Quit picking on Obama……


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Steyn is out to lunch. To continue the analogy, the ball is currently in Russia. ISIS is a side-show. If Steyn wants to go fight them, I'll lend him my old combat boots.

Otherwise, we've bigger fish to fry in Europe right now.

If ISIS is a threat to the West as some believe, Russia is far more vulnerable to it than is the USA because of its proximity.

But any "threat" can be avoided by just getting the fvck out of the region as nothing that goes on there is any of our goddamn business.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
We all have different perspectives on Obama. However, I think we can all agree about one thing. Obama has transformed America just as he said he would. He has placed the country on a new trajectory.

...............straight into the toilet.

If ISIS is a threat to the West as some believe, Russia is far more vulnerable to it than is the USA because of its proximity.


It is. But if ISIS chooses to screw with Russia, the Russians will deal with them. And it will not be pretty.

But any "threat" can be avoided by just getting the fvck out of the region as nothing that goes on there is any of our goddamn business.

This is NOT 1780.

The world can no longer be ignored.

They'll get to you, sooner than later.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Walter; said:
Just like September 11, 2001.

Thankfully we no longer have Bush in the White House who handed over airport security to private parties rather than to the government where it belongs. Small wonder why 9/11 didn't happen in those European countries.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Thankfully we no longer have Bush in the White House who handed over airport security to private parties rather than to the government where it belongs. Small wonder why 9/11 didn't happen in those European countries.



Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Why aren't they sweeping floors or clipping the hedges?

Well... it is not all Obama's fault. Lynn is in Massachusetts, another lock solid Democrat strong hold so we can say the chickens are coming home to roost.

Here in Massachusetts they do not need to do such work when all will be provided for them. They will be kept from the liberal lily white strongholds but cared for nevertheless.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Well... it is not all Obama's fault. Lynn is in Massachusetts, another lock solid Democrat strong hold so we can say the chickens are coming home to roost.

Here in Massachusetts they do not need to do such work when all will be provided for them. They will be kept from the liberal lily white strongholds but cared for nevertheless.

An anti-immigration group’s imaginary scapegoats

By Dana Milbank Opinion writer August 27

It’s August in the capital, quiet enough for scapegoats to roam freely.

In fact, the mayor of Lynn, Mass., came for a visit on Wednesday and released a few of this breed in the heart of downtown, at the National Press Club at 14th and F. Hosted by a hard-line immigration group, the mayor, Judith Flanagan Kennedy, told an alarming tale about how unaccompanied minors emigrating illegally from Guatemala have caused havoc in her fair burg.

“The vast majority of them were claiming to be between 14 and 17 years old, but there were people with graying temples, hair around the temples, there were people with more wrinkles than I have around the eyes,” said Kennedy, who is in her early 50s. “A lot of them,” she added, “were illiterate not only in English but also in Spanish and spoke a tribal dialect, a mountain dialect.”

The mayor said the number of “out of country” students enrolling in Lynn’s schools leaped from 54 in 2010-11 to 329 in 2011-12, 421 in 2012-13 and 538 in 2013-14. Last school year, 101 unaccompanied minors from Guatemala were in the ninth grade in Lynn, she said.

The surge — which the Republican mayor blames on federal policy under the Obama administration — has overwhelmed Lynn’s public health and trash-collection infrastructure, and huge education costs have caused her to eliminate a community policing program. “I had a really solid financial backing for the city and then in the last couple of years it has all fallen apart,” she said, bringing her to the “breaking point.”

But upon closer inspection, Kennedy’s tale of woe doesn’t quite add up. Those kids with wrinkles and gray hair? She admitted she hadn’t seen them herself. And the “surge” of unaccompanied minors Kennedy has felt? It predates the actual surge at the border, which has been building for a couple of years but exploded only in 2014.

The Department of Health and Human Services, which handles the placement of unaccompanied minors, says 135 unaccompanied Guatemalan children were placed this year through July 31 in Lynn, a city of 90,000 with a sizable Guatemalan population. Tallies weren’t kept for previous years, but the figures probably were a fraction of the current level — not exactly enough to cause mayhem in Lynn’s schools, which have 13,500 kids enrolled, or to swamp trash collection.

Of those Guatemalan children who have come to Lynn, the mayor acknowledged, she doesn’t know “how many are refugees, how many are illegal immigrants including unaccompanied minors, and how many arrived legally.” That’s an important distinction, because what’s going on in the city appears to have less to do with illegal immigration and the current border crisis than with long-term patterns of legal migration, which are economically beneficial.

Kennedy admitted that Lynn was struggling to begin with (81 percent of the children in its schools receive subsidized lunches) and she noted that the influx of immigrants has had “a positive impact on the prices of our rental units and the availability of our rental units. Especially the ones in the desirable section of town, the prices have gone to the point where there are bidding wars. . . . So I guess in that way there’s a perverse positive effect on economic development.”

Nothing perverse about it, Mayor. Some of Lynn’s immigrants are minors who came illegally, and others are refugees from countries outside Central America. Many more — the ones who bid up rents — probably have come legally to join the city’s already thriving Guatemalan community.

That’s not the message Kennedy’s hosts had in mind.

The Center for Immigration Studies, which pushes for stricter immigration controls, advertised the meeting at the press club as a way to demonstrate how American towns far from the border are dealing “with this growing surge of Central American illegal immigrants, many of them ostensibly unaccompanied ostensibly minors,” according to Mark Krikorian, the group’s director.

Kennedy said she had noticed the increasing arrivals of Guatemalans in 2012 but “suffered in silence” until recently, when the media focused on the border crisis. “I decided when I saw these stories were becoming national news to speak out about it,” she said.

That sounds a bit opportunistic, particularly because Lynn’s situation has little to do with the current border crisis. She also sounds a bit cold when complaining that “my health department” administered 159 vaccinations in July. In July 2011, it was 11. Isn’t more vaccination a good thing?

“Speaking out about this, I have been called a racist,” Kennedy said. “I have been called a hater. That is not the case.”

No. She is just a humble goatherd.

An anti-immigration group’s imaginary scapegoats - The Washington Post