Trudeau hailed as an 'Example' to the World


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
More than you that's for sure. Now Trudy wants to step up... Get ready to be a faux Economic Leader so they can take more of your money.


Hoof Hearted

House Member
Jul 23, 2016
It's Madness!

The States have 'The Onion Loaf' versus 'The Shrieking Lesbian'...

And we've got a part-time drama teacher for a Prime Minister.

No wonder the world is going to hell in a handbasket!


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
He's just not ready.

Justin Trudeau Hailed At UN As ‘Example’ To The World

NEW YORK — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was enthusiastically embraced at the United Nations Monday, as diplomats and politicians shredded their usual nuanced tones for generous acclaim, unusual applause and selfies with the Canadian leader.

Trudeau was at the UN to tell the world’s leaders that Canada will work to help solve the global refugee and migration crisis and to announce a 10 per cent boost to humanitarian aid. He is scheduled to address the United Nations General Assembly for the first time on Tuesday.

In the UN’s corridors where leaders rubbed shoulders, praise for Trudeau came naturally.

Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev recalled how he spent two days beside Trudeau at the NATO summit in Warsaw — where the leaders were seated in alphabetical country order.

“I’ll tell you about him,” he told The Huffington Post Canada. “I love him. I admire him. He is a wonderful young leader of this planet. He’s an exceptional politician. He is giving an example to everyone in the world. And, I’m very honest, if you look at the new Canadian government, I say ‘Thank you, prime minister,’” Plevneliev said in an interview.

“If you look at the way he is accepting refugees at the airport, if you look how he speaks, if you look at his values, he is just spreading them. He is expressing them with every sentence,” the Bulgarian president went on.

Justin Trudeau Hailed At UN As 'Example' To The World



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So why does BC have a housing crisis Cliff?

$Billions that could have went to Injuns who deserve on Rez infrastructure capable of industries of their choosing.

They could be building their own homes if they could run a mill on their current diesel generators only big enough to run the housing, schools rec centers offices and the store.

The diesel they rely on is flown in, barged in or winter road access only and you have the audacity to oppose the safest means of distribution?

They need energy and this Trudeau moron would rather spend it on somebody else.


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
Well, considering that 3/4 of auditoriums are empty during JT's overseas speeches contradicts his so call popularity.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
They know that JT is very easy to influence. They want money from him. ;)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
He's just not ready.

Justin Trudeau Hailed At UN As ‘Example’ To The World

NEW YORK — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was enthusiastically embraced at the United Nations Monday, as diplomats and politicians shredded their usual nuanced tones for generous acclaim, unusual applause and selfies with the Canadian leader.

Trudeau was at the UN to tell the world’s leaders that Canada will work to help solve the global refugee and migration crisis and to announce a 10 per cent boost to humanitarian aid.

He's a great volunteer, but did he check first with 35 million people to make sure the funding is in place? Perhaps the folks in Attawapiskat will send down a sh*t load full!


Electoral Member
Apr 6, 2010
Niagara Falls
Yeah when I watched baracs' sales pitch for tpp all seats were occupied but I noticed many empty seats as justin was pitching climate change as a gov revenue source and promising tax payer coin for un feel good projects. Agree with some here that have gra$ped the why of his[limited] warm welcome.