Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
LMAO - sure it's not. "The problem is the Muslims Arabs" - yep, that doesn't mean it's about Islam at all...
Only if you're a racist who thinks only Arabs are muslim. There are parts of Eastern Europe that have long had sizable muslim populations, they don't really cause too much trouble. The muslims in Austral-Asia are usually pretty peaceful folks too. It was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Otto Skorzeny that really got the ball rolling against the Jews in the Mid-east. That's why I keep saying that islamic terrorism is just a form of nazi terrorism.

You also said that Hamas' tactics don't justify the bombing of civilian infrastructure. Well, yes it does sorry to say. The difference between the Israeli leadership and Hamas though is at least Israel gives fair warning to the residents of the area they are going to nail. As for the news building that was destroyed, Israel is on a campaign to destroy the assault tunnels Hamas built under the city to engage in hit and run terror attacks on Israel. Could well be one of those tunnels ran under the building. We don't know, yet.
Stuff like this is my forte. I've been studying war and its evolving tactics and strategies for about 45 years now. It's real easy to sit nice and peacefully on this side of the world and judge Israel without knowing jack f*cking shit other than what the MSM wants you to know. And neither the MSM nor the UN will tell you what's really going on. Why? Because if the MSM starts telling the truth they won't be allowed back in Palestine to report on what's happening when shit happens. The UN also won't tell you the truth because it would seriously jeopardize their humanitarian efforts within Palestine.

However, the Palestinian authority did accidentally give us a small peek at the truth a few years back when they showed the UN the casualty list of all the people killed in Israeli counter-attacks over a period of 20 years. They didn't realize they handed out some very inconvenient information. The casualty list showed a disproportionately large number of males aged 15-35 were killed in those attacks. The very same demographic as their "soldiers".

It's actually a pretty smart ploy by the various Palestinian leaderships over the years. Coerce the media into not telling the whole truth, use civilian infrastructure as military assets and then get the world to blame Israel for killing civilians while completely ignoring Palestine's war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Consequences of the recent Palestinian-Zionist war

1- Netanyahu, his minister of war, and at least ten of the top Zionist militaries should be brought to the court of justice to judge them for their crimes of war.
2- The Aqsa Mosque should not be approached by the filthy Zionists whether civilian or military or police.. and their government cunningly supports or is silent.
3- Palestinians should not be evicted from their own homes in Sheikh Jarrar or elsewhere, by any means.
4- There should be blood-due money given by the Zionists to the family of the slain in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine... or else the Wicked Zionists will be indebted.
5- A financial compensation to be given to the injured in this ugly Zionist war.
6- The reconstruction of every building the Wicked Zionists have destroyed.. giving the money required and should be immediately paid by the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv.
And by any means, this is only a little compensation.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Consequences of the recent Palestinian-Zionist war

1- Netanyahu, his minister of war, and at least ten of the top Zionist militaries should be brought to the court of justice to judge them for their crimes of war.
2- The Aqsa Mosque should not be approached by the filthy Zionists whether civilian or military or police.. and their government cunningly supports or is silent.
3- Palestinians should not be evicted from their own homes in Sheikh Jarrar or elsewhere, by any means.
4- There should be blood-due money given by the Zionists to the family of the slain in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine... or else the Wicked Zionists will be indebted.
5- A financial compensation to be given to the injured in this ugly Zionist war.
6- The reconstruction of every building the Wicked Zionists have destroyed.. giving the money required and should be immediately paid by the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv.
And by any means, this is only a little compensation.

1. Netanyahu and his gov't only did their duty, and defended their nation against homicidal lunatics that attacked them.
2. The Al Asqa Mosque is in Jerusalem, the capital of the nation of Israel, and is under Israeli control. The Temple Mount is also the holiest site in Judaism. The Israelis offer all access to worship. The Jordanians did not (1948 to 1967) No one should be banned.
3. Palestinians should be subject to the law, same as everyone else. After a decades long court battle, the court found the small handful of families living in I believe four buildings had no title to the land (it was sold by Arabs to two Rabbis in 1876) and refused to pay rent, so they were evicted.....just like anywhere else in the world.
4. Not a chance.
5. Not a chance.
6. Not a chance.

