Trudeau announces Amira Elghawaby as Canada's first representative to combat Islamophobia

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Guess who, in their official capacity as Trudeau’s anti-denti…I mean anti-Islamophobia czar…is throwing shade at the Jews for being Jews, etc….???
…& to add balance to the universe:
On Saturday, the Israel Defence Forces, along with other branches of Israel’s security establishment, carried out Operation Arnon — a hostage rescue mission described by many as one of the most daring and complicated in military history. Disguised as displaced Palestinians, covert Israeli special forces made their way through dauntingly complex urban terrain controlled by Hamas and successfully rescued four Israeli hostages from two separate civilian homes.

For Israelis, the Jewish diaspora and their allies, this hostage rescue was not only a desperately needed morale boost, it was a powerful reminder of just how far Israel will go to protect and save its own. Others, including Canada’s special representative on combating Islamophobia, described the operation as a “massacre.” This desperate mischaracterization of a country saving its own people from a genocidal terrorist group is terribly misleading.
For starters, data on civilian casualties is being reported by the very group responsible for the kidnappings — Hamas. While civilians were certainly and unfortunately killed in the operation, it is impossible to say how many of the reported 274 Palestinian civilian casualties were in fact innocent bystanders.

"With the battle having ended twelve seconds ago, we can now confirm that exactly 274 Palestinian civilian dead," said Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Ismail al-Thawabta. "They were all of course civilians, we've never seen such carnage, the hospital is overwhelmed, et cetera, you guys know the drill."

In what was viewed as a potential breakthrough in addressing tensions in the war-torn region, Palestinian researchers discovered a startling correlation between holding hostages in your home and people shooting you.

The new study's findings came on the heels of a rescue operation conducted by the Israeli military to free hostages being held in Palestinian territory, with results pointing to a clear link between agreeing to imprison hostages in your home and subsequently having soldiers firing live rounds on you in an attempt to free said hostages.

"There is a distinct connection here," said lead Palestinian hostage-holding researcher Amah Salibi. "All of the data we collected showed that keeping hostages in your home leads to an exponential increase in the risk of having people shooting at you at some point in the very near future. The evidence is staggering, really."

When asked if this statistical correlation would cause Palestinians to shift their strategy away from holding hostages in their homes, Salibi was non-committal. "No, I don't think so," he said. "We will likely continue helping Hamas keep their hostages by holding them in our homes, thereby creating situations where our homes will be shot at and raided. This makes no difference whatsoever."

An Israeli Defense Force spokesman confirmed the study's findings. "Yes," said David Ben-Avraham. "If we find out hostages are being held in a Palestinian home and the occupants of the home refuse to turn over the hostages, we will shoot. This is true."

At publishing time, the same Palestinian research team had also discovered a link between firing rockets at Israel and having artillery fired back.
Indeed, it is now known that a Palestinian journalist and his physician father were among two of the people holding the four Israelis hostage in their homes — a revelation indicative of the complexities the IDF has been facing since October 7. We also know — based on troves of intelligence, combat footage and hostage statements — that Hamas almost always operates in civilian clothing and in extremely densely populated civilian areas, further undermining the reliability of civilian death-toll figures, but Shhhhh…!!!

As this war drags on, with well over 100 civilians still held hostage in Gaza, the IDF and the Israeli government will have to grapple with more impossibly tough decisions. If opportunities arise to rescue other hostages in densely populated civilian areas, will the risk and potential fallout be worth the reward? For senior decision-makers, Israeli commandos, the country’s civilian population and for many around the world, the answer is most certainly “yes.”

Instead of vilifying Israel and the IDF for this remarkable hostage rescue, people should wake up to the fact that desperate times call for desperate measures, that the fog of war is real and that any blame for civilian casualties in Gaza should be placed squarely on Hamas.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In a written statement released on Sunday, one day after a minor reportedly set himself on fire inside Winnipeg Grand Mosque, the board of the Manitoba Islamic Association wrote, “Though we cannot speak to the details of what occurred for this youth, what we can say is that (we) remai(n) increasingly concerned about… factors that may have impacted his well-being,” as well as mental health in the broader Muslim community.

The statement continued: “We understand that global issues including the genocide against Palestinians and Muslims in Gaza and the rest of Palestine, is impacting so many people beyond the boundaries of our community.”

The group also insinuated that discrimination played a part in driving the youth to despair, writing “We cannot have mental health in the context of a racist, Islamophobic and genocidal world.” It encouraged politicians to “speak up against barriers to mental health care” for Muslim Canadians who’ve been traumatized by the scenes from Gaza.

