What's Trump Done Now?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Military against civilians rather than against the DC Swamp? Maybe next leader eh as this one crumpled like tin-foil.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Rep Tulsi Gabbard

"Hey @realdonaldtrump: being Saudi Arabia’s bitch is not 'America First,'"

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Possibly if they pass the screening and apply for citizenship, but as of right now they are foreign persons invading the border of the US, same as the irregular border crossers here in Canada.
One becomes the other eventually, by the looks of it.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Donald Trump is terrified

His lies have begun to backfire, and he’s running scared

We’ve been dealing with Trump’s lies all wrong. We’ve been totaling them up — 6,420 over 649 days, according to the Washington Post! We’ve been parsing and categorizing them — Trump’s statements are regularly found “false,” or “misleading,” or it “needs context,” or it “lacks evidence,” or it’s “exaggerated,” or a claim “contradicts earlier statements.” We’ve been comparing his firehose of lies to the scant misstatements by past presidents — remember how Republicans reacted when during the fight over healthcare, Obama said “you can keep your doctor”? We caught him in a lie! Yipee!
We’ve been fretting about what to call them — The New York Times famously made news with the first time they used the word “lie” in September, 2016 to describe Trump’s “birther” claims about President Obama, and since then has been sparing in the use of the word. The rest of the media has followed the Times’ example.
Whole treatises have been written about why Trump lies, profiling him psychologically, looking back at his habit of lying as a businessman when he called reporters and pretended to be a PR man representing himself. Speculation abounds: he does it because he can; it’s all part of a grand strategy; he’s clever; he’s foolish; he can’t tell the difference between truth and lies; he quite literally can’t help himself.
But what we haven’t done is look at what Donald Trump’s lies have done to him. They’re backfiring, and he’s showing signs that he knows they’re beginning to hurt him.

More: https://www.salon.com/2018/11/21/donald-trump-is-terrified/

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Donald Trump is terrified

His lies have begun to backfire, and he’s running scared

We’ve been dealing with Trump’s lies all wrong. We’ve been totaling them up — 6,420 over 649 days, according to the Washington Post! We’ve been parsing and categorizing them — Trump’s statements are regularly found “false,” or “misleading,” or it “needs context,” or it “lacks evidence,” or it’s “exaggerated,” or a claim “contradicts earlier statements.” We’ve been comparing his firehose of lies to the scant misstatements by past presidents — remember how Republicans reacted when during the fight over healthcare, Obama said “you can keep your doctor”? We caught him in a lie! Yipee!
We’ve been fretting about what to call them — The New York Times famously made news with the first time they used the word “lie” in September, 2016 to describe Trump’s “birther” claims about President Obama, and since then has been sparing in the use of the word. The rest of the media has followed the Times’ example.
Whole treatises have been written about why Trump lies, profiling him psychologically, looking back at his habit of lying as a businessman when he called reporters and pretended to be a PR man representing himself. Speculation abounds: he does it because he can; it’s all part of a grand strategy; he’s clever; he’s foolish; he can’t tell the difference between truth and lies; he quite literally can’t help himself.
But what we haven’t done is look at what Donald Trump’s lies have done to him. They’re backfiring, and he’s showing signs that he knows they’re beginning to hurt him.

More: https://www.salon.com/2018/11/21/donald-trump-is-terrified/
The problem is that he will only get more defensive and aggressive and rage consumed. In his mind.....his lies are truths........HIS "truths " convoluted as they are.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Possibly if they pass the screening and apply for citizenship, but as of right now they are foreign persons invading the border of the US, same as the irregular border crossers here in Canada.
They are just normal people trying to come to America.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
They are future US citizens
Ask for a show of hands for people who would be willing to gather the dead-fall from forests and chip it in place as no Americans are doing it.
They should fit right in as they already know how a company farm works and how you disappear if you challenge the system.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Trump speaks truth to powe

CAN not believe that some one actually said that ........let alone believes that.

There is a list of LIES that is filling up volumes from the pathological liar in chief.

(no worries Wally......I will give myself a "red" for you and save you the angst._ ;-)