Tesla's electric cars aren't as green as you might think


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Great. Since we are 12 yrs from the Apocalypse I'm going to pray to Science and hope for the best. At month 143 I'll reassess my faith and belief then adjust accordingly to the current prophecies.


Electoral Member
Mar 3, 2019
Is that the new deniers' excuse?
1. It isn't happening.
2. It wasn't human-caused.
3. There's nothing we can do about it. 4. It's too late.

I'm no denier but modified #3 & 4 fit my thoughts: Not enough will be done about it till it's too late and it's likely already too late.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
If we have that long, I was reading an article the other day that says we are past the point of no return, meaning that even if they hit Paris targets and reverse the 2c the warming momentum of the North will still hit 8c higher flooding the planet.
was it written by the same guy that promised us an ice free Arctic ocean by 2013? Cause I am still waiting.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Great. Since we are 12 yrs from the Apocalypse I'm going to pray to Science and hope for the best. At month 143 I'll reassess my faith and belief then adjust accordingly to the current prophecies.
Might as well go out with a brand new diesel truck.Just dont pay cash.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I'm no denier but modified #3 & 4 fit my thoughts: Not enough will be done about it till it's too late and it's likely already too late.
As for # 1 the earth has been warmer in the past. It is mostly # 2 that is the problem. Especially since # 3 the plan is to tax certain countries into poverty and give the money to other countries and this will somehow eliminate globull warming.
AS for #4 it is never too late to enforce birth control and in a generation the population will drop along with a resulting drop in demand for fosil fuels that truthers claim is the cause of the problem.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Considering the resale value of an AMC Javelin or AMX they must have been the best cars on the planet but what happened to AMC?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Tesla is asking employees to volunteer and help deliver 30,000 cars before the end of the quarter
That cash strapped eh? When workers lack job security they lose pride in what they do. When they lose pride the products go down the tubes.

It might be wise to buy a couple Teslas to part out in 20 yrs.

Think how much the fish bowl Pacer glass is worth today...

but then again for a Tesla to survive 20yrs in has to be plugged in for 20 years.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
So, apparently this whole thread is one long false dichotomy.

It is fascinating to see how some people's minds (don't) work.

You are neither working....................................

nor fascinating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you are still ducking the question about cop training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chickensh+t LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Long on noise and short on honest ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your lies are fully exposed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Considering the resale value of an AMC Javelin or AMX they must have been the best cars on the planet but what happened to AMC?

The AMC engines were FABULOUS.................................

The wiring however, was a frequently corroded nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amc outsourced its electrical components from a variety of sources................................

simply replacing an alternator or ignition switch became a comedy of errors.........................

if the vehicle was made in May then it would have parts sourced from Ford suppliers..............................

Made in June had parts sourced from GM suppliers...........................

In July it would be electrical parts from Chrysler suppliers...........................

In August it would be mix and match to empty the parts bins...........

Amc suffered from the same problem all the Detroit companies did..................................

LACK OF IMAGINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The AMC Gremlln was quite a decent car in many ways..............................

but AMC wounded it by putting in an automatic transmission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gremlin SHOULD HAVE HAD A standard transmission- 4 - 5 speed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

iF AMC had done that they would have been producing a car with EXCELLENT GAS MILEAGE to compete with Toyota Corolla and Honda Civic...........................

Those were the days of the OPEC OIL SHOCK.....................and fuel economy became PARAMOUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Detroit was obsessed with putting automatic transmissions into everything even though it made gas guzzlers of all their products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Gremlin had had more passenger room and more cargo space than its puddle jumper Japanese competitors.......................

And the Gremlin and Hornet had better crash ratings than foreign cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Putting in that automatic transmission for Gremlin made for sluggish acceleration ,and significantly higher fuel bills..........................

for a car that was otherwise superior to foreign competitors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course there was the usual price difference between Asian and Japanese products..............................

but AMC was not so quick to rust out in those days as Asian products and parts were easier and cheaper to ge and there was also that space and cargo advantage and greater safety in a crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So dodgy wiring and higher fuel bills tipped the scales for AMC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Tesla is asking employees to volunteer and help deliver 30,000 cars before the end of the quarter

Yeah.................that IS A BAD SIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who killed the electric car?????????????????????

INADEQUATE BATTERY Technology killed the electric car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And LIE-berals made the mess WORSE by spewing DELIBERATE LIES about our COSTLY GREEN FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating what a MESS the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade tax scam will have on our economy! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Carbon credits could cost Canadian taxpayers billions.

(Actually carbon crap has already cost us $6 billion dollars in carbon “credits” purchased from Viet Nam in a very shady type deal! With another $2 billion scheduled to be shipped to Hanoi before the October election!!!!!!!!!!!)

