The anti-Donald Trump mob is making America scary


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
The fascist rhetoric of Trump is making America scary if division and hate
were toned down these things would not happen. Some say there is no
excuse for violence. Well when faced with someone like Trump changes
the equation somewhat. The Republican Party should have stepped in
months ago to denounce the things being said in their name and they did
not. Oh he has a right to run in the Party excuse one is there no guidelines
as to what is acceptable in the party? If things are done that do not go in
accordance with the goals aims and principles of the Party they do have a
right to step in and I think at some point we'll see a third party candidate

You calling Trump a fascist is funny.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The old party establishment system has so clotted both the Democrats and the Republicans with petty ideologies, libertarians (really corporate shills), phony Baptist political moralists on the Republican side.. feminists, homosexuals and radical (antihuman) environmentalists on the Democratic side.. that Trump comes in as a breath of fresh air.

He's a populist, activist, socially conservative, likely moderately progressive fiscally, an economic nationalist.. not beholden to intellectuals, ideologues and big campaign donors of any stripe. That would give him enormous flexibility and independence as President.

It is Bernie Sanders who has most clearly articulated the great calamity that Free Trade, Monetarism, Deregulation (especially of markets), and Privatization has inflicted on the American economy.

Unfortunately Sanders has been unable to separate himself from the cultural radicals of his own party.. and their programs of abortion, euthenasia, homosexuality, AGW.. all great lies, deeply injurious to American society and future.

You are left with Trump. An imperpect man, a populist and a promoter.. but the only truly independent voice in the election.

If he bought into some Bernie's of ideas bringing back a regime of tariffs, progressive taxation (especially for exhorbitant capital gains), Wall Street regulation (especially breaking up the big Wall Street Investment Banks), a federally planned and financed program of developing an integrated industrial economy, and investment in infrastructure.. he'd be a complete candidate.

But he's such a pragmatist and a realist, i'm not sure he won't bump into those programs in any event, if by necessity rather than intent.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Fixed your video, MHz. Whenever you embed a Youtube video link, please remember to change the "https" to "http" (i.e., without the 's') to ensure that the thread layout does not break. Thanks in advance for your dedicated vigilance to this! :D
Thanks, DB was my mentor so that should explain a lot. (sorry for giving you up so easy DB)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island
These 'demonstrations' are so strategically planned, and intended to be provactive, disruptive and to elicit a violent response.. that i wonder if the Republican NeoCon establishment isn't organizing them.. they fear a Trump Presidency more than most Democrats.

yes, you are on the right track, the dems don't have to bother doing anything to them,
as they are doing it to each other, the party is split, insider problems, and if they
don't fix it, the party will explode by their own hand.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
These 'demonstrations' are so strategically planned, and intended to be provactive, disruptive and to elicit a violent response..


that i wonder if the Republican NeoCon establishment isn't organizing them.. they fear a Trump Presidency more than most Democrats.

I doubt they are organizing them but they certainly are taking advantage of them.

You calling Trump a fascist is funny.

It is all they can do... it is what they've been doing for quite some time now. Calling GOP candidates fascist, racist, and Nazis and then they have to defend themselves instead of talking about the issues.

yes, you are on the right track, the dems don't have to bother doing anything to them,
as they are doing it to each other, the party is split, insider problems, and if they
don't fix it, the party will explode by their own hand.

Somehow I doubt the rally crashers will be voting or ever intended to vote Republican this November. These are the dormant liberal activist groups who've been twiddling their thumbs for 8 years.


Council Member
Aug 9, 2008
It was horrifying enough watching the protesters but it was even more horrifying listening to the media (and others) make excuses for the protesters!
Statements Trump has made may have angered many people but does that give them the right to disrespect and disregard the law and the democratic process? Those protesters were nothing but hoodlums intent on causing a ruckus and getting publicity.
One excuse for the protest that was expounded was that the protesters were made up of ethnic groups. So What! If they live in the United States of America they are subject to the law, the democratic process, the right to free speech, the Constitution, all that! And the right to PEACEFUL protests!
This disregard for the law and the democratic process makes what Trump says about immigration more valid!
The media should be ashamed for playing up this disgraceful display of hooliganism and for defending it in any way!
That acceptance of attempts to suppress free speech in so-called 'free' societies is frightening!
Good grief ....Donald Trump looks after one person ....himself. What would anyone with a half a brain think would happen when calling for violent actions in solving a country's problems ??? Surprise surprise....VIOLENCE!!


Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
Good grief ....Donald Trump looks after one person ....himself. What would anyone with a half a brain think would happen when calling for violent actions in solving a country's problems ??? Surprise surprise....VIOLENCE!!

I didn't hear him 'calling' for violent actions. Neither did anyone else. That's just the spin his accusers want to put on it.
People are responsible for their own actions. Only the dimwitted commit violence because someone else uttered words that they interpreted as violent
Did anyone hear ever hear him say, 'get out there and beat up people'? No, I didn't think so.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island

Somehow I doubt the rally crashers will be voting or ever intended to vote Republican this November. These are the dormant liberal activist groups who've been twiddling their thumbs for 8 years.

this is a different year, nothing like this ever before, the dems can stand back and watch the circus,
they don't have to contribute, they have better things to do than become the same low lifes that are
in fighting inside of the republican party, the dems aren't needed this time, its easy to point to
them, but they aren't interested this time, they are free to concentrate on their own business.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I didn't hear him 'calling' for violent actions. Neither did anyone else. That's just the spin his accusers want to put on it.
People are responsible for their own actions. Only the dimwitted commit violence because someone else uttered words that they interpreted as violent
Did anyone hear ever hear him say, 'get out there and beat up people'? No, I didn't think so.

You got that right dm.

Thanks, DB was my mentor so that should explain a lot. (sorry for giving you up so easy DB)

Yeah, you don't want to make that mistake, you're just lucky a reasonable mod took care of it. I made that same mistake one time and the way one mod carried on you'd think it was the start of the Armageddon. :) :)

There is no real difference between the two parties. Both have ultra rich pulling the strings. That is why they are all scared of Trump. He does not fit the model of political industry they have established.

Yeah, it's comical how one party always thinks they are so superior to the other, when in fact they are both equally as corrupt and incompetent....................hypocrisy at its finest! :)


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Actually the people that are really trying to shut down Donald Trump are members of the GOP. Most of those intending to vote Democrat think that he is the best chance for a Democratic White house in 2017. The author of the article did get one thing dead on "This is American politics now: juvenile, anti-liberal, menacing." What he did not mention is that it is people like Trump and Cruz that his comment fits most accurately.

To some of these delusional right wingers, the Fox network, which has criticized Chump so much, is "librul" because they are not beating the drum for him like they want. This tells us a great deal more about their delusionalism than it does about libs or cons or anyone else.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 14, 2006
Vancouver Island

Somehow I doubt the rally crashers will be voting or ever intended to vote Republican this November. These are the dormant liberal activist groups who've been twiddling their thumbs for 8 years.

better take a second look and listen to what the regular republicans are saying as the trump group

take all the attention away, they are left without their identity now, they are frustrated and

angry, things will get worse from here on in.

The left is so pathetic.

and the right is???


Electoral Member
Aug 21, 2015
the process of deciding on a GOP candidate, started out as mildly amusing. It has degenerated to the point of scuffles breaking out in,supposedly the same camp. With the actual nominations not taking place yet. Who knows what is going to happen on the "campaign trail" or maybe called " MMR Presidential Style."