Tourism lull led to ‘execution-style killings’ of 100 B.C. sled dogs: Reports


Jan 6, 2007
Just leave the livestock alone Petros. :roll:

Well I don't know about that. I haven't followed this investigation through the media very closely but if the seller cared for the animals in more than a monetary sense, it stands to reason they would take steps to take over the pack until a time when it could be portioned out to new ventures.

No matter what, it's a life they were dealing with and that demands more effort than what was shown in this case.

I see no reason why a seller would assume anyone would just slaughter a whole, presumably pricey, pack of animals. I also see no reason why anyone would necessarily be overly attached to working animals.

Now to be clear... I couldn't own a pack of dogs and not become attached. I have a hard time putting down animals. But, I also grew up on a cattle farm, and despite loving many of the cows as much as many people might love their pets, I had to deal with the grim fact that in certain ventures, once you sell that animal, you have no control, nor can you expect control, over what happens to it. You simply have to have faith in both the law and common sense, which to most people who work with animals, would dictate not destroying a bunch of valuable animals/assets.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I know exactly how you feel Karrie. It's calving season as we speak and I'm sure you didn't get up in the middle of the night in -30C to dry them off and give them forumla with love in your eyes. It was dollar signs.

We have a house cat and at the farm there are cats we have that I don't know even exist and they are several years old. Without them we'd probably lose a tonne of grain to mice. When we decide to move out tot he farm we'll have dogs too but they will never see the inside of the house or ride in the truck.


Jan 6, 2007
I know exactly how you feel Karrie. It's calving season as we speak and I'm sure you didn't get up in the middle of the night in -30C to dry them off and give them forumla with love in your eyes. It was dollar signs.

We have a house cat and at the farm there are cats we have that I don't know even exist and they are several years old. Without them we'd probably lose a tonne of grain to mice. When we decide to move out tot he farm we'll have dogs too but they will never see the inside of the house or ride in the truck.

Well, to tell you the truth petros, I had a hard time with it growing up, because those calves dropped at -40 often had to come inside. The middle of the porch became a vet clinic with three kids bundled around a freezing calf, feeding it warmed milk from a 2L bottle with a nipple stuck on the end. We'd spend many an hour curled up next to them. Those were the ones we always fell in love with. And all too often, the ones we had to shoot.

But for the adults, yeah.... you see a grown man giving a calf mouth to mouth because its heart stopped during delivery, and you know it's not out of sheer devotion to the animal, it's because that animal is an investment.

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Well, to tell you the truth petros, I had a hard time with it growing up, because those calves dropped at -40 often had to come inside. The middle of the porch became a vet clinic with three kids bundled around a freezing calf, feeding it warmed milk from a 2L bottle with a nipple stuck on the end. We'd spend many an hour curled up next to them. Those were the ones we always fell in love with. And all too often, the ones we had to shoot.

But for the adults, yeah.... you see a grown man giving a calf mouth to mouth because its heart stopped during delivery, and you know it's not out of sheer devotion to the animal, it's because that animal is an investment.
;-) Ever had to run one in on a snowmobile in a foot-and-a-half of fresh powder?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well, to tell you the truth petros, I had a hard time with it growing up, because those calves dropped at -40 often had to come inside. The middle of the porch became a vet clinic with three kids bundled around a freezing calf, feeding it warmed milk from a 2L bottle with a nipple stuck on the end. We'd spend many an hour curled up next to them. Those were the ones we always fell in love with. And all too often, the ones we had to shoot.

But for the adults, yeah.... you see a grown man giving a calf mouth to mouth because its heart stopped during delivery, and you know it's not out of sheer devotion to the animal, it's because that animal is an investment.
Animal husbandry isn't something you can just walk into. It takes a lifetime of those nights in the porch, chopping water holes, elbow deep grabbing for those little hooves, lugging and busting open bail after bail, chopping and mixing feed and on and on and on.

It's why I bought a rock picker and put the pasture into seed the first spring we took over. We aren't ready for 24/7/365 of livestock just yet.

;-) Ever had to run one in on a snowmobile in a foot-and-a-half of fresh powder?
Yup. Nothing beats an old car hood for moving a downed animal with a sled.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Oh well you get angry at someone being stupid? I mean I am with ya but shet there's a lot of it about. It's going to get worse. Hell look at the seal hunt. That's not humane at all. Yet we're out promoting it and trying to open up new markets for it. Now were aiming for the dolfin and monkey eaters in hopes of lowering the amount the hunt costs taxpayers.

These guys that killed these dogs are idiots. They will get a slap for it and everyone will carry on business as usual. Next time, they will just take a little more care so they don't get caught.

I never quite thought of it that way till you mentioned it. You do have a point that it would be quite hypocritical for the Crown to punish him for doing to those dogs what the Crown encourages seal hunters to do. If they can do it, then certainly so should he be allowed to do it. The law ought to be consistent for all.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Probably the difference is the law recognizes dog as domestic animal
A bull or boar is just barely domestic and will kill you in ways far more horrible than any dog or wolf could imagine. Even wolves kill with compassion but a bull will leave you to rot and grind you into the ground. A boar will barely leave a bone chip when done. I'd rather be choked to death and then eaten rather than just being eaten.

It takes about two weeks for a boar to grow tusks and back hair once cut loose in the wild.

Just because we have thumbs doesn't mean we ourselves aren't animals and aren't just as easily rewilded in a very short matter of time.
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Electoral Member
May 20, 2010
Could have eaten them,
not fond of dog owners especially the kind with the large dogs who purposely keep them around to harass children and teenagers.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Could have eaten them,
not fond of dog owners especially the kind with the large dogs who purposely keep them around to harass children and teenagers.

No doubt idiots can own dogs, and often the bigger the idiot the bigger the dog. But I don't think big dogs generally speaking harass well behaved teen agers and children.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Could have eaten them,
not fond of dog owners especially the kind with the large dogs who purposely keep them around to harass children and teenagers.
Would your rather be bit by a dog our deal with a pissed off home owner with a sawed off rake?

For all I know the seller was just as appalled at what happened as we were. I am only angry with the guys who shot the dogs and the owners of the companies.
It's obvious they needed to preplan this by a few years to come up with the puppies.

They were bred for one event and one event only.

I have an idea for the next Olys we have in 20 years. It involves emperor penguins and minturized polar bears .

If we start breeding and teaching them to skate now....


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
All this madness is because of over crowding. We need to thin out the population in order to bring back sanity to the humming race.
Legalize cannibalism!


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Would your rather be bit by a dog our deal with a pissed off home owner with a sawed off rake?

It's obvious they needed to preplan this by a few years to come up with the puppies.

They were bred for one event and one event only.

I have an idea for the next Olys we have in 20 years. It involves emperor penguins and minturized polar bears .

If we start breeding and teaching them to skate now....

All this madness is because of over crowding. We need to thin out the population in order to bring back sanity to the humming race.
Legalize cannibalism!

Legalized cannibalism, culling the herds so to speak. Hmm finally something productive. We can turn them into different colored crackers for the poor mass's to eat.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC

Legalized cannibalism, culling the herds so to speak. Hmm finally something productive. We can turn them into different colored crackers for the poor mass's to eat.
Ya! Eat the rich. Soilent Green is rich people. Hmm, might be fattening.