Objection to some astronomers.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The solar system:
When we contemplate the solar system: we realize it is a marvelous creation: planets orbit around a very hot sun at certain distances, with different inclinations. All of them are almost in one plane. The planets spin around their own axes, with the formation of day and night on those planets.
Certainly, this system has been created for a high noble purpose: the bearing of intelligent beings. It can't be all this marvelous creation has been created in vain.

Our Earth: it cannot be denied our Earth has been created with wisdom: its movement: the circling around the sun with a certain inclination, leading to the formation of the year and its seasons. The spinning of the Earth around its axis with the formation of the day and night.
The water in oceans, the water in rivers, the rain formation: how the water is carried by the cloud and the wind to deserts and remote lands to irrigate them in a miraculous way that no human can do.
Mountains, planes, and lakes, filled with so many creatures: animals, cattle, livestock, and birds in addition to various kinds of trees and other plants: fruits and crops.
Glory be to God Almighty and Most Gracious!

The other planets: Mars and beyond: Jupiter, Saturn, and the rest of the planets: it can't be these planets are devoid of life and living beings.

Mars: when they speak about Mars, they say: it has basins of oceans and seas: but without water!?
The ice on the poles: they say: it is CO2 ice!?
Where is the water on Mars? they say: it may be in the underground!? Why? They say: it evaporates because the atmosphere of Mars is very thin! So how it bears the cloud and the dust storms?
There is the cloud formation on Mars: will it not rain?
They see the mountain tops covered with ice: but they do not think there will be water springs on the slopes and in the valleys.

Moreover, the rest of the outer planets: Jupiter and Saturn, and others: there are colored rings around them, and they are so big: how can't they be without life and living beings?

Conclusion: they are misguided and deluded like most Christians: they see the data before their eyes, yet they do not realize the implication.
As in the first soora of the book of the Quran:

1. In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
2. Praise is due to God, the Lord of ‘nations and worlds’.
Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
4. The Only Owner (and Ruling One) on the Day of Judgment.
5. You [alone] we worship, and You [alone] we ask for help.
6. Show us the standard way.
7. The way [followed] by [the prophets and righteous servants:] those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace [by admitting them into Paradise in Heaven],
neither [the way of] those [Jews] with whom You are wrathful
j ,
nor [the way of] those [Christians] that are misguided! k

j It means: neither the way of Jews who associated with God and worshiped the calf; therefore, You became wrathful with them.
k It means: nor the way of Christians who missed the way of the truth: because they said God is one of three in Trinity.

The meaning: Do not lead us to the way followed by stubborn disbelievers who recognized the truth but turned away from it according to their pride and stubbornness; so You became wrathful with them because of their disbelief and association.

Here is also the recitation of this great soora 1 of the Quran:

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
When I think about Mars and the planets beyond it.. and this entire solar system: - without any given data - I am certain its planets are inhabited .. how can't they be inhabited and they orbit and spin and have mountains and hot centers and water ... there must be water there, and they are not created in vain: that is the illusion of disbelievers.. they are created with wisdom and for a wise purpose.

Quran 3: 190-191, which means:
(190. The creation of the heavens and the earth a, and the alternation of the night and the day b – include indicative signs c to men having discerning minds.

[Then God – be glorified – started to describe and praise the men having discerning minds:]
191. [Those] who ‘remember and mention’ God when they stand up, sit down and lie down [in bed] d, and they meditate on the creation of the heavens and the earth [: the planets including the earth] e, [then they say]: "Our Lord, not in vain f have You created this [universe!] Glory be to You g! Protect us from the torment of the Fire. h ")

190 a i.e. the planets including the earth.

190 b On these planets because of their rotation.

190 c i.e. there are signs indicating that there is a Wise Creator Who created them, and a Wise Designer Who invented and made them perfectly.

191 d It means: they always remember and glorify Him, in all instances, and they seek His help and do not seek the help of anyone else when they stand up and sit down.
So ‘seeking help of those other than God’ is forbidden, even if you say: O Mohammed [help me!] when you stand up.
Therefore, anyone seeks the help of imams, sheikhs, prophets and saints, when he stands up and sits down, then he is an associater [who associates or joins others with God in the worship, like the idolater who associates the idols with God in his worship.]

191 e i.e. so they contemplate about these planets and their spinning around their axes so that the day and night issue, then their circling around the sun so that the four seasons issue: summer, winter, spring and autumn; and they ponder on the marvels of God in these planets and the maravelous creatures and the large number of signs that God created on these planets; therefore, they say:

191 f Not without purpose.

191 g You do not do any mistake.

191 h By guiding us to the way of the truth, and by forgiving us our sins.

