Should Canada stop/withhold/redirect funding from UN Agencies that are not competent


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Sure. We (as a fledgling nation) sent troops on behalf of the British Empire and their interests. That doesn't put us on the hook for all the ills that the colonial powers inflicted on Africa, Asia or Australia. WE are a former colony ourselves.

Well, I won't argue that Canadian companies aren't operating in Africa (Talisman has a much publicized field in the Sudan, just for one example) but a) you are overstating our presence there: Canadian companies are bit-players in Africa and b) that is between the gov't of the country the houses the resource/development and the companies involved, not the Canadian people as a whole. As far as the oil in Canadian refineries, the vast majority of it is coming from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (including the oil sands), not from Libya, Nigeria or anywhere else in Africa.

No, what you are talking about is feeding self-destructive societies (ones that let corruption, graft and nepotism rule the way things are done). We have no moral obligation to those people. One could argue we have no moral obligation to anyone that we do no wrong to, and to be honest, Canada has spent billions of dollars on African aid over the decades, and to what end?

Whats this "we" stuff? You have worms or something? As for the brain drain aspect, many nations have to deal with this: Canada has deal with losing some of our best and brightest to the US and Europe. The answer is create an environment for your professionals and great thinkers to thrive at home, but some people are always going to want something more or to see something different.

Nice exagerated analogy but you are correct: there is no Canadian obligation to feed Africa.

Again, there is no Canadian debt to Africa. We may have debts to others (i.e. some of our own indigenous people) but we owe Africa nothing. That is not to say we shouldn't help if we can but we don't have to, and if we decide not to, its nothing for anyone to lay a guilt trip on us about, anymore than wars and famines in other parts of the globe.

That's the piggy attitude that allows a foreign policy that ends up returning as planes into towers.
We support wars, just like we dump weapons into countries to support a puppet regime government who will help us extract resources. Not just looking away but openly applauding how Canadian companies act abroad when they prove to be a negative influence on the population there is law and despicable.

Just shows that you don't mind those dirty tricks when they are happening to others, I expect you to squeal like a pig when the same is visited upon yourself.

Time will pass and this government will too and I hope that we can return to owning up to our part in places of the world we screw over for the all mighty profit.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
To kick them off your gold mine that you bought from underneath them, start civil unrest using radio media and you arm both sides so they are too busy killing each other to kill you.

That's a pretty big stretch on starting a civil war in the very region that you want to operate.

On the purchase of resources note, that's a 2-way street.. You rarely hear about the Congolese demanding that the foreign company take back the money they paid to gvt when the well doesn't produce or they don't find economic ore.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Govts are armies are cheap like borscht when it comes to 5+ oz/t with zero enviro/health reg concerns on slurry discharges and effluence rich in heavy metals.

I'm guilty as sin too. I've done my share of helping keep the game in play.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
If that's the case, then Barbados, Bahamas, Australia even Ghana etc etc are also responsible for imperialism in Africa?
The Empire

I'll correct you there. The colonies are still victims of HRM.. We ought to be getting big-fat bonus cheques along with the African nations to compensate for the heinous psychological damages thrust upon us in the past and continuing into the future.

You see ironsides, we Canadians are but hapless victims in this ongoing saga and only money will wash away the painful memories and act as a very small start to aiding our wee nation in achieving the potential that we Canadians know we are capable of.

That said, please make out your cheque, money order or certified funds to:
Captain Morgan
c/o Compensation for Colonized Canadians (CCC)
1234 Beaver Street

PS - Tell your friends and neighbours: Also, I'll be accepting Visa, MC and AMEX soon!