Palin in 2012


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Michael Palin and Monty Python are definitely a better subject than whatsername. :D


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
In other words you are incapable of thinking for yourself.

Incapable of thinking for myself? If anything, it is the other way around, EagleSmack. If as you claim that moonbat is used for left wingers and I use it for right wingers as well, to me that shows a clear ability of thinking for myself.

If anything, you show the capacity of not thinking for yourself, when you claim that since ‘moonbat’ was applied to left wingers in the first instance, that it cannot be applied to right wingers. I don’t see why not.

No it means that the left has been given the name "moon bat" and you are just saying...

"'re a moonbat."

You aren't thinking for yourself.


Hall of Fame Member
Jul 5, 2009
Do neurotics recognize they are neurotic? Do cats recognize themselves as cats? Does Sarah Palin recognize that she's an unabashed and blatant hypocrite?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Palin in 2012!

Alaska: highest drop out rate in USA

Alaska's dropout rate double US average: Education |

Alaska’s statistics on violence against
women are among the highest in the​

Alaska has the highest rate per capita of men​
murdering women

Child sexual assault in Alaska is almost six times​
the national average.

The Alaska rape rate is 2.5 times the national​

from Alaska Network on Domestic Violence
and Sexual Assault

Alaska also has the highest alcoholism rate.

Palin's great success as governor should help her and the USA in the 2012 election!

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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
August 02, 2009
Maureen Dowd: Sarah Palin Scared

By Stuart Schwartz

You're Maureen Dowd, and you're scared. The self-doubt, the "Woulda-Coulda-Shouldas," the whole Robert Frost thing --you know, "The Road Not Taken" -- relentlessly nibbles at the edge of your consciousness.

You're Maureen Dowd and you're scared -- Sarah Palin scared. Others -- like columnists Peggy Noonan and Kathleen Parker -- are jealous. But you are scared. You're celebrated, a Pulitzer prize-winning columnist for The New York Times, famed and feared, known as the "Queen of Snots" for eviscerating prose largely directed at conservatives and middle America, which begins at the Hudson River and ends just east of zip code 90210 in California.

But...the Big 6-0 is in front of you (wait-isn't that my mother's age, sixty years?! How can this be!?), the last gasps of menopause still flash hot and cold, and suddenly a woman comes on the political scene whose life, choices, and successes are the polar opposite of the choices you've made the centerpiece of your life -- written a whole book about, in fact, Are Men Necessary: Why Sexes Collide.

You have relentlessly developed an aura of intellect and sex. You are "a smart, ambitious, alluring woman in a crazy, often infuriating man's world." That's how Howard Kurtz -- a dear friend -- described you in the Washington Post. He wrote what you wanted him to write: Your mystique, your sexuality "is at the heart of Dowd's take on life."

You are the anti-Palin. You live alone because your job and accomplishments are intimidating to men, you're without children because you refuse to be "Mrs. Anonymous Biological Robot in a Docile Mass" of family and boring community, and you're not married because that's for the Sarah Palins of the world, women who want to become "harpies and nagging wives and mothers." Choices -- you chose sexy and accomplished.

Sexy. Sexy and smart. Do you hear that, Sarah Palin? Forget menopause. Sure, the face in the mirror has dried around the eyes and the mouth -- but you're of Irish stock, you know, and they're known for that white and fragile complexion. Nothing that your favorite moisturizer, Crème de la Mer, a mere $130 an ounce at the preferred store of the women of the Times, Saks Fifth Avenue, can't handle. And, of course, a ban on updating the headshot accompanying your column; not that you care, just that you have better things to do than sit for a photo of a face that hasn't changed in a decade, right?

Sarah Palin gets under your skin. Talk about itching and dryness. She thinks she's so smart. But it takes more than a runner's glow and frozen tundra to make a woman. And even then...well, it was just a bit more than five short years ago that a magazine in Canada -- which has snow, just like Alaska -- looked around and declared you to have "commanding wit and beauty."'re Sarah Palin scared. You can't turn back the clock. And so you and your colleagues savage her in print and on the air, declaring her "a volatile and scattered country-music queen without the music," more stripper than executive.

