Liberal Jenica Atwin, the New Brunswick MP who was elected as a Green in 2019 and defected to the Liberals in 2021, has asked the government to loosen up its security screening on refugees seeking to leave Gaza and come to Canada.
Oh, yeah. That’s a good idea. Since Hamas controls who enters and also who exits Gaza, there’s no chance they’d take our loosened regulations as an opportunity to smuggle out Hamas operatives under the guise of asylum seekers.
If the government accepts Atwin’s petition to go light on security screening for Gazan refugees, you can be sure Hamas agents will be sent to Canada to foment protests and riots and to encourage encampments on university campuses.

They may even send supporters intent on carrying out terror attacks on Canadian targets, particularly Canadian Jewish targets.
At present, according to federal immigration officials, applicants for refugee status from the Israel-Hamas war are “screened while they are still on the ground in Gaza.” If “no inadmissibility concerns are flagged” from these preliminary checks, then the applicants are subjected to “full biometric, security and admissibility screening.”
“Only applicants who pass full … screening will be allowed to travel onward to Canada,” immigration department spokesperson Matthew Krupovich told reporters.
A Liberal MP is sponsoring petitions that call for CPP to pull investments from Israel as well as limit background checks of Palestinians.
But if Atwin – who has a long history of anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian activism – gets her way, Immigration Canada will “greatly reduce applicants’ personal detail requirements, including granular health information, social media accounts and other onerous documentation.”
Merely searching applicants’ social media postings could turn up anyone who supports violence against Israel or other Western targets. But Atwin thinks even that is too onerous.
Liberal Jenica Atwin, the New Brunswick MP who was elected as a Green in 2019 and defected to the Liberals in 2021, has asked the government to loosen up its security screening on refugees seeking to leave Gaza and come to Canada. Oh, yeah. That’s a good idea. Since Hamas controls who enters and...
Remember that the butchery of ordinary Israelis last Oct. 7 – the hacking apart of bodies, the slaughter of babies in front of their parents (and parents in front of their children), the burnings alive, the beheadings, plus the rape, torture and kidnapping of 1,200 civilians by Hamas death squads – had widespread support from ordinary Gazans.
Do we really want to risk importing such violent hatred into Canada by letting down our guard on security screening for Gaza refugees?
Atwin also wants to remove the cap of 5,000 Gazan refugees and admit however many want to immigrate here.
Fredericton's Sgoolai Israel Synagogue was vandalized on International Holocaust Remembrance Day
The efficiency of the immigration department’s security screening is already suspect.
At the end of last month, the RCMP arrested two men in a north Toronto hotel who appeared about to unleash a terror attack on Canadian targets.
The men, 62-year-old Ahmed Eldidi and his 26-year-old son Mostafa had emigrated to Canada sometime after the father, Ahmed, apparently performed a revenge torture and killing for the terror group ISIS. It is alleged the senior Eldidi bound a suspected ISIS traitor to a cross, then proceeded to hack off the man’s feet and hands while the victim screamed. The brutality was captured on video.
Perhaps not a single Gazan refugee is capable of such barbarism. But Hamas operators have shown they are; for instance the Hamas militant who, on Oct. 7, sawed off an Israeli farmer’s head then kicked it around on the ground like a soccer ball.
Can we risk our country being infiltrated by such people because some pro-Palestinian sentimentalist on the Liberal benches naively believes Palestinians, Gazans and Hamas have no evil intent?
If you think I’m being overly dramatic, consider nearly two-thirds of Gazans who have already been approved for visas are men. Why is Hamas letting out two times as many men as women?
Is it because Israel targets so many women & children that there’s a surplus of “Non-Hamas” men…or those that self-identify as…men?)
It’s clear Hamas is not worried about protecting the weakest and most vulnerable Gazan residents.
Atwin is both naïve and ridiculous. Let’s hope the rest of the Trudeau government isn’t equally gullible. But given this is a government that time and again has shown itself unconcerned about foreign inference, that may be too much to ask.