The anti-Donald Trump mob is making America scary

personal touch

House Member
Sep 17, 2014
I would asume that the increasing anger of Americans is no surprize,the style of division politics is meant to outcome with the sorry state of affairs as we are seeing it,
it was evident months ago this is where this style of poltiics will take America,it is interesting what comes out of Mr.Trumps mouth,if anything we know it is going to increase the anger,and divide Americans.
The protesters are very brave,all I witnessed thus far is a person being suckered punch as he was leaving the area, Mr. Trump must be proud of his missions being so successful,the question is how is he going to up the divison and anger?what next out of his mouth?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Stooping to name calling how mature .

Good grief ....Donald Trump looks after one person ....himself. What would anyone with a half a brain think would happen when calling for violent actions in solving a country's problems ??? Surprise surprise....VIOLENCE!!
Violence originating and coming from the left .
But blame Trump .

this is a different year, nothing like this ever before, the dems can stand back and watch the circus,
they don't have to contribute, they have better things to do than become the same low lifes that are
in fighting inside of the republican party, the dems aren't needed this time, its easy to point to
them, but they aren't interested this time, they are free to concentrate on their own business.
Why were the crashers wearing Bernie shirts ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The sad part is Donald is taking a lot of flack over the insane antics of a few idiots. Sure hope none of those idiots who say they are moving to Canada should Donald be president don't f**king show up in my neighbourhood!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The sad part is Donald is taking a lot of flack over the insane antics of a few idiots. Sure hope none of those idiots who say they are moving to Canada should Donald be president don't f**king show up in my neighbourhood!

That's where they went to hide from Presidents in the past. Kennedy clear through to Ford.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The sad part is Donald is taking a lot of flack over the insane antics of a few idiots. Sure hope none of those idiots who say they are moving to Canada should Donald be president don't f**king show up in my neighbourhood!
What better way to make sure they don't spread???


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
The Democrats are the ones causing division. Look at them pandering to get the black vote! They are sympathizing with every complaint the black communities have from the low incomes, brutal policing to poor education and the tribulations of single mothers.
Nothing is said about the black welfare women popping out babies with fathers unknown or why/how families remain on welfare for generations. Nothing is said about the successful blacks who have gotten off their asses and made something of themselves.
Nothing is said about the black men who impregnate as many women as they can and then walk away and leave the kids they father with no recognition or support.
They talk about the high numbers of blacks in prison and how unfair it is. Couldn't it be that they are in prison because they committed a crime? Oh, that's ok. They were entitled to commit crimes because the are POOR BLACKS! They shouldn't be imprisoned for it. GRRRRRR!

There are plenty of poor white people in circumstances just as poor as the poorest blacks. What help is promised them?

Is the pandering for black votes causing unity among the races? I think it causes more resentment; hence the support for someone like Trump.

Trump is the only one I have heard who doesn't differentiate between the races when it comes to poverty, education, etc. He attacks illegals regardless of their race, color or religion and offers fair treatment to all who enter the U.S. legally and observe the laws of the land.

When the 'Black Lives Matter' group entered his rally to protest all we heard on the news was about their being thrown out. Nobody bothered to report that Trump had said, 'ALL lives matter!"
And he's right! All lives DO matter, not just black lives, white lives, latino lives, Muslim lives, ALL lives that are civilized, law abiding and legal matter. And those who are not, well they'll get what they deserve.

It's a damned shame how Trump's opponents and the media twist everything he says into something negative. They are the ones who are stirring up anger and divisiveness! GRRRRR!


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Thanks, DB was my mentor so that should explain a lot. (sorry for giving you up so easy DB)

When I'm released I'm comin for ya!

America, home of the retard. That's scarry.