And that family, you ask hotly, your estrogen fade fueling the flames? Doesn't she know successful women don't have large families, having paid the price and "squandered their fertility"? But never mind. You are one of the most powerful women in media and your choices have led to moments of extraordinary pleasure, such as Chris Matthews, grinning ear-to-ear, prostrating himself on MSNBC when you appeared as his guest: "Wow. Maureen Dowd. You're unbelievable. You are fabulous. I look up to you."

Take that, Sarah Palin!

Hah! Real women don't do families -- hasn't anyone read your column, when you channeled Sex in the City and declared that women "come to life in Sarah Jessica Parker's Carrie Bradshaw." Hardly the terrain of the Terror of the Tundra. You are the real woman, not "Caribou Barbie."

Everyone knows that, even Liz Trotta, a Fox News commentator who is conservative and old (is that what happens when you cross the big 6-0?). Liz says Sarah Palin is "inarticulate and undereducated," using "good looks and gender" to get somewhere. She's right: Palin has no brains, just "sexy shoes" and a stripper body that gets attention. Then, of course, she "put(s) away her breast pump" and shows everyone her only authentic assets.

Stupid woman making stupid choices. Why can't she just go away?! You're Maureen Dowd and you're hot and you're accomplished and....well, you're hot, a hundred times hot, described by elite media as "a glamorous woman surrounded by a rapt circle of men."

You're hot, right? And, because you're interested in the journalism of truth, you've made sure that every glimpse at your world shows you to be an "utter and unreconstructed fox", as New York magazine put it. "Men can't resist you," journalists proclaim. Even Vanity Fair speculates about what goes on in your bedroom. Your life, your body won't let you be 60 years, which is the new 50, perhaps, make that 39.

And then, along comes trashy Sarah Palin, who smiles a "vacuously spunky" smile that shows her "utterly unready to lead the world -- or even find the world on a map." And she's surrounded herself with family in an era when a real woman understands that "being married or otherwise tied down removes a gal's aura of sexual mystery."

But still, they talk about her, about her energy, about her looks, her youth, her family, her youth, and -- as Thomas Lifson puts it -- her "unmatched charisma and authenticity." And did you mention her youth? And now you're looking at her choices, a former governor of an "oversized igloo, " a "hockey mom" and "Miss Alaska runner-up," surrounded by that gruesome family of "Wasilla hillbillies"...and now you're Howard Dean in a low-backed black dress with spaghetti straps, screaming "Yeargh!!"

You're Sarah Palin scared, with a whole new set of hot flashes to worry about. You're afire, radiating enough heat to power for a month the seven homes of Michael Douglas, who was your lover before he married Catherine Zeta-Jones. Or for a year the country retreat of Howell Raines, former head of the Times; or the beach paradise of West Wing creator Aaron Sorkin; or the...need you go on?

Choices. Her husband is dumb, a "hunky Eskimo" with lead between his ears, perfect for someone "hopelessly over her head." He has a fishing boat and works for an oil company -- big deal! Aaron Sorkin has been in and out of your bed for much of the past decade, and he is a big deal. The talented creator of a hit television show could spend more on a weekend freebasing cocaine at the ritzy Four Seasons than Palin husband makes in a year. Now, Miss Alaska, who makes the best choices?

You're "bewitching," "a sorceress." So says Todd Purdum, once a colleague at the Times and now an editor at Vanity Fair. Yes, the same Todd Purdum who savaged Palin in Vanity Fair this month. He never could resist you, carrying your bags on trips, running to your place in the middle of the night to fix your computer. He's your Todd Puppy...pant, pant, pant. Anything to make you happy. And his evisceration of that "underqualified ‘babe'" makes you very happy, indeed.

But you're Maureen Dowd and you're scared. New Yorker Film critic David Denby looks at you and sees a woman who is "essentially sour and without hope." And no matter what you do, what you say...the big 6-0 is around the corner. And your ritzy Georgetown place seems quieter.

