The Expanding Earth

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
If Earth is supposed to be expanding, wouldn't the extra mass move it farther from the sun?
For you I'll go over some of this again, maybe you missed it the first two times, it was quite a while ago. It'd be changing the earth's orbital parameters alright, but the other way, other things being equal. An increase in mass would increase the gravitational attraction between earth and sun, and earth and moon, and they'd be spiraling in towards each other. In fact the opposite is measurably occurring. That's just one of the reasons why the expanding earth theory is almost certainly nonsense, but the proponents of this stuff can't agree among themselves about it. They've worked out a couple of scenarios, in which the earth expands without an increase in mass, which would mean the dinosaurs had to deal with about 4 times the earth's current surface gravity, or it expands with an increase in mass to keep the surface gravity constant, which would cause major changes in orbits. And of course there are multiple variations in which the earth's diameter increases by varying amounts, from around 20% to 100%.

To get around those issues they have to postulate that the gravitational constant is changing. They provide no plausible mechanism for the expansion, or a source for the increase in mass if that's what's happening, or any evidence that the gravitational constant is changing. The real evidence indicates that the gravitational constant cannot have changed by more than one part (if my memory's correct) in a few trillion over the lifetime of the cosmos, the diameter of the earth has not changed by more than a few percent since its formation, and its orbital parameters have similarly not changed appreciably in its lifetime. The weight of evidence is heavily against an expanding earth.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
mass of meteorites and dust sriking the Earth annually is about 40,000,000 kilograms

the mass of the Earth is roughly 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms

Accretion is the only way Earth is expanding and from the numbers we can see that the mass of meteorites and dust is
miniscule compared with the mass of the Earth.

And the mass in the plasma/current transfers? Where are your figures for that ? Accretion has been debunked by real scientists. You have been damaged by stardust Juan.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
There is no gravitational constant. There is a constantly current variably aether. Trust me I,m a scientist.
Let me guess you used to work on global warming .... now you'll just say anything that lands you a new job. lol

Since the core is basically a fluid, if it warms up or cools down you will have expansion or contraction without any increase or decrease in mass. The only change, other that size, is the density of the mantle and core. Pressure will also affect density as well as volume, get too much pressure and the crust cracks and spreads out from all rifts. Buckling will occor as the dia. increases and the old crust has to 'flatten out' to accommodate a larger diameter.

And the mass in the plasma/current transfers? Where are your figures for that ? Accretion has been debunked by real scientists. You have been damaged by stardust Juan.
The part that 'scientists' have debunked would include the a westward moving Atlantic basin (from the rift) and that land mass would 'meet' the east coast of the Americas. Just where is the subduction zone in that area. The Pacific rift is also expanding so no subduction zone there either (for westward moving North America). Perhaps there are in the same place as Bush's missing WMD's in Iraq.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
There is no gravitational constant. There is a constantly current variably aether. Trust me I,m a scientist.

So, what should happen to the supposed expanding Earth if the electric Universe hypothesis is true?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Haven't seen any evidence for that either. A " constantly current variably aether?" WTF is that? Doesn't even make sense grammatically, never mind scientifically.
Yeah ... what he said. lol

So, what should happen to the supposed expanding Earth if the electric Universe hypothesis is true?
Should planetary expansion be true (all planets react to temperature 'normals', if they are increasing in temperature they will expand enough to crack the crust then there will be expansion rifts along the major faults. If they are cooling they shrink and all major faults are subduction zones (from both directions.)) Very high mountains on each side of the fault
The fact there are stars burning would indicate the universe has some forms of heating devices. With heat comes expansion, our universe is expanding at an rate that is increasing. If more stars are being born than are dieing then the universe is getting hotter. Sooner or later that ratio will reverse, more stars will be dieing than are being born. At that point all matter will become colder and that would drive contraction.

Anybody care to estimate the temp of a black-hole... warmer or colder than the event horizon for light?
Heat should be 'immune to gravity', if compression creates heat and heat drives expansion in any body that has mass.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Since the Earth's core is a closed system, it is possible that there is a giant gas ball building in there and life on this planet will end when it finally lets go of that fart.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Or have aliens simply installed a giant shoe stretcher inside Earth? I bet hypotheses abound. Expanding, contracting ... Perhaps Earth is turning inside out. :roll:


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Since the Earth's core is a closed system, it is possible that there is a giant gas ball building in there and life on this planet will end when it finally lets go of that fart.

Earth’s core is largely molten iron. So perhaps a gigantic gas ball made of iron? That would be quite something.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Since the Earth's core is a closed system, it is possible that there is a giant gas ball building in there and life on this planet will end when it finally lets go of that fart.
No Cliffy. Unfortunately it will be a reverse fart as it's a vaccum.

Man what a hillarious thread.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
No Cliffy. Unfortunately it will be a reverse fart as it's a vacuum.

Man what a hilarious thread.

Ever heard of the creationist Kent Hovind?

When I need a good laugh I watch his DVDs.

He is one of those that thinks there was a lake or canopy of mud in the sky prior too the nephilim and various other half breeds running amok making a mess of things for God.

He and other say this is true because the bible says in Genesis 1:7 "And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so."

So then this all fell and the fountains of the deep burst open mixing with this firmament and freezing and falling to earth as glaciers and the deluge thus killing all the dinosaurs and half breeds and obviously making the earth grow in amazing size.

All this sky mud is now all the carboniferous and shales stratigraphy enveloping the globe today.

Does "divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament"sound like a lake or water/dust canopy in the sky or does it sound like there is ocean, then land and then LAKES sitting on the land (firmament)?

So there is one theory of an expanding earth. Does it sound plausible to you?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
So, what should happen to the supposed expanding Earth if the electric Universe hypothesis is true?
It will expand and shrink as the available current dictates. Mass is added and mass is removed from and to the earth as it is with all celestial bodies without exception this of course provides modulation throughout the solar system. Tonington, even the blood in your viens moves helically according to mass carrying charge. No sparky no lifey. Examine the Grand Canyon which is a very nice example of plasma machining, the rubble left earth within the lightening.
Einstein's Elusive Gravitational Waves
- LIGO, LISA Destined to Detect Nothing
by Stephen J. Crothers

August 7, 2009 It is claimed that the LIGO and LISA projects will detect Einstein's gravitational waves. The existence of these waves is entirely theoretical. Over the past forty years or so no Einstein gravitational waves have been detected. How long must the search go on, at great expense to the public purse, before the astrophysical scientists admit that their search is fruitless and a waste of vast sums of public money? The fact is, from day one, the search for these elusive waves has been destined to detect nothing. Here are some reasons why.

Einstein's gravitational waves do not have a unique speed of propagation. The speed of the alleged waves is coordinate dependent. A different set of coordina
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Examine the Grand Canyon which is a very nice example of plasma machining, the rubble left earth within the lightening.
Where do I find the billions of t of silicate spicules and lechatelierite that should line the canyon??