American graduates dumber than other countries' high school dropouts

In spite of being only one quarter the size of them, the United States spends nearly the same amount of money on video games as China. One would think since Americans spend tens of billions annually on video games, they would naturally be technologically savvy. However, the results of the PIAAC study show that is simply not the case. In fact, the average American citizen comes in dead last for being able to perform simple technological procedures.
"Clearly, we have some work to do in this country," says Peggy Carr, the acting commissioner of the government's National Center for Education Statistics.
When it comes to basic technological skills like using email, buying and returning items online, using a drop-down menu, naming a file on a computer or sending a text message — Americans rank dead last.
But it's not just daily technology tasks that Americans fail at accomplishing, they also scored terribly in math and literacy.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
Stooping to name calling how mature .

Violence originating and coming from the left .
But blame Trump .

Why were the crashers wearing Bernie shirts ?

yeah right, in reality if they were dems they wouldn't advertise
it by being that stupid, so that for me throws the ball right
back into the republican court, they were wearing Bernie shirts,
a good tactic to throw people off, and obviously it did.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
When I'm released I'm comin for ya!
Gulp, he pulled the green ink thing, what should I have done, you know in case it happens again. We had a forman that had a truck phone which he loved. He never did figure out that it was somebody on the crew that would phone every time he got out of the truck and got about 25 ft away the horn would blow. (it wasn't me as I was too busy to sit and wait for something specific to happen)

Stooping to name calling how mature .
3 years old, . . . in a trailer park.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
I didn't hear him 'calling' for violent actions. Neither did anyone else. That's just the spin his accusers want to put on it.
People are responsible for their own actions. Only the dimwitted commit violence because someone else uttered words that they interpreted as violent
Did anyone hear ever hear him say, 'get out there and beat up people'? No, I didn't think so.
Excuse me but you seem to have missed his rhetoric on torture of those seen as terrorists. He goes for water-boarding & killing the families of terrorists. Remember our own re-patriated terrorist from guantanamo?? How does killing a Canadian family of a youngster found guilty of terrorism bode for relationships between our two countries??

Trump Reaffirms His Intention To Order War Crimes, Then Backs Down [UPDATE]


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Excuse me but you seem to have missed his rhetoric on torture of those seen as terrorists. He goes for water-boarding & killing the families of terrorists. Remember our own re-patriated terrorist from guantanamo?? How does killing a Canadian family of a youngster found guilty of terrorism bode for relationships between our two countries??

Trump Reaffirms His Intention To Order War Crimes, Then Backs Down [UPDATE]
Everything Trump says gets misquoted and built up into something that it never was.
This is just the kind of twisting words that I'm talking about. Trump never said anything about killing families of terrorists.
What he said was, "......go after them".
What he meant was to hold them responsible for being 'accessories after the fact' for knowing of the terrorist plans and either doing nothing to stop it or aiding and abetting.
and that's as it should be. There is no excuse for hiding plans for a terror attack when you know about it whether it's family or not! people who keep silent and allow terror attacks to happen are guilty and need to be held responsible.

As for 'our own re-patriated terrorist', that remains to be seen, doesn't it? He killed an allied soldier and got rewarded by becoming a millionaire for it! On the taxpayers money! His family has publicly stated many times that they hate our society. They should have been deported years ago!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
yeah right, in reality if they were dems they wouldn't advertise
it by being that stupid, so that for me throws the ball right
back into the republican court, they were wearing Bernie shirts,
a good tactic to throw people off, and obviously it did.
And you would be cheering Trump on if he had a D after his name .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
this is a different year, nothing like this ever before, the dems can stand back and watch the circus,
they don't have to contribute, they have better things to do than become the same low lifes that are
in fighting inside of the republican party, the dems aren't needed this time, its easy to point to
them, but they aren't interested this time, they are free to concentrate on their own business.

Their own business will be pretty messy too.
All in all Trump will be the best choice for prez simply because the political class will be in hysterics. It is not like he can do much damage on his own without support in both the house and Senate and I don't see that happening.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Their own business will be pretty messy too.
All in all Trump will be the best choice for prez simply because the political class will be in hysterics. It is not like he can do much damage on his own without support in both the house and Senate and I don't see that happening.
We're fallin apart I tell ya, fallin apart.

Break out the klonopin or they'll be hell to pay.