And, what's worse, you suspect that Sarah Palin, when her time comes and she is faced with the Big 6-0, will just smile and say "You betchya" ...and celebrate.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Palin's Revenge: Who's Laughing Now?

By C. Edmund Wright

Now correct me if I am wrong, but didn't I hear the Jurassic media bury the career of Sarah Palin just last July? And weren't they joined in this mockery by the so-called conservative elites like David Brooks and Karl Rove and Joe Scarborough and so on?
Wasn't Mo Dowd just delirious in fact that the wicked witch (of her world) was dead?
You betcha.
Well, just who is looking out of touch and foolish now? Hint: It isn't the Killa from Wasilla. And yes, I think that is her Brinks Truck in fact. One of them anyway.
The temptation here is to rub the seven million dollar book advance in the face of all her naysayers -- then add that the book is coming out early and in fact breaking all kinds of sales records though not even edited yet. But we won't do that for Mo's sake.
Another temptation is to chide the Jurassics and the elites who were snickering at the thought she could command the six figures fees the big boys get for speaking engagements -- with the reports that she is currently sifting through some eleven hundred offers. Cha-ching. We won't make a big deal over that either. It might make Colin Powell blush.
What is the real story here is that given a set of singularly difficult circumstances, Governor Palin made a counter-intuitive and gutsy decision that has already proven right for all parties involved. We call that brilliance. We call that effective leadership.
Perhaps inside the beltway, those measures of wisdom and intelligence and instinctive leadership are out of date. All too often in that world, decisions are made by what is the safe play and by what will play well with the pundits. Damn the consequences to others, just pull that focus group report and make sure we look good to the media.
That was not how Palin measured her decision. She was willing to look outside the box for a possibility, and when she found an idea that worked for everyone she grabbed it. Quickly. And she never looked back. Why Dan Rather might call that "...courage..."
Palin did not seem to worry a bit about how her decision would look to the pundit class as she strode to the microphones and confidently gave a shocking announcement that she knew would bring down a hell storm of self-important derision. She did not flinch. She made her decision, announced it, and went about making it work for all involved.
And it has. It has worked for the state of Alaska, where their small government is no longer burdened by over the top media scrutiny and an endless string of nuisance legal actions. Alaska can get back to being Alaska, and the state is governed by a man who shares Palin's vision for the state without having one of the biggest media targets in the history of the country painted on his back.
What? You don't know his name? Good. Alaskans probably like it that way.
And the resignation has certainly worked for Palin's family and the former governor herself no doubt. They no longer have the targets painted on their backs either. They no longer are burdened by a mountain of legal debt and the mountain of legal debt is no longer growing like it was. Win. Win. Win.
Heck, it looks like the family will be able to travel the entire country at the request of many other people happy to pay their expenses and a nice honorarium as well. That's not a bad educational experience, and I even doubt the former governor will burden us with stories about how much she has sacrificed while doing all of this jet setting.
Along the way, she will be exposed to millions and millions of American voters who will see her in person or see local coverage of her appearances. She will curry favor with many Republicans and other conservative candidates across the country. Her rolodex will be engorged with valuable contacts. Her work in this area is likely to have a major impact on the mid-term elections of 2010 in fact. If it goes well for the GOP, she will get much of the credit in all likelihood.
There will be sound bytes from her on any number of weighty issues. That started last week in Asia in fact. Even Charles Krauthammer will be impressed. By the time 2012 rolls around - just in case she has that year circled in her day planner - any notion of her lack of depth or experience will have been clearly dispelled.
Tina Fey shooting the moose will be a distant memory. Charlie Gibson will be the one thrown to the curb in his chosen profession. And I doubt Katie Couric will age as gracefully as Sarah Palin will.
To summarize, every single ramification of Palin's resignation has come up aces. For her, her family, her state and even for any future political ambitions, it was the right call.
Even in the one arena the Jurassic media and conservative elites thought they were really expert -- politics -- Palin has trumped them in that too. It is almost 100% certain that she will come in to the year 2012 with a lot more money, a lot more exposure, a lot more commentary on the big issues, a lot more potential campaign workers across the 57 states and a lot more favors owed than she ever could have by hanging around Juneau for two more years. Yes, even in purely political terms, Palin's business and personal decision has proven to be superior to what the pundits thought she should have done.
Now of course this is sending the pundit class in the D.C.-Manhattan corridor into the vapors, not to mention shock. They never have been able to make one correct assessment about Palin and her relationship with the American people and their reaction to their own ineptness is to hate Palin herself.
Millions of Americans are not surprised however. Why do you think so many are buying her book already. You can call those "votes" and also "future campaign contributors."
They are not caught off guard by the brilliance of her decision. They knew it all along.
And I add proudly, so did American Thinker. Our contributing authors penned no less than 9 articles in the two weeks following Palin's resignation, and every single one of them supported her decision as wise and several pieces were scarily prescient in how they predicted just this type of success for her in light of the decision.
It is obvious that Palin knew what she was doing all along. Who knows what she will do in 2012. It doesn't matter at the moment. What matters is that her decision to resign as Governor of Alaska will put her in a far superior position for whatever she does or does not pursue.
I think that's hilariously ironic. Betcha she does too. So who's laughing now?


