Swine Flu, a conspiracy?


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Swine flu probed at 3 more Ontario camps

CTV.ca | WHO says flu pandemic spreading too fast to count

canadaeast.com - Manitoba chiefs want state of emergency declared because of swine flu | Steve Lambert, THE CANADIAN PRESS - Breaking News, New Brunswick, Canada - want 1.5 millions for flu kits?....Isn't Washing your hands and quarantine good enough?...Is this a reasonable demand?...

hey cliffy .You seem to have a grasp on this maybe you can answer me a few questions.Jlm or anyones advice is cool....I'll research as well ,but it's easier if you guys already know..

Is there a site that lists all the illnesses and diseases diagnosed through out the year?

The reason I ask is because there seems to be alot of hype on this issue..I've never heard so much hype over "A MILD" flu in my life..Perhaps it's organizations like W.H.O/interest groups just monitoring it closer .Is it drug pushers?..Medical communitee?...
News media ..Who 's payin for the air time?

My concern is people being mis diagnosed for monetary gain ..Drug pushers ,pushing vaccines that haven't been proven to work....Markets as we all know likes to keep the hype alive if it brings in the $$$.....I am concerned all flu's will be called swine flu/H1N1...greater concern is that food poisoning / water bourne illess.due to high levels of bacteria will be wrapped up in this Flu Business/hype...

Each year many people become sick with stomach bugs /alergies/reactions. to the enviroment./Bacteria from various sources.It is normal..Immune system builds up to fight these bugs..I hope this Swine flu Pandemic hype doesn't become an easy out for DR's and those who want to keep their businesses running without proper inquiry..

Hope H1N1 isn't used as a scapegoat..

These kids all got sick from Swine flu..Yet none were hospitalized..Did the Dr responsible for checking these children run the proper tests ..Or just tell them to say awe and call it Swine flu..??

My son was sick not too long ago, so was my niece..Happens every year they go swimming for the first time.(i've noticed over the past 3 years) ,get out in the air for the first time..Happens to alot of children at the beginning of spring /summer . Especially when outside,active in the enviroment..They get over it ..No biggy..Build their immune system and move on..No need for a shot..

I had two friends in comma's ..Both were expected not to make it..Both were diagnosed with the flu goin around at the time..When the plug was pulled on them.(yes Dr pull the plug when their expected not to make it) They were not expected to make it..1 recovered ..Her flu diagnoses was changed back to original diagnoses..Over prescribed drugs..(pain killers,back medication/other pill(can't remember it)..My other friend never fully recovered.Stayed in a vegetative state(not sure if that's a politically correct term?)..The flu diagnoses stayed on his record and was given as a contirbuting factor to his perminent state..(he tryed to help a girl at a bar,was jumped,smashed his head good..This was not written on his record of course).He was the HERO type..!.

How do we ensure this SWINE flu hype doesn't become too convinient of a diagnosis..?

Who regulates and double checks the DR.'s results to ensure accuracy and accountability, when selling flu vaccines, is in the gov/big med biz ?...

Is there any site that lists the years medical diagnostics. for all to see?Any Stats for given hospitals/areas.Who came in and What did they have ...?

I would like to check if food poisoning/water bourne illness goes down in poportion to norm flu cases ...Now that some are saying the flu is climbing too fast to count ..It is more important than ever to keep track of..That is the point of the WHO isn't it..To track and monitor this "pandemic "..?.."It's a PANdeIC ,but don't panic.."They say

Just wash your hands..

And breath...Wooo..that's a lot of spew eh?

Thanks for reading ..:)
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Thanks Ironside I'll check that out..Every 50 years or so ?..Seems to go along with crashs in the markets?..!

Good book ..."Common wealth" by Jeffrey Sachs speaks of these trends .

...Cliffy something you said in your previous post "Thiomersal allergy has decreased in Denmark, probably because of its exclusion from vaccines there" ....

