Trudeau announces Amira Elghawaby as Canada's first representative to combat Islamophobia

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I am sure the firebombings and vandalizing of Jewish Synagogues in Canada have nothing to do with Israel.
Maybe they have nothing to do with the Jewish people as opposed to legitimate protest against the state of Israel and the concept of Zionism in general?

I mean, if your issue is truly with the state of Israel and the concept of Zionism, as opposed to the Jewish people themselves, then shooting up daycares and elementary schools and firebombing synagogues in Canada would be the legitimate form of protest then, right?

I’d post links, but…. we all have access to Google or we wouldn’t be able to play on the Interwebs this beautiful Sunday afternoon.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The chart in post #376 hints towards that, but we’d have to ask a Hamas hierarchy leader that direction question to confirm (maybe) what their motivations actually are beyond what they actually state in their Charter I guess. Jews are skinny on the ground generally in Islamic states (once they become modern Islamic states), but that could be a coincidence, & maybe Hamas plans on doing things differently. Hell if I know.
Do you believe in our Charter? Its far from perfect with there being imbalanced 3 classes of Canadian with diminishing Rights as it goes up the totem pole (bottom is the most important). First Nations followed by "distinct Quebec"and then the rest of us.

Why isn't Palestine (Native people) allowed to be independent and rise up to overthow their oppressors?

If we fenced in a Rez and only allowed people out to work would there be an armed retaliation?

Have you of heard of a Jewish carpenter
or day labourer? As far as Im aware Jesus was the last.

Israel uses Palestinians for building and agriculture in Israel the same way the US uses Mexicans. 1/3 the pay.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I’ve made it to 55 years of age. Not a completely sheltered life, and I’ve yet to meet anybody personally who has come out and identified as Jewish. Seriously…

So no, I don’t know any Jewish carpenters or day labourers, or mechanics or rocket scientists or engineers or pharmacists, etc…& I probably do know Jewish people, but none that I’ve ever come out to make a point of stating that they are Jewish. Maybe just never came up and maybe I don’t know any?
Maybe I’ve lead a sheltered life, but here’s a weird personal observation. I’m in my 50’s and have only lived in AB & SK, but have travelled a bit and have an interesting occupational background. I’ve lived in Calgary and Red Deer and Prince Albert and Regina, with much work in rural areas.

Other than TV celebrities, on TV, who identify as Jewish, I’ve yet to meet anyone ever that even in passing alludes to being Jewish let along pushes that stance, ever.

Maybe that’s just me, as I’m not religious, and a coincidence, but are those that’re Jewish just really casual about it in Canada and don’t need to advertise the fact, or is that just a Prairies thing?

I’ve met many people in over five decades where it slides into the conversation that they’re Catholic or Protestant, or on my doorstep on a weekend morning that identifies as Jehovah’s Witness, etc…but never anyone ever (in person) that slides being Jewish into the conversation.

Ancestry and Sexual Orientation and religious persuasion slide out into conversations regularly but never anyone who’s Jewish, at least with me present, ever.

I’ve worked in both areas below and have seen signs for the cemeteries and such…
View attachment 17119
…crushing gravel mind you but I’ve worked in both areas repeatedly for 6-8 week stretches (and Lord only knows what prehistoric and historic artefacts we fed through that crusher from each location), but have yet to have anyone ever come out and say they’re Jewish, at least, in my presence….not that it makes any difference beyond the curiosity factor.

I’ve met more people personally that have let it slide into the conversation that they are Vegans, or Transexual, or claim to have missing time from UFO abductions…than have identified as being Jewish. I’ve met more people that identify as Wiccan than as Jewish. I’ve met more people on the Prairies that state they’ve voted Liberal than have identified as Jewish. Is this just me or is this personal observation fairly normal?
Nothing has changed for me since the first page in this thread, post 20, I believe.

I mean, I know baby pigeons exist, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen one. Maybe I have and maybe I haven’t and I didn’t recognize it for what it was because it wasn’t that important. That sort of thing.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Its not a matter of comparable. The question was "do you believe in it"?
It’s been a long day so I’m gonna go with the Kohl’s notes versions:

Ok, so basically, the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms makes an effort to be a human rights document. The Canadian government makes an effort towards it when it’s convenient for the Canadian government, more or less. They’ve stated their goals in this document, although they fail on a regular basis, at least it’s something that they’re striving towards when convenient.

The humus covenant or charter is more or less a manifesto stating out its aims in making Isreal…go away…And in its original form it’s to make Israel go away completely, & in it more “PC” revised version three-ish decades later (that does not supersede the original version), the claim the goal is still of Israel going away but masking their racism with terms like Zionism instead of straight up Jews like in the original version. They’ve stated their goals in this document, although they have failed at every step “so far,” at least it’s something that they’re striving towards.

I have no reason to doubt the aims and goals stated out in both documents, though both Canada & Hamas failed in achieving the objectives set out in each of documents thus far, they’re both targets to strive for respectively.

