What Is A Woman?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Apparently, rightards think that women can get pregnant (many can't).

But here's a couple of things we do know about women, based on rightards hysteria about the words "man" and "woman," and their screeching meltdowns about pronouns. . .

1. Women are not equal, and have no God-given rights. "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" --U.S. Declaration of Independence

2. Women cannot be President. "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows. . . " --U.S. Const., Art. II, sec. 1, cl. 1. You will note that nothing prevents a woman from being Vice President, so Kamala's OK.

It's fairly obvious. The words "woman" and "women" appear nowhere in the Constitution. They are granted various right, under the rubric of "person" or "the people" (assuming women qualify, better ask the rightards if that's OK).


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
The claim by people you label as 'righttards' is that men can't get pregnant. Only women can. This statement does not equate to all women can get pregnant.

A biological woman is quite simple. XX chromosome. People are free to identify as whatever they which but genetically they are women if they have XX chromosome.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The claim by people you label as 'righttards' is that men can't get pregnant. Only women can. This statement does not equate to all women can get pregnant.

Really? Cause it continually does that.

Only a woman can get pregnant. If you can't get pregnant, you're not a woman. That's what I hear, constantly. If this is a case of "oh but there are exceptions", then that, too, would cover Trans women.

And of course hypothetical, but if the day comes when a uterus can be transplanted into a Trans Woman, will they be a woman then?

I think the right would be better served if they would just outright state the truth: only "true women" can get pregnant. Women who cannot and trans women are thus not real women as they cannot get pregnant.

A biological woman is quite simple. XX chromosome. People are free to identify as whatever they which but genetically they are women if they have XX chromosome.


1. How do you know when someone has an XX? Or are we to now demand DNA testing for every single person on the planet?
2. What about XXY, XYX, YXX and so on? Such a person may claim to be a woman, but then DNA proves them not?
3. Biology is NOT that simple, as actual biologists are learning. And seeing as science is beginning to show that people who "identify" to a gender are closer to who they identify to than to the parts they have 'down stairs', are we to just label them "it" instead? Since they aren't technically "male" anymore, but select people in society won't see them as female either...
4. Trans people have existed all through human history, and likely will continue to do so. The right seems to think that because they are 'not normal' they can be second class, or last class, citizens. Who cares, treat them however, soon they die the better; you know, those sort of feelings. But that will not stop trans people from happening. As I've said before, the issue isn't exactly the trans thing, rather it's the lack of understanding and abject fear from mostly men (left or right) who cannot comprehend why someone who was born with a dick would want to "cut it off" or would want to be a 'woman', because woman = weak, = unmasculine, = second class, = not as good/awesome as men! Perhaps if people were honest and would say that as the reason to be against trans women, it'd be a hell of a lot easier for everyone.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The claim by people you label as 'righttards' is that men can't get pregnant. Only women can. This statement does not equate to all women can get pregnant.

A biological woman is quite simple. XX chromosome. People are free to identify as whatever they which but genetically they are women if they have XX chromosome.
That's not what Senator Blackburn said. She asked Justice Jackson "What is a woman?"

So, fail.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
The claim by people you label as 'righttards' is that men can't get pregnant. Only women can. This statement does not equate to all women can get pregnant.

A biological woman is quite simple. XX chromosome. People are free to identify as whatever they which but genetically they are women if they have XX chromosome.
What about trisomy?


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Really? Cause it continually does that.

Only a woman can get pregnant. If you can't get pregnant, you're not a woman. That's what I hear, constantly. If this is a case of "oh but there are exceptions", then that, too, would cover Trans women.

And of course hypothetical, but if the day comes when a uterus can be transplanted into a Trans Woman, will they be a woman then?

I think the right would be better served if they would just outright state the truth: only "true women" can get pregnant. Women who cannot and trans women are thus not real women as they cannot get pregnant.
I have heard "if you get pregnant you are a woman". Which is a true statement. It does not imply your different version that if you can't get pregnant you are not a woman. Anyone who is saying that version is clearly wrong.