Just to clarify ..Denmark doesn't give flu vaccines at all?..That would be a great comparitive research marker..For pro /cons on vaccine use..I wonder if there are any other countries who don't give flu vaccines at all...What are their rates of getting the flu ? More or less...Hmmm


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
One source I would not trust is WHO. As far as I can tell, they are front men for the international pharmaceuticals, and nobody should trust them, as they are completely invested in maintaining illness, not curing it. Just no profit in cures. Just like there are plenty of ways to cure cancer, but they will never be offered to the public because CEOs of Cancer Societies would lose their fat cushy jobs.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Whether you believe this swine flu thing is a conspiracy or not, here are the latest facts from the WHO.

WHO: Swine Flu Fastest Spreading Pandemic Ever

© 2009 Reuters.

I wouldnt believe too much of what who says.......... why are they forcing Ugandans to have polio vaccinations, with the help of the army, when Uganda doesnt have polio, they have malaria.
the company that makes the polio vaccine has stated it is not to be given to people with hiv, why? because it kills them.....many many Ugandans are hiv positive but still who forces this deadly vaccine on these people.
world health organisation indeed...........


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Getting the Kids Ready for Soft Kill Vaccinations: 'Mission Set: Immuno'

'UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and Swedish toymaker BRIO have teamed up to get kids ready for their coming soft kill vaccinations.'

Getting the Kids Ready for Soft Kill Vaccinations: “Mission Set: Immuno”

CDC: School Kids May Have to Get Up to Four Flu Shots in the Fall

'School children who have never had a flu shot may need to get vaccinated four times in the fall - twice for seasonal flu, twice for pandemic swine flu - officials at the CDC told health professionals on Wednesday. Most everyone else should expect three shots.'
CDC: School kids may have to get up to 4 flu shots in the fall


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Thanks Ironside I'll check that out..Every 50 years or so ?..Seems to go along with crashs in the markets?..!

Good book ..."Common wealth" by Jeffrey Sachs speaks of these trends .

...Cliffy something you said in your previous post "Thiomersal allergy has decreased in Denmark, probably because of its exclusion from vaccines there" ....

Just to clarify ..Denmark doesn't give flu vaccines at all?..That would be a great comparitive research marker..For pro /cons on vaccine use..I wonder if there are any other countries who don't give flu vaccines at all...What are their rates of getting the flu ? More or less...Hmmm

Here is another issue of concern.
"This isn't rocket science," said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. "If there is severe disease, countries will want to hang onto the vaccine for their own citizens."

Fight for swine flu vaccine could get ugly - Yahoo! News


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
It's the politics not the medics..

Great stuff! ...Wow...Conspiracy?...but what are the slave/ drones to do?..Population control?..Before I go too far..Which has been known to happen more than once.:)...I do want to say ..My doctor is great guy :lol:( he's a healthy 85yrs old)..He Would never think of unduely harming or giving a misdiagnosis of potentially harmful Drugs,,..8O..(MJ?).sorry just had to clarify...

When we start getting into Global politics ..The rules are very different...But I don't trust the WHO ..The WHO FLU ..OR the WHO FLU SHOT. either..I'll take a pass


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
One source I would not trust is WHO.

Has any other agency lead a war against a disease and won? It is the WHO that coordinated the vaccination campaign which eradicated small pox. This has been done only once. In the history of humankind, only one disease has been wiped out. A diasease that killed hundreds of millions.

As far as I can tell, they are front men for the international pharmaceuticals, and nobody should trust them, as they are completely invested in maintaining illness, not curing it.
Nonsense. See above. They are one of the primary avenues by which the health organizations of individual countries around the globe cooperate and share information through.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
One source I would not trust is WHO. As far as I can tell, they are front men for the international pharmaceuticals, and nobody should trust them, as they are completely invested in maintaining illness, not curing it. Just no profit in cures. Just like there are plenty of ways to cure cancer, but they will never be offered to the public because CEOs of Cancer Societies would lose their fat cushy jobs.

