White Privilage


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Boomer forgets about obama and hitlary's installation of card carrying nazis in Ukraine...
also backed of course by the TRUMPHATERS' best friend, and democracy's biggest enemy, George Soros, the Jew burner.

or maybe he didn't know

Ukraine is on the map boomer

...right there...


Make Canada Great Again
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Boomer forgets about obama and hitlary's installation of card carrying nazis in Ukraine...

More Whataboutism from the Trumptards

Hillary isn’t President and never will be..get over it..

Guess that’s all the Trumptards got, because they can’t defend Trumps actions so it’s always but what about

What about Hillary?

What about Obama?

Hey! What about Trump, he’s the President who is making the United States a joke on the world stage..


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag" - Sinclair Lewis
Nice dress you have on there boomer, you cross state lines dressed like that?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Jesus is crap.

Gotta love that crude anti western propaganda!

Does Justin call THIS security? Consider the column presented below along with some comments of my own in brackets):

Get tough on dual national terrorists, senator urges.

By Anthony Furey, Postmedia Network. First posted: Thursday, December 15, 2016 03:50 PM EST | Updated: Friday, December 16, 2016 09:42 AM EST

A Conservative senator is embarking on a campaign to see that the government still has the power to revoke the citizenship of dual-national terrorists.

On Thursday Sen. Daniel Lang, representing Yukon, urged his fellow senators to amend the controversial Liberal bill Bill C-6.

(OH, that explains it! Lang is from a place ISOLATED from LIE-beral political correctness and only relies on common sense and logic to guide him!)

“I am not alone when I state that these dual-national Canadian terrorists are not like every other Canadian – and they don’t deserve the same rights and privileges as every other citizen,” Lang said in the Upper Chamber.

(Yes, TRAITORS traditionally get a harsh sentence-they are not normally allowed to stay in the country they betrayed-and which they would probably betray yet again if given a chance! But Our brainless Boy prime minister counts ONLY LIE-beral votes-Cdn security is a LONG WAY SECOND for him!)

The previous Conservative government passed a bill that came into effect only last year allowing citizenship to be taken away from people convicted of terrorism and high treason who also hold citizenship in another country. The Liberal bill – which passed the House of Commons and is now making its way through the Senate – will repeal this provision, among other measures.

(And of course, LIE-berals will shortly be under HUGE pressure to ALTER their idiot stance in exchange for keeping the U.S. border open to Cdn trade! Various Yankee groups want to close the border to Canada for the sake of Yankee jobs that we are accused to stealing. Newly elected Yankee president Trump has made No secret of his dislike of Jihadist jerk offs and what will he make of a Cdn prime minister who had-and THREW AWAY a perfect opportunity to DUMP SEVEN TRAITORS?

But Our stupid Boy is simply following in his fathers Yankee hating footsteps-showing proper disdain for Yankee `imperialists is far more important than any economic issue for Trudope family members! But HOW will Our Boy justify himself to Cdns who are rendered un-employed if his idiot stance results in a closed border? The sunny ways grow ever more stormy!)

The senator says the provision currently only applies to seven people holding Canadian citizenship, four of whom were convicting in the 2006 Toronto 18 terror plot to attack the Parliament buildings, CSIS and CBC headquarters and behead the prime minister.

“What I maintain is that when someone has committed the worst crime you could against your country, your fellow Canadians and your neighbour, one of the consequences should be that you lose your citizenship,” Lang told the Sun in a phone interview.

(It sounds so simple-till you involve LIE-berals BUYING Muslim votes-then it gets Messy!)

Trudeau famously defended repealing the provision by arguing it created two tiers of citizen, stating “a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.”

Lang rejects that logic, pointing out that there is currently a law frequently used by the current government that allows revocation if someone has been found to have obtained citizenship through fraud, an offence, he says, that is much less troubling than a terrorism conviction.

While the bill has the backing of the government, Lang’s “cautiously optimistic” his fellow senators will listen to his arguments and amend the bill. He’s also urging Canadians who care about the issue to contact politicians.

