The association of others with God


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
It was about 4BYA that the sun started to shine light on the primitive earth Right?
I have no idea what a 4BYA even is.
If the end of the 7th day was when Adam and Eve were exiled from the Garden and that was 4,000BC. Under the week rule time goes sideways on a calendar. Going backwards from the end of the 7th day would be to pot a zero in the 1,000 column so the end of the previous day was 40,000BC and the day before that was 400,000 until that is done 6 times and the end of day1 is now 4,000,000,000BC. Water in liquid and vapor form at the end of day2 was 400,000,000BC, forests on mountain tops by 40,000,000BC, time being established at 24hrs/day and month and year at the same ratio they are at now by the end of day4, at the end of day1 a day was about 6 hours long. 400,000BC the oceans were as complete as they are now marked the end of day5 and 40,000BC was when Adam and Eve were alone on the garden until God returned in 4,000BC.
If? Who cares about "if" this or "if" that? Your numbers are screwy anyways. You have day 1 being about 500,000,000 years long, day 2 being 3,600,000,000 years long , day 3 being 360,000,000 years long, day 4 being 36,000,000 years long, day 5 being 3,600,000 years long, day 6 being 360,000 years long, and day 7 being 36,000 years long. I defy you to come up with a formula for that silly thing.

A better example is Jeremiah:25 where all the Nations on earth are mentioned and In Revelations one seal defines all nations as being within 1/4 of the earth. 1/4 happens to be the area that land occupies when looking at the earth on a global scale.
Wrong. Land occupies very close to 30% of the Earth's surface. Not 25%. It does not look like a big amount, but it is.
You would argue that there is no connection yet it does fit in with what other passages mention, a judgement that includes all the inhabitants of the earth.

You must mean man as we were created after God and the Holy Spirit, married male and female and having 20 fingers and toes rather than the giants who had 24.

Oh wait. 4 BYA = 4 billion years ago? That is wrong. Earth is older than that.
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Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
The last half of Proverbs:8 is Christ's witness of creation. Ge:1 is God's version and Ge:2 is the Holy Spirit's version.

This is the problem: the Old Testament is in fact the Torah of Ezra, not the original Torah of God.
Ezra served Nabuchodonosor, not like Prophet Daniel, who refused to be used by the king of Babylon. See the thread of "Ten Days testing" in the Christian faith forum.
He learnt at Babylon many arts of writing, including the invisible writing with the colorless silver nitrate solution; see the link here:[or_Hebrew_Bible]_of_Ezra_

So if one wants the truth, he should not depend on the present Torah as included in the Old Testament; because the principles of belief have been distorted to contradict the religion of God: the pure monotheism and the exclusive devotion to God alone. And one should depend on the last heavenly book: the Quran which has been interpreted by the late interpreter of the Quran and the Bible: Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly, and he will find the truth in its pure form.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
This is the problem: the Old Testament is in fact the Torah of Ezra, not the original Torah of God.
Ezra served Nabuchodonosor, not like Prophet Daniel, who refused to be used by the king of Babylon. See the thread of "Ten Days testing" in the Christian faith forum.
He learnt at Babylon many arts of writing, including the invisible writing with the colorless silver nitrate solution; see the link here:
_of_Ezra_]The Disagreement of the

So if one wants the truth, he should not depend on the present Torah as included in the Old Testament; because the principles of belief have been distorted to contradict the religion of God: the pure monotheism and the exclusive devotion to God alone. And one should depend on the last heavenly book: the Quran which has been interpreted by the late interpreter of the Quran and the Bible: Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly, and he will find the truth in its pure form.
Daniel and his 3 friends would have been the ones that God used to put all the OT back into it's original form unless you think verbal records of a group that went through an exile would result in the text being in perfect condition. How/why were the 12 books listed after Daniel put there when the vast majority were written before Daniel was even born. It does work as all the references are about the conclusion to the bruise to the head from Ge:3:15.

How could anyone know how old the earth is.
I'm pretty sure rounding off is allowed, changing the sequence is not allowed. Science says it is about that old and the evolution sequence also matches if 10x is applied or subtracted. Time on the 4th day is the clincher as no other ancient story applies that concept.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Daniel and his 3 friends would have been the ones that God used to put all the OT back into it's original form unless you think verbal records of a group that went through an exile would result in the text being in perfect condition. How/why were the 12 books listed after Daniel put there when the vast majority were written before Daniel was even born. It does work as all the references are about the conclusion to the bruise to the head from Ge:3:15.

I'm pretty sure rounding off is allowed, changing the sequence is not allowed. Science says it is about that old and the evolution sequence also matches if 10x is applied or subtracted. Time on the 4th day is the clincher as no other ancient story applies that concept.
That doesn't answer the question. The question is ,,"how".?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I have no idea what a 4BYA even is. If? Who cares about "if" this or "if" that? Your numbers are screwy anyways. You have day 1 being about 500,000,000 years long, day 2 being 3,600,000,000 years long , day 3 being 360,000,000 years long, day 4 being 36,000,000 years long, day 5 being 3,600,000 years long, day 6 being 360,000 years long, and day 7 being 36,000 years long. I defy you to come up with a formula for that silly thing.

Wrong. Land occupies very close to 30% of the Earth's surface. Not 25%. It does not look like a big amount, but it is. huh?


Oh wait. 4 BYA = 4 billion years ago? That is wrong. Earth is older than that.

The age of the Earth is 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years (4.54 × 109 years ± 1%).[1][2][3] This dating is based on evidence from radiometric age dating of meteorite material and is consistent with the radiometric ages of the oldest-known terrestrial and lunar samples.

How could anyone know how old the earth is.

Radiometric dating.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times][FONT=Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Times]John Goodwin[/FONT]

[FONT=Book Antiqua, Times New Roman, Times]Theomachia;
Or, the grand imprudence of men running the hazard of fighting against God,
In suppressing any way, doctrine, or practice concerning which they know not certainly whether it be from God or no.

London 1644


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
In quantum physics, objects do not exist without an observer. Time? What is it but a construct of human observation and mental masturbation. All that we know, think and believe is nothing but the product of over active imaginations.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
In quantum physics, objects do not exist without an observer. Time? What is it but a construct of human observation and mental masturbation. All that we know, think and believe is nothing but the product of over active imaginations.

I don't think it would be better with underactive imaginations either.

In other words, We just think we know?:).

What is thinking?


Time Out
Jul 13, 2015
The age of the Earth is 4.54 ± 0.05

Radiometric dating.

This is an excellent way of dating, but the meteorites are older than the earth itself; in fact most of the mountains are older than the earth itself; most of the mountains are parts of the ancient planets that were destroyed in the previous Doomsday which involved the previous solar system (the previous sun and its planets.)

So these planets were broken up into many pieces some of which fell down on our earth and the other planets: Mars, Venus and others .. and these pieces of the old broken up planets became mountains on our earth and the rest of the planets.
The Universe and the Quran 2

So dating the earth age should take this point into consideration.

The date of the earth formation is not related to the 6000 years, which was the duration of time taken by our earth to be transformed from a sun to an earth with a cold crust.