What a Friggin Waste


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
So I got my first delivery of prescribed medical marijuana from Shoppers Drug Mart in the form of a couple of disposable vape pens. Well holy shit, the two pens had their own packaging and were wrapped in a big wad of bubble plastic, wrapped up in a plastic bag and finally enclosed in a big plastic shipping envelope. Seriously, it barely fit in my mailbox. Before that I had purchased 2 ounces of medical marijuana from an on-line dispensary and there was about 95% less packaging and it's reusable. Like, when's that supposed ban on single use plastics supposed to kick in?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I'm starting to think that I'm immune to the effects of marijuana.....I hear that some people are?
We have a legal marijuana store that opened here in Kapuskasing a few months ago
Twice I tried what they recommended for me to get a good night's sleep with no results....
Next time I'll check with my son to see what he recommends;)


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I'm starting to think that I'm immune to the effects of marijuana.....I hear that some people are?
We have a legal marijuana store that opened here in Kapuskasing a few months ago
Twice I tried what they recommended for me to get a good night's sleep with no results....
Next time I'll check with my son to see what he recommends;)
If you want help with sleep get something with a high CBD level. Usually you won't find something like that in the recreational market or even some medical dispensaries.
THC can help with sleep as well but it needs to be a higher level than you're likely going to find in the rec market outside of vaping. Some edible oils also have good CBD levels. Right now I have an 85% THC vape pen for the daytime and a 32% THC-44% CBD for bed time. Plus some leftover Wheelchair Pink bud that sits at over 37% THC. But in all seriousness for sleeping I'd recommend a CBD edible oil, gummy or chocolate. Their effects take a little longer to kick in but last much longer than mere smoking or vaping plus CBD doesn't really get you high in head. I did have a 15% THC-15% CBD oil that I used at bedtime and it did help with sleep. They're called Redecan Reign Drops 1:1 and are available recreationally. Beware though, oils can have a heart burn-y effect on some people.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I use CBD for pain control and THC for sleep. I sleep much better but while the pain doesn't completely go away I can cope better with the CBD in that it reduces the pain. As for packaging, I'm taking the oils and I understand where you're coming from. One company I get my CBD has plastic bottles but they're shipped in a box, in bubble wrap in a box - definitely well packaged that could be reduced, for sure.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I'll give that a try when the lock down is over...thanks!
Al tho many years ago I tried the roll-your -own and never got a buzz........?
A lot depends on the strain and batch. My wife smokes stuff I wouldn't waste my time with but she really enjoys it and it's still at a 21% THC level. For me, if it's not sitting at at least 30% I don't even wanna waste my money cuz it's gonna do diddly for me. Like I said, you could try the vapes. They're a higher THC level than bud and not as harsh as some buds can be,

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
I never had an issue with sleep until that last few years and it really affected my focus & memory. It was quite frustrating. I also used sleepeze but didn't find it worked all that well. I would sleep for a couple of hours and then wake up again only to struggle to get back to sleep. I use 1 ml of THC at night and I'm good until morning (with the usual bathroom break but I can go back to sleep pretty much right away). It's been a godsend to me.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Even tried the homegrown shit from a neighbour's hothouse and not even a small buzz
That's why I figure I'm immune
It's not within the the realm of impossibility, There are pharmaceuticals that don't do shit me, but sometimes it's just the format. For example. Toradol in pill form is utter crap to me. Doesn't kill pain but rots my gut out. The injectable form however is a f*cking wonder drug. Maybe try a concentrate like some nice hash or vapes.
I'm not trying to push it or anything but I believe that anything that provides daily relief that isn't a standard pharmaceutical is a HUGE plus in my books.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
It's not within the the realm of impossibility, There are pharmaceuticals that don't do shit me, but sometimes it's just the format. For example. Toradol in pill form is utter crap to me. Doesn't kill pain but rots my gut out. The injectable form however is a f*cking wonder drug. Maybe try a concentrate like some nice hash or vapes.
I'm not trying to push it or anything but I believe that anything that provides daily relief that isn't a standard pharmaceutical is a HUGE plus in my books.
I went the CBD/THC route because I didn't want to do the pharmaceutical route, especially since a lot of the drugs didn't help me at all and had negative reactions to some. I still take the odd pill (Tylenol/Ibuprofen) but rarely. It took me a couple of different strains of CBD and to determine how much of the medication I should take before I got pretty much what I needed to survive another day. I never expected to get rid of all the pain, simply wanted to have pain that I could cope with day to day. I'm pretty lucky. While I can't walk any distance, I still enjoy a relatively good quality of life. I use a walker and I have a mobility scooter and go to physio at least once a week and I can still drive so I'm a happy camper!!

