Scientists find active 'super-thermite' in WTC dust


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Sorry bub.
No need to apologise, I fully understand your aversion to reality. It interrupts you ideology.

Same mass is same mass and the bedrock is bedrock. Even if you put out pillows it wouldn't matter. It's the same mass, same height, same bedrock below. Is getting hit in the head with a sledge hammer any different with a hat on? Does removing the hat triple the impact?

Yes petros, mass is mass. But unfortunately, variables play against mass in motion. Especially when you are recording an impact, like on a seismograph, which was created to record movement, and energy, not mass.

If you were wearing a hard hat, yes, the impacted is spread out. If the hard hat cracks, and the hammer actually hits your head. The impact is greatly diminished.

If I put a piece of paper between one bowling ball and the ground, forcing the bowling ball to break through the paper on its way to the ground. The force of the impact is changed. Sure the mass is the same, but seismic recorders do not record mass. That's just stupid to insinuate. Here, read this, then we can converse on a level playing field...

Instrumentation in earthquake seismology - Google Books

Again, I know you don't do reality, but ignoring facts, logic, science and commonsense is a waste of everyone's time.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
when you are recording an impact, like on a seismograph, which was created to record movement, and energy, not mass.
You're way off very very way off base it's not worth putting a little yellow guy as a representaton of how far. Movement of what and the energy of the movement of what?

What are these variables? Lets hear how identical falling (movement) mass hits (energy) identical bedrock in different ways to created TRIPLE the energy and movement as an end result.

Show me the math.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
You're way off very very way off base it's not worth putting a little yellow guy as a representaton of how far. Movement of what and the energy of the movement of what?

What are these variables? Lets hear how identical falling (movement) mass hits (energy) identical bedrock in different ways to created TRIPLE the energy and movement as an end result.

Show me the math.
What math? This isn't even an equation.

Two buildings, fall, they were not containing the same amount of material. They were not damaged in the same way, therefore there fall would not be identical. Mass plays no roll in how that would be recorded on a seismograph.

You haven't even a clue as to what you're talking about. I'll take the word of the scientists, who's degree's and credentials are far greater and actually confirmed, over what you gleaned from some CT site, any time.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Mass plays no roll in how that would be recorded on a seismograph.
Now I know you are a complete and total ****ing retard without a clue. That has to be the stupidest ****ing thing I've seen posted in any thread. Are you using Fig Newtons laws?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
Now I know you are a complete and total ****ing retard without a clue. That has to be the stupidest ****ing thing I've seen posted in any thread. Are you using Fig Newtons laws?
This coming from someone that obviously hasn't clue one how seismographs work, refuses to read about them and thinks that two buildings will collapse in an identicle manner...Ya, your opinion of me must be based on reality...:roll:


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Explain to all of us how mass in motion coming to a sudden stop against the mass of the planet has nothing to do seismic data. I'd love to hear it.

F no-longer = ma?

Do you need F = ma explanined?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Explain to all of us how mass in motion coming to a sudden stop against the mass of the planet has nothing to do seismic data. I'd love to hear it.

F no-longer = ma?

Do you need F = ma explanined?

How do you triple F without increasing m or a?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I stand corrected, I miss spoke. Mass does play a part obviously. my apologies. What I should have said was. Mass plays no role in how that would be recorded on a seismograph, as you are interpreting it. Which is true, it does not play a part in the collapse as you have made it out to.

Two separate buildings falling, under two separate conditions. Will give two very different results. You seem to think that mass falling no matter the hindrances it faces as it does, will release the same energy on impact. It will not.

That is fact.

If I drop a bowling ball on your head, and as it falls, it meets restrictions, it will not hit you as hard, and release as much energy, as one dropped on your head with no hindrances.

That is fact.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
How do you triple F without increasing m or a?


Aren't you a geologist and do you not use seismology as part of your work?

Have you seen other graphs indicating explosions before and during the free fall of the twin towers?


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
petros is a geologist? And doesn't know that though mass is a constant, how its energy is transferred in an impact, is not?



The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
petros is a geologist? And doesn't know that though mass is a constant, how its energy is transferred in an impact, is not?

We're talking about buildings, with a million odd variables that come into play as they collapse.

Now a constant?

What is it?

One more time fart knocker. FORCE = MASS X ACCELERATION

Now. What measures FORCE when MASS is ACCELERATED on a 10 base logarithm?

Seismos were developed to detect nuclear blasts in Russia. What was it again that a nuke's potential is measured in? is it tonnes or is it not tonnes?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What math? This isn't even an equation.

Two buildings, fall, they were not containing the same amount of material. They were not damaged in the same way, therefore there fall would not be identical. Mass plays no roll in how that would be recorded on a seismograph.

You haven't even a clue as to what you're talking about. I'll take the word of the scientists, who's degree's and credentials are far greater and actually confirmed, over what you gleaned from some CT site, any time.
Both towers were built out of steel frames, glass, and concrete slabs on steel truss joists. A single tower consists of 90,000,000 kg (100,000 tons) of steel, 160,000 cubic meters (212,500 cubic yards) of concrete and 21,800 windows. One single tower has a mass of about 450,000,000 kilograms (500,000 tons). The interior design of the World Trade Center contains 240 vertical steel columns, which were called the Vierendeel trusses. These steel columns maintained the tower's structure and helped to create an extremely "light"building.
Here you go. F = 2.1 on one and 2.3 on the on the other.
M = 450,000,000kg

Go find "a" and show your work to everyone here and prove how and where triple the F came from on one over the other.


Electoral Member
Jul 2, 2009
Does any one remember when they found molten pools under the buildings? Or when workers and fire fighters found hot spots of over 2000 degrees under the rubble a week later? These are all evidence of thermite, which can cut through steel like butter.

Thermite does require a heat source yes, but just because a blasting cap is out of the question, it doesnt mean you couldnt rig a small heat source to ignite. Whoever is behind this obviously has a great deal of technical knowledge.

Frankly it doesn't matter what you belive, it was the governemnt it was terrorists. The bottom line is the governemnt is not telling us the truth and IS hiding something. Fir instance, they onkly released 5 frames of the plane that hit the Pentagon, and in the 5 frames there is no plane, Please look for this. Why not release it, we all watched the WTC 1 and 2 go down and ppl fall to their deaths, so what is the arguement for not releasing that.

There are questions to be asked, and it is your job to ask! Do your democratic duty and ask the questions that need to be asked instead of blindly believing everything your government tell you.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Here you go. F = 2.1 on one and 2.3 on the on the other.
M = 450,000,000kg

Go find "a" and show your work to everyone here and prove how and where triple the F came from on one over the other.

I am talking to you from the future, three days to be exact according to my insturment. Do not be alarmed we come in peace. He has very fundemental long standing issues with reality and his place in it, he has on numerous occasions claimed responsibility for construction of hugh dams one or more early Egyptian pyramids and the Ifile tower in Paris Franse. He's full of poop.


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
No One Could Have Planted Bombs in the World Trade Center Without Being Detected, Could They?

A Government Accountability Office investigator smuggled live bomb components into a federal building in just 27 seconds, then assembled a bomb in a restroom and ventured throughout the building without being detected, a leaked tape revealed Wednesday.
In addition, congressional investigators were able to penetrate every single federal building they probed without any difficulty — 10 in all.
Washington's Blog: No One Could Have Planted Bombs in the World Trade Center Without Being Detected, Could They?


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
Anybody who dosn't believe 9/11 was an inside job by now is definitly stupid or employed to pretend to be brain dead. I think there are lots of people who are to afraid to admit they don't believe the official story. What can you do with that many retarded frightened wabbits? Anything but win I guess.