Swine Flu, a conspiracy?


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Using the Web to monitor Swine Flu outbreaks near you : PC Mike – Tech News and Reviews

keep track of the swine flu /h1n1 ..I am almost certain these cases are more than likely not verifyed cases but assumed /potential cases, mixed with a bit of common flu, and anything else goin around that resembles a flu ..however ..It's still pretty cool..

I wonder how many people will be added to the flu count for simply calling in sick ?...Good for 3 days off in the winter ..:)


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Pregnant women ,shouldn't fear too much over H1N1 Hype

It is in the medical communitee's and other drug pushing organizations best interest to steer patients towards getting a flu shot..Remember mothers ..Unborn babies have no immune system to build .questionares tend to stir up fears and "What If's" ..Get the facts from as many sources as you can ..Especially on the Actual infected cases, and the reality of the severity of the flu in those who were Actually Infected .Good luck ..

Look out for B.S.Flu Vaccine pushers .Who seem to play on ones worst fears unnecessarily ....What works on a controlled ,frozen in time,lab flu ,hardly ever works the same in the REAL world...Everything alive evolves and mutates inorder to survive...

Vaccines that cure,are exempt of scrutiny, by the fact they have proven to work ,over and over again ..To everyones satisfaction and observation .In plain view. .....

Flu vaccines may work in the lab , but in real time results ,on a broader spectrum, there is no sufficient evidence they do anything at all...and Actually may make the flu virus' mutation more harmful to thier host as the invader builds an even stronger resilience to it's simulated competition .. ..It's easier to change the name of the flu then to cure it!

Pregnant women , keep in mind there are many things that can happen during pregnancy, far more worrisome than h1n1/swine flu ..Like stress related complications ..So just Try to Relax, and enjoy one of natures greatest,most successful , miracles.Without the fear of unnecessary/negative "what if's" .....Mother nature has reproduction down to a fine Art/science.I wonder if it should even be called "The miracle of Child birth" at all......O.K.... Now that I think a little deeper about it ..It is still pretty amazing ,Isn't it?! So enjoy it...!

W.H.O sounded the "Pandemic " alarm way too early with unconvincing information...This was game politics at it's worst...Gonna need a to add another level to the alarm spectrum if they hope to be taken seriously when a real pandemic hits us..


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
No ..What exactly is H1N1 ? Could it be last years flu - relabled?.... Did Swine flu Actually come frome pigs ?.... Read above threads ... Cheack the facts.. What is the "common flu" ...Bacteria finding a warm place to hibernate for the winter...

I believe there is just too much hype over a flu so people will get useless vaccines ..There is no reason to fear the flu.. HIV / The Black plague killed people dead fast.. H1n1 only kills when the patient has another underlying illness ..A more severe illness than H1n1 ..

Fear mongering - safe is safe but lets be realistic


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
You're absolutely right. There is no such thing as H1N1, it's all a creation of the big pharma companies. I encourage everyone to socialize as much as possible, don't wash your hands, hug and kiss anyone who is coughing or sneezing, and generally ignore anything reported in the media.

I heard it from a guy I know, who heard it from his sister's father-in-law's uncle's next door neighbor, who heard it from his boss' wife, who heard it from the guy who was painting the lines on the street, who read it somewhere on the internet.

So it must be true.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
8O I have it from good sources that swine flu is cause by intense masturbation, so all the government jerkoffs had better cover their ass............or something, eh.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
H1N1 /Swine flu ..more questions than Real answers..

Common flu /H1N1 ,swine flu/ others flu type microbes/bacteria /virus's..There's a lot of professionals giving contradictory answers to questions like..
Do flu's mutate?Why do flu's mutuate? Is it because they have a certain incubation period, that is altered one way or another, by one persons ability to fight off some symptoms, and not others?Microbes want to live..So they Evolve(?) ,Mutate..See ..Directed mutation ..Hyper mutation - John Cairns .1988