By Lorrie Goldstein

Published: January 30, 2019. Updated: January 30, 2019 7:29 PM EST

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists


EDITORIAL: Define 'fake news' before censoring it

(That has already been done- Fake News is anything that annoys LIE-berals- usually because it is right and makes LIE-berals LOOK BAD!!!!!!!!!!!)

MALCOLM: It's time to rethink Canada's family reunification system

(Yes- “family reunification” is letting in far to many people who will be dependent
on govt aid in the LONG TERM! Which suits LIE-berals just fine as they ENJOY buyiung such costly votes from newcomers in defiance of the Cdn majority!!!!!)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s national carbon price alone will not achieve the industrial greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction commitments he made in the United Nations’ 2015 Paris climate accord.

(Even more troubling- environmentalists now state the Paris Accord is “USELESS” and we must start again- just as the original critics predicted!!!!!!!!)

Taxpayers will have to spend billions of dollars more to reach Canada’s target of cutting emissions to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030.

(In other words the ONLY WAY LIE-berals can achieve the kind of carbon cuts they seek - using their dishonest and misleading carbon tax scams - is to so DEVASTATE our economy with such heavy taxes that it collapses and we end up spending our days in the park - collecting Dandelion Greens for our evening -and maybe our ONLY- meal of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

That’s regardless of whether one accepts Trudeau’s assurance his carbon tax coming April 1 will leave most people better off financially in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and New Brunswick, through rebates.

(The six other provinces have federally-approved style carbon pricing plans. And isnt it odd- LIE-berals HAVE told us exactly when they will apply the tax- but HAVE NOT TOLD US when we may see any rebates! Is it possible that LIE-berals will apply the tax now- and then leave it till after the October election to decide when or IF they will offer rebates?)

(In other words- if they get a minority govt then they will be generous and BRIBE US WITH OUR OWN MONEY!! But if they win a majority then they WILL SCREW US and keep the GRAVY for themselves!! The size of a new LIE-beral govt will be OPPOSITE to the size of rebate we MIGHT get!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And what magical LIE-beral sleight of hand can tax us more heavily on EVERYTHING - and yet allow us “to be better off” than before???????????)

To help meet his 2030 target, Trudeau is considering buying international carbon credits, each giving the bearer the right to emit one tonne of industrial GHG.

(Our idiot Boy began buying $2 billion dollars worth of carbon credits from Viet Nam immediately after he was elected PM! And yet the $8 billion dollars worth of carbon credits he will have purchased by October 2019 will not have made a damned bit of difference to the climate!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Handing out Cdn billions to third world countries ACTUALLY ENSURES MORE CARBON USE! By lightening tax loads on local govt so people there can USE MORE fossil fuel in their daily lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The Globe and Mail reported on Dec. 8, 2016 in an article headlined: “Ottawa may have to pay for carbon credits to meet climate targets” that, “the government … holds out the prospect of purchasing credits to fulfill its UN commitment” and “will work at the UN to establish rules for international trading. ‘Once (these) are established, we will evaluate both the need for and opportunity of utilizing international credits …’”

(And agin- how does crippling the economic lives of Cdns while enhancing the lives of others HELP THE ENVIRONMENT? Switching levels of pollution around the planet does NOT REDUCE over all pollution- which is what LIE- berals CLAIM they are trying for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Environment Minister Catherine McKenna “acknowledged some of the carbon cuts will be secured through international emissions credits, including with California.

(So Climate Barbie thinks to buy carbon credits from California? How would that work? Would LIE-berals hit food imported from California with HIGHER TAXES to cover the truck fuel shipping costs- and then offer California govt or growers REBATES to so they will not complain to Washington about unfair Cdn taxes? Just how much cash are LIE-berals prepared to waste while PRETENDING they are fighting climate change - instead of playing bait and switch with OUR CASH AT OUR EXPENSE- FOR THEIR BENEFIT???????)

“While the measures are costly, ‘the costs of inaction on climate change are much greater,’ Ms. McKenna said.”

(WE know that airplanes are the single biggest creator of pollution on the planet so why not cut back on air travel? Except that LIE-berals and union Hogs think they are ENTITLED to travel far and cheaply and often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Neither Trudeau nor McKenna have said what these costs would be, a good question to ask them leading up to the October election.

(A GOOD CLUE to federal LIE-beral intentions would be to study how Wynne-bag LIE-berals turned the Ontari-owe electrical system into an economy crippling cash cow -for the benefit of LIE-beral supporters! Or we could look at the economy crippling effect of LIE-beral policy on Alberta and lets recall that LIE-berals are NOT POPULAR in Alberta!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

As to potential costs, here are some ballpark figures.

Canada’s GHG emissions in 2016 were 704 megatonnes — the last year for which figures are available.

Trudeau’s commitment for 2030 is 512 megatonnes, 192 megatonnes less.

