Ontario Election 2014 - The Official Thread


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
They all make outrageous claims ... and the very stupid believe them. 2.2 BILLION jobs? Zat a typo or are you a bigger LIEberal?

I thought that is what they were claiming. I know it sounded as ridiculous or moreso than Hudak's number.

ETA: I must be becoming a politician. The Millions are seeming like Billions. It is 2.2 Million which was claimed.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
And you can see how our meager GDP gains show where he put his investment is really paying off!

Thank god then that he didn't spend more - whew!

Voter and party focus on debt is in some ways the wrong way to view it.
Debt for the hell of it is not in anyone's interest however debt for the
means of investment in things that will benefit society is a good thing but
it has to be managed debt and that is where governments go wrong.
Ontario has to get control of its current debt situation. The Province was
once the powerhouse of industry and the world changed, the Province did
not. They waited for the industry to come back. Wrong move they should
have been working on the assets of a trained workforce and invested in
new industry and a new revitalized training of its workforce to meet the demand.
Instead across the country we burden young people with debt beyond their
ability to get ahead and they train them in the same old way for jobs that may
or may not exist in ten or twenty years.
We have to go to the drawing board and discover who we are and what our
role will be in an international workforce
From there we the people provide the education and training and through a
supervised apprenticeship we would get some of the training value back by having
the graduates do contract work for government to revamp of infrastructure and so
on. The rest of our financial return would come from a productive and trained work
force paying taxes to support what we are doing growing the economy
In the beginning it would cost more but this type of investment would cost a lot less
in the long run and the next generation would not be burdened by direct debt.
As for the election? It is a tossup I just hope the Tories don't get in.

I hit the "green" when I actually wanted to respond to your post. Having said that I do agree with most of your post. But in addition to educating our youth for the next generation, we also have to encourage industry to locate here so those same youths actually have jobs to go to. Making it more expensive for businesses to operate is not the way to go - as I've stated previously - government can't be job creators - businesses are. Lower corporate and individual taxes, getting a handle on the utilities portfolio - businesses aren't going to locate in a province when utilities are expected to rise by 40+% in five years. What's with that?

Common sense needs to prevail and obviously, especially for the Liberals, its not. I don't envy Ontario voters. From what I understand (and have read), none of the parties sound very good but I'd likely vote for Hudak simply to give him the chance to govern. He couldn't possibly be worse than Wyn and who knows - he might be a "diamond in the rough" lol. He can be voted out in 4 years anyway right?



Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
That's all the left ever uses, emotion, because they never win policy arguments.



New Member
May 28, 2014
I can't help but wonder how any business is happy with the proposed Liberal "Pension Plan", just another way to get our money with no guarantee we get anything back in return?? I am 52 what is a Liberal Pension Plan going to do for me..?? Take more money out of my take home pay that is what... I can barely afford to live on what I get now...

Liberals win I am out of Ontario.. why stay only to be "work poor"..

I do believe that the PC's have the better platform at least they intend to tackle the debt.. which under Liberal rule (tax and spend) only gets bigger. Those of you with kids, know your kids will be paying for this for the rest of their lives...

No matter what, there is good and bad in each party's plans but I don't trust the Liberals and I believe they have had over 10 years to get things right.. and haven't.

Kind of like going to a plastic surgeon for a face lift only to have the surgery botched but keep returning to the same surgeon to get the same results..

My head hurts from all the banging against the wall I have done in the last 10 years...


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
If you don't vote, you still get a master.

But at least you get to complain for the rest of your life.

And the Prickly Curmudgeon party welcomes all curmudgeons with open arms.