“I’d like to think that common sense will prevail and that the question of public security for Canada will come first when a decision has to be made on this issue,” says Lang.

(This legal dogs breakfast is in the hands of LIE-berals-and common sense and logic has already failed us in October 2015! One has only to look at LIE-beral minister Maryam Monseff to realize the scope of LIE-beral vote buying. Monseff was born in Iran-and her family brought her to Canada after telling Cdn immigration they were Afghans. And why make such a claim? Cause Afghans were more politically acceptable than Iranians-then and NOW!)

(So her parents LIED to get her in the country-from war torn revolutionary Iran and now this Iranian daughter of LIARS is a LIE-beral govt minister lecturing the rest of us on OUR inferior version of democracy! Monseff had the arrogance to have a melt down in parliament and insulted Cdn Mp`s simply because they had effrontery to insist that LIE-berals should not alter our electoral process without first holding a referendum. YES-the Iranian born LIAR who wants to RIG our electoral system so LIE-berals can cling to power-AND has the nerve to lecture us for wanting a referendum and a show of democracy!)

(The time has come to restrict federal political office ONLY to those who are born here. We have NOT been well served by foreign born politicians. Does anybody recall Carribean born Hedy Fry- an MP in the LIE-beral Chretien govt shrieking about “crosses burning on lawns as we speak” in British Columbia. She was bad then and is worse now as chair of the committee seeking to EXOAND M 103-the Islamophobie mess! Cdns did not know that B.C. was a hotbed of Ku Klux Klan activity until Fry insulted us with lies that she was later forced to retract. If we are such bigots then how did she get into the country? AND get elected?)

(Or Alphonse Galiano-the Italian born MP in the LIE-beral Chretien govt-the guy at the heart of the LIE-beral ad scam business when three billion dollars of tax payer money went missing!)

(And now we have Iranian imbecile Monseff blowing her stack because the parliamentary committee she hand picked to make LIE-beral electoral reform and vote rigging more palatable to the public DARED to suggest a referendum instead of meekly doing her imperious bidding like a flock of typical/intimidated Iranian sheep! Thank you LIE-berals for this political dogs breakfast!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Whites are oppressed.

YES! And our worst oppressors are LIE-berals and civil service union Hogs! 12,000 people have signed a petition DEMANDING that corporate taxes be increased immediately! Which tells us that 12,000 CIVIL SERVICE Hogs are not satisfied with the insane taxes LIE-berals are already getting and feel ENTITLED to demand EVEN MORE GRAVY!

Here we ask the burning question: can LIE-beral appointees do ANYTHING efficiently? In answer, we have the column written by Shawn Jeffords set out below, along with some comments of my own in brackets):

Metrolinx failing to hold contractors accountable: says Attorney General.

By Shawn Jeffords, Political Bureau Chief. First posted: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:42 PM EST | Updated: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:46 PM EST.

Do a crappy job for Metrolinx and odds are that won’t prevent the agency from hiring you again and again and again.

Ontario’s Auditor General says the troubled transit agency does not hold contractors and design consultants accountable for work that is late or inadequate. In her annual report, released Wednesday, Bonnie Lysyk also says that shoddy work doesn’t disqualify a contractor from being hired again by Metrolinx.

(Things are apparently so bad that Attorney General Bonnie Lysyk recently appeared on TVO/The Agenda with photos of a pedestrian bridge built over highway 401 at Liverpool Rd-appearing to show that a portion of the prefabricated bridge framing had been installed upside down and then repaired-with the extra cost to fix things being carried by Metrolinx-rather than the stupid contractor !)

(Govt ministry spokes people deny the Lysyk claim but there are a lot of funny steel bars running at odd angles to be seen at one end of the bridge. And one has to ask why an auditor-who is Not trained as an engineer-would make such a damning claim against her employer-UNLESS she had seen the BILLS in her capacity as a genuinely skilled and competent AUDITOR?)