Directed Mutation - directed mutuation


There fore,the next obvious question is ..Do flu vaccines actually work?.How do we know this years flu vaccine really works , without next years official results.?,,Microbes will always mutate in order to survive
Is the H1N1 flu in the U.S. the same as the flu in Austrialia/Lybia/China?.
Is there any similarities between the common flu and the Swine/H1N1 flu.?
What happens to unused vaccines?
Why was it called Swine flu?Why is Swine flu now called H1N1?.
Were the "H1N1" and "Common" flu shots mixed together in other regions? What were the effects? ..
Why are no media outlets asking these important questions?..These are all questions I asked when researching this subject...I do not get the vaccine .Never have....I find it a useless ritual..I Have never been severly sick with any flu..Lucky Perhaps.Knock on wood..But each to thier own.Make your own choice.Be sure to post your results here please.:)
Flu Vaccines are ultimatley useless.It's a lot of huppla about a risk noone can control...People get sick.It is a fact of life.Microbes are everywhere..Flu Vaccines ,without a proven CURE ,are not the answer and may ,in my personal opinion, actually increase the severity of the flu, in the recipient, the next year.( I've read lots info,done various research,asked many questions about microbes,bacteria/virus', have studied similar and many related scientific subjects, but I'm not a DR...I hold a Wildlife/Ecology Diploma).
I and many others would say, let your immune system fight a flu virus naturally without any drugs.Prevention is always the best course of action..If you get the flu .Try not to let it get you down.Relax ,take a couple days off ..Keep a postive mind , eat your vitamins and try to stay somewhat active.It will pass .Until next year .:) So the life cycle goes.
Pregnant women will be given a different shot ?..Showing there are risks to being given the regular vaccine ..There are unknown risks if common flu and H1N1 flu are mixed..In the Southern hemisphere ,where they didn't immunize, they had a usual flu season without needing vaccines.
Don't take my word for it..Do your research make your own dicision ..Either way you go ..There is always a chance of getting a cold, a flu or any bug going around at any given time ..That's just the way it is.The way of the world..No use being paranoid or fearful of all the ways you COULD get sick or die .Keep a postive mind ..Enjoy each day ..Stay away from the public if your sick..Stay away from contagious, sick people, if your healthy..Wash your hands.Sneeze or cough in your sleeve ..It's All you can realistically do.
1 Final question
If microbiologists could steer the mutation of a flu virus into one predictable state..Could they not find a cure ?
..The flu is an airborne virus..unpredictable..Unless it can be manufactured to stay in one state without mutation..HMMMMM? Nah ....Highly Unlikely..

oh oh gotta go. Better call into work sick ..Take a few days off.!:).Just mark it down as H1N1/swine flu .No proof necessary..


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
No conspiracy ..A lot of mis/Dis information

Hybrid Turkeys with swine flu...Or is it avain flu ..or some manufactured flu..?

Man there is a lot of mis/dis information around about all this Swine flu/H1N1 B.S..

( I know the Turkey farm in question, as well as some of the people,used to live around the area at one time.!)

No arguement that the "Turkeys " have a Flu,The Flu ,but I would argue,confidently that it is not a PIG flu ...Ridiculous! ...

So how does this go?..Write the turkeys off under "swine" flu and still sell the meat ..Others slaughter all their live stock to avoid a potential health risk...

The Canadian health minister has been clear to point out that the "SWINE" flu is no risk to Meat....

How many people have died due to ,ONLY, swine flu with no underlying illness?

There are/have been so many conflicts and holes in this "swine" flu story right from the start .Spewed recklessly from the very people who are suppose to be the Professionals .....Very sad...Time to get the truth out there medical communitee ..!

The Biggest Myths About Swine Flu - Â*Lifestyle - MSN CA

We'll have to wait and see the comparisons between the swine flu numbers and "NORMAL" flu numbers this year ..

A lot of myths to be sure ..Spread from a lot of false over done advertising....

Swine Flu Epidemic and Pork - How Eating Pork Spreads the Swine Flu Epidemic

CBC News - Health - Swine flu: FAQ

This flu was manufactured ...It would take years for 1 animal to infect another with a flu then transfer that to humans...

I am almost convinced that this flu was caused by mixing too many vaccines /anti biotics together...There is no other way a flu could spread from animal to animal so fast

H1N1 - Think it will never really touch you?

Swine Flu, a conspiracy?

