Where did all the other animals in the world come from then? The flood supposedly destroyed all life except what was on the Ark.
The flood did not involve the entire earth, but only the region where Noah and his people the disbelievers lived: the region of Nineveh in the north of Iraq near Mosul. The flood was designated to drown the disbelievers: the idolaters who denied God and His messenger Noah. There were many regions and many peoples in other parts of the world that the flood did not include.
So Noah was told to carry with him in the Ark a male and a female of all kinds of animals: like the livestock, the riding animals, and the poultry: like a hen and a cock, a male duck and its female. etc. Such animals which he would certainly need after the flood would recede.
But certainly not the wolf or the tiger or the snake or the scorpion, which in fact are not domestic or tamed.
Quran 11: 48, which means:
[Then after the ship settled on the mountain and the water receded, the angel addressed him and:]
(said: "O Noah, descend [from the mountain to the plain land] in safety [granted] by Us, and [increasing] blessings upon you and upon [some] nations of [the black and yellow races] who are with you [in the Ark.]
But [
some other] nations [in other countries of the earth not inflicted by the deluge]
c , We will let them enjoy prosperity [with wealth and children in the life of the World] and then a painful punishment from Us will afflict them [because of their disbelief, idolatry and associating others with God.])
c This indicates that
the 'deluge‘ did not involve the entire earth, but was confined to one of its countries [: Iraq], and that there were other inhabitants else than Noah‘s people, but they were in another country far from Noah‘s people, and therefore the deluge did not involve them.