Well, it's large-majority male legislatures passing these laws, so I'd say they took responsibility from people who didn't want them to have it.
And that's part of the point really.
Lots of this IS coming from male legislatures and the input of women, and opinions from women, isn't considered at all.
And it's dictating what women are to do with their bodies.
If that's the case, then why can we not dictate what men must do with their bodies too?
Lots of people seem to miss the point though - EVERY time the issue about abortion, birth control, or women's health in general comes up, there's this rush by males to dictate how women should 'handle' these things. If those who protest it were really for "freedom", then they'd be all for the choice of abortion, birth control, plan be and everything else to do with women's health care, because... it's up to the woman and her doctor, NOT woman, doctor, and Joe Public. And as for the "I don't want my taxes-" excuse... well, those same women pay the same taxes into the same health care so... that line of thought needs to just stop too, cause it's not just the taxes of the anti-abortionist that get 'used'. Want to pick and choose where your taxes go, help change the tax system so every taxpayer CAN make that choice; until then, STFU or move to a country where you have to pay for it all on your own. THEN you can bitch.
This is a control issue, plain and simple, of insecure, sometimes to mostly religious wackadoo's telling the "lesser" human what they can and can't do.
And again, MEN are just as responsible, so why isn't there a push to make them more responsible? This blame-shifting of "It's the woman who chooses" misses the point entirely. It DOES take two to tango, it DOES take a woman AND man to make a child, but why does it always have to be on a woman TO be the 'responsible' one?
To reiterate though, I don't think abortion should be for any reason BUT medical or extreme circumstances. It absolutely should NOT be a 'birth control' option. That said, it's also not my fucking business what another woman does or doesn't do. No one is really "pro-abortion" but it's pro CHOICE and called such for a reason. It could also be called the real Pro Life, because seems those who are the usual 'pro life' only are so until the kid is born, after that, who gives a fuck.