BTW, considering your claim that Allah is punishing the Zionists, it seems Allah likes the Palestinians even less, considering he punished them 20 times as often as he punished the Jews. Think about that.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
This shit is never going to end.

UN chief urges immediate ceasefire in Israel-Palestine conflict​

Addressing the General Assembly, Antonio Guterres appealed to all sides to put down their arms and promised to launch an aid appeal for funding.

But he never complained about the illegal arms sales to muzzie terrorists did he. If various member countries to the corrupt UN didn't sell weapons to terrorists this would not be happening.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
LMAO - sure it's not. "The problem is the Muslims Arabs" - yep, that doesn't mean it's about Islam at all...

Yes, it does exist. It's the HOW it exists that is the issue.

It WAS about the country defending itself. NOW it's about the extreme right wing of Israel demanding "death to Arabs" and "Death to Palestine" which is as fucking disgusting as "Death to Israel" and "Death to Jews". BTW, I can't remember: did you side with the Charlottesville "The Jews Will Not Replace Us" crowd when they protested?

If you opened your fucking eyes and actually read all of what I have, you'd see I have done so, REPEATEDLY and CONTINUALLY. But you like to only see what you want to see a good chunk of the time so...

Take your false concern and shove it up your ass where the rest of your shit opinions are.
It is called fighting fire with fire.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The 'garbage of humanity' once again trespass the Aqsa Mosque and the Muslims praying there:

Only a few hours passed and the Wicked Zionists broke their word and attacked the worshipers inside the Mosque with gas and tear bombs.
I may say no more words than reminding about their many times when they broke their covenants with their own prophets.

Quran 4: 155-157, which mean:
(155. Then [We cursed them] because of their [frequent] breaking of their covenant,
and their denial of the revelations of God,
and their slaying of the prophets wrongfully,
and their saying: "Our hearts are surrounded with covers."
Not so, but God has sealed upon their [hearts] because of their blasphemy, so that they will not believe [in you, Mohammed] except a few [of them] –

156. And because of: that they [moreover] disbelieved [in Jesus], and that they uttered against Mary [his mother] a grave calumny.

157. And [We cursed them because of] their saying [in a way of boasting]: "We slew the Christ, Jesus son of Mary, the apostle of God."
But they did not slay him in fact, nor did they crucify him; they were only deluded by a similitude,

More explanation:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Zionists always break their covenants and pacts:

They are perfidious.
I have a booklet published in the fifties of the last century: it demonstrates that every time the Zionist envoy to the UN or their foreign affair minister said:
"The Zionist wants and intends peace", so while he spoke in the UN chamber, at the same time their military launched an offense against the Palestinian and the Arab round about them.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Zionists always break their covenants and pacts:

They are perfidious.
I have a booklet published in the fifties of the last century: it demonstrates that every time the Zionist envoy to the UN or their foreign affair minister said:
"The Zionist wants and intends peace", so while he spoke in the UN chamber, at the same time their military launched an offense against the Palestinian and the Arab round about them.
I call B.S. as your booklet is likely lying about the circumstances. You don't know what you're talking about. You are too ignorant to actually understand what is happening there and, unfortunately, your religion gets in the way. Back off, do your research before mouthing off. Ignorance in todays world is no excuse for you not understanding what is taking place there but please, feel free to spread your garbage. You are obviously too lazy to research the history of the region and are basing your "feelings" (b'cuz they're not facts). Hatred is not a good "feeling" to have Torchy so you may need some intervention!! ;)
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
considering your claim that Allah is punishing the Zionists, it seems Allah likes the Palestinians even less, considering he punished them 20 times as often as he punished the Jews.
What you see now of the killing of the civilians in Gaza and elsewhere in Palestine is not commanded by God, but commanded by Satan and his allies the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv.