Yes Cliffy, your right about the pharmacies being out to make money. That's how people make a living, work and get paid. I someone knew how to cure cancer it would be out on the market so fast your head would spin. Cure one disease and another one crops up, look how the March of Dimes switched disease's and stayed in business. I wouldn't worry about them running out. nor do I think they do.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
tonington - you are correct..But how are we to be sure they get the right info ..If there is know accountabilty /transparency...it would appear from some of the Great links given hear..They tend to fudge the stats and numbers...The truth will set you free.But it's not about free ,is it ?...It about $$$$..Or is this all about "The Greater good"?....Does the flu vaccine ?..Let's see how much this vaccine will go for on the market..?.....I bought at kite at the dollar store once..Didn't fly ...so I bought another one..They were cheap figured I gotta dud .Second was a dud.So being a fool bought a third....same deal...

Went to zellers payed 3 bucks for a working one

Think the saying goes...fool me once ..Shame on you...Fool me twice ..Shame on me..

Why should anyone get fooled by an over hyped fly ..Based on little proof..Then i buy a vaccine that doesn't work?.That's why noone trusts the markets nowadays...Bubble and bust ..Bubble and bust...!so the story repeats..

many facts above to ponder and wonder ..WHY all the Hype?


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Yes Cliffy, your right about the pharmacies being out to make money. That's how people make a living, work and get paid. I someone knew how to cure cancer it would be out on the market so fast your head would spin. Cure one disease and another one crops up, look how the March of Dimes switched disease's and stayed in business. I wouldn't worry about them running out. nor do I think they do.

There are profits and then there are obscene profits. Especially in the US the pharmaceuticals are charging obscene prices for drugs. In Canada, prices must be regulated because the same drugs cost lots less. That is why so many Americans cross our borders every day to buy their prescription drugs. Why are the pharmaceuticals dumping drugs banned in America and Europe in third world countries in Africa and Asia? Is it because they are so benevolent?

There are a number of ways to cure cancers. You might start with the best selling book "A Cure for All Cancers". Visit a library and you can find the same books I did.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
tonington - you are correct..But how are we to be sure they get the right info ..

Well, how are you sure about anything? Can you ever be sure of anything that involves multiple countries around the globe? What's the alternative to tracking disease? Would you prefer the American Center for Diseases and Control to run the worldwide tracking?

My question to you is what's your alternative? I'm sticking with the one group that has eradicated a disease. The one group that actually tracks this information. Nobody seemed to give a rats ass about the WHO until now, when they have a pandemic to deal with.

The nutters can make hay with their conspiracy theories all they want. They never suggest anything workable, or constructive. That's why nobody pays any attention to them, except on internet forums...


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Let me say it again ..repeat..a little clearer..mm mm.clear my throat.

Sorry I wrote that last comment on the fly .The library was closin..librarian was givin me that "over the glasses look " only librarians know!..( yeah I hang at the library sometimes.!..Get some peace and quite..Get stuff done! .A lot of cool people hang out at the library .Really !...You can be cool and smart .Right?):idea: :?:8O:lol:..

Anyway ...

Let me say it again ..repeat..a little clearer this time ..mm mm.clearin my throat.(wigglin my fingures:p)

Tonington -

Even if you are correct about the WHO eradicating small pox.

Is there a vaccine to cure the flu?

How are we to be sure the WHO gets the right info from the ground?.. ..If there is no accountabilty /transparency.?..

It would appear from some of the Great links posted above..Some big biz/gov interests tend to like to, over hype, fudge the stats /polls/ numbers(round up) to get some Quick cash ....

The truth will set you free.But it's not about free ,is it ?...It about $$$$..

Or is this all about "The Greater good"?..

.Does the flu vaccine promise a cure like small pox ?

Any proof flu vaccines work at all ?..That's the question...Let's see how much this vaccine will go for on the market..?...

(Quick story )

..I bought a kite at the dollar store ..Didn't fly ...So I bought another one..(They were cheap, figured I gotta dud .Happens from time to time at the dollar store).

Second was a dud.So being a fool(never mind Torington:x;-):p)bought a third....same deal...!