(Either Lysysk is seeking to be fired or else she has again exposed massive LIE-beral malfeasance and utter incompetence! Given LIE-beral history related to various scandals regarding bad snow plow contracts, the newly built and now collapsing main highway bridge near Lake Nippissing, the scandal from 2015 in which major support girders for bridges crossing 401 were found to be sub standard, the recent exposure of sub standard asphalt-quickly crumbling and being used extensively on our highways-complete with phoney asphalt samples supplied as part of the process and the fact that govt contracts of any sort in Ontari-owe ALWAYS seem to be at least 25 percent over budget, plus the recent govt ordered investigations into Metrolinx mis-use of tax payers money make this cynical tax payer think that Lysyk is genuinely on to something!)

“The lack of progress to hold construction contractors accountable contributes to projects being completed late, inconveniences commuters, and adds extra costs for Metrolinx and taxpayers,” Lysyk said in a news release.

The auditor cites the example of one contractor who was terminated because of poor performance then subsequently re-hired for another job.

(The guy gets FIRED for being an idiot and then they RE-HIRE HIM? Could even a LIE-beral do such a thing? Apparently YES!)

“Metrolinx should implement a system to ensure it does not rehire poorly performing contractors, and it should introduce penalties such as late fines,” she added.

(From my own experience I can say that govt DOES generally have legal coverage and insurance -which is usually quietly shoved aside thanks to loop holes left in the contract documents- or by dubious excuses accepted by govt employees.)

Late delivery of projects has cost taxpayers millions, the auditor says. Her office randomly sampled eight Metrolinx projects and found the agency had paid $2 million — or 150% — more than was budgeted to contractors. Metrolinx rarely takes actions against contractors for late delivery, the audit says.

The audit found that in one case, a contractor was awarded 22 more projects, totalling more than $90 million, after performing poorly for the agency in 2009.

“We reviewed the contractor’s performance on a few of these 22 projects and noted that project staff continued to rate its performance as poor,” the report notes.

Metrolinx continues to allow the contractor to bid for work, the report says.

In the past five years Metrolinx has completed 520 construction projects which cost $4.1 billion. Over the next 10 years they will spend $27 billion on new public transit.

(Clearly this Metrolinx business is a MASSIVE conflict of interest in which people who are working for govt in various generally EXTREMELY well paid capacities also get to VOTE for a LIE-beral govt that will look the other way and not see potential FRAUD in their departments!)

The audit raises concerns about deals Metrolinx strikes with CN and CP railways to use or build track. It found that the agency does not have “adequate processes” in place to consistently ensure value for money in these deals with the railways. It has also been paying “excessively high” mark-ups when CN builds new rails.

The report notes that material costs are 60% higher and labour costs 130% higher on work completed by CN for Metrolinx than other rail companies working for the agency, the report notes.

“For contracts with CN and CP, Metrolinx does not know that it is getting what it pays for,” the report says. “It does not verify charged costs; it does not ensure that charged costs are reasonable.”

Metrolinx says during the review period its capital investment and construction costs have more than doubled.

“Metrolinx has taken many measures over this period to continue to improve its controls over this program,” the agency said in response to the audit.

(This tax payer believes it is time for people to be fired-too many govt officials have a far too cosy relationship with the contractors they hire. And there appears to be need for police involvement to determine if there are organized crime figures in the mix? I have a poor opinion of civil servants and their dubious work ethic but one has to ask if they would routinely be as sloppy as Lysyk points out UNLESS there was force and coercion involved as well? We know that Mafia figures have their criminal fingers deep in Quebec govt contracts so who says they are not operating next door in Ontari-owe as well?)

