The OFFICIAL Trump Travel Ban Thread


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Trump’s Website Is Still Calling For A ‘Muslim Ban’

No travel required for the ban.

Trump’s Website Is Still Calling For A ‘Muslim Ban’

President Donald Trump and his spokespeople have gone to great lengths to convince the American people — and federal judges — that his new travel ban, which prohibits people from six predominantly Muslim countries from traveling to the U.S., is not a ban targeting Muslims.

This distinction, however, is starkly contradicted by the months he spent crowing about banning Muslims on the campaign trail, and by statements of his that are still on his own website.

Trump’s official page,, was established during the campaign but still functions as a communication tool for the administration: three Trump-friendly news updates were posted to the site on Wednesday alone. It also features some oldies, including a press release from December of 2015 with the headline, “DONALD J. TRUMP STATEMENT ON PREVENTING MUSLIM IMMIGRATION.” The statement goes on to say Trump wants “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”

“Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension,” Trump is quoted as saying in the press release, referring to supposed hatred by Muslims for the United States. “Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.”

Since a federal judge shot down his initial attempt at a travel ban in early February, Trump and his cronies have shouted from the mountain tops about how the president’s executive order restricting travel to the U.S. — the second version of which was shot down on Wednesday by a federal judge in Hawaii — is not a “Muslim ban.”

“It’s not a Muslim ban,” Trump specifically told reporters in January after signing his first failed travel ban.

Nowhere in either of Trump’s orders does it say anything specific about Muslims or Islam. But, as both judges who’ve reviewed the travel bans have determined, the intent is to ban Muslims. Trump confidante Rudy Giuliani said as much during an interview with Fox News in January, claiming that Trump came to him and said he wanted a “Muslim ban” and asked that the former New York City mayor assemble a commission to figure out “the right way to do it legally.”

Despite the White House’s denials that the president’s travel restrictions don’t constitute a Muslim ban, the judiciary isn’t buying it, least of whom U.S. District Court Judge Derrick Watson, who wrote in his 43-page ruling that the president’s plan is “fundamentally flawed.”

“Equally flawed is the notion that the Executive Order cannot be found to have targeted Islam because it applies to all individuals in the six referenced countries,” Watson added. “It is undisputed, using the primary source upon which the Government itself relies, that these six countries have overwhelmingly Muslim populations that range from 90.7% to 99.8%.”

“It would therefore be no paradigmatic leap to conclude that targeting these countries likewise targets Islam,” Watson added. “Certainly, it would be inappropriate to conclude, as the Government does, that it does not.”

At a rally of his supporters Wednesday night, Trump lashed out at the ruling, calling it “judicial overreach” and vowing challenge it to the Supreme Court.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Re: Trump’s Website Is Still Calling For A ‘Muslim Ban’

the link at the web site that claims to be the trump website you mention, links to the article its in
that would be fake news


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Re: Trump’s Website Is Still Calling For A ‘Muslim Ban’

This needs to be moved to the OFFICIAL Travel Ban thread.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Re: Trump’s Website Is Still Calling For A ‘Muslim Ban’

I think it needs to be moved from Trumps website to the Government official website.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Re: Trump’s Website Is Still Calling For A ‘Muslim Ban’

the link at the web site that claims to be the trump website you mention, links to the article its in
that would be fake news


Links to Donald's campaign site which still shows his intention for Muslim Ban.


You are wrong.



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Federal judge in Hawaii extends ruling halting muslim ban indefinitely

Federal judge in Hawaii extends ruling halting travel ban indefinitely

(CNN)A federal judge in Hawaii granted the state's request for a longer-term halt of the revised travel ban executive order Wednesday.

US District Court Judge Derrick Watson blocked the core provisions of the revised executive order two weeks ago, concluding that the order likely violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution by disfavoring Muslims.

But Watson's earlier decision was only a limited freeze of the executive order through a temporary restraining order.

Federal judge in Hawaii extends injunction halting travel ban -


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Somebody let the Pastors know that Saudi Arabia is not on the list......

A billboard in Cookeville displaying a message of support to President Trump has drawn a lot of criticism, saying it's only a message of hate.

It reads, "Why Support President's Immigration Ban? 19 Muslim Immigrants Killed 2,977 Americans."

There's a similar billboard in Sevierville, and three more planned to go up throughout the state of Tennessee. They're all funded by the Tennessee Pastor's Network.

Billboard Supporting Travel Ban Stirs Controversy - NewsChannel 5 Nashville



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
As we saw with CLINTON and Elian Gonzales, the president doesn't need new laws or to be hampered by judges to kick anyone out who isn't legal to be here and to keep them out.

"Attorney general Janet Reno ordered the return of Elián González..."án_González

So this whole thing smells to high heaven as a diversionary tactic.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
U.S. Quietly Lifts Limit on Number of Refugees Allowed In

Despite repeated efforts by President Trump to curtail refugee resettlements, the State Department this week quietly lifted the department’s restriction on the number of refugees allowed to enter the United States.