Here is the recitation of these ayat:

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Another aya telling the earth and the planets are not created in vain:

Soora 38: 27, which means:
(27, We created not the heaven a and the earth and all that is between them in vain b ; such is the thought of the unbelievers c , so woe [in the Next Life] from the Fire to those who unbelieve. d)

a Every aya mentioned in the Quran in which the heaven‘ and the earth‘ are mentioned, followed by the word ‗and all that is between them‘, the heavens should be in plural, as it is in the entire Quran, except this aya; because the plural implies the planets including the earth.
b i.e. We did not create them uselessly without any purpose, but We created them to be inhabited by the genie-kind and man-kind so that they will worship Me alone. As is it in His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 51: 56, which means: (I created not the genie-kind and the man-kind but only to worship Me [alone.])
c Who say there will be no ‗sending to the Next Life‘, no ‗accounting‘, neither any prosperity nor any punishment after death.
d There will be for them the most severe punishment because of their disbelief and denial of the ‗sending of souls to the Next Life‘



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Do you have a twin somewhere? Because no single person could possibly be a fucking stupid as you.
You posted this bullshit before and got schooled by half the forum.
It's one thing to be ignorant, it's quite another to continually demonstrate your ignorance.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God created the planets and the earth for a noble purpose:
God has not created the planets including the earth for amusement and in vain or uselessly... He created the planets including the earth for a wise purpose: that is to fill these planets and the earth with intelligent human beings to worship Him alone without associate or equal.

Quran 21: 16-17, which mean:
(16. We created not the heaven and the earth and all [the clouds and winds] that are between them, [in vain and] merely for playing. a
17. Had We willed to make amusement [as do you claim], We would have made it [out of the angels in] Our [neighborhood in the ethereal heavens] b , if We had done [so, it would have been the amusement.] c )

a This is a threatening to the associaters, which means: Do you think that God created the heavens and the earth and created all the creatures on them, for playing and without purpose, so you think that there will be no judgment neither any punishment, and so you work according to your own desires? This is similar in meaning to His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 23: 115, which means: ("Did you think that We created you aimlessly, and that you would not return to Us [following your death!?]
b The meaning: So that We may make amusement by talking with them and teaching them that which they do not know. The meaning: Whoso does useless acts, or makes things not useful for him, then he makes useless amusement with himself; and such ones that makes amusement are unintelligent and their minds are not mature.
c The meaning: Had We created useless things, then We might have made amusement; but We never created anything uselessly, neither did We create any creature without perfecting it.

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Disbelievers, atheists, and idolaters! Your outcome is the worst and your consequences are so bad (unless you repent!?)
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
God - be glorified - does not create anything uselessly and in vain; He creates everything for a wise purpose.
Therefore, He created the humans and the genies for a wise purpose: to worship Him alone and not anyone else, and none besides Him: He has no equal, no wife, no son, no daughters, no partner; He is the Eternal the alive Who does not die.

Quran 51: 56, which means:
( I created not the genie-kind and the man-kind but only to worship Me [alone.])
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Therefore, when we see large planets in the solar system: with years, and day & night formation, and other criteria... and some say these planets are uninhabited! This can't be true.
No, of course. These planets are certainly inhabited by humans on the ground of these planets and by genies in the atmospheric layers of them in addition to plants and so many kinds of animals in addition to seas, rivers, mountains, etc.

The planets are inhabited
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Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Therefore, when we see large planets in the solar system: with years, and day & night formation, and other criteria... and some say these planets are uninhabited! This can't be true.
Why not? Because you say so? That's not how it works. Show us the empirical evidence. And no, quoting your book of bullshit is NOT empirical evidence. Those planets don't have "years". That definition of time is a purely human construct. For Christ sake, a year is nothing more than the time it takes for any planet to do one full orbit around its star. The day/night cycle is nothing more than the time it takes any planet to make one full revolution on its axis. It proves nothing of the nonsense your spewing.
No, of course. These planets are certainly inhabited by humans on the ground of these planets and by genies in the atmospheric layers of them in addition to plants and so many kinds of animals in addition to seas, rivers, mountains, etc.
Are they the exact same animals we have here on Earth? Because you ARE saying that humans inhabit all the planets. And is that just all the planets in this solar system or all the planets in all the solar systems in the universe? And let's engage your fantasy and pretend for a moment that all the planets in our solar system are inhabited by humans. They must be pretty unadvanced humans because we would have picked up some kind of radio emission from them decades ago, even if they weren't trying to contact us.

I'm not even going to get into the physics or evolutionary-biological reasons that destroy your religious nonsense because it would be too much effort on my part to waste on someone who simply doesn't want to learn. I gave up trying that with you a long time ago. Now I just mock you while at the same time feeling just a tad sorry for you because I was once like you. My faith was unshakable. Nobody was going to convince me that my religious beliefs were incorrect. But ultimately reality and common sense got the better of me and I realized how blinded I was to knowledge by religion. Knowledge is about freedom. Religion is about control through fear, and I quote you sir, "Disbelievers, atheists, and idolaters! Your outcome is the worst and your consequences are so bad (unless you repent!?).