(I recall a news article out of Italy some years back in which a mob figure wanted to buy a piece of property and the owner repeatedly refused various low-ball offers to sell. One day the owner came home to find his distraught wife and teen daughters naked and tied to chairs in his front hall-and then owner received an anonymous phone call commenting on the attractive appearance of mother and daughters and suggesting that next time the women might be the star `entertainment` in a wild party for some `good fellas` UNLESS a deal was struck! The article went on to suggest that such sales `persuasion` was increasingly common in Mob ruled Italy-and the cynic has to ask: “is such thuggery operating here and helping rig govt contracts? And isn`t it unfortunate that prime minister Justin Trudope-Our brainless Boy has brought in all those potential Syrian security threats and made so much work for our cops-keeping an eye on future Jihadists- that they don’t have time to chase Mafia assholes and maybe save Metrolinx from utter disgrace and extinction?)

(I ask: “have we been ENTIRELY ABANDONED by our govt and left to the financial wolves?” Sadly the answer seems to be YES! LIE-beral need for purchased votes apparently TRUMPS any and all other considerations!)


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
spilledthebeer said:
Last month, the Bank of Canada reported that, “although gasoline prices have declined, they have not fallen as much as the reduction in crude prices would suggest, based on historical experience."

Have various operating and labour costs at the refinery declined, have the costs of distribution declined, have wholesale and retail operating and labour costs denied?

Do any of the industry costs decline with the price of a bbl?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Fuel shipping fuel costs go down.
The cost of getting the USDs to buy the stuff goes down too.

But that's going to, and is, changing.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
For blamed back Jesus is nothing anti West. Only anti South and Central America how isn't more West world that's USA, Canada and Mexico. Cuba is Communism are a the East propaganda. Two countries in the East are Communism. China so far, Vietnam since Vietnam war then I can't know Communism in the East when I lived in West world.

Capitalism, Monarchism, Socialism AND Democracy at least as known.

The above inarticulate nonsense about communism is proof positive of how badly LIE-berals have handled our education system!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Do Lieberals control the school system in Alpha Centauri?

If anybody knows about school in Alpha Centauri I am SURE it would be you!

Here is an article illustrating the faults in LIE-beral education ministry. With some comments of my own in brackets):

Time to change the way kids are taught math


A student is pictured completing a math problem on an iPad at an Oshawa high school. (VERONICA HENRI, Toronto Sun)

(Oh- there is the first problem- too many kids using calculators and such and not learning the basics!)

Ontario reviewing school curriculum in wake of poor math results. It’s like the definition of insanity: Doing something the same way and expecting a different result. In this case, it’s the touchy-feely provincial math curriculum that is not teaching students what they need to know to function beyond the classroom.

Throwing more money at the problem adds up to nothing if the provincial government and school boards insist on teaching math the same old way, say education experts.

Education consultant Doretta Wilson, commenting on the pathetic performance of Ontario students on the 2017 Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) standardized tests, said the $60 million the education ministry plunked into a Renewed Math Strategy a year ago, has not and won’t “solve the problem” unless the government is prepared to go back to square one and ditch the “discovery method.”

Ontario students desperately need to be taught basic math skills first, she says.

(This use of `rote` learning- memory style learning is despised in Ontari-owe schools as it is a BORING way to teach- it bores kids who find the memory work and repetition dull- it bores teachers who must push kids to do that boring work and it bores parents who to often have to take up the slack at home and help kids learn in the evening the stuff they did not learn while day dreaming at school! This is certainly my experience and it is the conclusion of the expert from England who came onto TVO/The Agenda to say just that about 15 years back! And the guy was ENTITLED to comment since he was one of the CREATORS of this child centred learning that is bedeviling us! The guy has had a chance o see his method operating in the real world and now recognizes that child centred learning and its more recent incarnation as discovery learning are a disaster!)

In discovery-based instruction, a staple during the Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne years, teachers function as facilitators to students while they sit around in groups and solve problems.