Missing our target by 192 megatonnes, meaning 192 million tonnes, would cost taxpayers $3.84 billion annually today, with carbon credits on the California market currently selling for about $20 Canadian per tonne.

(With carbon credits set to soar in price to $50.00 or more in a couple of years!)

If Canada agrees to deeper reductions the UN now says are necessary to avert catastrophic climate change — 45% below 2010 emissions by 2030 — we would have to cut our annual emissions by 322 megatonnes, to 382 megatonnes, by 2030.

That would cost $6.44 billion annually.

(And that $6.44 billion is with carbon at $20.00 per tonne- with the price slated to rise in California by 300 percent in th next few years! Our federal LIE-berals have also made it clear they expect to CHARGE MORE for carbon every year into the future until they get the level of carbon emissions they desire! And to hell with the effect on peoples lives or on the economy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The government’s latest prediction is that in 2030 we will be 79 megatonnes short of its goal.

(So we are GUARANTEED that MORE carbon crap and trade pressure will be required to satisfy LIE-berals!! If for no other reason than our population growing steadily thank to LIE-beral immigration policy and thus Cdns NEEDING MORE CARBON to heat homes, power industry and produce food etc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

That number has increased for three consecutive years, although McKenna says it will be lower by 2030.

At 79 megatonnes the cost would be $1.58 billion annually.

(Yes- $1.58 billion WITHOUT factoring in the LIE-beral inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!)

These costs would not be imposed all at once, but ramped up annually over time and depend on the future price of credits.

(It will also depend HEAVILY on the future success of LIE-berals at election time! LIE-berals HAVE NOT YET EXPLAINED how taxing us for everything with a carbon crap tax- and then rebating the cash back again is supposed to change anything! Unless of course LIE-berals are planning NOT to give it all back! Which makes carbon crap and trade scam into just another TAX GRAB!!!!)

The theory behind international carbon trading is that it doesn’t matter where emission cuts occur, only the total, global cut.

(But LIE-berals HAVE FOUND IT IMPOSSIBLE to explain to us how the BILLIONS they are paying to Viet Nam are actually saving the environment!!!!!!)

But numerous studies have shown many carbon credits are fraudulent and don’t reduce emissions.

(Yes- 15 years of European experience has show the LIE-beral style carbon credit market to be RIFE with forgery, false emission numbers, and stock market scams- often motivated by organized crime families! Should we ask if LIE-berals have so despaired of getting gravy relatively honestly that they are now prepared to work hand in glove with organized CRIME on carbon SCAMS????????????)

This can occur because the credits were falsely approved through the bribery of officials responsible for the carbon market, and/or because they don’t meet the test of “additionality”, meaning they were generated by emission-reducing projects such as public transit that were built solely because of carbon pricing, and not due to normal capital expenditures.

(Bribery of officials? Oh a nice little sideline job for civil service union Hogs who are already feeling unappreciated by the stingy public refusal to load more goodies onto the Hog gravy train!!!!!!!!!!)

(And.........wait.........is not the Lavalin Mess all about BRIBERY? Why yes- Lavalin got into trouble with World Bank for bribing govt officials in third world countries! And that led to questions about Lavalin IN CANADA!!!!!!!!!!)

(The Quebec provincial Charbonneau Inquiry heard testimony that MULTIPLE engineering firms were engaged in bribery and election funding fraud!!! And yet ONLY Lavalin has ever been investigated -and Lavalin paid a $118 grand fine on $100 million dollars in fraud!! LIE-berals are great pals - IF you can prevent them from back stabbing you!!!!!!!!!!)

(And I guess Canada is now a Banana Republic since Lavalin has been “lobbying” LIE-berals to be excused from criminal charges in spite of not meeting the criteria for getting any forgiveness! For one thing those seeking that special legal forgiveness MUST have come forward and voluntarily ADMITTED WRONG DOING!!!!!!!!! It does not count of the cops catch you red handed first!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And what about this “additionality” crap? Wynne-bag LIE-berals PLANNED to use carbon tax cash to “green” our affordable housing slums! But doing necessary repairs that have been long neglected DOES NOT count as going green since preventing buildings from ROTTING doesnt meet that “additionality” deal!!!!!)

Regarding California’s cap-and-trade carbon market, when Ontario auditor general Bonnie Lysyk evaluated it prior to Ontario’s now-cancelled participation in the system, she warned that without proper oversight, up to $2.2 billion annually by 2030 “may be leaving the Ontario economy for no purpose other than to help the government claim it has met a target.”

(Shall we dare ask if this carbon crap scam is not simply a more elaborate version of the Chretien era Adscam or an alternate version of the Lavalin election funding scandal??????? Do we dare speculate that Viet Nam govt officials MAY be helping LIE-berals launder OUR tax money for the mutual benefit of BOTH govts- at the expense of Cdn tax payers???????)

Let the buyers, meaning taxpayers, beware.