Scientists find active 'super-thermite' in WTC dust


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Wow! I bet ive posted ten thousand pages debunking the 9/11 crowd and I cant believe they are still going on after getting all their theorys shown as B.S.

First,give Jones credit for knowing how to play on some peeps fears and paranoi,thats what sells his books and makes him rich,hes laughing all the way to the bank and personally it makes me sick that he used this tragic event to line his pockets,check his credentials before you quote Jones.
Ive worked on blasting crews and dont also need explosive hobbyists trying to explain how the buildings were brought down with radio controll demo caps and boosters and yada yada yada.
I have a few sites I used to use that debunk every 9/11 ct's out there with pure facts if anyones interested in the truth.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
So Kakato you are a religious nutbag then eh. You admit you believe in the holy trinity of three miracles demonstrated by the holy buildings being destroyed by god on the same day when in all history nothing like that has ever happened nor could ever happen. The only thing you've debunked is your own honesty. Do yourself a favour, wear the religious nutbag label, it's a kindness compared to what you deserve.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Anybody who dosn't believe 9/11 was an inside job by now is definitly stupid or employed to pretend to be brain dead. I think there are lots of people who are to afraid to admit they don't believe the official story. What can you do with that many retarded frightened wabbits? Anything but win I guess.

Well considering Bush was the man at the time then your saying he pulled this off pretty well makes your argument lame at best,the man couldnt even pronounce nuclear let alone fool millions of people.

The more these foiler theories are debunked the more elaborate the conspiracy becomes and right now it's at the point where Bush would have had to be superman to pull that off.:roll:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Once you disprove every crazy theory they start again at the beginning.

They WANT 9/11 to be an inside job and outside of being on the planes themselves back on 9/11 they would never believe it.

I knew someone who was on the first plane that struck the towers. She is no longer here anymore. Her family still goes to the company cookouts each summer.

"A missile hit the Pentagon!"

"Where did the plane go then?"

"Go ask your government!"



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
So Kakato you are a religious nutbag then eh. You admit you believe in the holy trinity of three miracles demonstrated by the holy buildings being destroyed by god on the same day when in all history nothing like that has ever happened nor could ever happen. The only thing you've debunked is your own honesty. Do yourself a favour, wear the religious nutbag label, it's a kindness compared to what you deserve.

Listen to you DB. You are the Forum Clown and you know it. The proverbial village idiot here on CanCon. Chock FULL of conspiracies and predictions.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
You are a religious nut Pal, you're belief that Bush was ever a man proves it. Go ahead debunk your brain-cell away. There's nothing funnier than a retard selling bags of magic beans and bibles.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
You are a religious nut Pal, you're belief that Bush was ever a man proves it. Go ahead debunk your brain-cell away. There's nothing funnier than a retard selling bags of magic beans and bibles.

It is truly funny reading a post from DB calling someone else a nut and calling his intelligence into question.

Do you even know when to use "you're"?


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Well when they can't respond to you they will call you names.

Welcome Kakato!

Or hit you with a ten page cut n paste from supposed experts.
I still like how they were useing an explosives "hobbyist" as their demo expert,the guy didnt have a clue and anyone who's done any blasting would pick it up right away.

I also have 3 pilots in my family and fly quite extensively and can use that personal experience to say those were definately planes.

Toro and I have gone many rounds with the foilers on other forums,I dont think I want to go through it all again,facts are lost on people who have tunnell vision and can be led around by the likes of Jones.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Jones who? You are definetly religious buddy if you believe the official story of the buildings from heaven. You couldn't find a chicken **** in your mustache.

Boy, this Kakato guy really scared you didn't he DB?

I think you are afraid you will get punked again so you are skipping that part and moving directly to insults.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
Boy, this Kakato guy really scared you didn't he DB?

I think you are afraid you will get punked again so you are skipping that part and moving directly to insults.

That's ok,I have big shoulders.:lol:

Sad that some folks have to use the death of innocent people to push their agenda against the "man" though.
Watch closly to any foiler post and you will see they get debunked,then move on to the next theory(pods,missiles),get debunked,move on again.

They are very predictable.

I doctored up 2 youtube videos once so the fireman on the phones were saying there were bombs going off,a couple days later the foilers were posting my video as solid evidence there was bombs,they missed my cat meowing in the background.:lol:
They walked right into it,I laughed for days.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
No One Could Have Planted Bombs in the World Trade Center Without Being Detected, Could They?

A Government Accountability Office investigator smuggled live bomb components into a federal building in just 27 seconds, then assembled a bomb in a restroom and ventured throughout the building without being detected, a leaked tape revealed Wednesday.
In addition, congressional investigators were able to penetrate every single federal building they probed without any difficulty — 10 in all.
Washington's Blog: No One Could Have Planted Bombs in the World Trade Center Without Being Detected, Could They?

I have debunked this soooooo many times.

Please read the following explains the preparation necessary to do a controled demolition of a 33 story building............the largest ever done!

Months of preparation work.

Interior walls destroyed to expose beams throughout.

Thousands of pounds of explosives in over 4,000 seperately placed charges......

Miles and miles of det cord laid...

Oh read it for yourself!
Controlled Demolition, Inc. | Buildings

Note the site has no axe to grind, it has NOTHING to do with the 9-11 debate.

Saying the CD of the TT was possible because some guy took a briefcase bomb to a site is like saying it would be possible to smuggle two live elephants to your 14th story office and keep them for a month because somebody brought their poodle puppy to work one day.....and that proves it!

Despite the fact you couldn't get an elephant in a elevator....


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Oh they will jump from theory to theory, post after post. Then they will go back to the starting point.

The Jews taking the day off, holograms, black ops, ...on and on and on. Some turkey on here was showing the first crash into the WTC, the one from the French documentary. He INSISTED that it was a missile. A missle with MASSIVE wings and a huge fuselage. Of course he had no idea what kind of missile. That, he said, was my job to find out!


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I have debunked this soooooo many times.

Please read the following explains the preparation necessary to do a controled demolition of a 33 story building............the largest ever done!

Months of preparation work.

Interior walls destroyed to expose beams throughout.

Thousands of pounds of explosives in over 4,000 seperately placed charges......

Miles and miles of det cord laid...

Oh read it for yourself!
Controlled Demolition, Inc. | Buildings

Note the site has no axe to grind, it has NOTHING to do with the 9-11 debate.

Saying the CD of the TT was possible because some guy took a briefcase bomb to a site is like saying it would be possible to smuggle two live elephants to your 14th story office and keep them for a month because somebody brought their poodle puppy to work one day.....and that proves it!

Despite the fact you couldn't get an elephant in a elevator....

No Colpy...they brought it down with explosives. THAT is THAT you religious nut bag... you Bush magic bean seller.

I will not tell you how they did it. I will only tell you that work was being done in the building and that is evidence enough that the CIA was there running det cord everywhere and cutting beams, placing charges, pulling down walls at night and rebuilding and repainting them before workers showed up in the morning.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
I heard they used anfo.

As for radio demo's,there's a reason we ask for radio silence during a shot,Even with non electric blasting it's still not considered safe to be transmitting unless your the blaster.When he asks for the 2 minute radio silence he then ties the cord in for the shot.
But the explosive sniffing dogs were off that day,they could have trucked in a million tonnes of ANFO unnoticed.


Time Out
Jun 10, 2009
After trucking in all that anfo they would have wired the caps into the boosters which were disguised as pepsi cans and placed strategically along the infrastructures main supports,the primacord would then be strung outside and hung from the telephone poles by the cable guys,which were really covert peeps from the Bildeburg group.The security in the building would be told that a new very "high speed" cable line was being installed so no one would be the wiser.
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