Palin in 2012


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I don’t’ know JLM, she is very popular with the base. It wouldn’t surprise me if she does win the nomination.

Well, the Republicans are stupid- you don't elect someone because they are popular you elect them because you think they can do a job. Popular people are good at cocktail parties but often useless on the job.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Well, the Republicans are stupid- you don't elect someone because they are popular you elect them because you think they can do a job. Popular people are good at cocktail parties but often useless on the job.

We elected Obama didn't we.


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
SJP: We made a big mistake electing Obama, no one except a few ever thought he would put our country into the debt he managed to do so fast. We had a chance to clean up the debt Bush left us, now it will take generations to pay off. The Democrats may have experience and power at the moment, that is only because there was no depth in the Republican party. Now there are new young faces starting to appear thanks to Obama's incompetence. Right now, anyone some new doable ideas would win. Yes, even if they happen to be religious, they all aren't evil doers as you suggest. As for being beautiful, it is all in the eye of the beholder. Republican leading women win.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Republican leading women win.

Really? Then why are you saying that Sarah Palin is damaged goods? If not Palin, which other woman do you have in mind for 2012? Bachmann? Coulter? Phyllis Schlafly (there is another ugly right wing woman)?

The fact is, Republican women are no better at attracting women voters than Republican men are. Palin has a high negative among women. And so do most Republican women politicians. The only female Republican politicians who have recently been successful are Senator Snow and Senator Collins, both of whom are moderates (and both of whom the Republican base would like to kick out of the Republican Party).


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
''I thought Obama and the Democrats are deathly afraid of her, at least that was the arguments some conservatives were making here not that long ago. ''

Democrats and Indy's are afraid of one thing: that Palin WON'T run in 2012!


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
November 18, 2009
Sarah Amazing

James Lewis

I felt real pain when Governor Sarah Palin was trashed over and over again by hateful screaming libs last year -- just to demonstrate their vaunted compassion and tolerance, docha know? So they roundly assaulted her Down Syndrome grandchild, her pregnant daughter, exploited her daughter's sleazeball boyfriend, ginned up false accusations in Alaska, and somebody burned down her church in Wasilla. Raging feminists around the country were ready to tear Sarah's hair out by the roots. A real media lynch mob.

It just proves beyond a shadow of doubt how the Left keeps boiling over with hatred and bigotry against normal, decent people. So-called "progressives" are just today's Stalinists. Not really nice people, you might say. More like fascist haters.

But I need not have worried. Sarah Barracuda has ‘em by the short hairs. Those howls of rage you keep hearing are being hurled just because Sarah is smiling and beautiful, and she's not yielding an inch to the Commissars of Political Correctness. She drives ‘em over the edge by being herself.

It is an amazing spectacle to behold. Governor Palin is the anti-Obama, and just as Obama is their crazed love object, she is just the opposite, a sort of Satanic dominatrix in their overheated fantasy lives. As they keep attacking our all-American beauty they end up making her more and more famous and admired. Wow.

I'm almost beginning to enjoy watching these nasties breaking their heads against Fortress Sarah. If Palin just keeps her own counsel, like Ronald Reagan did thirty years ago, decent Americans of all stripes will open their hearts to her. As for her snarling enemies, they show their true nature just by trying to fling more mud. But none of it sticks.

Watching liberals ranting against Sarah is like watching Snidely Whiplash roping down Poor Nell on those railroad tracks, with the steam locomotive bearing down on her. Except that Palin doesn't even have to do anything. Poor Nell just keeps smiling that big, beautiful smile, while Snidely gets run over by the train. And it keeps happening.

I'm speechless. It's awesome. All we have to do is watch it happen.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
November 18, 2009
Sarah Amazing

James Lewis

I felt real pain when Governor Sarah Palin was trashed over and over again by hateful screaming libs last year -- just to demonstrate their vaunted compassion and tolerance, docha know? So they roundly assaulted her Down Syndrome grandchild, her pregnant daughter, exploited her daughter's sleazeball boyfriend, ginned up false accusations in Alaska, and somebody burned down her church in Wasilla. Raging feminists around the country were ready to tear Sarah's hair out by the roots. A real media lynch mob.

It just proves beyond a shadow of doubt how the Left keeps boiling over with hatred and bigotry against normal, decent people. So-called "progressives" are just today's Stalinists. Not really nice people, you might say. More like fascist haters.

But I need not have worried. Sarah Barracuda has ‘em by the short hairs. Those howls of rage you keep hearing are being hurled just because Sarah is smiling and beautiful, and she's not yielding an inch to the Commissars of Political Correctness. She drives ‘em over the edge by being herself.

It is an amazing spectacle to behold. Governor Palin is the anti-Obama, and just as Obama is their crazed love object, she is just the opposite, a sort of Satanic dominatrix in their overheated fantasy lives. As they keep attacking our all-American beauty they end up making her more and more famous and admired. Wow.

I'm almost beginning to enjoy watching these nasties breaking their heads against Fortress Sarah. If Palin just keeps her own counsel, like Ronald Reagan did thirty years ago, decent Americans of all stripes will open their hearts to her. As for her snarling enemies, they show their true nature just by trying to fling more mud. But none of it sticks.

Watching liberals ranting against Sarah is like watching Snidely Whiplash roping down Poor Nell on those railroad tracks, with the steam locomotive bearing down on her. Except that Palin doesn't even have to do anything. Poor Nell just keeps smiling that big, beautiful smile, while Snidely gets run over by the train. And it keeps happening.

I'm speechless. It's awesome. All we have to do is watch it happen.

In other words, being beautiful and smiling a lot are the important qualifications for the Republican party.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
In other words, being beautiful and smiling a lot are the important qualifications for the Republican party.
Republican is not mentioned in the article, besides, her qualifications are superior to the Bamster's.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
You (Republicans) didn't, voters at large did. You (the Republicans) overwhelmingly voted for McCain,

We as in my country (not yours). You see, even conservatives are able to recognize when the election is over that the winner is indeed our President whether we voted for him or not. It does not mean I have to love everything he does or remain silent as the libs want us to.

the figurehead (and of course, for Joan of Arc, the real power behind the throne).

This just shows how much of a clown you are.