In this interval of time, this coincides with God's promise in the Quran 17: 4-8, which indicates God will give to Jews the hand over Muslims by giving them more numerous soldiers for the battle.

Here God advised Jews to do good to Muslims, and they will gain good... but if Jews do evil to Muslims, they will reap evil.
Therefore, Zionists here have chosen the evil-doing to Muslims: that is their cowardly work by killing Muslims in Gaza with their advanced US weapon.
This situation in the aya of the Quran precedes the second promise or that last promise of the triumph of Muslims as in this ayat:

Read them carefully to understand (although I know you don't because your desire is something else) .. but you should know that God's word and promise is unchangeable and inevitable.

"(Then We [will] give you [O Jews] once again your turn against the [Muslims])
The address here is to Jews, and the meaning: then We will give you power over Muslims and make you victorious over them because of their division and their neglect of the religion of monotheism, and because of their imitating the foreigners, and wearing clothes like their clothes [and styles], in order that such degradation may be a lesson to them;

>> (and aid you [O Jews] with wealth and children and make you more numerous)
It means: More of travelers [or emigrants] to you from every country of the world will be of your religion to dwell among you.
[NB The count of their military at the time of war is more than the number of all the military of the Arab altogether.]

>> Then God – be glorified – started to advise and explain to them, so He said:
i.e. (If you do good [to Muslims] you do good for yourselves) because by doing good, you seed kindness in the hearts of people;

>> (and if you do evil [to Muslims, your evil] will be for yourselves [in like manner]) because anyone seeds [the bitter] colocynth, will not get but [the bitterness of] the colocynth.

The second course of their corruption and perfidy to the Muslims was in the year 1967 AD, when they transgressed on the Muslims, and attacked Egypt, Jordan and Syria; they killed thousands of innocent people and drove children and women away from their homes.

The time interval between the first and the last corruption was twenty years.

>> (So when the time for the last [of the two judgments] will come [We shall rouse the Muslims against you] to do evil to your chiefs), O Jews!

It means: They will degrade and humiliate your chiefs by arresting and killing. So الوجوه in Arabic means the chiefs and leaders.

Therefore, those who went about throughout the country in the first time; it is they who – in the last time – will degrade and humiliate the chiefs of Jews, and it is they who will destroy their high buildings and constructions with utter destruction, by flying high above them with their fighters and bombarding them with their bombers.

>> (and to enter the Mosque) victorious, means the Aqsa (or the Remote) Mosque at Jerusalem,

>> (as they [: the Iraqis would] have entered it the first time [at 1948 AD]), so likewise in the last time, they will expel you from it and abase you by killing and arresting.

In this sentence, there is an assertion that those who go about in the country in the first time, will be the same who will do evil to the chiefs of Jews in the last time. They will be the Iraqis by God's help.

>> (and to destroy what [buildings, constructions, and walls] they have made high.)

It means: the possessions of Jews and what buildings, constructions, and high walls the Jews will have constructed, and the land of Jews which the feet of Muslims will tread and their houses, with utter destruction."



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

And this guy has no reason to see Israel be supreme in the Middle East.

Okay, sure.

I suppose if you want his biased opinion...

Guess the HRW post I put up about how Israel is committing apartheid is just as legit to you too, hmn, with no issues?

Fuck Hamas, fuck Israel's current government (amended just for your idiocy, OkBoomer) and peace won't come until both sides are gone, ,wiped out, or serious players want it.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Palestinians have the right to defend themselves

The law of God says "Life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth... etc."
Let not the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv and their allies think they will escape God's revenge.. not at all, they will certainly receive God's retaliation, in spite the idiot among them think they may not.

