Our cooling world


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
ha! Look back at what lil' taxi posted and get back to me. You guys sure like your self-serving double-standards, don't you! I responded to member taxi in the same manner he posted to me. Trust you to step up with a whine-fest!

I give as good as I get... NO, I give better!

You give better than you get. You can't do that forever you know.

The world is cooling another hour and my thermal barrier breaks down, I cannot generate a warm field anymore, fu ckin Russians


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Way above averages sea ice in Antarctic. It's that warm sea water keeping the ice from melting.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Way above averages sea ice in Antarctic. It's that warm sea water keeping the ice from melting.

We already know the warmist alarmists are full of shyte, Walter. None of their dire predictions have come through, period. They are buffoons and nothing more.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
Analyzing the Earth’s Heat Radiation Using MODTRAN --- By Ed Caryl

why shouldn't everyone just accept an article posted on a denier blog? An article from a former "electronics technician" turned marketing rep! :mrgreen:... an article that denies the greenhouse effect and CO2 contribution to it... an article that claims "it's cooling". But member Locutus, this is from the same guy, "Ed Caryl" you earlier flogged in a claim about historical levels of CO2 - here. Now that was from a different denier blog... so "Ed" gets around, hey? Essentially, your guy, who has never published a damn thing, who hasn't the background and research foundation to make any of these claims, is essentially calling out the scientific community on one of the most tested and accepted foundations within atmospheric science - the Greenhouse Effect. Hey member Locutus, let us know when this moves beyond a denier blog level and "Ed" actually gets this formally published! :mrgreen:


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
why shouldn't everyone just accept an article posted on a denier blog? An article from a former "electronics technician" turned marketing rep! :mrgreen:... an article that denies the greenhouse effect and CO2 contribution to it... an article that claims "it's cooling". But member Locutus, this is from the same guy, "Ed Caryl" you earlier flogged in a claim about historical levels of CO2 - here. Now that was from a different denier blog... so "Ed" gets around, hey? Essentially, your guy, who has never published a damn thing, who hasn't the background and research foundation to make any of these claims, is essentially calling out the scientific community on one of the most tested and accepted foundations within atmospheric science - the Greenhouse Effect. Hey member Locutus, let us know when this moves beyond a denier blog level and "Ed" actually gets this formally published! :mrgreen:

But much more believable than your globull warming truthers.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
But much more believable than your globull warming truthers.

how is it "believable" to you? :mrgreen: You couldn't presume to support that article if your life depended on it... you gots no chops, lil' taxi! What makes it "believeable" to you, is that you likee anything that pumps your denial! That's it... that's your personal measuring bar!

go with your strengths member DuhSleeper! Go with your strengths! :mrgreen:


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
how is it "believable" to you? :mrgreen: You couldn't presume to support that article if your life depended on it... you gots no chops, lil' taxi! What makes it "believeable" to you, is that you likee anything that pumps your denial! That's it... that's your personal measuring bar!

go with your strengths member DuhSleeper! Go with your strengths! :mrgreen:

It's more believable than the alarmists because not a single alarmist prediction has come true. If it had, we would all be dead now. I remember the dire predictions of the 70's, even if you don't.

again, please, do us all a favour and follow your own advice.


House Member
Oct 19, 2009
It's more believable than the alarmists because not a single alarmist prediction has come true. If it had, we would all be dead now. I remember the dire predictions of the 70's, even if you don't.

the very fact you would make such a statement suggests exactly where your mindset is at. That 70s crap was not mainstream science... no matter how hard you deniers keep stating it. The typical predictions you deniers keep harping on, the failed ones... like what? Like a few guys making a prediction that the Arctic would be summer ice-free in 2015? That's the kind of BS you appear to revel in... so what, a few guys made a prediction that failed... made predictions they shouldn't have. Was that a widely held mainstream scientific position? No, of course not... but don't let that kind of crap get in the way of you, and your ilk, denying the actual science!


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
Analyzing the Earth’s Heat Radiation Using MODTRAN

Opening paragraph:

"The Climate Team has always claimed that a doubling of CO2 would add 3.7 Watts/m2 to the global climate budget and thus this would fry us all."

No, adding that much radiation would raise the temperature about 1 deg C all other things being equal. So one sentence in, and it's already cler the guy has no idea what he's talking about. These guys are just trying to drop science-y sounding words to fool you. You're being suckered. I suppose it's possible that a plucky group of billionaires and oil comapnies and unveiled the grandaddy of all conspiracies engineered by scientists, leftists and governments, but really, quite an unlikely possibility when examined objectively.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
The proponents of AGW said it would heat up, and it's heating up.

No, in the past they have said far worse, and it hasn't come true. What they were saying in the 70's is that we wouldn't be alive now unless we did some drastic changes. Changes that we didn't do. It's the same mantra they are crooning now, that they have crooned in the past.

Now, that being said, Is what mankind does make a difference in weather changes? Yup, I'm sure it does. There's a whole shyte load of us on this planet doing a whole shyte load of stuff. Are we all gonna die if we don't shut it all down? Nope. Are we all gonna die if we don't pay some fu cking tax that basically just transfers wealth from one to another and has NO IMPACT WHAT SO EVER ON ACTUAL CO2 RELEASED, no we aren't. These, so called, climate scientists are giving man far more credit for what we can and can't do, compared to "Mother Nature". Chill out, we aren't going to die, our grandkids aren't gonna die, and neither are their great great great ad nauseam grandkids going to die.

This also doesn't mean we sit on our a$$ and do nothing about trying to make things better, it just means we don't have to kill ourselves doing it.


House Member
Apr 12, 2013
No, in the past they have said far worse, and it hasn't come true. What they were saying in the 70's is that we wouldn't be alive now unless we did some drastic changes. Changes that we didn't do. It's the same mantra they are crooning now, that they have crooned in the past.

Now, that being said, Is what mankind does make a difference in weather changes? Yup, I'm sure it does. There's a whole shyte load of us on this planet doing a whole shyte load of stuff. Are we all gonna die if we don't shut it all down? Nope. Are we all gonna die if we don't pay some fu cking tax that basically just transfers wealth from one to another and has NO IMPACT WHAT SO EVER ON ACTUAL CO2 RELEASED, no we aren't. These, so called, climate scientists are giving man far more credit for what we can and can't do, compared to "Mother Nature". Chill out, we aren't going to die, our grandkids aren't gonna die, and neither are their great great great ad nauseam grandkids going to die.

This also doesn't mean we sit on our a$$ and do nothing about trying to make things better, it just means we don't have to kill ourselves doing it.

So, like most of the deniers here, you deny climate change because you hate paying taxes. Yup.

And yes, we are all going to die. Life is the leading cause of death. :lol: