Secretary of Defense Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weapons


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Secretary of Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weapons

Also the ancient Mayan calendar only goes to Dec 21, 2012. Did they know something our governments constantly deny? I believe on that date or shortly before the governments of the world will be forced to admit "we are not alone" as we will be on the verge by invasion from one of the more aggressive species.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Secretary of Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weapons

Also the ancient Mayan calendar only goes to Dec 21, 2012. Did they know something our governments constantly deny? I believe on that date or shortly before the governments of the world will be forced to admit "we are not alone" as we will be on the verge by invasion from one of the more aggressive species.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Secretary of Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weapons

Also the ancient Mayan calendar only goes to Dec 21, 2012. Did they know something our governments constantly deny? I believe on that date or shortly before the governments of the world will be forced to admit "we are not alone" as we will be on the verge by invasion from one of the more aggressive species.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Re: Secretary of Defense Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weap

*off topic* but this kind of reminds me of a documentary I watched the other night, it was about the salem witch trials, and how through science they have proved that at that time, there was some kind of fugus or something on the wheat that was grown in that area. This fugus if eaten would cause people to act strange and see things, much like lsd. So at that time people who ate bread that was made from this kind of wheat would become "possessed". In the documentary wheat was examined from fields from this era and it did have the fungus.

My point is jumping to conclusions about something. Personally I think if someone acuses america of creating the disaster, they look very foolish and paranoid. But just my opinion of course :p


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Re: Secretary of Defense Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weap

*off topic* but this kind of reminds me of a documentary I watched the other night, it was about the salem witch trials, and how through science they have proved that at that time, there was some kind of fugus or something on the wheat that was grown in that area. This fugus if eaten would cause people to act strange and see things, much like lsd. So at that time people who ate bread that was made from this kind of wheat would become "possessed". In the documentary wheat was examined from fields from this era and it did have the fungus.

My point is jumping to conclusions about something. Personally I think if someone acuses america of creating the disaster, they look very foolish and paranoid. But just my opinion of course :p


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Re: Secretary of Defense Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weap

*off topic* but this kind of reminds me of a documentary I watched the other night, it was about the salem witch trials, and how through science they have proved that at that time, there was some kind of fugus or something on the wheat that was grown in that area. This fugus if eaten would cause people to act strange and see things, much like lsd. So at that time people who ate bread that was made from this kind of wheat would become "possessed". In the documentary wheat was examined from fields from this era and it did have the fungus.

My point is jumping to conclusions about something. Personally I think if someone acuses america of creating the disaster, they look very foolish and paranoid. But just my opinion of course :p


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Secretary of Defense Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weap
qoutes from link :
"...there are many provable irregularities in the official American tsunami story
.....the question we must ask, is whether this tsunami was a natural or man-made catastrophe?
....if the tsunami was man-made, then we are unquestionably looking at the biggest single war crime in global history.
.... the irregularities, especially events in the immediate vicinity of the real tsunami epicenter, because the latter is quite different from the location being remorselessly peddled by the New York Times and CNN. "

k - So wow guys, I thought I would be the only one peddling this theory. To be able to see it takes a big heart, because what it means is unimaginably horrible.

America is allready Uber-Nazi Earth Dominator, they won the war and nobody noticed? Now they are just reigning in the resistors, mopping up those who will be trouble once they finally show their hand. Killing off, disabling, preparing them to be controllable. Diseases that can be triggered as needed, to make them weak but still able to work. Damage to their lands and cities so they will be helpless and cannot resist violently.
Global Domination in all key areas.

Ya, I would say all those signs are there. This could be what is going on. So what would you do if you believe this?
Actually, I would believe they would want ME, for writing the above. Unless they were so close to disclosing whats going on that they don't care what people know... Ah HA!! :)

No, really, so many pieces fit this world view. The way to resist is to avoid buying new cars, that will bring them down! Materialism.. the old '60s proverbs are still good - don't get hung up on physical things or your world will turn up side down... and if it is already, then get rid of them. The non-economy is the way to beat them, I swear. We only HAVE TO BELIEVE that capitalism is the only way we can survive and it will own us. Its true - we can eat, have shelter, watch TV and peddle our bicycles without industrial domination. Lots of good things in life without a stock portfolio. \

Wouldn't you like to ski all day, and grow vegatables all night? ---everybody works, no money or just a little, but we will have all we need, and the climate starts to revert to normal -isn't it worth it?
I have the plans, and they are not drastic.



Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Secretary of Defense Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weap
qoutes from link :
"...there are many provable irregularities in the official American tsunami story
.....the question we must ask, is whether this tsunami was a natural or man-made catastrophe?
....if the tsunami was man-made, then we are unquestionably looking at the biggest single war crime in global history.
.... the irregularities, especially events in the immediate vicinity of the real tsunami epicenter, because the latter is quite different from the location being remorselessly peddled by the New York Times and CNN. "

k - So wow guys, I thought I would be the only one peddling this theory. To be able to see it takes a big heart, because what it means is unimaginably horrible.

America is allready Uber-Nazi Earth Dominator, they won the war and nobody noticed? Now they are just reigning in the resistors, mopping up those who will be trouble once they finally show their hand. Killing off, disabling, preparing them to be controllable. Diseases that can be triggered as needed, to make them weak but still able to work. Damage to their lands and cities so they will be helpless and cannot resist violently.
Global Domination in all key areas.

Ya, I would say all those signs are there. This could be what is going on. So what would you do if you believe this?
Actually, I would believe they would want ME, for writing the above. Unless they were so close to disclosing whats going on that they don't care what people know... Ah HA!! :)

No, really, so many pieces fit this world view. The way to resist is to avoid buying new cars, that will bring them down! Materialism.. the old '60s proverbs are still good - don't get hung up on physical things or your world will turn up side down... and if it is already, then get rid of them. The non-economy is the way to beat them, I swear. We only HAVE TO BELIEVE that capitalism is the only way we can survive and it will own us. Its true - we can eat, have shelter, watch TV and peddle our bicycles without industrial domination. Lots of good things in life without a stock portfolio. \

Wouldn't you like to ski all day, and grow vegatables all night? ---everybody works, no money or just a little, but we will have all we need, and the climate starts to revert to normal -isn't it worth it?
I have the plans, and they are not drastic.



Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Secretary of Defense Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weap
qoutes from link :
"...there are many provable irregularities in the official American tsunami story
.....the question we must ask, is whether this tsunami was a natural or man-made catastrophe?
....if the tsunami was man-made, then we are unquestionably looking at the biggest single war crime in global history.
.... the irregularities, especially events in the immediate vicinity of the real tsunami epicenter, because the latter is quite different from the location being remorselessly peddled by the New York Times and CNN. "

k - So wow guys, I thought I would be the only one peddling this theory. To be able to see it takes a big heart, because what it means is unimaginably horrible.

America is allready Uber-Nazi Earth Dominator, they won the war and nobody noticed? Now they are just reigning in the resistors, mopping up those who will be trouble once they finally show their hand. Killing off, disabling, preparing them to be controllable. Diseases that can be triggered as needed, to make them weak but still able to work. Damage to their lands and cities so they will be helpless and cannot resist violently.
Global Domination in all key areas.

Ya, I would say all those signs are there. This could be what is going on. So what would you do if you believe this?
Actually, I would believe they would want ME, for writing the above. Unless they were so close to disclosing whats going on that they don't care what people know... Ah HA!! :)

No, really, so many pieces fit this world view. The way to resist is to avoid buying new cars, that will bring them down! Materialism.. the old '60s proverbs are still good - don't get hung up on physical things or your world will turn up side down... and if it is already, then get rid of them. The non-economy is the way to beat them, I swear. We only HAVE TO BELIEVE that capitalism is the only way we can survive and it will own us. Its true - we can eat, have shelter, watch TV and peddle our bicycles without industrial domination. Lots of good things in life without a stock portfolio. \

Wouldn't you like to ski all day, and grow vegatables all night? ---everybody works, no money or just a little, but we will have all we need, and the climate starts to revert to normal -isn't it worth it?
I have the plans, and they are not drastic.


Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
Re: Secretary of Defense Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weap

peapod said:
Please tell me none of this is true :(
Sounds like somebody is reading too many Supermarket Gazettes about weird science! My Teenagers think their mom and me are from the strange planet Acadie and French developed in this parallel universe to keep them seperate from the English Speaking hoi-polloi!

Venez ici mon cher, la mère planète appelle.

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
Re: Secretary of Defense Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weap

peapod said:
Please tell me none of this is true :(
Sounds like somebody is reading too many Supermarket Gazettes about weird science! My Teenagers think their mom and me are from the strange planet Acadie and French developed in this parallel universe to keep them seperate from the English Speaking hoi-polloi!

Venez ici mon cher, la mère planète appelle.

Martin Le Acadien

Electoral Member
Sep 29, 2004
Province perdue du Canada, Louisian
Re: Secretary of Defense Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weap

peapod said:
Please tell me none of this is true :(
Sounds like somebody is reading too many Supermarket Gazettes about weird science! My Teenagers think their mom and me are from the strange planet Acadie and French developed in this parallel universe to keep them seperate from the English Speaking hoi-polloi!

Venez ici mon cher, la mère planète appelle.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Secretary of Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weapons

The reason I never discuss it is due to the reactions I get. I don't hide the fact I believe in what we call "aliens" but I don't openly push it. But if I am asked I will answer.

95% or more than likely 99% of the stuff I hear from people that have been abducted is B.S. It is the other 1% that interests me.

An argument could be made that religious people are "crazy" as they have as much proof as God exists as I do that Aliens exist. But I have an open mind. If people want to believe in God and practise religion I have no problem with that.

Since one is born all you hear is God, Jesus, Noah's ark, Adam and eve etc. Now isn't that brainwashing since no proof exists? Before the world was heavily populated every group lived in their own little part of the world and they all had different beliefs, and still do for the most part but "Christianity" is trying to push their beliefs on the world.

There are a lot of strange things on this planet and I would like to find out why. If it turns out it we have had "Aliens" building the Pyramids or Easter Island that is what I like to know. I would also be just as happy if I found out God or Buddha or Jesus built them as well. I just want to know thats all.

I honestly believe governments of the world are hiding evidence that proves "we are not alone". So many trillions upon trillions of suns and planets out there and even if 1 planet out of a trillion has life, thats a lot of planets.I think we should find out and know about it.

Just have an open mind and don't disregard anything.

You say vague. Its is not what I have but the stuff I can not get and the mixed messages governments send when asked about "Aliens etc" If they have nothing to hide, show us. Aren't the governments suppose to be open and truthful to its citizens? Instead of hiding the truth (about anything) from us. Then when they have a slip of the tongue, they change the story to throw people off.

The media and governments of the world have brainwashed and conditioned the masses that "we are alone" or "no such thing as aliens" and if you believe in Extra Terrestrials etc you are a crackpot.

Why you ask? So they can do their "business" in peace. But there are some of us, like myself that know the real truth.

I respect everyones beliefs and I hope people can respect mine.

I am not a type of person you see on X files or the Lone Gunman with my cupboard and closest full of weapons and ammo and provisions. I do have some pictures and dolls and a computer . Most people investigating the paranormal are not like what Television has us portrayed as. We are realists. Not Nut cases.

The truth is no one knows if Aliens are real, or God and maybe we will never know but it is fun trying.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Secretary of Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weapons

The reason I never discuss it is due to the reactions I get. I don't hide the fact I believe in what we call "aliens" but I don't openly push it. But if I am asked I will answer.

95% or more than likely 99% of the stuff I hear from people that have been abducted is B.S. It is the other 1% that interests me.

An argument could be made that religious people are "crazy" as they have as much proof as God exists as I do that Aliens exist. But I have an open mind. If people want to believe in God and practise religion I have no problem with that.

Since one is born all you hear is God, Jesus, Noah's ark, Adam and eve etc. Now isn't that brainwashing since no proof exists? Before the world was heavily populated every group lived in their own little part of the world and they all had different beliefs, and still do for the most part but "Christianity" is trying to push their beliefs on the world.

There are a lot of strange things on this planet and I would like to find out why. If it turns out it we have had "Aliens" building the Pyramids or Easter Island that is what I like to know. I would also be just as happy if I found out God or Buddha or Jesus built them as well. I just want to know thats all.

I honestly believe governments of the world are hiding evidence that proves "we are not alone". So many trillions upon trillions of suns and planets out there and even if 1 planet out of a trillion has life, thats a lot of planets.I think we should find out and know about it.

Just have an open mind and don't disregard anything.

You say vague. Its is not what I have but the stuff I can not get and the mixed messages governments send when asked about "Aliens etc" If they have nothing to hide, show us. Aren't the governments suppose to be open and truthful to its citizens? Instead of hiding the truth (about anything) from us. Then when they have a slip of the tongue, they change the story to throw people off.

The media and governments of the world have brainwashed and conditioned the masses that "we are alone" or "no such thing as aliens" and if you believe in Extra Terrestrials etc you are a crackpot.

Why you ask? So they can do their "business" in peace. But there are some of us, like myself that know the real truth.

I respect everyones beliefs and I hope people can respect mine.

I am not a type of person you see on X files or the Lone Gunman with my cupboard and closest full of weapons and ammo and provisions. I do have some pictures and dolls and a computer . Most people investigating the paranormal are not like what Television has us portrayed as. We are realists. Not Nut cases.

The truth is no one knows if Aliens are real, or God and maybe we will never know but it is fun trying.