And while the Manitoba Islamic Association released a “correction” on Monday night apologizing for wording in the statement that “may (have) contribute(d) to misconceptions and misunderstandings,” the group’s immediate reaction to the suicide is still a worrying example of the “blame the Jews” reflex that has reasserted itself in some circles since Oct. 7.
Authorities had not, as of Tuesday morning, said whether they had found a suicide note at the scene or come across any material, such as social media posts, providing any insight into what motivated the young man to set himself on fire.

However, the board of the Manitoba Islamic Association wrote in Monday’s corrective note that he “suffered from severe mental illness” and subsequently “experienced a mental health crisis which caused him to lose touch with reality,” suggesting that his challenges were known within the community. Sad…

PS. That weird thumbs down thing in the first paragraph… looked like this in the news article and I didn’t recognize it for what it was…

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
“We have become aware of potentially troubling statements attributed to Mr. Dattani as well as events he participated in while he was a graduate student in London, England a decade ago,” Chantalle Aubertin, a spokesperson for federal Attorney General and Justice Minister Arif Virani, told National Post in a statement. “It is critical for the Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission to maintain the confidence of all Canadians and to be seen as an impartial and fair judge of matters before them.” Etc…

Shortly after Dattani was appointed to lead the CHRC in mid-June, National Post learned that in 2015 he had shared the stage with a member of an Islamic fundamentalist group and repeatedly lectured during “Israel Apartheid Week” at British universities about the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. According to a Government of Canada factsheet, attempts to boycott and sanction Israel are one of its six core examples of antisemitism.

Sounds….Impartial-ish? The CHRC stood by Dattani and said in a statement that the organization is looking forward to him starting his new role on Aug. 8.

Dattani’s earlier activities are difficult to trace because he went by his middle name, Mujahid, during his academic years. However, he acknowledged to the Post: “I did, and sometimes still do, go by the middle name Mujahid, or by my full name, first, middle and last.”

Now you can call me Ray, or you can call me J, or you can call me Johnny, or you can call me Sonny, or you can call me Junior; you can call me Ray J, you can call me RJ, you can call me RJJ, etc…
In 2012, Dattani protested outside the Israeli embassy in London as crowds reportedly chanted, “Zionism is terrorism” and “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” The protest was organized by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign — a group he spoke to three years later during its Israel Apartheid Week. At the 2012 protest, a Marxist outlet covering the event reported he said that the “recent act of aggression by the state of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory is what brought me here tonight” and that he said he would like to see the “international community act upon the innumerable (UN) Security Council resolutions that Israel has trampled upon with impunity.”

“Workers should boycott Israel and Israeli goods,” the paper quoted him as saying. Whoopsies…

If this dude flunks out, Laith Marouf might be looking for another Liberal Gov’t gig.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
I wonder if dear Amira heard about Ham-ass firing on Unicef. Or Ham-ass/Palestinians destroying relief supplies because they came from the "wrong" companies. But yeah, those goddam jooooos.
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
"For starters, data on civilian casualties is being reported by the very group responsible for the kidnappings — Hamas. While civilians were certainly and unfortunately killed in the operation, it is impossible to say how many of the reported 274 Palestinian civilian casualties were in fact innocent bystanders."

If a disproportionate number of them are males between 15 and 35 then it's a pretty safe bet that any number of them were NOT innocent bystanders
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Since the October 7 massacre, open antisemitism on the streets of western cities has become commonplace. In Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal, activists have celebrated Hamas’s slaughter and rape of innocent Israelis.

Weekly anti-Israel demonstrations led Britain’s commissioner for countering extremism to declare London a “no-go zone for Jews every weekend.” And universities throughout North America have been occupied by people supporting terrorism.

The one upside of the lack of action on the part of governments and police forces is that everyone’s cards have been put on the table for all to see. We now know that the so-called pro-Palestinian movement is not interested is peace, but rather seeks the violent destruction of the Jewish state.

The left’s rhetoric about anti-racism, believing all women and Indigenous rights have been exposed as lies that somehow don’t apply to Jews. And we know the extent to which university professors are using their platforms to indoctrinate youth with an anti-western ideology, and the length to which administrators will go to allow the bastardization of our education system to continue unabated.
The unfortunate reality is that record levels of immigration from countries with high rates if antisemitism and a concerted effort to spread jihadi propaganda within our education system has not only led to hatred on the streets of western cities, it is also socializing whole new generations to continue the cycle of violence and hate. We can no longer count on our liberal values helping us overcome prejudice and stand firm in the face of global forces that threaten western society because we no longer instill those values in our children.

