Palin in 2012


Executive Branch Member
Feb 13, 2009
United States
The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America

Right-wing radicals are already pinning presidential ambitions on a mother-of-five from Minnesota who calls herself a 'fool for Christ' and condemns Obama as a socialist at the head of a gangster regime. She is a striking brunette with a decidedly outspoken attitude. She lambasts President Barack Obama as a socialist and has become the darling of America's right-wing activists who flock to her appearances. She is hated by liberals and loved by conservatives.

Every wonder why beautiful people are right wing?

The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America | World news | The Observer


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Palin won't run and even if she did would get trounced by a sitting president. The only people that want her to run are democrats for that very reason.

The only reason she quit and is now doing speeches and guest apperances is simple math really.

Book deal + book tour = 7 million.

Smart of her to capatalize on her fame now.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America

Right-wing radicals are already pinning presidential ambitions on a mother-of-five from Minnesota who calls herself a 'fool for Christ' and condemns Obama as a socialist at the head of a gangster regime. She is a striking brunette with a decidedly outspoken attitude. She lambasts President Barack Obama as a socialist and has become the darling of America's right-wing activists who flock to her appearances. She is hated by liberals and loved by conservatives.

Every wonder why beautiful people are right wing?

The new wave of female firebrands striking fear into liberal America | World news | The Observer

You are talking of Bachmann, who was recently given the ‘Wingnut of the Right’ award by CNN. She represents the extreme right of the Republican Party.

Let us look at the website you provided.

“The politics espoused by Bachmann, Palin and others on the far right of the conservative movement warn darkly of Obama's intentions.”

“But out in the crowd the ugly face of some modern conservatives was not hard to find. There were 12 arrests. One protester wore a mask of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with handfuls of bloody foetuses. Another protester held up a picture of piles of Jewish corpses from Dachau concentration camp. "National Socialist Healthcare", the sign read.”

“In October last year Bachmann called some of her fellow congressmen anti-American.”

“She has fed into fears of a violent backlash against Obama by saying that "having a revolution every now and then is a good thing".

“Her language in opposing healthcare reform has been bloodcurdling.”

Bachmann makes Joan of arc look like a faint hearted liberal nanny. If Bachmann is the best Republican Party has to offer, if she is going to be the new Goddess at whose feet the Republicans are going to worship, I don’t think Obama has anything to worry about.

The problem with Republican Party is that they are looking for a Messiah, a Savior. They don’t’ need a Savior; they need to reach out to the minorities (who are going to be increasingly important in the years to come). No amount of hero worship, Goddess worship of Joan of Arc or Bachmann will save the party if minorities remain perpetually scared of Republicans.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Every wonder why beautiful people are right wing?

You have got it backwards, ironsides. Conservatives define every Republican female as beautiful; they define every Democratic female as ugly. Remember the famous comment by Rush ‘drug addict’ Limbaugh that Hillary was too ugly to be the President?

I can think of many Republican women who are as ugly as sin, but whom you would consider beautiful nevertheless, just because they are Republicans. Dr. Laura, or Barbara Bush or Anne Coulter are just a few examples (Coulter looks like a man).

It is not that Republican women are beautiful, it is that Republicans refer to their women as beautiful, Democratic women as ugly.

And with good reason. Many republicans think that a woman cannot possibly be intellectually capable of achieving anything. So if she has gained prominence in Republican Party, why, she must be beautiful, otherwise how could she gain prominence?

And as to Democratic Party, well, everything about them is ugly, so of course their women are ugly as well.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Palin won't run and even if she did would get trounced by a sitting president. The only people that want her to run are democrats for that very reason.

The only reason she quit and is now doing speeches and guest apperances is simple math really.

Book deal + book tour = 7 million.

Smart of her to capatalize on her fame now.

I hope she runs, Avro; it will make for an interesting election. Everybody enjoys seeing a train wreck.

Or as ironsides pointed out, may be Republicans will give the nomination to their current Goddess, Bachmann. That will be even a bigger train wreck.

No doubt he already thinks that Obama is deathly scared of Bachmann (that is the standard conservative line; every Democrat is deathly scared of every Republican).


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Palin won't run and even if she did would get trounced by a sitting president. The only people that want her to run are democrats for that very reason.

The only reason she quit and is now doing speeches and guest apperances is simple math really.

Book deal + book tour = 7 million.

Smart of her to capatalize on her fame now.