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Glad to see the insignificant NOBODIES come out from under their rock and attack Sarah Palin.

Of course, all of them have sold $7 million worth of books. They were all elected to be Governors (or at least LEFTENANT Governors). They all have a son wearing the uniform of their country, fighting oversees. They were all Vice Presidential candidates. They were all attacked by similar NOBODIES and wore the attacks as a badge of honour and smiled thru them with dignity. They were all the targets of phoney TV shows, where the most honour goes to the one who can misquote and lie the best.

These bastards would buckle where Sarah Palin is standing tall.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Response to #88. (Not worth quoting).

gopher, i have no idea if your figures are true or not. But one thing is true: those figures are quite similar to the figures one can find with proper Googleing, looking at education in Arkansas, prior to, during and after the glorious Presidency of Bill Clinton.

The only difference is demographics. Which put everything in Governor Palin's favour.


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Sara Palin is a borderline retarded, sideshow spectacle. There is not a chance in hell that this women could swing a presidential election in her favour, she lacks in all the departments needed to do so.

At best, she'll end up as a commentator on "The View" or a fluffer in the porn industry.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Palin in 2012!

Alaska: highest drop out rate in USA

Alaska's dropout rate double US average: Education |

Alaska’s statistics on violence against
women are among the highest in the​

Alaska has the highest rate per capita of men​
murdering women

Child sexual assault in Alaska is almost six times​
the national average.

The Alaska rape rate is 2.5 times the national​

from Alaska Network on Domestic Violence
and Sexual Assault

Alaska also has the highest alcoholism rate.

Palin's great success as governor should help her and the USA in the 2012 election!

Quite so, gopher. If you remember, Democrats were also running scared of the mighty Joan of Arc in 2008. She was supposed to be the great rescuer of the Republican Party; she was going to win the presidency for McCain. The logic here being that McCain would only be a figurehead, with the real power in the hands of Joan of Arc. Then her popularity plunged, especially among women.

That plan seems to have hit a snag or two. Now her devotees are worshipfully looking at her to rescue them in 2012. To listen to her devotees, the election of 2012 is all but over; Obama might as well step down, hand over the presidency to Joan of Arc (and her minions) and save the taxpayer millions of dollars.

But that is the hallmark of a true acolyte, a true devotee. To him, his god or goddess can do no wrong. When Joan of Arc bombed out big time with Katie Couric (e.g. she could not answer which weeklies she read on a regular basis, she claimed that since you can see Russia from Alaska, that made her a great expert on foreign affairs etc.), her devotees did not blame Joan of arc, they blamed Couric for blasphemy, for sacrilege (she should not have asked such tough questions to a divine figure such as Joan of Arc).