(This child centred learning- the traditional name for it- is not a bad system for kids who are motivated and intelligent- AS WELL AS LITERATE- as this teaching method relies heavily on reading skills- if your kid is not doing well in English class- your kid will ALSO struggle in math- unable to read the problems being posed! It also helps if your kid is mentally disciplined- kids who have not had breakfast, who are worried that parents will be unemployed when they get home, who have parents whose language skills are to limited to help the kid with homework, or kids who are convinced by reverse racist parents that the white world is out to get them will not participate fully in “child centred learning” as they have other matters occupying their minds! LIE-berals do understand that kids bring problems from home wirh them to school and it affects their performance- so WHY are LIE-berals screwing up our immigration system and bankrupting us with debt? IT HURTS KIDS AND PARENTS!)

“There’s nothing wrong with memorizing the times table so it becomes automatic,” Wilson says, likening the repeated practice to learning how to golf properly.

The EQAO scores, released last week, show among other things, that only 50% of Grade 6 students met the provincial standard in math and 79% did so in writing.

In high school math, 83% of students enrolled in the academic stream met the provincial standard while a mere 44% of those in applied courses were able to function to the province’s standards.

Retired Hamilton elementary school teacher Teresa Murray, who tutors math-illiterate students of all ages, says the latest results are not the least bit surprising because the curriculum has the “same weaknesses” — that is, students are not taught to add, subtract, multiply and divide properly, nor is a topic like fractions learned thoroughly before a new one is introduced.

(With kids lack of progress MASKED by routine use of calculators in all grades and especially by report cards that sugar coat lack of progress in an utterly mis-guided effort allegedly to “bolster” kids egos! But a cynical parent will ask if it is the kids ego being bolstered or that of the teachers? Teachers believe they are honestly earning those wonderful salaries and solid gold pensions and having to admit they have a string of dunces learning little or nothing in their classes erodes their sense of entitlement- hence the report cards that tell us NOTHING about our kids real progress! It is exactly this problem of unreality in report cards that prompted the Harris govt to implement the EQAO testing program- the one teachers now INSIST is no longer necessary- in spite of falling academic scores!)

“There’s a whole lot of new bureaucracy ... Too much money is being spent on all of this and the results are still poor,” she said.

Murray adds that the results are poor despite the fact that the EQAO tests largely “problem-solving” in math and the fundamentals like fractional arithmetic and division are not “well-tested.”

(In other words, teachers are actually testing kids reading skills and their ability to decipher the question rather than actual mathematical skill- obtaining the right number answer!)

She feels the standards are not very high either for writing and based on her experiences tutoring children in writing and reading, the actual instruction of writing is “neglected.”

(Spelling, grammar and syntax are another set of BORING topics- and such things are routinely ignored these days! In more `primitive` times, a badly written history paper would be marked down- now poor English skills are glossed over.)

“The format of the test has become simplified over the years,” she says.

(What a surprise that the LIE-beral fix is in! LIE-berals dumbing down the test to cover for their teacher allies- so they can justify those shipments of Hog gravy! And dumbing down the test to cover for all the immigrants selected by LIE-berals because of their penchant for supporting LIE-berals rather than their capacity to excel in Cdn society or academically! If the parents have no education it often follows that they cannot motivate or aid their kids either! LIE-beral immigration policy is loading up our schools with kids who are heavily handicapped by language limitations and attitude problems- and this is slowing up the progress of other kids who DO posess the needed skills, motivation and attitude! The class must move forward as a group and the slow ones hold back the brighter ones- with no way to separate out the slow from faster.)

Wilson says in the case of Ontario high school students in the applied stream, poor math and literacy scores are the result of a failure to address problems in lower grades which compound as kids get older.

“Many know very little arithmetic by the time they get to Grade 9 and become very disillusioned by this and other factors in their lives,” she says, noting that often those taking an introductory college math course study the same material they should have learned in Grades 5, 6 and 7 (!).

(I can say that many college students end up taking remedial English classes as well and they too end up going over work they should have learned many years back!

The dismal results were so upsetting to Maureen Somers, former co-chair of the Ontario Coalition for Education Reform (a provincial education lobby group that was behind many of the educational reforms in Ontario schools during the 1990s), she came out of retirement to comment.