The State Department’s decision was conveyed in an email on Thursday to the private agencies in countries around the world that help refugees manage the nearly two-year application process needed to enter the United States.

In her email, Jennifer L. Smith, a department official, wrote that the refugee groups could begin bringing people to the United States “unconstrained by the weekly quotas that were in place.”

Although it came the same day as an appeals court ruling that rejected government efforts to limit travel to the United States from six predominantly Muslim nations, the move by the State Department had nothing to do with the court ruling.

Refugee groups now predict that entries into the United States could increase so rapidly that the total number of refugees admitted by Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year, could exceed 70,000. That is well below the 84,994 refugees admitted in fiscal year 2016, but not by nearly as much as many advocates had feared.

Refugee advocates were delighted by the State Department’s decision.

“This is long overdue, but we’re very happy,” said Mark Hetfield, president and chief executive of HIAS an immigrant aid society.

Still, even Republicans in Congress have said that few of Mr. Trump’s proposed budget cuts to foreign aid and the State Department’s budget would be adopted into law.

In a visit this week to Syrian refugee camps in Turkey, Nikki R. Haley, the United Nations ambassador, all but urged Congress to reverse Mr. Trump’s proposed cuts in aid to refugees.

“It’s starting the conversation,” Ms. Haley said of Mr. Trump’s proposed budget, according to The Associated Press. “It doesn’t mean that’s where it will end up. He’s going to have that conversation with Congress on where we should fall on this.”


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
At the urging of President Donald Trump, U.S. officials have reversed course and decided to allow into the United States a group of Afghan girls hoping to participate in an international robotics competition next week, senior administration officials told POLITICO on Wednesday.

The decision followed a furious public backlash to the news that the six teens had been denied U.S. visas. That criticism swelled as details emerged about the girls’ struggle to build their robot and get visas.

“The State Department worked incredibly well with the Department of Homeland Security to ensure that this case was reviewed and handled appropriately,” Dina Powell, Trump's deputy national security adviser for strategy, said in a statement. “We could not be prouder of this delegation of young women who are also scientists — they represent the best of the Afghan people and embody the promise that their aspirations can be fulfilled. They are future leaders of Afghanistan and strong ambassadors for their country.”

Critics had argued that the visa denials sent the wrong message to the people of Afghanistan, where U.S. troops are still fighting Taliban militants who once barred girls from attending school. The denials bolstered allegations that Trump is, via executive orders and other means, trying to impose a ban on Muslims entering the United States. The visa rejections also undercut the administration’s insistence that it cares about empowering women globally.

A team representing Gambia at the robotics competition also had its visa applications initially rejected, but its members were later granted admission.

The fact that the girls are representing Afghanistan in the contest shows how far female education there has come since the U.S.-led invasion toppled the Taliban from power in 2001 — although Afghan girls and women still face many cultural and legal barriers.
The Trump administration is doing a review of America’s South Asia policy, and the American role in Afghanistan is a major part of that process.

Afghanistan is not one of the six countries Trump has tried to target in his legally contested travel ban. But, like those other countries (Iran, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Libya), Afghanistan is majority Muslim and a staging ground for various armed groups. The Supreme Court plans to review the Trump travel ban, but has allowed it to go into limited effect for some future visa seekers.

Around 160 countries are sending teams to participate in the contest; the first group to arrive in Washington, D.C., was the team from Iran, according to event organizers.

On their team page, the Afghan girls wrote: “Most breakthroughs in science, technology, and other industries normally start with the dream of a child to do something great. We want to be that child and pursue our dreams to make a difference in people’s lives.”

Trump intervenes to grant rejected Afghan girls entry to U.S. for robotics contest - POLITICO


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
Stay away from the Daily Mail. It's pretty much what you would get if you merged Breitbart, the Daily Caller and People magazine but the DM is on steroids........

A federal judge in Hawaii on Thursday ordered the Trump administration to vastly expand the number of people exempt from a controversial travel ban to include those who have grandparents and other non-immediate family in the U.S., as well as refugees without family ties to the country.

In his order, U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson said the government’s actions in implementing the limits on travel for refugees and residents of six Muslim-majority countries represented “the antithesis of common sense.”

He said the government had failed to follow Supreme Court orders last month that established conditions for a partial revival of the ban, whose implementation had been blocked by the courts.

Watson’s decision means that the travel ban, reinstated by the Supreme Court on June 29 with exemptions for a limited list of “close” family members, will stay in place. But there will be expanded exceptions for would-be travelers who have grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and brothers- and sisters-in-law in the U.S.

The decision means that potentially thousands of refugees who had been vetted for U.S. admission but were blocked after the government cut off most refugee admissions on Wednesday — the day the country hit a cap of 50,000 refugee admissions for the fiscal year — may now be let in.

