Russian Planes Approach Canadian Airspace


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
There were a number of things in the original aricle that simply didn't add up. i won't list them all because I could be wrong. But, the most glaring was that we were not informed, yet we scrambled perhaps a couple of hours (?) before the "incident."

Perhaps we planned to be checking for possible Spy Russian Aircrafts on a flight Path over International waters we already knew about and could blow out of proportion in the news for the US News.. :lol:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
But it wasn't a spy plane, but a bomber, and that would fit in with the Russian claim of military exercises. Granted, it would be wiser for Russia to carry out such exercises within their own airspace, but I wouldn't be surprised if Canada does the same. Of course whatever sandards we expect of them are standards we ought to expect of ourselves, ief not even higher standards.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
If the Canadian government gets loud enough, it might end up in the Russian media too, but as a report of how the Canadian government is trying to stir up an issue out of a Russian aircraft that even the Canadians acknowledge as having been outside Canadian airspace the whle time. Who knows, they might even claim that it's not even a Russo-Canadian issue, but rather political rhetoric to find an excuse for increased Canadian military spending, which would jst make Canada look increasingly militaristic on the international stage. Not an image I'd like Canada to have.

Exactly Machjo and as much as I didn't agree us bad mouthing the US in the past I don't think we should talk about anyone just to try to impress anyone else.. It's just bad politics..


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Exactly Machjo and as much as I didn't agree us bad mouthing the US in the past I don't think we should talk about anyone just to try to impress anyone else.. It's just bad politics..

I fully agree. But when we mix it in with military and sovereignty issues, it's not just bad politics, but dangerous politics.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
But Harper is getting a reputation in my books for being quite dangerous. When he doesn't get his way, he raises the anti. The irony is, it usually blows up in his face and hurst him just as much as everyone else. To take but one other example, To fight the co-alition just before Parliament was prorogued, he went on national TV to lambast the ;'separatists'. He knew how politically charged that word was. He used the term 'sovereigntist' in the French version, so clearly he knew. he was manipulating his words to political advantage.
Yet he failded to mention that though the Bloc is an officially sovereigntist party, it also gets alot of federalist votes too. Though Harper was pretending to be fighting for Canadian unity, his confrontational style only upped the anti. Since the last election, and especially since prorogation, Harper has singlehandedly given sovereigntists a new breath of life.

Now we're seeing the same kind of confrontational politics with regards 'Northern Sovereignty'. Could'nt he just take the high road and present the case for the North West Passage to the International community? They would look at the historical and other facts before them to make what I believe would be a fair decision. But it seems Harper keeps harping on it as an excuse for militarism. Very dangerous tactician he is in my opinion.


Subjective Poster
Nov 18, 2008
Lower Mainland, BC
But it wasn't a spy plane, but a bomber, and that would fit in with the Russian claim of military exercises. Granted, it would be wiser for Russia to carry out such exercises within their own airspace, but I wouldn't be surprised if Canada does the same. Of course whatever sandards we expect of them are standards we ought to expect of ourselves, ief not even higher standards.

I am the one who said "spy" or "threat" as in the world of politics it may not be said but always eluded to IMO..


Electoral Member
Feb 7, 2009
Well, how much warning was necessary to rendezvous? Who told Canada they were coming and along what flight path? The Russians? Perhaps!
Why lie. Many reasons, mostly domestic.

I believe you are correct. This is another Cold war coming on to maintain a military budget after we get out of the Middle East, and Russia is helping. It was a cweek or so after the inaugaration that the Russians were bragging they had missiles to side step the US defence system.

National Missile Defense

Now, the Russians were getting headlines for something the Government admits they have been doing for the last few years. Also a point here is that if the Russias where serious they would have sent a TU-160 that can outrun an F-18 at Mach-2. Nice plane.

We have a lot of soldiers returning from the Middle East and if we do not maintain some sort of a program for them to keep a regimented state of employment there is going to be hell to pay. I believe every other war that this negative scenerio has happened, most of the ex-soldiers were turned to crime to sustain themselves. The Hell's Angels being a prime example.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Canada and the U.S. react to any unidentified aircraft coming across the Pole. We both do have radar which is not something new. We do have some sort of mutual defense, so if the U.S. fed them the info. or they did it on their own doesn't really matter. Spade: a 2 hour flight to intercept is not that long. The Bear would have been on our radars for at least 5 hours longer if they were tracked by satellite. Canada doesn't have any heavy bombers that I'm aware of, but after the Guam incident the U.S. sent a couple over the artic also. Russia wouldn't warn anybody they were in the air, never did unless they were visiting a country.