It remains to be seen if the rest of Americans share the same devotion, the same adulation towards Joan of Arc. Considering that she is even more unpopular than Newt Gingrich, my guess is that they don’t. If she wins the nomination in 2012 (I hope she does), Obama will win by a landslide, comparable to Johnson landslide against Goldwater.

All the same, to listen to her devotees, Democrats are running scared of her. But then isn’t every Democrat running scared of every Republican? That was the case in 2006 and 2008; every Democrat was scared of every Republican (to listen to the Republican base). Why should 2012 be any different?
Last edited:


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Sara Palin is a borderline retarded, sideshow spectacle. There is not a chance in hell that this women could swing a presidential election in her favour, she lacks in all the departments needed to do so.

At best, she'll end up as a commentator on "The View" or a fluffer in the porn industry.

I hope she does win the nomination, Durka. Considering that the Republican base (and people such as the de facto leader of the party, Rush ‘drug addict’ Limbaugh) has a lot to say as to who gets the nomination, chances are very good that she might. After all, they nominated Bush, if you remember. He was wildly popular with the base (and remains so to this day).


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
Responding to #94. (Not worth quoting in whole or in part).

Bill Clinton's most pathetic record as a Governor of Arkansas did not stop him from being elected President. Compared to the record of the hillbilly of the century, the record of Sarah Palin is a record of a genius.

For all the idiots: It was the comedic persona of Tina Fey as Sarah Palin who said that she can see Russia from her home. SArah Palin only said that that one can see Russia from Alaska.

For all the other idiots: What has Obama ever accomplished before fleecing the dumb and the clueless? What is he doing ith the power he now has other than sucking up to dictators? Other than stabbing his country in the back by serial apologizing? Why would anyone in his right mind coould ever think that this petulant, immature, narcissist, egotistical little boy, with his pear-shaped concubine could ever be more qualified than the lady who was elected and performed the EXECUTIVE offices of a Governor of a state? Has Obama ever had to meet a payroll? Has he ever debated anyone, has he ever been interviewed by anyone who was not an acolyte, with tingles up the leg?


Internet Lawyer
Mar 15, 2006
Responding to #94. (Not worth quoting in whole or in part).

Bill Clinton's most pathetic record as a Governor of Arkansas did not stop him from being elected President. Compared to the record of the hillbilly of the century, the record of Sarah Palin is a record of a genius.

For all the idiots: It was the comedic persona of Tina Fey as Sarah Palin who said that she can see Russia from her home. SArah Palin only said that that one can see Russia from Alaska.

For all the other idiots: What has Obama ever accomplished before fleecing the dumb and the clueless? What is he doing ith the power he now has other than sucking up to dictators? Other than stabbing his country in the back by serial apologizing? Why would anyone in his right mind coould ever think that this petulant, immature, narcissist, egotistical little boy, with his pear-shaped concubine could ever be more qualified than the lady who was elected and performed the EXECUTIVE offices of a Governor of a state? Has Obama ever had to meet a payroll? Has he ever debated anyone, has he ever been interviewed by anyone who was not an acolyte, with tingles up the leg?

Lets see,

Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar, Sara Palin can hardly string a sentence together. Enough said.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Why would anyone in his right mind coould ever think that this petulant, immature, narcissist, egotistical little boy,

Spoken like a true racist, YJ. Congratulations. You have really demonstrated what many conservatives really would like to call Obama, they would like to call him a ‘boy’, but they don’t dare. You did your work for them, probably many are probably applauding you for it.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"Rush ‘drug addict’ Limbaugh"

As long as keep on hearing/seeing that, I might as well refer to Obama as a weak-knead putz who hasn't got the guts to quit SMOKING.

At least Limbaugh sought relief from unbearable pain. Obama, in typical liberal fashion, is only indullging in his despicable and TOTALLY BREAKABLE habit for highs and kicks. Or simply because he is a weak-knead, noodle-spined dolt.