Tourism lull led to ‘execution-style killings’ of 100 B.C. sled dogs: Reports


Jan 6, 2007
They're so cute. :smile:

Dogs or people?;-)

lol. Well, good point.

But we'd spent some time talking about how Husky crosses tend to kill small animals or any large animal they see as a threat around their family. We weren't saying they were blood crazed lunatics or anything. They're awesome dogs. But you do have to acknowledge the issues that come with the breed. Otherwise you end up like us with a husband who had to sacrifice his forearm to try to get the cat away from the husky cross. Did we blame the dog? Hell no. Was it vicious? Well, if you were a cat or a man who tried to talk to my kids over the fence, yeah. lol.

I found it interesting though that the link that pic ironsides posted from was an article about that man being given an award for finishing the iditarod race with 13 out of his 16 dogs. A humanitarian award for managing to ONLY run 3 of them into the ground. Precious pets or a working commodity in the eyes of mushers?


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
lol. Well, good point.

But we'd spent some time talking about how Husky crosses tend to kill small animals or any large animal they see as a threat around their family. We weren't saying they were blood crazed lunatics or anything. They're awesome dogs. But you do have to acknowledge the issues that come with the breed. Otherwise you end up like us with a husband who had to sacrifice his forearm to try to get the cat away from the husky cross. Did we blame the dog? Hell no. Was it vicious? Well, if you were a cat or a man who tried to talk to my kids over the fence, yeah. lol.

A couple of things here.

Husky Cross means mutt. I know lots of people fancy themselves boutique breeders of specialized stock but in reality they don't know a damn thing about the genetics of breeding and definitely don't bother with genetic testing, secured and stable breeding lines going back three generations or more or fine tuning line breeding for specific traits.

With a mutt you don't know what you're getting. So the disclaimer that "Husky crosses are" is faulty to start with.
If anything, Husky crosses are unpredictable and dangerous in the wrong hands. What kills small animals is a combination of prey drive and dominance through a lack of training. Prey drive is a hardwired instinct in many breeds that has been done a purpose. That isn't going away in one hundred years when it has been there for thousands without specific breeding to remove that trait.

Anyone who owns a Husky has to understand both the prey drive and how to make the dog submissive or face a possible tragedy in the future. Maybe the right opportunity doesn't present itself throughout the whole life of the dog, but if it does, most people say they didn't see it coming. Any dog with a high prey drive can exist just fine with small animals and children but first the owner has to take the steps to make it clear to the dog that at no time is that allowed to happen. Nurture over nature. It's hard work and take diligence in consistency with the right method for the dog. But when you see it in action, you know you're looking at a powerful exertion of the master's will.

Unfortunately, not alot of people are willing or able to learn this skill set while anyone can have a dog.

Prey drive is not lacking in this picture, just controlled.

I found it interesting though that the link that pic ironsides posted from was an article about that man being given an award for finishing the iditarod race with 13 out of his 16 dogs. A humanitarian award for managing to ONLY run 3 of them into the ground. Precious pets or a working commodity in the eyes of mushers?

A different world. Some admire the big game hunter of old while others consider him a waster, a lout, a coward with no appreciation for the animals he has killed.

200 years ago the Iditarod race was the way things were done. Very tough men drove thousands of miles over impossible country to deliver what had to be delivered. While it's important to remember and celebrate those accomplishments, killing three dogs for a pat on the back is simply stupid. The argument that dogs are bred for it and love doing it is moot as it's not a necessity. If it were, say like animal testing the saves lives, well I would support that. But it's not.

It we treated dogs they way they should be treated, manage the breeding so that only dogs that will be kept in the status to witch they should be held then sled dogs would never be destroyed before their time and when it was their time, it would be as painless and loving as warranted for any well loved pet. We have a long way to go.

That someone can be as objective toward a living thing that provides for them is a problem not an asset.

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
Could have eaten them,
not fond of dog owners especially the kind with the large dogs who purposely keep them around to harass children and teenagers.
Your comment is off base, not everyone who owns a big dog keeps them to specifically harass children and teenagers.

Those dogs get a taste of cocaine or weed for not chasing kitty.
That's a brave cat..