BTW my spouse has to be a saint to put up with what I've put him through so I must give credit to him. He's my "chef" and I'm his clean-up person. Such a good guy!! Luv him to bits for all he's done for me, especially in the last 8 years!!

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Even tried the homegrown shit from a neighbour's hothouse and not even a small buzz
That's why I figure I'm immune
The one and only time I even "smoked" weed was when I was 16 or 17 and worked part time at an A&W when I was in grade 12. The Manager said she smoked on a regular basis and found it calming. She invited me over to her house after a night shift so that I could try it. All I felt was my nose was running but nothing else. I figured it was because I had an inferiority complex regarding my nose (I think it's too big) so I'm thinking it was phycological otherwise I didn't feel it made any difference, I never had anything to do with weed after that. I was introduced by a boyfriend to hash and got extremely ill - poor guy thought I was dying LOL. So again, decided against further use.

Now, I do feel the THC oil that I take an hour or so after I take it for sleeping but never experienced it smoking. That actually surprised me as I didn't think it would work!


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
I tried a THC spray pump last night and it didn't do F- ALL
i'LL give it another try to-night but I don't have any high hopes....:)
Since we have a legal store in town, I'm just waiting for the lock down to be over, so I can try their different product.
This is one time I'll have to call my son to advise me what to buy :lol:
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I went the CBD/THC route because I didn't want to do the pharmaceutical route, especially since a lot of the drugs didn't help me at all and had negative reactions to some. I still take the odd pill (Tylenol/Ibuprofen) but rarely. It took me a couple of different strains of CBD and to determine how much of the medication I should take before I got pretty much what I needed to survive another day. I never expected to get rid of all the pain, simply wanted to have pain that I could cope with day to day. I'm pretty lucky. While I can't walk any distance, I still enjoy a relatively good quality of life. I use a walker and I have a mobility scooter and go to physio at least once a week and I can still drive so I'm a happy camper!!

BTW my spouse has to be a saint to put up with what I've put him through so I must give credit to him. He's my "chef" and I'm his clean-up person. Such a good guy!! Luv him to bits for all he's done for me, especially in the last 8 years!!
Sounds like you lucked out, like I did lol. I still have the occasional oxy days which nothing in the marijuana field can do anything for but for the rest of the days it's been a boon. The vape pen I got yesterday so far has been a big plus. Slept soundly through the night and woke up not aching and crunchy.

DaSleeper: The vape I got is by 48 North and is called Silver Haze 1:1, 0.4g disposable vape pen. It's 38%/43% THC/CBD. I believe they're also available at the rec shops when they open there.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I tried a THC spray pump last night and it didn't do F- ALL
i'LL give it another try to-night but I don't have any high hopes....:)
Since we have a legal store in town, I'm just waiting for the lock down to be over, so I can try their different product.
This is one time I'll have to call my son to advise me what to buy :lol:
Sounds like you lucked out, like I did lol. I still have the occasional oxy days which nothing in the marijuana field can do anything for but for the rest of the days it's been a boon. The vape pen I got yesterday so far has been a big plus. Slept soundly through the night and woke up not aching and crunchy.

DaSleeper: The vape I got is by 48 North and is called Silver Haze 1:1, 0.4g disposable vape pen. It's 38%/43% THC/CBD. I believe they're also available at the rec shops when they open there.
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Two aspirins got me 8.5 hours sleep last night,,
But it thins out the blood and a mosquito bite I got when I let the dogs out this morning bled for quite a while!
Wonder if acetaminophen would work as well.
I'll give it a try to-night....


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Damn, did I ever score big time. Got some psilicybiin-CBD bars and some nice super potent shatter bars. The P-CBD bars actually help to dull the pain somewhat plus they have a nice mellow buzz. The shatter bars are made from one of the pink strains of bud. They help with the pain too only they get you so f*cking high you not only forget about the pain, you can see the 4th dimension.😆