Flu is not the biggest danger ...... It's the vaccine

Many swine flu deaths linked with second infection


New Member
Oct 9, 2010
Baxter Files Swine Flu Vaccine Patent a Year Ahead of Outbreak --US20090060950A1 to Baxter International filed 28th August 2008 By Lara 10 Jul 2009 Baxter Vaccine Patent Application US 2009/0060950 A1 --'In particular preferred embodiments the composition or vaccine comprises more than one antigen.....such as influenza A and influenza B in particular selected from of one or more of the human H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, H5N1, H7N7, H1N2, H9N2, H7N2, H7N3, H10N7 subtypes, of the pig flu H1N1, H1N2, H3N1 and H3N2 subtypes, of the dog or horse flu H7N7, H3N8 subtypes or of the avian H5N1, H7N2, H1N7, H7N3, H13N6, H5N9, H11N6, H3N8, H9N2, H5N2, H4N8, H10N7, H2N2, H8N4, H14N5, H6N5, H12N5 subtypes.'

That patent is a patent describing a new method for producing vaccines. In the patent, they list the possible viruses that this method could be used to produce vaccines for. One of those viruses, of course, is influenza because influenza vaccines are produced every year. In the patent, they give examples of the strains of influenza that could be vaccinated against and one of those strains is H1N1.

The mere mention of H1N1 does not mean this patent is for 2009/H1N1 (ie. "swine flu" from 2009). There is more than one known H1N1 influenza. If you take a look at the example in the patent, you'll see that the example H1N1 they mention is a strain from 1999 "New Caledonia." There are a bunch of different H1N1 influenzas known. NOTHING in that patent specifically mentions 2009/H1N1.

Seasonal influenzas basically ALWAYS include protection against a H1N1 strain.

You can find many patents for influenza vaccines which will mention H1N1 strains because H1N1 strains are COMMONLY vaccinated against. Again, there's more than one H1N1 strain known. This patent simply says that the method could be used to produce influenza vaccines, including against H1N1 strains. This is NOT a patent that specifically mentions 2009/H1N1!

No conspiracy ..A lot of mis/Dis information

Hybrid Turkeys with swine flu...Or is it avain flu ..or some manufactured flu..?

Man there is a lot of mis/dis information around about all this Swine flu/H1N1 B.S..

( I know the Turkey farm in question, as well as some of the people,used to live around the area at one time.!)

No arguement that the "Turkeys " have a Flu,The Flu ,but I would argue,confidently that it is not a PIG flu ...Ridiculous! ...

So how does this go?..Write the turkeys off under "swine" flu and still sell the meat ..Others slaughter all their live stock to avoid a potential health risk...

The Canadian health minister has been clear to point out that the "SWINE" flu is no risk to Meat....

How many people have died due to ,ONLY, swine flu with no underlying illness?

There are/have been so many conflicts and holes in this "swine" flu story right from the start .Spewed recklessly from the very people who are suppose to be the Professionals .....Very sad...Time to get the truth out there medical communitee ..!

The Biggest Myths About Swine Flu - Â*Lifestyle - MSN CA

We'll have to wait and see the comparisons between the swine flu numbers and "NORMAL" flu numbers this year ..

A lot of myths to be sure ..Spread from a lot of false over done advertising....

Swine Flu Epidemic and Pork - How Eating Pork Spreads the Swine Flu Epidemic

CBC News - Health - Swine flu: FAQ

This flu was manufactured ...It would take years for 1 animal to infect another with a flu then transfer that to humans...

I am almost convinced that this flu was caused by mixing too many vaccines /anti biotics together...There is no other way a flu could spread from animal to animal so fast

H1N1 - Think it will never really touch you?

Swine Flu, a conspiracy?

Flu is not the biggest danger ...... It's the vaccine

Many swine flu deaths linked with second infection
> This flu was manufactured ...It would take years for 1 animal to infect another with a flu then transfer that to humans... <

I really don't see how you think your conclusion that 2009/H1N1 was manufactured. I have seen no evidence whatsoever to suggest that 2009/H1N1 was engineered. In fact, the best evidence I know of CLEARLY supports the hypothesis that 2009/H1N1 arose from nature.

Five research articles offer an explanation for the origin of H1N1 (Brockwell-Staats et al., 2009; Garten et al., 2009; Gibbs et al., 2009; Kingsford et al., 2009; Smith et al., 2009). The explanation is based on facts, including gene sequences of previously known influenza viruses. While it is possible that H1N1 was engineered, there is no direct evidence of this.