Notta 4th .Oh no no..kid was gettin mad ,both of us frustrated .No fun at all..
So Went to zellers payed 3 bucks for a working one..Everyone was happy!..Out $7

Think the saying goes...fool me once ..Shame on you...Fool me twice ..Shame on me..Third time ..it goin back..:angryfire::p...

Why should anyone buy the hype over flu with no cure.. ..Based on potentially false /fabricated info and little proof..? When someone buy's into this vaccine .Do they get a refund if it doesn't work? .That's why noone trusts the markets nowadays..Half the time the product doesn't do what it should/ is expected to do..When it does ,costs an arm and a leg..(pardon the off beat pun.. unintentional but I'm leavin it)
Bubble and bust ..Bubble and bust...!so the story repeats. no monay or interest in the cure..No $$$ in it..Are we any closer to finding a cure for the flu..Or the common cold?)

Many facts above to ponder and wonder about... How come so much hype over a mild flu ,Based on shaky/shady facts/stats ?..Selling a flu vaccine that may or may not work..Probably won't.. ?

Have any flu vaccines worked?...Are all these flu claims ..legit? or a water bourne illness from high bacteria levels...Maybe both?
Hmmmm?...Gonna take some time now to study the info above ..Lots to sort through...
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
swine flu or flu LIKE symptoms ..Like the operative word.

Swine flu probed at 4 more Ontario camps

Just have to read the beginning of this article, to see how out of hand this issue is.Any article read ,or watched, seems to full of hypotheticals ans spectualtion ..No repectable authorties or DR's will tie themselves to this story...Most of these Camp students didn't have any symptoms until After they started hangin at the camps.Spring fevers /some illness is normal at the beginning of the spring/summer season..I have noticed a lot of media covering this issue have began to change their stories ..Only a couple were Diagnosed with the "H1N1" flu virus.(still wonder if any tests were actually done..Read article below..Check facts above) ...Others had "FLU LIKE" symptoms....If some one isn't tracking and confirming cases are legit..It is all B.S.!!...The W.H.O. better keep track and ensure facts...or it will all wash out in the next wave..

Here's the beginning of the article ..

"The camps under investigation are in the Muskoka and Haliburton region and will have a few children clinically tested for the virus before being confirmed as locations with H1N1, said Dr. Na-Koshie Lamptey, acting associate medical officer of health for the Simcoe-Muskoka health unit."

Right of the bat this story goes fuzzy ..Distorts into speculation.

Let's hear from Dr's who are dianosing H1N1 flu's ..

How many tests have actually been done?

Out of those tests ..Who really has the H1N1 virus..?

How can the WHO keep track?.. How Does their system work to keep the true facts from the fiction?..Any follwo ups?

Some Bacteria /like most humans ,don't like the cold..Bacteria has to go somewhere to hibernate from the rotten winters.Why not a warm ,inviting host.?.During the summer though ..Bacteria like to play..It swims in the water .Floats through the air.Enjoys the spring/summer weather.Like most.Yes It's back stroking in the water ..Flying high in the air.How does it get there.?.It's seems to be everywhere...

No need for concern ..No need to Don't Panic..That's just a part of nature.We're not the only ones here..So Please don't worry out there...There will be no water bourne bacteria ..No air bourne sickness this year..Those illnesses will disappear ,cuz It's all called Swine flu/H1N1 now...No need to fear..!

1 shot ..should ,possibly,maybe, could ..clear it all up..

Be sure to separate the fact from the fiction.

W.H.O.....How can we B sure Dr's. check twice, do the tests, before giving the drugs for flu like symptoms ,later followed by a shot.. .Cuz there's Nothing out of the norm ..I can see here..

Everyone Go out have fun.Enjoy the out doors. ...Your immune system will fight it..Let's not ruin the summer for everyone..But come winter ..There will be a big flu needle waiting for a few..Will it be you..?..Not me...

All this Swine flu/H1N1/WHO Flu Is mostly B.S...