What's your opinion on United States Of America?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I think any reasonable person would give higher population countries/areas more slack because I know the problems they face are more difficult. I do that. Just for the simple facts that people are equal individuals and population doesn't necessarily imply resources.
Large populations does imply greater consumption of resources though.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
5. They have one of the highest crime rates because the country is run by criminals; an elite that thinks it lives outside the law. Lately they've been getting caught with their pants down (literally).

Good news: crime in lots of major US cities have been going down in the recent years and decades. (The obvious exception being New Orleans, which is perhaps a special circumstance.) If the decline continues these cities might be Canadian city-level crime in a few years. San Francisco and Philly could be seeing only like 50 homicides a year soon, in keeping with Vancouver. That would be a trip.

I'm just saying, progress is being made.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Large populations does imply greater consumption of resources though.
Yes it does. But this would only make a difference in a relative way. Iceland's population isn't as much as the USA's but its resources are not that great either. It's relative.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
Large populations does imply greater consumption of resources though.

I think perhaps it's more accurate to say that large populations imply greater need for resources. It's not necessarily that there will be resources that can be consumed.

Any example: A household can be big, but not have enough money to feed everyone. The population is there, but the resources aren't.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
That's fine, but it isn't the topic of the thread.

So it would seem that Americans are pretty much the only people that think their country is the greatest ever and they don't take realities into account.

Yeah, and the comment about Americans at the end wasn't really the topic of the thread either, but you sneaked it in. Keep in mind, all I'm doing is arguing that it's more difficult for a country to educate 50 million kids than it is to educate a significantly less population, a reasonable position I think. I don't think that says anything about what "Americans" can take into account.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
This is interesting. Among a bunch of my liberal/Democrat friends, we call this Unexpected Patriotism Syndrome.

It's when an American leftist who normally hates patriotism in all its forms (people who usually clash with the uber-patriotic conservatives over whether all the pride is really justified) suddenly feels defensive for the US. It usually happens when the leftist is listening to a diffent point of view from a non-American.

It confuses us.

*thinks "I can't believe I'm being lumped in with Americans who think their country is the best ever. How mortifying."*
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I think the important thing to note with this thread is that in the title the key word is "opinion".


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Do you think its the greatest nation ever?
Do this nation offer more land better living conditions that any other country in the world?
what do you think?

I think we should stick to the original thread.............nothing about education was even mentioned, but this thread seems to have morphed off onto education when it is just one aspect of a thousand that makes a country great. United States is the second best country in the world.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
My list:
1. American people are just people, like any other. Some are great, some are morons.
2. Their political system could use a redesign. Ya can't tell the Dems from the Reps. Both are in the pocket of the bankers and large corporations. They need to repress half the world to keep their military busy. They elect some scapegoat every four years so they have someone to burn in effigy everytime things don't go their way.
3. Their military may be one of the most technologically advanced, but they abuse that superiority and should have their pee pees whacked.
4. American industry has a "the world is our oyster" attitude, no matter who they have to screw over to get what they want, which is just about everything.
5. They have one of the highest crime rates because the country is run by criminals; an elite that thinks it lives outside the law. Lately they've been getting caught with their pants down (literally).
6. Their education system produces zombies for the factory, much like Canada, only worse.

That is it in a nut shell, and because they have 10 times more people, they have at least ten times more nut cases.

Some of what you say is very true, but I think after looking at Ottawa this past week I might tend to dilute # 5 a little. All political systems in the world have crooks, but at least the U.S. is light years ahead of regimes under the likes of Idi Ami, Kadaffy or Mugabbe.


Senate Member
Mar 18, 2007
Communism is the new American dream and the free enterprise system that America values dearly is dead.

America went from this

to this

All the work by the Amercan forefathers is gone.

Debt is slavery thats what the Christians teach the American people did not listen now they are slaves of the new world order.

Long live the people of United States Of America and may they all live through this crises intact.

I always thank God that I am a Canadian and I don't have to deal with this bullsh!t


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
Long live the people of United States Of America and may they all live through this crises intact.

I always thank God that I am a Canadian and I don't have to deal with this bullsh!t

I...I don't understand this ill-defined crisis that I'm just barely surviving apparently.


Council Member
Apr 4, 2010
Also, I can't live without the Americanized versions of pizza and Halloween. New York-style and American movie monsters, I love too much.

Also, the US Capitol Building is my favorite piece of architecture. It's much better now that they opended the Capitol Visitors Center because they have a place to put all the artwork. Before the Visitors Center, it was just all sitting around in weird places. Like next to the vending machines or in front of the restrooms.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Yeah, and the comment about Americans at the end wasn't really the topic of the thread either, but you sneaked it in. Keep in mind, all I'm doing is arguing that it's more difficult for a country to educate 50 million kids than it is to educate a significantly less population, a reasonable position I think. I don't think that says anything about what "Americans" can take into account.
No more tough than it would be for another country without enough resources to educate its kids, I'd say. Problems are problems. But, as I said the US has vast resources, and each area has a certain percentage of the population. So individually an area in say Idaho with 10,000 kids is no more difficult to educate than an area in Cork County, Ireland with 10,000 kids simply because of the numbers. Like I said, it's a relative thing, and if the USA had no resources it would have trouble educating 5000 kids.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Things america is the Greatest country ever!

1.America provides an amazingly good life for the ordinary guy.:

So do the rest of the modern states.

2.America offers more opportunity and social mobility than any other country, including the countries of Europe

Prove this statement please.

3.Work and trade are respectable in America, which is not true elsewhere

What does that even mean?

4.America has achieved greater social equality than any other society

Not true at all, perhaps the last of the modern world to do so.

5.People live longer, fuller lives in America

Not even in the top ten.

6.In America the destiny of the young is not given to them but created by them

True of many nations, even Iran. Your youth are to busy playing video games and getting fat.

7.America has gone further than any other society in establishing equality of rights


8.America has found a solution to the problem of religious and ethnic conflict that continues to divide and terrorize much of the world

....and other western countries haven't done this? Including my country which is one of the most diverse on the planet.

America has the kindest, gentlest foreign policy of any great power in world history

Umm, missed a number.

Yeah, you're kind and gentle when you're not blowing things up.:roll:

9.America, the freest nation on earth, is also the most virtuous nation on earth.

Freest? The patriot Act.

10.America is just the Greatest Nation ever!

No...it's not.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
It's got more guns (big and small) than anyone else. :D
It has lots of resources (even with the debt and deficit).
The scenery is great and there is elbow room, unlike places like Japan, Monaco, and Bangladesh.