The Department of Justice did not respond to a request for comment on Thursday night.

For two weeks, the Trump administration and the state of Hawaii have fought repeatedly in federal courts over whom the ban can block.

At issue is how to determine which travelers have “close” relatives living in the U.S. or are associated with the country in other ways that let them bypass the ban — standards set by the Supreme Court when it lifted the previous halt on enforcement of the ban.
President Trump’s executive order halts travel by nationals of Somalia, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Iran but allows exceptions for those with what the Supreme Court called “bona fide” connections with the United States. The government has said those connections include a parent, spouse, child, adult son or daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, sibling, fiance or fiancee, and in-law parents.

But the administration said grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and brothers- and sisters-in-law are not close enough to qualify for admission during the duration of the order. Attorneys for the state of Hawaii successfully petitioned Watson to order the government to count all of those categories as “bona fide” U.S. connections.

In the case of refugees, state lawyers argued that a refugee resettlement organization’s interactions with a refugee constitute a bona fide relationship. The administration disagreed.

Hawaii's win came after it was twice rejected in court attempts to weaken the ban.

On July 6, Watson denied a request from the state to "clarify" exceptions to the ban, saying that he did not have the authority to interpret Supreme Court orders. The next day, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a similar request from the state, saying it did not have jurisdiction over the matter.

In rebuke to Trump, federal judge in Hawaii expands travel ban exemptions - LA Times


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Stay away from the Daily Mail. It's pretty much what you would get if you merged Breitbart, the Daily Caller and People magazine but the DM is on steroids........

No worries... that judge will be overruled too!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Germany's Migrant Rape Crisis: January 2017
Tolerating a "rape culture" to sustain a politically correct stance on mass migration

Yes those that support this rape culture need to be straightened out...
Preferably on a morgue slab

...and I suppose liberal grudges[sic] need something to do at work everyday:
rape trials keep em all employed.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Stay away from the Daily Mail. It's pretty much what you would get if you merged Breitbart, the Daily Caller and People magazine but the DM is on steroids........

A federal judge in Hawaii on Thursday ordered the Trump administration to vastly expand the number of people exempt from a controversial travel ban to include those who have grandparents and other non-immediate family in the U.S., as well as refugees without family ties to the country.

In his order, U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson said the government’s actions in implementing the limits on travel for refugees and residents of six Muslim-majority countries represented “the antithesis of common sense.”

He said the government had failed to follow Supreme Court orders last month that established conditions for a partial revival of the ban, whose implementation had been blocked by the courts.

Watson’s decision means that the travel ban, reinstated by the Supreme Court on June 29 with exemptions for a limited list of “close” family members, will stay in place. But there will be expanded exceptions for would-be travelers who have grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and brothers- and sisters-in-law in the U.S.

The decision means that potentially thousands of refugees who had been vetted for U.S. admission but were blocked after the government cut off most refugee admissions on Wednesday — the day the country hit a cap of 50,000 refugee admissions for the fiscal year — may now be let in.

The Department of Justice did not respond to a request for comment on Thursday night.

For two weeks, the Trump administration and the state of Hawaii have fought repeatedly in federal courts over whom the ban can block.

At issue is how to determine which travelers have “close” relatives living in the U.S. or are associated with the country in other ways that let them bypass the ban — standards set by the Supreme Court when it lifted the previous halt on enforcement of the ban.
President Trump’s executive order halts travel by nationals of Somalia, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Iran but allows exceptions for those with what the Supreme Court called “bona fide” connections with the United States. The government has said those connections include a parent, spouse, child, adult son or daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, sibling, fiance or fiancee, and in-law parents.

But the administration said grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins and brothers- and sisters-in-law are not close enough to qualify for admission during the duration of the order. Attorneys for the state of Hawaii successfully petitioned Watson to order the government to count all of those categories as “bona fide” U.S. connections.

In the case of refugees, state lawyers argued that a refugee resettlement organization’s interactions with a refugee constitute a bona fide relationship. The administration disagreed.

Hawaii's win came after it was twice rejected in court attempts to weaken the ban.

On July 6, Watson denied a request from the state to "clarify" exceptions to the ban, saying that he did not have the authority to interpret Supreme Court orders. The next day, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a similar request from the state, saying it did not have jurisdiction over the matter.

In rebuke to Trump, federal judge in Hawaii expands travel ban exemptions - LA Times

Told Ya!

Justices allow strict refugee ban but say grandparents OK

Gramps and Granny can come... but the rest.... BANNED!

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
I read somewhere a while ago that courts overruling and interfering with the lawful decisions of duly elected governments was a common first step in South American revolutions that end up turning their countries into communist dictatorship shitholes. Just something to be aware of. Fortunately we don't have to worry about that in Canada, we have a duly elected government working towards revolutionizing us into a communist dictatorship shithole, :)