Oh, she will make a lot of money all right. Republican base probably consists of 15 or 20 % of American population, which would be 45 to 60 million people. Even if half or quarter of them buy the book, think of the money she will make. Plus I expect she will be invited to speak at Tea Parties and other extreme right wing functions, no doubt for a handome fee.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
I hope she runs, Avro; it will make for an interesting election. Everybody enjoys seeing a train wreck.

Or as ironsides pointed out, may be Republicans will give the nomination to their current Goddess, Bachmann. That will be even a bigger train wreck.

No doubt he already thinks that Obama is deathly scared of Bachmann (that is the standard conservative line; every Democrat is deathly scared of every Republican).

I'd just like them to nominate someone smart, the U.S. is a disaster right now and small minded politics is driving them into the ground.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You have got it backwards, ironsides. Conservatives define every Republican female as beautiful; they define every Democratic female as ugly. Remember the famous comment by Rush ‘drug addict’ Limbaugh that Hillary was too ugly to be the President?

I can think of many Republican women who are as ugly as sin, but whom you would consider beautiful nevertheless, just because they are Republicans. Dr. Laura, or Barbara Bush or Anne Coulter are just a few examples (Coulter looks like a man).

It is not that Republican women are beautiful, it is that Republicans refer to their women as beautiful, Democratic women as ugly.

And with good reason. Many republicans think that a woman cannot possibly be intellectually capable of achieving anything. So if she has gained prominence in Republican Party, why, she must be beautiful, otherwise how could she gain prominence?

And as to Democratic Party, well, everything about them is ugly, so of course their women are ugly as well.

Come on S.J. Sarah Palin is a damn good looking woman and you know it, Barbara Bush is pushing 90, she looks good just to be alive.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I hope she runs, Avro; it will make for an interesting election. Everybody enjoys seeing a train wreck.

Or as ironsides pointed out, may be Republicans will give the nomination to their current Goddess, Bachmann. That will be even a bigger train wreck.

No doubt he already thinks that Obama is deathly scared of Bachmann (that is the standard conservative line; every Democrat is deathly scared of every Republican).

Sure she could run, big deal, like a dozen other contenders she wouldn't make it past the third primary. Veep is a lot different from Prez.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
Every wonder why beautiful people are right wing?

In my experience, smart beautiful people who get into politics tend to downplay and disguise their beauty, so that they are seen more for ideas than for appearance.

People without as much to offer tend to play up, and rely on, physical appearance, hoping that it will carry the day.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
There's more opportunity outside of political candidacy. $100k speaking fees...I don't think she could charge that at news conferences as President, and she would have to answer questions from media scrums. Not exactly her best quality. I guess she could always quit again if the heat was too much.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Sure she could run, big deal, like a dozen other contenders she wouldn't make it past the third primary. Veep is a lot different from Prez.

I don’t’ know JLM, she is very popular with the base. It wouldn’t surprise me if she does win the nomination.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
I'd just like them to nominate someone smart, the U.S. is a disaster right now and small minded politics is driving them into the ground.

They do have smart people. Romney and Giuliani are two of them. Unfortunately, they are not glamorous, and according to the Republican base, they are RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). They will find it very difficult to win the nomination.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Come on S.J. Sarah Palin is a damn good looking woman and you know it, Barbara Bush is pushing 90, she looks good just to be alive.

Did I say anything about Palin? I mentioned Dr. Laura, Barbara Bush and Anne Coulter as examples of Republican women who are not good looking. I never mentioned Palin.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Palin would and will get trounced if she decides to run. She's damaged goods...that is why Joey wants her to run. She is not a threat any longer although she put fear in the hearts of the Democrat Party. The media took care of that rather quickly. The Obama Campaign was a political juggernaut and would not be denied.


Time Out
Nov 7, 2008
Palin would and will get trounced if she decides to run. She's damaged goods...that is why Joey wants her to run. She is not a threat any longer although she put fear in the hearts of the Democrat Party. The media took care of that rather quickly. The Obama Campaign was a political juggernaut and would not be denied.

She is damaged goods? I thought Obama and the Democrats are deathly afraid of her, at least that was the arguments some conservatives were making here not that long ago.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Palin would and will get trounced if she decides to run. She's damaged goods...that is why Joey wants her to run. She is not a threat any longer although she put fear in the hearts of the Democrat Party. The media took care of that rather quickly. The Obama Campaign was a political juggernaut and would not be denied.

She put into the dems until she opened her mouth.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
She is damaged goods? I thought Obama and the Democrats are deathly afraid of her, at least that was the arguments some conservatives were making here not that long ago.

They were for sure...and Palin drives the Democrats nuts...still.

Deathly afraid...nah...but they were. But Democrats were Democrats and did their job well this time.