Palin in 2012


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
The only people who demean an debase Sarah Palin are the ones who are afraid of her.

And let them tremble. Justifiably.

That is the official Republican Party line, YJ. Every Democrat is afraid of every Republican. Democrats were shaking in their boots for fear of Republicans in 2006 and 2008 (both Obama and Biden were petrified of Joan of Arc). And of course, their fear was justified by the election results (Democrats ended up with ‘only’ 60 seats in the Senate, no doubt their fear was justified). No doubt in your mind Joan of Arc won a spectacular victory in 2009. So what else is new?


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
Democrats are known to be weak kneed milksops, except for those who ever have served something higher than themselves. (Republicans included) Everyone knows that. Yes she did win a spectacular victory, think about it. She is still a viable future candidate, most other she ran with or against are finished.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"This thread has gotten boring; we should ask the mods to close it."

TenPenny (I hope I spelled it correctly) if you think this thread is boring, get the Hell out. NOBODY is holding a gun to your head to participate.

I am sure, if you had anything worthwhile to contribute, you would feel different.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
The same (or their fathers and mothers) jerks wrote off Reagan.

Don't you Democratic jackasses ever learn from history?
Can't you see the perfectly obvious: Obama is a second Carter. Weak in the knees. No spine. Appease at any cost.

One term, if he is lucky.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Democrats are known to be weak kneed milksops, except for those who ever have served something higher than themselves. (Republicans included) Everyone knows that. Yes she did win a spectacular victory, think about it. She is still a viable future candidate, most other she ran with or against are finished.

So are you predicting here that Joan of Arc will win a landslide victory in 2012 against Obama? According to you, Obama is finished, since Obama ran against her.

Your soul mate, YJ certainly seems to think so. According to him,. Republicans are going to take control of Senate and House in 2010 (I hope he means in an election) and Joan of Arc is going to win a landslide victory in 2012. Do you share his opinion?

Anyway, if this is what her victory looks like (losing by 7 percentage points), I cannot imagine what her defeat would look like. But then the thought of her defeat is unthinkable, isn’t’ it? She is Joan of Arc after all, how can she lose?


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Sara doesn't read newspapers and doesn't answer questions. she is a robot.

She is the product of the far right Republican base Teriss, hardly anybody outside the Republican base likes her. She have very high negatives among women. She has the highest rating among the dirty old men.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
The same (or their fathers and mothers) jerks wrote off Reagan.

Don't you Democratic jackasses ever learn from history?
Can't you see the perfectly obvious: Obama is a second Carter. Weak in the knees. No spine. Appease at any cost.

One term, if he is lucky.

Quite so, YJ, If he is lucky. There is a real possibility of assassination. As to what happens in 2012, it is to early to tell (unless one has a crystal ball like you, then Joan of Arc is going to win a sweeping victory, carrying all the states, including Illinois).

It will strictly depend upon how the economy is doing at that time. But I agree with you, he may not make it to 2012, he may well be assassinated before that, there is that much hatred in existence against Obama.


Time Out
Dec 26, 2008
"She has the highest rating among the dirty old men."

At least they are heterosexual.

Obama has the highest rating among homosexuals, and sympathisers, like SirJosephPorter.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
"This thread has gotten boring; we should ask the mods to close it."

TenPenny (I hope I spelled it correctly) if you think this thread is boring, get the Hell out. NOBODY is holding a gun to your head to participate.

I am sure, if you had anything worthwhile to contribute, you would feel different.

It's might right to say that if I want to.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
"She has the highest rating among the dirty old men."

At least they are heterosexual.

Obama has the highest rating among homosexuals, and sympathisers, like SirJosephPorter.

Perhaps i should have said 'among dirty old men and dirty old women.'

And Obama has highest rating among homosexuals? I should think so. When they see the hatred emanating from every pore of the Republican Party towards homosexuals, when they see efforts to recriminalize homosexuality in the Bible Belt, I would think they would whole heartedly support Obama, or any Democrat for that matter.

Just as blacks do, they avoid Republicans, conservatives like plague. But then according to you, blacks are stupid and racist, so what can you expect from blacks, eh? But as to homosexuals, if they know what is good for them, they will support Obama to the fullest extent. Any Republican elected to the presidency will make their life miserable, will relegate them back to sub human status, Joan of Arc especially so.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
"Just two days after HarperCollins announced that Palin's "Going Rogue" had been moved up from the spring to Nov. 17, preorders Wednesday night for the former Alaska governor's memoir made it No. 1 on both and Barnes &
Among the books "Going Rogue" is outselling: Sen. Ted Kennedy's "True Compass," Mitch Albom's "Have a Little Faith" and Brown's "The Lost Symbol," his first novel since "The Da Vinci Code" and, perhaps until now, the year's most anticipated release.
She is regarded as a possible 2012 contender for the presidency. Past candidates, notably Barack Obama, have been helped by writing best-selling books, invaluable platforms for politicians to tell their story."

Why all this fear mongering if your not worried about Palin's possible run for the Presidency?