Where does the Anti-Smoking Stop?


Electoral Member
Feb 7, 2009
Now people want to regulate a person's behaviour in their own back yard. Soon we will need a force field running around the perimeter of our properties to stop smells. I think the guy should go and buy a pail of manure and sit on the fence line to cover the smoke smell.

A Maple Ridge couple is calling for new legislation to protect their family and their home from second-hand smoke from their neighbour's backyard.

Wendell and Rena Krossa say they are frustrated by smoke blowing over into their home from their neighbours' patio.

"When they're smoking there, it does not stop at the fence. It goes over and gets sucked right into our home," said Rena Krossa, whose townhouse in a new Maple Ridge subdivision sits less than three metres from her neighbours'.

Backyard smoking angers Maple Ridge family - British Columbia - CBC News


Electoral Member
Feb 7, 2009
I know that the Ontario government legislated that you can't smoke in a home or confined space where a minor is located, mainly due to second hand smoke. I would imagine that a report like the one below would cause them too think about stopping smoking where a minor could occupy a the space in the near future. But, is it going to have to be done for the open back yards also? Maybe the force field isn't so far fetched. We could all have our own personal bubble to live in. Would do wonders for alergies also.

What is third-hand smoke? Is it hazardous?: Scientific American


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I know that the Ontario government legislated that you can't smoke in a home or confined space where a minor is located, mainly due to second hand smoke. I would imagine that a report like the one below would cause them too think about stopping smoking where a minor could occupy a the space in the near future. But, is it going to have to be done for the open back yards also? Maybe the force field isn't so far fetched. We could all have our own personal bubble to live in. Would do wonders for alergies also.

What is third-hand smoke? Is it hazardous?: Scientific American

I'm wondering just how they are proposing to enforce silly bylaws like this considering that drugs are illegal and yet junkies shoot up right across the street from the Cop Shop in Vancouver.
The other little problem the do gooders will find is in the charter. Nicotine is an addiction and it is against the law to discriminate against people with addictions.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
I'm wondering just how they are proposing to enforce silly bylaws like this considering that drugs are illegal and yet junkies shoot up right across the street from the Cop Shop in Vancouver.
The other little problem the do gooders will find is in the charter. Nicotine is an addiction and it is against the law to discriminate against people with addictions.

Difference is if you toke up on heroin, it does not affect me. But if you are next to me and toking up on nicotine, it affects me. The drug should only affect the consumer of the drug not the people in proximity.

Now if they just made it legal for me to shoot people whose smoke I could smell, the problem would be solved. Until then, I like Kato's beans suggestion.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
This is a nice little slippery slope that these folks in Maple Ridge are walking across. The next logical bylaw will be on music or kids having fun in their back yard as the noise associated with it also doesn't stop at the fence line


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
First we should priortise the threats according to severity of different sources of pollution.........smoking, vehicular exhaust, soil pollution through dumping inappropriate waste, water pollution, etc. etc. etc. It doesn't make much sense for a guy driving an old '56 Merc blowing black smoke to denigrate a guy having a cigarette in an isolated corner of the park. :lol:

This is a nice little slippery slope that these folks in Maple Ridge are walking across. The next logical bylaw will be on music or kids having fun in their back yard as the noise associated with it also doesn't stop at the fence line

And then there's the folks giving the kids a hard time for playing street hockey in the cul de sac, while it's OK for the kids in the next block to be breaking street lights! :lol:


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
First we should priortise the threats according to severity of different sources of pollution.........smoking, vehicular exhaust, soil pollution through dumping inappropriate waste, water pollution, etc. etc. etc. It doesn't make much sense for a guy driving an old '56 Merc blowing black smoke to denigrate a guy having a cigarette in an isolated corner of the park. :lol:

Sorry, its a bullshyte argument. The guy smoking a cig in his buick would still be driving his buick with or without his cig.

If the guy having a cig is completely away from anybody else such that nobody can smell him, no issue.

But if you want to get rid of his buick too, you have my support.

And don't get me started on the a-ssholes who toss their cigs out the window causing soil polution.


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
This is a nice little slippery slope that these folks in Maple Ridge are walking across. The next logical bylaw will be on music or kids having fun in their back yard as the noise associated with it also doesn't stop at the fence line

No, loud noises are already prohibited in many cities, at least at certain times. This is the next "logical" step.

Still think you own your property if you live in a city? I remember talk of a Calgary bylaw that dictated the minimum and maximum length that the grass on your lawn had to be within or you would face a fine.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Still think you own your property if you live in a city? I remember talk of a Calgary bylaw that dictated the minimum and maximum length that the grass on your lawn had to be within or you would face a fine.

The minimum length? Really? I think me smells a little bullsh*t! :lol:


A modern nomad
Dec 18, 2006
Leiden, the Netherlands
The minimum length? Really? I think me smells a little bullsh*t! :lol:

A person got fined for not mowing the lawn, so he just took out all of the grass. Then they decided that that wouldn't stand either...

Not that I looked it up or care to even try to back it up. The principle of dictating allowable features to homeowners is what matters.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
I think the hazard is starting a fire, both the tobacco and the paper are biodegradable! :smile:

That may be true, but there are a lot of chemicals that can leech into the soil. This was discussed in a thread about smoking on the beach a while back. Unfortunately, I can't recall what the name of the thread was.