1. How do you know when someone has an XX? Or are we to now demand DNA testing for every single person on the planet?
2. What about XXY, XYX, YXX and so on? Such a person may claim to be a woman, but then DNA proves them not?
3. Biology is NOT that simple, as actual biologists are learning. And seeing as science is beginning to show that people who "identify" to a gender are closer to who they identify to than to the parts they have 'down stairs', are we to just label them "it" instead? Since they aren't technically "male" anymore, but select people in society won't see them as female either...
4. Trans people have existed all through human history, and likely will continue to do so. The right seems to think that because they are 'not normal' they can be second class, or last class, citizens. Who cares, treat them however, soon they die the better; you know, those sort of feelings. But that will not stop trans people from happening. As I've said before, the issue isn't exactly the trans thing, rather it's the lack of understanding and abject fear from mostly men (left or right) who cannot comprehend why someone who was born with a dick would want to "cut it off" or would want to be a 'woman', because woman = weak, = unmasculine, = second class, = not as good/awesome as men! Perhaps if people were honest and would say that as the reason to be against trans women, it'd be a hell of a lot easier for everyone.
1. Well, if they are pregnant, they are XX. Other than that I don't really care and I really don't care about that other than it being used as 'proof' men can get pregnant. They can't. Period. End of story.
2. I have hard of XXY. I think the first letter is always an X since it comes from the mother and she only has X. The extras cause a condition where a person inherits biological traits of both sexes. A very rare condition and for me just exceptions to the rule. I also don't know if an XXY person can get pregnant or not.
3. I think there is a lot of politics in science unfortunately. As I said before, I don't care what people identify as. Doesn't affect me and they are free to identify as they please. I just won't call a single person a them. That is me and my anal English grammar. I will use whichever he or she pronoun they prefer. So basically biologically you have XX, XY and the small subset of exceptions with the 3rd letter. How they identify or what they wear etc does not factor into that.
4. Normal is a loaded word. Again, I don't really care how they identify or what they identify as. Not my business or my concern. I don't believe they should be competing in woman's sports as it gives them unfair advantage. But I would also support a removal of the gender separations in those sports anyways and then everybody can compete as whatever.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I have heard "if you get pregnant you are a woman". Which is a true statement.

It is, in a limited sense.

It does not imply your different version that if you can't get pregnant you are not a woman. Anyone who is saying that version is clearly wrong.

Sure they're wrong, but that doesn't mean it isn't implied. And when you bring that up the backpedalling is insane, because then 'exceptions' come out, so if there are exceptions for women who can't get pregnant, there should be for trans women too.

1. Well, if they are pregnant, they are XX.

Are they though? Again, unless you DNA them, you don't know that they are JUST XX.

Other than that I don't really care and I really don't care about that other than it being used as 'proof' men can get pregnant. They can't. Period. End of story.

Okay, so you don't care, but defiantly state that trans men can't get pregnant, when they clearly can, so guess it's not 'end of story'.

2. I have hard of XXY. I think the first letter is always an X since it comes from the mother and she only has X. The extras cause a condition where a person inherits biological traits of both sexes. A very rare condition and for me just exceptions to the rule. I also don't know if an XXY person can get pregnant or not.

There's lots of other cominations too, including XYY https://genetic.org/variations/

As for XXY, yes, they can. https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/klinefelter/conditioninfo/faqs - since they're considered males... or is that wrong, since, you know, the XX is there? As you point out, it's a rare condition but as for an exception to the rule, sure, but that doesn't mean that we should deny them who they are.

3. I think there is a lot of politics in science unfortunately.

There is, that doesn't make it less valid. Cause you know, the whole "Science doesn't care" thing.

As I said before, I don't care what people identify as. Doesn't affect me and they are free to identify as they please. I just won't call a single person a them. That is me and my anal English grammar. I will use whichever he or she pronoun they prefer.

That's good on you, better than some.
So basically biologically you have XX, XY and the small subset of exceptions with the 3rd letter. How they identify or what they wear etc does not factor into that.