Therefore, what has happened to Palestinians, by the USA weapon, will not go unpunished. All of the Zionists and their allies will have their share, according to their crimes.
The number of children and women and civilians [killed, injured and displaced from homes] is recorded and their transgression on the Aqsa Mosque is in memory.
So the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv and their allies will receive their due retaliation from God Almighty... only the disbeliever will deny this.

And as they did to Muslims, Muslims will do the same to them sooner or later.

They need to defend themselves from Hamas & their ilk. Unfortunately, being uneducated and not being told the truth (i.e. ignorance), they have no clue what their leadership is doing.
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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
And this guy has no reason to see Israel be supreme in the Middle East.

Okay, sure.

I suppose if you want his biased opinion...

Guess the HRW post I put up about how Israel is committing apartheid is just as legit to you too, hmn, with no issues?

Fuck Hamas, fuck Israel's current government (amended just for your idiocy, OkBoomer) and peace won't come until both sides are gone, ,wiped out, or serious players want it.
Do you actually know what "apartheid" means? Obviously you don't otherwise you wouldn't make such a silly remark!! But here, I'll help you:

Apartheid means:

: racial segregationspecifically : a former policy of segregation and political, social, and economic discrimination against the nonwhite majority in the Republic of South Africa
NOTE: The extreme racial segregation of apartheid lasted from 1948 to 1994 and included such restrictions as where people of certain races (see RACE entry 1 sense 1a) could live or own land, what jobs they could hold, and who could and couldn't participate in government.
2: SEPARATION, SEGREGATIONcultural apartheidgender apartheid

None of which applies to Israel. Do your research!!



Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Do you actually know what "apartheid" means? Obviously you don't otherwise you wouldn't make such a silly remark!! But here, I'll help you:

Apartheid means:

: racial segregationspecifically : a former policy of segregation and political, social, and economic discrimination against the nonwhite majority in the Republic of South Africa
NOTE: The extreme racial segregation of apartheid lasted from 1948 to 1994 and included such restrictions as where people of certain races (see RACE entry 1 sense 1a) could live or own land, what jobs they could hold, and who could and couldn't participate in government.
2: SEPARATION, SEGREGATIONcultural apartheidgender apartheid

None of which applies to Israel. Do your research!!

Actually, I do and oops, you're just a tad mistaken.

To quote from the Conclusion:

"In the OPT, movement restrictions, land expropriation, forcible transfer, denial of residency and nationality, and the mass suspension of civil rights constitute “inhuman[e] acts” set out under the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute. Under both legal standards, inhumane acts when carried out amid systematic oppression and with the intent to maintain domination make up the crime against humanity of apartheid.[865]"

That's from Human Right's Watch.

Unless you have issue with them and then, well...

BTW, why do you think it's only SA that has committed this crime? Hell, it's not even just Israel. If you look at the definition, China has done it and so many others...


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Actually, I do and oops, you're just a tad mistaken.

To quote from the Conclusion:

"In the OPT, movement restrictions, land expropriation, forcible transfer, denial of residency and nationality, and the mass suspension of civil rights constitute “inhuman[e] acts” set out under the Apartheid Convention and the Rome Statute. Under both legal standards, inhumane acts when carried out amid systematic oppression and with the intent to maintain domination make up the crime against humanity of apartheid.[865]"

That's from Human Right's Watch.

Unless you have issue with them and then, well...
Actually I do, when they won't paint the ENTIRE picture. Through the years Israel has offered everything Palestine wanted and every time they did, Palestine and the muslim-Arab states that are still part of this shit turned it down. The last time Israel occupied Gaza (due to rocket attacks into Israel) and ultimately left in an attempt to broker some kind of peace, the goddam extremists in Gaza literally launched rocket attacks within hours from the exact neighbourhoods the IDF had just vacated.
I don't know why people keep expecting Israel to play nice with a neighbour that has NEVER rescinded its 1946-47call to war of extermination against Israel.
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