [and] the Redskins sport logo."
"But that was definitely not the spirit and intent of this campaign and this project. I think that it was definitely taken out of context and people are jumping to conclusions."
She said comments on Facebook were hurtful, in part because they assumed she and others involved set out to mimic a cartoon character, or were insensitive to racial stereotypes.

Federal gov't removes poster after online backlash over Indigenous stereotypes

"The image was really, truly me," Aaswaakshin said. "I can't change the way I look, I can't make myself look less like a cartoon of Pocahontas. I can't make myself look any different than the way I do.
"The way I look in the poster is the way I look, what I looked like at the time, and what I look like now."

'Worth having a conversation'

The image was also criticized for the inclusion of wildlife — a bison, eagle, wolf and bear — potentially excluding what historian Crystal Fraser said was the "growing urban population of Indigenous people who don't really foster this connection to the land and to wildlife anymore."
Aaswaakshin disagrees that the animals are a form of stereotyping, but said their inclusion was off-putting at first. In the end, she said she was "pleased to see the blending of the imagery and I think it's just a reminder of who we are and where we come from."
But she doesn't dismiss concerns surrounding the image — the online debate showed the image affected a lot of people.
"It was worth having a conversation but where it stops being a conversation and stops being kind and starts accusing and launching attacks at people and organizations and governments is not productive."

Kindness lacking

She points to teachings she inherited from her community which place kindness in high regard, something she did not see much of in the online criticism.
"It's OK to talk to each other and challenge each other but it needs to be done with kindness," Aaswaakshin said.
"It's important for people to remember that everybody is going through different levels of trauma and we need to communicate with ourselves in a kind way.
"This brought up an important conversation and I think it just needs to be a kind conversation where we hear all sides of the story and not attack and launch accusations at each other.
"That's the way I was raised, that's the way my community raised me."
Images of Aaswaakshin and others were removed from the government website, but she said she hopes the government will choose to display the poster and all the campaign imagery.
"I would be very happy to see that," Aaswaakshin said.
"I think it was a respectful campaign that did not perpetuate any stereotypes. I think it was an accurate portrayal of what our people look like today."

A Native that dresses as a native in a photo shoot criticized for dressing as a native wow


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
A Native dressed like cowboy is called a "cross dresser".

A friend of mine is half black and half Native.

She calls herself Mocahontas.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
A Native dressed like cowboy is called a "cross dresser".

A friend of mine is half black and half Native.

She calls herself Mocahontas.

Mocahontas- that made me smile!

AS for so called "white privilege" sensible people know the REAL DANGER" is civil service Hop entitlements! Consider these details that LIE-berals want to HIDE:

Here is an incredible LIE-beral propaganda piece produced by LIE-beral strategist Jim Warren. Warren is best know for his work on the campaigns of Ontari-owe LIE-berals such as Dalton McGinty and our current premier Wynne-bag! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Gas industry wrongly profits off of you.

(Oh dear me- how terribly rude of gas companies- that actually have to go find the oil, dig it out of the ground, refine it, transport it to markets and sell it, pay major taxes on its sales and from this they must produce a profit- that they will PAY to stock holders- most of whom are CIVIL SERVICE HOGS!)

By Jim Warren, Postmedia Network. First posted: Saturday, February 27, 2016 08:32 PM EST | Updated: Saturday, February 27, 2016 08:45 PM EST
gas pump

Canadians from coast to coast to coast are fed up with getting gouged at the pumps by overpriced fuel in Canada.

(And is not the LIE-beral Carbon crap and trade scam DESIGNED to increase the cost of gas? I guess private sector profits are bad and govt ripp offs are good?)

Last week I wrote that the price of oil has hit a 13-year low, while the price of gasoline hasn’t followed suit.

The price of gas should be lower than it is given the price of oil.

The gas industry is profiting on the backs of hard-working Canadians.

(What ABSOLUTE HYPOCRISY!!! What does Warren expect to happen to the price of gas- AND everything else as well- when LIE-berals fully implement their Carbon crap and trade scam? Whining about the price of gas- when so very much of the price is driven by TAXES imposed by LIE-berals is major league magical deception intended to distract the public from LIE-beral Carbon gouging that will ONLY clean out Cdn wallets and leave the dirt in the air! And whining about the price of gas when so very many govt jobs- for hacks and flacks, spin doctors, public relations poobahs, the goofs handing out awards for bigotry to Black Lives Matter, the “arts community” that would all disappear if they had to stand on their own earnings by actually producing something the public LIKED- ALL those jobs held by LIE-beral FRIENDS depend on that sales tax revenue so its gross deception for LIE-berals to pretend to care about gas prices! Its especially ABSURD since LIE-berals want to force us OUT of our gas powered cars by using a combination of Carbon crap and MASSIVE govt subsidies for electric cars that have short range, limited cargo capacity and SLOW refueling time! Do LIE-berals actually know what they want? Other than gathering to themselves all the money and all the power in the land- WITH NO RESPONSIBILITY for any trouble their grotesque greed creates!)