Somers says there is plenty of documented research and data — six commissioned reports — compiled by successive provincial governments, which concluded the cause of steady decline in literacy and math scores was “directly related to instructional techniques.”

(Instructional techniques refers to that child centred learning that has been repudiated on TVO by one of its major creators!)

She said the endless studies showed reading and math skills need to be taught using “direct instruction” methods and parents expected “clear standards of achievement” that show students truly know core skills.

(“Direct instruction” equals learning by rote- memory work that many teachers SCORN! Teachers are on record as SCORNING the “NEED TO TEACH TO THE TEST:_ that is too make sure kids CAN pass the EQAO educational standards- the ones teachers are saying are NOT NECESSARY! Teachers claim they are doing their job “for the kids” but the truth is they are doing it TO the kids- screwing them over for GRAVY!)

“Noting complicated, easy to implement,” she says. “Fifteen years later, parents and taxpayers are left scratching their heads over the (EQAO) scores.”

Slevy postmedia


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
In Canada, Hunting and Preserving an Indigenous Way of Life

“Embracing this cuisine is a form of taking back what is ours,” she said.
That renewed interest comes at a time when Canada is trying to reconcile with its troubled colonial past. Among other abuses, government and church authorities deprived indigenous children of their native dishes at the “residential schools” that were created to assimilate them. The government also restricted access to food in order to clear people from land so it could be developed.

“This is the food I grew up on,” she said. “They took away our land, our culture, our language, and I am fighting to bring it back with my food.”

Both her parents had been forcibly sent to residential schools, where, she said, a priest who taught at her father’s school told him to use a metal brush to scrub the brown from his hands, until they bled.
To ensure she didn’t lose touch with the land, her grandmothers taught her how to smoke moose meat with rotted wood, and how to kill a rabbit for dinner by pressing an index finger on its heart.
“My grandmothers taught me from a young age that I shouldn’t feel sorry for killing animals, since they suffer and are lonely if they are not hunted,” she said as she doled out a stewed rabbit’s head served with wild garlic to three guests. “We respect animals and pray to the animal spirits to show our thanks.”

George Lenser, a chef in Montreal who cooked at Joe Beef and is a member of the Nisga’a Nation in northern British Columbia, pointed out that indigenous ingredients like wild berries and traditions like hunting game have long been relabeled “Canadian” or “Québécois.”
“If you use local ingredients, you are bound to be appropriating indigenous cuisine but may not realize it because it is so absorbed by Canadian culture,” said Mr. Lenser, 27.
He and other chefs and scholars are on a mission to excavate and codify recipes and ingredients that disappeared when their ancestors were forcibly assimilated.
“When our grandparents and parents were forced to go to residential schools and literally torn away from their families, that knowledge was lost,” he said, noting that he had spent hours badgering his elderly aunts to share their old recipes and secrets, including how to make oolichan grease, or fermented smoked fish fat, which he uses to flavor soups or sauces.
Ms. Nottaway considers cooking her best weapon against assimilation, and on a recent Thursday afternoon, she set out to hunt for deer, partridge and beaver in a snow-covered forest on the reservation.
It was well below zero.

It was well below zero. But Ms. Nottaway, dressed in traditional deerskin mukluks and holding her gun, was undeterred as she examined paw tracks and urine in the snow, sniffing out whether a deer was lurking nearby.
When her prey proved elusive, she returned home and pulled a moose carcass out of the freezer instead. Before long, there was a feast spread on the table, including thin tranches of smoked moose, roasted and seared with maple syrup, made from the sap of a nearby tree.
“It doesn’t get more Canadian than that,” she said with a grin.

Love the initiative hate the message

I see Native privilege oozing out of this article, traditional hunting is suppose to be for sustenance not commercial profit. Through the whole article she was against colonialism but in the end called herself Canadian, which is it?

I believe if a lot of these groups are anti colonialism, anti Canada, the true owner's of the land, they should turn in their health cards, refuse government money in all forms, turn in all modern tools/conveniences that came with colonialism, and then protest the return of their lands and traditional way of life.