Trudeau hailed as an 'Example' to the World


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Example of What? Trying to be all things to all people and failing at most of them? Spending money he doesn't have and charging it up to people w/o asking them first? Aiming for a bigger debt load than his father could even imagine?

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
The question implies that the PM's only job is to benefit Dougie McKenzie. Do you have no foreign policy? Trudeaubama seems to be making Canada well-liked around the world.

Other than goodwill tours, Trudeau's foreign policy has not generated any functioning result that has benefited the average Canuck, and yes, this is about the proverbial Dougie MacKenzies - who else would it be about?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Other than goodwill tours, Trudeau's foreign policy has not generated any functioning result that has benefited the average Canuck, and yes, this is about the proverbial Dougie MacKenzies - who else would it be about?



Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Other than goodwill tours, Trudeau's foreign policy has not generated any functioning result that has benefited the average Canuck, and yes, this is about the proverbial Dougie MacKenzies - who else would it be about?
So dishing out goodies to the Old Stock is your notion of the only responsibility of the PM?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
So dishing out goodies to the Old Stock is your notion of the only responsibility of the PM?

Is it the PM's job to put foreigners ahead of the needs of Canadians? I mean I find it f*cking hilarious that you tried to give me grief over Obama and his UK visit when you told me the President's job is to put America first. And yet you apparently think it's Trudeau's job to look after everyone else first. The people of Fort Mac are STILL homeless. No big rush by the Fed to help them. But they're sure planning on bringing in even more Syrians over and above our usual limit for refugees.
Our Native people are living in deplorable, third world conditions and yet our supposedly pro-Native rights PM could care less because he's more concerned with how he looks on the international stage. He stripped $100 million in federal funding to the three territories, predominantly inhabited by the First Nations, and gives over a billion dollars to Iraq.
Trudeau and that Idiot McCallum came up with a plan to house the Syrian refugees by using military housing on bases that are closed. They ultimately didn't do that but it's funny how that plan wasn't and still isn't "good enough for our own homeless veterans and other homeless Canadians though.

It's one thing to help others while meeting the basic needs of Canadians. It's quite another to ignore the basic needs of Canadians while going out of your way to provide those same needs to other people.

But what's REALLY pathetic is the same UN that pilloried Harper and Canada in a UN report for ignoring the deplorable living conditions of many of Canada's Native people, is praising Trudeau despite the fact that he's ignoring the deplorable living conditions of many of Canada's Native people!


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Is it the PM's job to put foreigners ahead of the needs of Canadians? I mean I find it f*cking hilarious that you tried to give me grief over Obama and his UK visit when you told me the President's job is to put America first.
I don't think that was me. I can't imagine saying anything that stupid.

Perhaps I was mocking you or being sarcastic.

And yet you apparently think it's Trudeau's job to look after everyone else first. The people of Fort Mac are STILL homeless.
By golly, you're right. Let's freeze every single operation of the Canadian government until the Fort Mac folks are all snuggled up warm and comfy!


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
Pusssywhipped little puppy on the leash of the feminist and homosexual overlords of the Liberal Party .. petty ideologue absent any independent vision and intellectual integrity.. swishing flower child on the world stage. I view him as more of an imcompetent and embarrasment than an 'example'.. a real lightweight.

In any case he's adrift in New Age Stream without a compass or an anchor, with the Ship of State careening into very turbulent water. I think the world community, except those pushing the globalist, post structural agenda (who see him as a quisling).. view him as a bit of a pathetic joke.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I don't think that was me. I can't imagine saying anything that stupid.

Perhaps I was mocking you or being sarcastic.

By golly, you're right. Let's freeze every single operation of the Canadian government until the Fort Mac folks are all snuggled up warm and comfy!
Oh, they will survive.

Do you know how Canadian families stick together?



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Actually, young Justin is a disgrace to the country. Charity is good but it should begin at home. Let's get Attawapiskat and Fort Mac up to snuff before we start trying to sort out other country's problems. He should have brought in 100 immigrants as a sign of good faith and let it go at that before bringing in more that we can't employ, feed, shelter or clothe!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I don't mind educated, well vetted refugees or immigrants.

It's placement.

There are towns and small cities with houses to rent that can accommodate budgets, big families, good schools with ESL and have viable jobs available.

Are these people getting a say in where they are to live?

Do they want to live in Vancouver where they are impoverished by rent, crazy food costs and transportation?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Actually, young Justin is a disgrace to the country. Charity is good but it should begin at home. Let's get Attawapiskat and Fort Mac up to snuff before we start trying to sort out other country's problems. He should have brought in 100 immigrants as a sign of good faith and let it go at that before bringing in more that we can't employ, feed, shelter or clothe!
Sounds like you think the Canadian government is too stupid to do more than one thing at a time.

Hmm. . . you could have a point there.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Try this. Make like you are turning a door knob and screwing in a light bulb at the same time.

I'll explain once you've noted trying.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Try this. Make like you are turning a door knob and screwing in a light bulb at the same time.

I'll explain once you've noted trying.
Try this. Reach your right hand up over the top of your head and grab the top of your left ear.

Now reach your left hand up over the top of your head and grab the top of your right ear.

Now pull.

When you hear a pop, that's your head coming outta your a*s.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Sounds like you think the Canadian government is too stupid to do more than one thing at a time.

Hmm. . . you could have a point there.

It's not the number of things so much as the size. Just take a peek at the value of the largesse being handed over to refugees compared to the largesse our indigent are entitled to.