The 'Official' Quit Picking On Trump Thread

Who Hates Trump the Most?

  • Dumbocrats

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • Reptilicans

    Votes: 9 28.1%
  • Broads

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Canadians

    Votes: 9 28.1%

  • Total voters


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
but at least it will please tRUMP's fan boys on this forum

..... And you ain't joke'n - Eagle, Durry, Loc., and several others :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Donald Trump Was The Victim Of Some Vicious British Insults, Which Are Incredible And My New Favorite Thing - Barstool Sports

Donald Trump Was The Victim Of Some Vicious British Insults, Which Are Incredible And My New Favorite Thing

So Donald Trump is in Scotland today. He’s there to re-open a golf course/get a ****load of golf balls with swastikas on them thrown in his general direction…

Anyway, when he landed he tweeted that Scotland is “going wild” over the vote to leave…

Slight problem with that: Scotland voted to remain. They voted to remain rather overwhelmingly, with 63% voting to stay in the EU and 36% voting to leave. Saying that country is going wild over taking their country back is like saying America went wild after electing Mitt Romney in 2012. That’s not what the country voted to do. But, things like facts have never stopped Trump from firing off a tweet or delivering a statement.

To be honest, none of that is really here nor there for me, though. I don’t concern myself with things like “real life” issues. What I loved was the outpouring of insults Trump received. They were FANTASTIC. I’m not saying I regret the Revolutionary War, it had its benefits no doubt. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t envy the ability to cut a man down with vicious wordplay like the Brits do. Yeah, we got our freedom and it’s been pretty sweet, but we left our awesome accents and serpent tongues back on that island.

Cockwomble. Incompressible jizztrumpet. ****gibbon. ***, just ***. Cocksplat! Muppet! Mangled apricot hellbeast! These are all so ****ing outstanding I can’t get enough of them. I want a British person to create a word of the day calendar for me, but strictly full of British insults. That, I would use the **** out of and not simply use it for a week before I decide to say **** it, like everyone does with word of the day calendars.

But the coup de grâce for me was someone calling him a “spoon.”

Screen Shot 2016-06-24 at 11.27.28 AM

I laughed the moment I saw it, though I had no idea what it meant. When I researched it and found the definition I laughed harder and may not stop laughing for a thousand nights. “Someone you don’t like. They’re a spoon because they can’t be trusted with a fork or knife.” Magnificent! You’re so goddamn stupid I can’t trust you with sharp objects. You’re a spoon. A++++ insult.

PS – I’m serious about the word of the day calendar. If you’re a British stoolie I will pay you 50 American dollars aka one billion British pounds for you to make that for me.

more at link ...


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Why is Donald Trump defending Sexual Harrasment?

Donald Trump defends Roger Ailes, casts suspicion on his accusers

Donald Trump this weekend defended longtime friend Roger Ailes, the ousted chief executive of Fox News who is accused of sexually harassing at least two dozen women. Trump also questioned the motives of some of the women.

"I can tell you that some of the women that are complaining, I know how much he's helped them, and even recently. And when they write books that are fairly recently released, and they say wonderful things about him. And now, all of a sudden, they're saying these horrible things about him," Trump said in an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" on Saturday evening. "It's very sad because he's a very good person. I've always found him to be just a very, very good person. And, by the way, a very, very talented person. Look what he's done. So I feel very badly."

Trump added that "a lot of people are thinking he's going to run my campaign," but he wouldn't say whether those people were correct.

[The fall of Roger Ailes: He made Fox News his ‘locker room’ — and now women are telling their stories]

Ailes is a larger-than-life figure in American television history and a force in Republican politics. He abruptly left the network last week after former anchor Gretchen Carlson filed a sexual harassment lawsuit that sparked a public examination of the way Ailes has treated the women working for him over the years. Carlson’s attorney, Nancy Erika Smith, says 25 women have come forward with allegations about similar experiences that stretch across five decades. Ailes has denied the allegations.

Trump also defended Ailes in a Friday interview with Bloomberg Politics as he flew home from Cleveland. Trump noted that he is close to Rupert Murdoch, who started Fox News, and that he knows "Rupert has great respect for Roger and everything Roger’s done."

"I think it’s so sad," Trump said. "He’s such a great guy. Roger is — I mean, what he’s done on television, is in the history of television, he’s gotta be placed in the top three, or four or five. And that includes the founding of the major networks. So, it’s too bad. I’m sure it was friendly."


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
10 Reasons Why Donald Trump is a Modern Day “Anti-Christ”

10 Reasons Why Donald Trump is a Modern Day “Anti-Christ”

Unless you’re a rabid Donald Trump supporter, there’s probably a pretty good chance that you’re ashamed he’s the presidential frontrunner for one of our nation’s largest political parties. Even a few of my Republican friends have begun questioning the sanity of their own party over Trump’s continued rise within the ranks of the GOP.

Now, when I say “anti-Christ” I don’t literally mean the devil – though I’m sure some might disagree. What I do mean is that he’s probably the most dangerous presidential candidate we’ve seen reach this level of legitimacy. Furthermore, nothing about him represents actual “Christian values.” In a lot of glaring and obvious ways, he is anti-Christian. Here are 10 reasons why I think he can be considered a modern day “anti-Christ.”

1. There’s something called the Seven Deadly Sins (Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed, Sloth). Looking at Trump, he’s most definitely prideful, flat-out arrogant. Considering he’s a billionaire I think it’s safe to say that puts him under gluttonous and greedy. Then he’s most definitely angry – which is largely tied to his arrogance and pride. Clearly he’s envious of other people, which is why he lashes out at them so much in his angry tirades. He seems to think that the best way to build himself up is by tearing other people down. Next up is lust, which as someone who’s committed at least one affair and is on his third marriage, he clearly fits in this category as well. The only area he might not fit into is “sloth,” though he does have a rather lazy vocabulary.

2. I’m not sure how pandering to racism, hate, bigotry, fear and intolerance qualifies someone to be “Christ-like.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m not sure Jesus Christ would be on board with the whole “ban Muslims from coming to the U.S. and track the ones who are here while calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals” rhetoric on which Trump has based a large part of his campaign and rose to ridiculous levels of popularity.

3. Remember that time he found a “bright side” to 14 Americans being killed by two terrorists? You should, because it actually happened.

4. Then there’s his belief that we should be targeting – as in killing- the families of terrorists. Because nothing says “I’m a Christian” quite like a targeted bombing of a home potentially filled with children of people who might happen to be related to a terrorist.

5. And we definitely can’t forget when he mocked the physical disabilities of a reporter. Because that’s really classy of someone who’s wants to be President of the United States. Very Christ-like.

6. In November, Trump tweeted out an incredibly inaccurate – and blatantly racist – graphic that was clearly meant to paint African-Americans as blood-thirsty murderers. Then he defended the tweet by telling Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly that he shouldn’t be expected to fact check everything.

7. Let’s also not forget that Trump’s rise to a superstar among many conservatives was built on racism by way of the “birther” nonsense he pushed for many years, casting doubts about President Obama’s birth certificate. A very recent past he’s now too much of a coward to talk about.

8. Then there was that time when he was told about two of his supporters beating a homeless Latino man and he responded by saying his supporters are very “passionate.”

9. I think it’s also important to point out Trump’s long history of sexism that includes calling women “dogs,” “pigs,” “fat” and a pregnant woman “disgusting” for taking a break from a deposition to pump breast milk to feed her baby – among many other deplorable insults. I’m sure all these insults would really be Jesus-approved.

10. There’s nothing truly “Christian” about him – at all. He’s rude, arrogant, greedy, a liar, a bully, racist, bigoted and hateful. He’s cheated on at least one wife, has been divorced multiple times and lately seems to be in a bit of a “bromance” with a psychopathic murder in Vladimir Putin. What is there that’s “Christian” about Donald Trump? Please, by all means, tell me.

Naturally, this list could have been much longer but I thought I’d keep it focused on some of his bigger indiscretions over the last few months which are antithetical to the teachings of Jesus Christ and everything he stood for (whether you believe in him or not).

The bottom line is, it’s absurdly hypocritical for a party that often tries to champion itself as the party that represents “Christian values” to have someone like Donald Trump as their overwhelming presidential frontrunner – someone who isn’t the least bit Christian in pretty much any way publicly imaginable.

Read more at: 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump is a Modern Day "Anti-Christ"

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Re: Why is Donald Trump defending Sexual Harrasment?

Anyone who jokes about banging his daughter then does a near-bottom-grab in front of millions of witnesses isn't going to want the deck stacked against Him....


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Re: 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump is a Modern Day “Anti-Christ”

Definitely, major Trump obsession.

Flossy must be proud, he's not the only one obsessed....


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Re: 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump is a Modern Day “Anti-Christ”

I was thinkin Nostradamus' third anti christ "Mabus" would be "US(o)Bam!(a)", but I suppose it could also refer to Prince Namor the "Submariner" as well...


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Re: 10 Reasons Why Donald Trump is a Modern Day “Anti-Christ”

Merge please.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Re: Why is Donald Trump defending Sexual Harrasment?

Merge please.


Council Member
Jan 30, 2016
I have a list of people that I would love to have the opportunity to spend time with.... Trump is definitely not and will never be on that list. That fuc$ing hair, and mouth!! and not to talk about his bigotry, inflated superiority complex, and worst of all, his ignorant perception of just about everything.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I have a list of people that I would love to have the opportunity to spend time with.... Trump is definitely not and will never be on that list. That fuc$ing hair, and mouth!! and not to talk about his bigotry, inflated superiority complex, and worst of all, his ignorant perception of just about everything.

While lacking the shallowness and superciliousness of his possible opponent! :)