Last month, the Bank of Canada reported that, “although gasoline prices have declined, they have not fallen as much as the reduction in crude prices would suggest, based on historical experience."

(In other words- a bunch of egg heads in a govt office have decided what level of profit oil companies should probably be entitled to have-based on some “historical experience which means some inspiredc GUESS WORK! And why not? LIE-berals are quite enthusiastic about meddling in every other part of our economy! They tell us what rents ought to be, and tell us what increases in pay we may have. They tell us that we should not worry if we fear we can never own a house even though the house is the only really safe long term investment left to ordinary Cdns. LIE-berals see nothing wrong with us being life long renters even though we get a major fiscal break once the mortgage is paid off- meaning our old age will be safer and more comfortable- and LIE-berals apparently don’t want that for us- they want us rootless and homeless so it will be easier to make us move in response to their social “planning policies”! Anybody recall former North York mayor and later Toronto mayor Mel Lastman whining that the MAIN reason a lot of people complained about property taxes is because too many old folks with limited fiscal resources lived in HIS city! LIE-berals want old folks to shut up and go away- but LIE-beral hypocrites cannot tell us where that Shangri-la for old folks is located!)

I was overwhelmed by the response of readers to my column on gas pricing last week- “Gas prices still too high", Feb. 21. Many emailed me their own stories of getting ripped off at the pump.

That anger is spreading to companies who still impose a fuel “surcharge”, despite the dramatic drop in the price of oil.

(Yes- all those grossly ENTITLED Hogs had to shell out a bit more money to get to their cottage, fuel their huge boat and then dig a little deeper for their luxury airline flights to wonderful places- how awful! No wonder the privileged class complains!)

Airlines, courier and taxi companies and freight delivery services are just a few examples of companies charging us extra for fuel, while oil plummets to levels not seen in over a decade.

(OH my- a surcharge for courier companies? So get off your ass and go pick up the item YOURSELF! The walk will do your big ass good! As for taxi companies- considering what the average driver earns, NO grossly entitled LIE-beral should EVER whine about a taxi driver! Especially when doing that taxi driving is THE MOST DANGEROUS JOB OUT THERE- thanks to FAILED LIE-beral immigration standards and LIE-beral hug a thug judges who refuse to take crime seriously!)

The multi-year decline in fuel prices will save the world’s airlines more than $137 billion (U.S.) in 2015 and 2016, according to data compiled by the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

(And how much of that ends up in the pockets of airline stock owning Hogs?)

Yet we still see airlines imposing a surcharge on fuel.

(Oh my, airlines making money? If airlines have higher prices then will passengers fly less- or will Hogs just demand larger pay raises from LIE-berals? And how is that different than LIE-berals imposing a carbon tax allegedly so we will buy less fuel? The big issue here is that LIE-berals want ALL the money in their pockets and RESENT anybody else doing the price/tax gouging ahead of them!)

Air Canada just reported profits of $1.2 billion for 2015. But when you book an international flight, you still get hit with a “carrier surcharge”. That includes an extra fee for fuel from 2008, which is still in place today.

(So who says LIE-beral PIGS are entitled to fly at bargain rates? If you don’t want to pay the freight to have your bacon hauled then don’t get on the plane! And before you whine about that last statement, maybe you should do your own little survey about just who is USING the airport! The number of people catching a flight who just happen to have a connection to govt is HUGE- thanks to protected industries and wonderful pay for LIE-beral friends!)

(And you know who I mean by “protected”- those cable companies whose rates are set by LIE-berals. Insurance companies whose profits are set by LIE-berals. Bankers whose activities are regulated by LIE-berals. Phone and internet providers whose rates are set by LIE-berals. Gas companies like Enbridge- and you know who sets their rates. And then there is the army of LIE-beral hangers on- all the service industry types like restaurant owners who cater to Hogs, dentists who love those union benefit plans that ordinary people despair of ever enjoying. Car sales people who sell luxury vehicles to well heeled Sunshine List Hogs and do not want to bother selling crappy puddle jumpers to ordinary people. Construction people also benefit- why work for some private sector type crying over every penny when you can deal with civil service Hogs who DO have the cash to pay for QUALITY! At every turn, on every street in Canada, the BEST MONEY is govt money! And WAY TOO MUCH OF IT IS BORROWED- at OUR private sector EXPENSE!)

Albertans are facing the toughest economic times in a generation with the low price of crude oil. A surcharge like this is another slap in the face for them.