A simple summary of the five articles offering an explanation for 2009/H1N1's origin follows. The WHO's early response to Gibbs' suggestion that H1N1 escaped from a lab by saying that there's no direct evidence of this (Hitt, 2009), which Gibbs' article agrees with.

Influenza A virus genome consists of 8 negative sense ssRNA segments: M, NA, PB1, PB2, PA, NP, NS and HA. Influenza viruses change by reassortment, which occurs when two different influenza viruses infect one cell and RNA segments are mixed. Pigs are thought to be reassortment vessels for influenza because they can be infected by swine, avian and mammalian strains (Webster et al., 1992).

Pandemic 2009/H1N1 resulted through reassortment between Eurasian swine H1N1 (ES-H1N1) and triple reassortment swine H1N2 (TRS-H1N2). The M and NA segments came from the ES-H1N1 and other 6 came from TRS-H1N2.

TRS-H1N2 has been circulating in North America since 1998. It has PB1 and NA segments from human H3N2 influenza; PA and PB2 segments from avian influenza; NP, M, NS and HA segments from classical H1N1 swine influenza. When ES-H1N1 and TRS-H1N2 reassorted, the M and NA segments from H1N1 were packaged with the six other segments from H1N2. 2009/H1N1 is this new 2+6 'package' of gene segments.

The likely "parent" strains of 2009/H1N1 have been known to be circulaing in nature for at least a decade prior to the appearance of 2009/H1N1.

Viruses are small particles of protective protein coats, sometimes enveloped by a membrane, and inside is genetic material. In the case of influenza A virus, that genetic material is RNA (instead of DNA). The RNA in the virus is made up of eight single stranded segments of negative sense RNA (contrast this with a bacterial chromosome which is a usually a large, circular piece of double stranded DNA).

One way that influenza viruses are known to evolve is by reassortment. Reassortment occurs when two influenza viruses infect the same cell. During the packaging process, when the RNA is being packaged, the segments can mix and match. This is called reassortment. Each virus has to have at least one of each segment (note they have names). So there are 2^8 = 256 different possible reassortments that can occur between two different influenza A strains.

2009/H1N1 is just one reassortment. The segments that were exchanged and their origins is what's explained in the articles cited above (2 segments from one influenza, 6 segments from the other).

Brockwell-Staats C, Webster RG, Webby RJ. (2009) Diversity of Influenza Viruses in Swine and the Emergence of a Novel Human Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1). Influenza Other Respi Viruses. 3: 207 - 213.
[PMID: 19768134]

Garten RJ, Davis CT, Russell CA, et al. (2009) Antigenic and Genetic Characteristics of Swine-Origin 2009 A(H1N1) Influenza Viruses Circulating in Humans. Science. 325: 197-201.
[DOI: 10.1126/science.1176225]

Gibbs AJ, Armstrong JS, Downie JC. (2009) From where did the 2009 'swine-origin' influenza A virus (H1N1) emerge? Virol J. 6: 207.

Hitt E. (May 14, 2009) Novel H1N1 Flu a Naturally Circulating Virus, Not From a Laboratory. Medscape Medical News.

Kingsford C, Nagarajan N, Salzberg SL. (2009) 2009 Swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) resembles previous influenza isolates. PLoS One. 4: e6402.

Smith GJ, Vijaykrishna D, Bahl J, Lycett SJ, Worobey M, Pybus OG, Ma SK, Cheung CL, Raghwani J, Bhatt S, Peiris JS, Guan Y, Rambaut A. (2009) Origins and evolutionary genomics of 2009 swine-origin H1N1 influenza A epidemic. Nature. 459: 1122 - 1125.

Webster RG, Bean WJ, Gorman OT, Chambers TM, Kawaoka Y. (1992) Evolution and ecology of influenza A viruses. Microbiol Rev. 56: 152 - 179.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
This year, it is a all in one flu shot including H1N1. No conspiracy, they work plain and simple. The odds are with you that you will not catch a flu, but if you do it will be a horrible couple of weeks, why take a chance.

Sanitize your linens—and fight off a cold

We’re just at the beginning of cold and flu season, and now’s the time to put a little extra thought and effort into minimizing sickness-inducing germs and bacteria from spreading among your family members and throughout your home. And one of the simplest and most straightforward ways to do this is by keeping your linens spic-and-span.

Sanitize your linens?and fight off a cold on Shine