Yeah, thanks but no thanks, I'll take freedom.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Those planets don't have "years".
Are they the exact same animals we have here on Earth?
Your bigotry led you to transgression.
So I am not going to answer you, except only quoting these 2 sentences from your reply.

These planets have years actually when they complete one circle around the sun.
And I did not say the same animals of the Earth exist on the rest of the planets.
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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
He created the planets including the earth for a wise purpose: that is to fill these planets and the earth with intelligent human beings to worship Him alone without associate or equal.
That's a wise purpose in your view? What kind of being is this Allah that he needs worship from flawed creatures like us? He must be massively insecure; I'd expect a perfect being to be above that. People who demand that kind of attention are generally identified as having some kind of serious mental defect, a narcissist or a sociopath or a psychopath, something like that. Add in his capricious cruelty, like deliberately misguiding people he dislikes so that he can condemn them to eternal hellfire--a claim you've often made about him--and you've got a seriously disturbed personality. If he exists at all, and you know I see no reason to believe he does, he'd get no respect from me. At best he might get pity.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
God created the planets and the earth for a noble purpose:
God has not created the planets including the earth for amusement and in vain or uselessly... He created the planets including the earth for a wise purpose: that is to fill these planets and the earth with intelligent human beings to worship Him alone without associate or equal.

Quran 21: 16-17, which mean:
(16. We created not the heaven and the earth and all [the clouds and winds] that are between them, [in vain and] merely for playing. a
17. Had We willed to make amusement [as do you claim], We would have made it [out of the angels in] Our [neighborhood in the ethereal heavens] b , if We had done [so, it would have been the amusement.] c )

a This is a threatening to the associaters, which means: Do you think that God created the heavens and the earth and created all the creatures on them, for playing and without purpose, so you think that there will be no judgment neither any punishment, and so you work according to your own desires? This is similar in meaning to His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 23: 115, which means: ("Did you think that We created you aimlessly, and that you would not return to Us [following your death!?]
b The meaning: So that We may make amusement by talking with them and teaching them that which they do not know. The meaning: Whoso does useless acts, or makes things not useful for him, then he makes useless amusement with himself; and such ones that makes amusement are unintelligent and their minds are not mature.
c The meaning: Had We created useless things, then We might have made amusement; but We never created anything uselessly, neither did We create any creature without perfecting it.

Gawd created camel humpers.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Your bigotry led you to transgression.
So I am not going to answer you, except only quoting these 2 sentences from your reply.
Nice cop out. You won't answer because you can't answer.
These planets have years actually when they complete one circle around the sun.
Not shit, you just repeated what I said so that's one question you did not answer. The fact that planets orbit around a star is not indictive of humans living on them. Yet that was your argument. "Planets have day/night cycles and years'". So what? The passage of time isn't proof of humans living anywhere else but here.
And I did not say the same animals of the Earth exist on the rest of the planets.
Actually, you kind'a did. Humans are mammals and mammals are animals. We humans are of the animal kingdom. But that's not what either of us meant so let's go about it this way. God/Allah/whateverthefuckyouwannacallit" must have got real lazy when it came time to create humans. I mean you're saying that each planet has it's own different kinds of animals while having some kind of human homogeny? Like does Mars have Black and Arabic and Asian and Aboriginal and White people? How about Jupiter? Saturn? Any of their moons? Or do those worlds have monochrome human inhabitants?

And like I asked previously, what about every other planet in every other solar system in the universe? Are they all inhabited by humans?

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
That's a wise purpose in your view? What kind of being is this Allah that he needs worship from flawed creatures like us? He must be massively insecure; I'd expect a perfect being to be above that. People who demand that kind of attention are generally identified as having some kind of serious mental defect, a narcissist or a sociopath or a psychopath, something like that. Add in his capricious cruelty, like deliberately misguiding people he dislikes so that he can condemn them to eternal hellfire--a claim you've often made about him--and you've got a seriously disturbed personality. If he exists at all, and you know I see no reason to believe he does, he'd get no respect from me. At best he might get pity.
Abu Abd-Allah said to me once:
"Moses asked God: Why have You created the creation?" God - be glorified - answered him: "I had been a hidden treasure, so I created the created beings that they would know Me."
I can prove God is Most Gracious and Most Merciful: that He gives you respite and till now He does not hasten to punish you and you are most vulnerable and He is Most Able and Almighty.
Moreover, I don't know why you dare in this way against God the Most Merciful and the Almighty.

I here recall these ayat of the Quran in this respect:

Quran 82: 6-8, which mean:
6. [The angels will then say to the disbeliever:]
"O man! What has made you careless concerning your Bountiful Lord" a
7. "The One Who created you [from scanty seminal fluid], then made you [a man: hearing and seeing], then proportioned you[r organs] symmetrically b?"
8. "And He composed you into whatever form [of the four human races] He constituted."

a Who has been Generous to you with all such bounties, but you denied and did not show gratitude about them.
b So that no hand is longer than the other one, and no leg is shorter than the other, but He made your body organs and special senses proportioned and equalized on one measure.