Electoral Member
Feb 22, 2009
To say you would simply take this incident to the UN, or demand an apology, or shoot the Russian planes out of the sky if it happens again or suspect the whole story is fabricated for the US news media is proof positive that you are basking in the knowledge that if push came to shove you have the evil USA to protect you. Do you honestly think you would be so cavalier and holier than thou if you had to stand on your own? Not a chance. It is the US that allows you to keep your head low and blend in with your surroundings. It's not your people, not your weather, not your food or anything other than your unique geographical circumstances next to us.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
To say you would simply take this incident to the UN, or demand an apology, or shoot the Russian planes out of the sky if it happens again or suspect the whole story is fabricated for the US news media is proof positive that you are basking in the knowledge that if push came to shove you have the evil USA to protect you. Do you honestly think you would be so cavalier and holier than thou if you had to stand on your own? Not a chance. It is the US that allows you to keep your head low and blend in with your surroundings. It's not your people, not your weather, not your food or anything other than your unique geographical circumstances next to us.

So in other words, you're saying that the Russian are savage beasts who woud pounce on us if they had a chance? I'd like to think of human nature more positively than that. I'm not opposed to war, but do believe it ought to be a last resort. We also get the treatment we mette out. If we treat other peoples as unworthy of our trust, then they'll treat us the same way.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Another point.US militarism doesn't help Canada's case. With Canada being in a formal alliance with the US, we become accomplices to all of its actions. Naturally, we become fair game for retaliation against US violations.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Hellooooooo. This type of thing happens every few days and Canada has been flying training missions with the Russians for many years now. As the news companies start to crash as they are now, you are going to find more and more bull****t stories in the news everyday to expand customer base to include the Inquirer types who believe this crap as truth. Pick up a copy of JANES DEFENSE WEEKLY and find out what really goes in the in the military industry.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
To say you would simply take this incident to the UN, or demand an apology, or shoot the Russian planes out of the sky if it happens again or suspect the whole story is fabricated for the US news media is proof positive that you are basking in the knowledge that if push came to shove you have the evil USA to protect you. Do you honestly think you would be so cavalier and holier than thou if you had to stand on your own? Not a chance. It is the US that allows you to keep your head low and blend in with your surroundings. It's not your people, not your weather, not your food or anything other than your unique geographical circumstances next to us.

RanchHand you are a troll. Your every post is designed to irritate. You seem to think the U.S. is God's gift to the world. I would bet that the millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians who died from U.S. bombs would have a different opinion, along with a very large number of dead Iraqis. If, as you say, push came to shove, who would we need protection from? Chances are we would need protection from the growing number of enemies the Americans have been cultivating since the second world war.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Chances are we would need protection from the growing number of enemies the Americans have been cultivating since the second world war.
Of the 150 countries they bombed in the past 60 some years how many still harbour justified hate?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
About 150.

I would bet that the millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians who died from U.S. bombs would have a different opinion, along with a very large number of dead Iraqis.
This may seem like a minor point but the dead do not care about anything, that being said for each dead person there is probably more than one that mourns them, each of those is a potential enemy to America. Granted the vast majority have no means of venting that resentment and the Americans could care less if they are viewed as being 'trouble-makers'.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Personally I think Canada should adopt the Swedish model of military neutrality. Works for them, why not us?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
I wouldn't mind the creation of an international military force too though, but one under UN rule, not NATO rule, or some kind of world alliance to which all nations are welcome, but not just a selct clique aliance like NATO or NORAD. All such alliances to is provoke those outside of the alliance, and so do more harm than good.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
By the way, this is not an attack against the USA per se. I'd oppose Canada participating in any regional or selective alliance. Any Alliance Canada joins should be a univeral one to which all nations are welcome.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
America died and it is still in the trauma phase and soon heading into denial then after alot of pain they will mourn and regret being an oppressor once they playing field is leveled.

There is another option which is a total police state under the guise of "security" which is ultimatly totalitarian.

This is going to be interesting to watch unfold over the next decade.