Male domination??....... how retro is that?? What era do these people live in?? Punish women for having sex??.......... That makes no sense at all......... as what are the men that they have sex with??I think you and Serryah are both right.
You are correct that only a tiny fringe want to prevent all abortion, even if it kills woman and foetus.
What they really want to do is punish women for having sex. It's the old slut/stud double standard that is deeply rooted in "the religious mindset." As are, apparently, cruelty and pedophilia.
The US is going backwards very radically. Abortion is a medical issue between the person and the medical advisors. If one is religious........and does not want an abortion;...........don't have one......but don't judge others or tell others what to do or how to live their lives. These antiabortion fanatics........ are pro life only for an embryo............. but when that baby is born........they become fodder for mass shootings.and other violence and abuse.
What do men do with unwanted pregnancies?? They are half of the problem. as far too many don't take any responsibility for it. Maybe if they had to raise that child from birth.......... and on their own.........they might be sure to prevent any unwanted pregnancies.