(HAHAHAHA!!! And is the LIE-beral Carbon crap and trade not a slap in the face for them? And is the deliberate LIE-beral refusal to let us build pipelines and ship Alberta oil into Ontari-owe not a slap in the face? LIE-berals would prefer that we in eastern Canada buy our oil from mis-managed and bankrupt socialist pesthole Venezuela- because Our idiot Boy Justin is himself a dedicatecsocialist and to hell with logic and capitalism! Is the LIE-beral strategy to talk to death any proposal for an oil pipeline to the west coast to export Alberta oil to China- at a rate $10 dollars a barrel HIGHER than Yankees will pay not a slap in the face? LIE-berals have such a SLIPPERY and probably oil soaked definition of what constitutes a slap!)

Courier agencies all apply a fuel charge to ship your package. These vary month to month, depending on the price of crude oil.

But with the price of oil this low today, do you have to ask yourself if they would ever get rid of the extra fee? The answer is no.

(Considering the ever increasing gridlock in Torontothat is making it ever harder to deliver anything and then add in the rising cost of auto insurance and the soaring cost of maintaining vehicles- thanks to recent LIE-beral mandated changes to vehicle safety inspection standards it is no wonder couriers are not refunding anything!)

When every business in the same industries all charge consumers an extra fee, consumers don’t have a real choice.

(And the choices offered to Cdns as greedy Hog unions at all levels of govt are offering even WORSE extortionate choices for govt services!)

When it comes to buying gas, taking a flight or shipping a package, many people would love to see the price gouging they feel they've experienced punished.

This is exactly the type of issue Canadians want their elected officials to do something about it.

It’s time for Trudeau’s Liberals and the Canadian Competion Bureau to make sure we pay a fair price for gas and don’t get ripped off by fuel surcharges.

(HAHAHAHAHA! Sanctimonious LIE-beral propaganda is enough SICKEN voters- if they had not already decided all LIE-berals were FULL of it! As mentioned- it was Warren who was campaign manager for LIE-beral Dalton McGinty- and it was McGinty who told us: “it is time for govt- meaning LIE-beral Party- to start picking economic winners for the good of Ontari-owe”! And McGinty and his successor Wynne-bag have made DAMNED SURE the ONLY winners were LIE-beral FRIENDS!)

Failing that, the backbench Conservative and NDP MPs should take this issue on.

(OH RIGHT!!!! Lets blame other parties for not cleaning up LIE-beral messes!)

Overpriced gas and airline fuel surcharges are exactly the type of issues that resonate with Canadians.

(Considering that one third of Cdns cannot afford an holiday at all I will suggest that it is ONLY HOGS that worry about airline prices!)

The Tories and NDPers might not have a majority of votes to pass legislation to stop price gouging. But they do have the time and travel budgets to go out and meet with Canadians to talk about gasoline prices.

(We have SEEN this show before- in places like Soviet Union- where govt tried to COMMAND the economy to function in a certain way! And the only way such an economy will respond is with HIGHER PRICES AND SHORTAGES! Its why Soviet citizens had to line up for HOURS in hope of buying a loaf of bread! Its why there was so much smuggling of western goods such as shoes into Soviet/Warsaw Pact countries- Russia is NOT a place to go barefoot in January so even loyal Soviets often had to buy their shoes from westerners! The Soviet economic model that Warren is now advocating is a grand design to ensure that Cdns ONLY GET to purchase shoddy and high priced crap- as served up by LIE-beral command economy! The Soviet model proves this LIE-beral policy is CRAP!)

Opposition MPs can also call on the Competition Bureau to investigate, and on company CEOs to explain themselves. They would get tonnes of media coverage.

(Ho-hum- if there is so much publicity to be had then why dont LIE-berals do this and save us all? And shoukld we ask if LIE-beral friendly news media will not cooperate in such a useless dog and pony show- we have all heard this LIE-beral crap before and some Cdns Do recall the UTTERLY INEFFECTIVE wage and price controls forced on Cdns by LIE-beral Pierre Trudope!)

It’s also retail politics at its best and might just make MPs' jobs a whole lot more interesting for ordinary Canadians. Plus it will make politicians relevant to average Canadians again.

(Any politician who wishes to “become relevant to Cdns” has some very simple and easy options open: STOP THE TAX GOUGING! Stop the govt waste. Limit the mad spending by the senate. Kill off Hog pensions that are so rich ordinary Cdns are not legally ALLOWED such a return on investment. Tighten up LIE-beral immigration standards so unskilled dorks who will need welfare for decades are not allowed in. Do something to limit the number of future Jihadists crossing our borders illegally. Stop provoking Yankees- our most important trading partner- over national security issues. Admit that Canada is OVER GOVERNED with too many politicians doing NOTHING useful- at great cost!)

-- Warren is a Liberal political strategist who worked for former Toronto mayor Mel Lastman, former Ontario premier Dalton McGuinty and is currently a principal at grgadvisors.ca and CEO of Riseley Gaming Inc.

(IN other words- Warren does NOT have a real job as he makes most of his money from suckers seeking fortune in govt owned gambling/gaming dens!)