Wait, how they identify EXACTLY goes into it (what they wear though, that's not the topic). Because there is more to gender than XX or XY; that too is biology.

4. Normal is a loaded word.

It is. but so many like to use it as some sort of standard for people. It's why I don't do that unless to point out the hypocrisy in others.

Again, I don't really care how they identify or what they identify as. Not my business or my concern.

Again, glad you're that open at least.

I don't believe they should be competing in woman's sports as it gives them unfair advantage. But I would also support a removal of the gender separations in those sports anyways and then everybody can compete as whatever.

The sports topic is a whole other issue, IMO and I only sort of agree with separation.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Okay, so you don't care, but defiantly state that trans men can't get pregnant, when they clearly can, so guess it's not 'end of story'.

From my understanding of the terminology, trans men are men who transitioned from being a woman. So trans men can get pregnant because they are genetically woman (XX or a combination that allows pregnancy). So not really a contradiction at least for me.

There's lots of other cominations too, including XYY https://genetic.org/variations/

As for XXY, yes, they can. https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/klinefelter/conditioninfo/faqs - since they're considered males... or is that wrong, since, you know, the XX is there? As you point out, it's a rare condition but as for an exception to the rule, sure, but that doesn't mean that we should deny them who they are.
Thanx for this. Learn something new everyday. The only think I question is XXY are always considered males. The most famous XXY I know is Jamie Lee Curtis and she does appear female and identifies as female too.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
From my understanding of the terminology, trans men are men who transitioned from being a woman. So trans men can get pregnant because they are genetically woman (XX or a combination that allows pregnancy). So not really a contradiction at least for me.

Thanx for this. Learn something new everyday. The only think I question is XXY are always considered males. The most famous XXY I know is Jamie Lee Curtis and she does appear female and identifies as female too.
But can she get pregnant and did the Creator give her rights?
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
From my understanding of the terminology, trans men are men who transitioned from being a woman.

That's right.

So trans men can get pregnant because they are genetically woman (XX or a combination that allows pregnancy).

They can get pregnant because they have the 'parts', that doesn't make them women. They are trans men.

So not really a contradiction at least for me.

And that, sadly, is the rub; it's opinion based on personal belief of people who aren't themselves trans. And while it doesn't matter to some, to others, it's like some sort of mortal sin.

Thanx for this. Learn something new everyday. The only think I question is XXY are always considered males. The most famous XXY I know is Jamie Lee Curtis and she does appear female and identifies as female too.

I'm not sure, considering it's XXY, I think it comes down to gender identity which is the mental aspect (gender) of people, hence why Jamie Lee Curtis is female, as that's how she identifies. At least, I assume, I'd have to look into it, to be honest.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I wonder if Jamie Lee Curtis registered for the draft. That's required of "males" in the United States, y'know.

I had to, and I was on active duty at the time.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
From my understanding of the terminology, trans men are men who transitioned from being a woman. So trans men can get pregnant because they are genetically woman (XX or a combination that allows pregnancy). So not really a contradiction at least for me.

Thanx for this. Learn something new everyday. The only think I question is XXY are always considered males. The most famous XXY I know is Jamie Lee Curtis and she does appear female and identifies as female too.
Bullshit, per Snopes.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Apparently, rightards think that women can get pregnant (many can't).

But here's a couple of things we do know about women, based on rightards hysteria about the words "man" and "woman," and their screeching meltdowns about pronouns. . .

1. Women are not equal, and have no God-given rights. "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" --U.S. Declaration of Independence

2. Women cannot be President. "The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows. . . " --U.S. Const., Art. II, sec. 1, cl. 1. You will note that nothing prevents a woman from being Vice President, so Kamala's OK.

It's fairly obvious. The words "woman" and "women" appear nowhere in the Constitution. They are granted various right, under the rubric of "person" or "the people" (assuming women qualify, better ask the rightards if that's OK).
Are the ambulances on strike there?