I guess in conclusion, both documents being the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms, and the Hamas charter of making Israel go away from the entirety of mandatory Palestine or the mandate for Palestine…are like written versions of New Year’s resolutions. At midnight with a belly full of booze on December 31…it’s sure great goals to strive towards, and if you flop on them by January 5th, there’s always next year.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Its all about making the Jews go away? Why? What did they do wrong?

Are you happy with being a third class Canadian? Did the Charter protect anyone from Trudeau?

Have you checked out Palestinian Basic Law?

What other Rights do they have? They are after all the most Western Muzzies and Christians in thd ME.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Its all about making the Jews go away? Why? What did they do wrong?
Being all Jewie with their Jewy McJewface stuff? Eating babies and such?
Are you happy with being a third class Canadian? Did the Charter protect anyone from Trudeau?
Was the Charter (Canadian, not Hamas) suppose to protect Canadians against Gov’t overreach? It failed, but was that why it was created?
Have you checked out Palestinian Basic Law?
Nope. Not as of yet.
What other Rights do they have? They are after all the most Western Muzzies and Christians in thd ME.
How’s that basic law thing work’n out for them? In, let’s say, Gaza….could a Palestinian openly criticize…oh, let’s say, Hamas? Hold an anti-Hamas meeting? Campaign against the governing party that’s forgone elections since FUBU Hats where a thing (in both Gaza & the West Bank)? That sort’a thing? What’s up with the portable cranes thing? Is that part of the basic law? What’s it say about rape? Is that kosher halal (?) or are those things not covered in the basic law but under some other law?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Its not the lawless wild west with unifomed assholes hearding people and monitoring everything is it? Its no China,

Its not to late for peace. Palestine has resources and a coast suitable for a huge tourist industry and suitable agricultural land. It can work. If Israel fights it they ending up losing the remain trust and support it has.

You cant keep blaming Hamas for Israel"s illegal actions and shitty decisions. Hamas would never gotten so big without an antagonist.

Over time Israel has sunken to the levels of their surroundings. I dont see the saintly and Godly all accepting beacon of light shining through the darkness of evil you do.

Good thing the war came along before Bibi faced those 3 corruption charges and lost his job.
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Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Was the Charter (Canadian, not Hamas) suppose to protect Canadians against Gov’t overreach? It failed, but was that why it was created?
In what particulars? C'mon, lets hear all the ways you're horribly oppressed, and how each of them is a horrible attack on the American. . . um. . . Canadian Way!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In what particulars? C'mon, lets hear all the ways you're horribly oppressed, and how each of them is a horrible attack on the American. . . um. . . Canadian Way!
Wow…ok. Let’s start here. Is the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms perfect? No. Does it work most of the time? Yes. Does it work all the time? No. Am I claiming to be horribly oppressed? No. For the instances where the Canadian charter fails, do we just scrap it in its entirety? No. Do you throw the baby out with the bath water? That’s your call but generally, no.

Are there challenges against the Canadian charter? Yes. Are there court cases where the gov’t (Canadian, not Hamas) has overstepped its bounds and stepped on the charter rights of Canadians (failing to protect them initially)…yes. Are there many examples out there on the Interwebs and even in the threads on this forum? Yes. Is Google your friend? It can be.
Its not the lawless wild west with unifomed assholes hearding people and monitoring everything is it? Its no China,

Its not to late for peace. Palestine has resources and a coast suitable for a huge tourist industry and suitable agricultural land.
Palestine has always had resources and a coast suitable for a huge tourist industry. When Israel left the Gaza Strip in 2005, from what I understand, it left already productive agricultural land, existing greenhouses and an flourishing floral industry, so yes it does have suitable (though small) agricultural land.

Then I don’t know what happened with the quote feature below, but a little writing is Petros, & the normal sized writing is mine.

It can work. If Israel fights it they ending up losing the remain trust and support it has.

Ok, the Arabs in Gaza had Gaza to themselves after Israel convinced the Egyptians to walk away from it in 1967, & walked away from it themselves in 2005. The situation was in the hands of those Palestinians to do with as they wished. The history of the Gaza Strip from 2005 to the present is a wiki article away.
You cant keep blaming Hamas for Israel"s illegal actions and shitty decisions. Hamas would never gotten so big without an antagonist.
OK. If something like Hamas didn’t have an antagonist as Israel, would it find another? Jordan? Egypt? Syria? Lebanon? Etc…whomever the newest new neighbours are?
Over time Israel has sunken to the levels of their surroundings. I dont see the saintly and Godly all accepting beacon of light shining through the darkness of evil you do.
Actually, neither do I. Sometimes in life, business, relationships, politics, etc…you choice the least worse option or options.
Good thing the war came along before Bibi faced those 3 corruption charges and lost his job.
Yes, amazing how those things seem to happen, like when Putin invading Ukraine days after Trudeau imposed the War Measures Act Emergency Measures Act on Canadian citizens in Ottawa & elsewhere. Coincidence? Probably, but surely convenient and capitalized upon.

P.S. Good Morning.
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