The war in Gaza will eventually come to an end. The university encampments will be torn down or peter out as the winter cold sets in. The rallies in the streets will die down and attacks against Jewish institutions will taper off as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict fades from the headlines. But life for Jews, in Canada and elsewhere, will have indelibly changed. Because now we know.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Since the October 7 massacre, open antisemitism on the streets of western cities has become commonplace. In Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal, activists have celebrated Hamas’s slaughter and rape of innocent Israelis.

Weekly anti-Israel demonstrations led Britain’s commissioner for countering extremism to declare London a “no-go zone for Jews every weekend.” And universities throughout North America have been occupied by people supporting terrorism.

The one upside of the lack of action on the part of governments and police forces is that everyone’s cards have been put on the table for all to see. We now know that the so-called pro-Palestinian movement is not interested is peace, but rather seeks the violent destruction of the Jewish state.

The left’s rhetoric about anti-racism, believing all women and Indigenous rights have been exposed as lies that somehow don’t apply to Jews. And we know the extent to which university professors are using their platforms to indoctrinate youth with an anti-western ideology, and the length to which administrators will go to allow the bastardization of our education system to continue unabated.
The unfortunate reality is that record levels of immigration from countries with high rates if antisemitism and a concerted effort to spread jihadi propaganda within our education system has not only led to hatred on the streets of western cities, it is also socializing whole new generations to continue the cycle of violence and hate. We can no longer count on our liberal values helping us overcome prejudice and stand firm in the face of global forces that threaten western society because we no longer instill those values in our children.

The war in Gaza will eventually come to an end. The university encampments will be torn down or peter out as the winter cold sets in. The rallies in the streets will die down and attacks against Jewish institutions will taper off as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict fades from the headlines. But life for Jews, in Canada and elsewhere, will have indelibly changed. Because now we know.
Its anti--Zionism. Bibi Mileikowsky isnt a Jew. Zionism isnt exclusive to Jews.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
While anti-Muslim and anti-Arab bigotry certainly exist in Canada and must be combated, that should not exempt APR from scrutiny. Developed by the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA), APR’s origin is cause for concern, with the concept not having been independently vetted, and instead advanced by groups pushing a specific political agenda.

The term (APR=anti-Palestinian racism) is also redundant because, while not all Palestinians are Muslim, APR largely overlaps with Islamophobia and national origin-based discrimination.

Importantly, APR violates Canadians’ freedom of expression, as it provides no exception for those expressing differing opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is especially problematic, given the ACLA report supporting APR’s one-sided positioning of political and historical issues that are subject to legitimate debate (it discusses “settler-colonialization of Palestine” and “apartheid”).

With a recent survey published in the Canadian Jewish Studies journal showing that more than 90 per cent of Canadian Jews support the existence of the State of Israel and only three per cent do not, adopting APR would incite discrimination against Israelis, Jews and Zionists, preventing them from expressing their views on the conflict. Simply asserting the fact that there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Israel for more than 3,000 years — debunking the idea of Israel being a settler-colonial state — would, under this definition, be considered racist.

That APR opposes Canadian government policy is significant. The federal government and eight provinces have adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism. Contravening IHRA, the entire ACLA document is premised on denying the Jewish people’s right to self-determination by claiming that Israel is a racist endeavour:
The concept of APR is a transparent move to drape a specific opinion on a geopolitical issue using social justice buzzwords, both to insulate the pro-Palestinian narrative from criticism and silence opposing views on the conflict. APR is the modern version of the infamous 1975 United Nations General Assembly, which stated that “Zionism is a form of racism.”
“Zionism is a settler colonial project and ethno-religious ideology in service of a system of Western imperialism that upholds global white supremacy.”

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Housefather shared a photo of the poster on the social media platform X on Tuesday night. The photo shows the poster taped to a concrete lamppost in Montreal. A Nazi flag and an Israeli flag with the star replaced by a swastika are displayed on the sign alongside the words "Housefather = Neo-Nazi" and "get out of Canada."
"My family has been here since the 19th century and we have indeed helped build this country. I am not going anywhere. Sorry antisemites. You may not like what I have to say but I will keep saying it," Housefather wrote in his social media post.

Liberal MP Marco Mendicino posted on social media in support of his caucus colleague on Tuesday night.

"This isn't 1938. It's 2024. I don't give a shit what party you're in (or not), the condemnation of this antisemitic garbage should be universal and deafening!" Mendocino said in a post on X.
This sounds so…Hamas-ish/Palestinian…from some river to some sea, etc…