Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Israelites in ancient Jerusalem before their Diaspora:

God tells people a parable of Jerusalem when the Apostles came to warn its people of perishing if they do not "make their religion exclusive for God Almighty alone" with no associate or partner or peer.
The Apostles were Peter and John then God confirmed them by a third one: Philips.

But the Zionists at that time were stubborn disbelievers and idolaters: they associated their religious figures and their tombs.
Then the disbelievers in Jerusalem intended to pelt the Apostles with stones.
So Gamaliel who was an upright scholar of Jews came in haste to defend the Apostles.

In spite of all the striving of these Apostles for God's sake, the Jews in Jerusalem refused to listen and comply with the Apostles of God.
Therefore, God set on them the Roman general Titus who destroyed them completely and scattered the rest of them into every corner of the earth, which is known as their Diaspora.

Quran 36: 13-30, which mean:
(13. And tell them the parable of the people of the city [of Jerusalem in Palestine], when the apostles [: the disciples of Jesus Christ] came to it.
14. When We sent to them two [apostles: Peter and John], but they denied them, so We confirmed them by a third [apostle: Philips], and they said: "We are sent [by God] to you."
15. [The people of the city] said [to their apostles]: "You are only human beings like us, and [God] Most Gracious has not revealed any [revelation to you]; you only are lying [; you are not apostles.]"
16. [The apostles] said: "Our Lord knows that surely we are sent [to you.]"
17. "And our duty is only the plain delivery of the message.”
18. [The people of the city] said [to the apostles]: "We have received an augury of you; if you desist not [from your words and return to your places], we shall surely stone you, and a painful chastisement will befall you by our hands."
19. The [apostles] said: "Will you receive augury [of anyone that admonishes you!?]
And now you have been admonished; indeed, you do commit much [of sins.]"

20. Then a man [: Gamaliel] came from the remote part of the city, walking in a hurry; he said: "My people, follow [the way of] the apostles."
21. "Follow such as ask no wage of you, and are guided [to the way of the truth.]"
22. "And why should I not worship [God] Who originated me by division [of cells inside my mother's womb], and to Him you will be returned [after death when He will punish you for your disbelief.]"

[Then Gamaliel disapproved of their adopting and worshipping the idols and statues, and he said:]
23. "Should I choose – besides God – [other] gods [to worship them], that if [God] Most Gracious be pleased to afflict me, their intercession will not avert from me aught nor will they rescue [me of the punishment.]"
24. "I would then, [if I were to do as you do], be in manifest error."
25. "I have believed in your Lord [O apostles], so hear me [to be my witnesses before God.]"
26. [And when Gamaliel died] it was said [to him by the angels]: "Enter Paradise"; [and when he entered it] he said: "Would that my people knew,"
27. "That my Lord has forgiven me and made me one of the honored."
28. And We sent down upon his people after his [death] no hosts from heaven [to fight them], nor had We ever sent down any.
29. It was but a single [war] cry [of their enemy against them l], and behold, they were still.
30. "Alas for servants! [For] there never comes to them an apostle, but they mock at him.")

More explanation of these great ayat is in the link:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The story of the Israelite before their Diaspora:

"In the year 66 AD, a rebellion started among the Jews of Jerusalem and its precincts, under the leadership of Anania the chief of the priests, for managing a revolution against the Roman-Byzantine to achieve the independence of Israel and to revive its lost glory.

The movement grew quickly because of the Byzantine persecution and the recurrent conflicts; so the revolutionaries succeeded at the start in occupying all the city centers, and they drove the Byzantine out of them.

But shortly Rome sent a big army to the rebellious state, under the leadership of Titus the well-known Roman-Byzantine general. He came to the city in the year 70 AD; he besieged it and started to occupy its centers one by one until he completed its occupation entirely.

So he killed all the adults both the military and civilian, he sold the children as captives, destroyed all their houses, the wall and the temple, to the extent that one who saw it from distance, could not believe that there was a city in its place.

Its land remained ruined, void, and lifeless for about fifty years until some Christian pilgrims were allowed to visit its holy Christian sites, and as such did some Christian families go to it gradually, so that in the year 450 AD the major part of the city was rebuilt, but the majority of citizens were Christians. While the place of the temple was still ruined and a place of garbage, and the Christians increased in the humiliation of that place by casting the dirt and garbage there in defiance of Jews.

In the year 453 AD, Jerusalem was made an isolated Patriarchy, which was managed for both civilian and religious affairs by the Patriarch, when the Roman-Byzantine kingdom embraced the Christianity.”


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The implication of this history lesson:

Wicked Zionists, take a lesson of this great historical story, and do not trespass God's Holy House in Jerusalem: the Aqsa Mosque, in which God's name is glorified day and night, or else God Almighty will destroy you completely as did He in the past when your fathers disobeyed and blasphemed and wronged people.

Wicked Zionists, leave your conceit and arrogance and be kind to people: the servants of God, and do not be brutal in Gaza and other parts of Palestine.

Wicked Zionists, do not rely on the USA and other countries that now support your wrong-doing and transgression.

For God Almighty is going to destroy the Zionists as did He to their fathers when they became wrong-doers and tomb worshipers.

And their supporters in America will no longer be able to defend or support them: either God will shake them vigorously or they may be compelled to turn against the Wicked Zionists, or some upright men in America may refrain from their bias to the Zionists, and become just and fair with the Palestinians.
And none can resist the might of God and His revenge against the transgressors and tyrants.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
This is a Quran recital of this great soora 36 in the Quran, recited by an excellent Iraqi reciter; this soora includes the story of the Apostles of Jesus Christ when they warned the Jews of Jerusalem before its destruction and the Diaspora of Jews:


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Muslims believe in God and in all His prophets and their books:

All people are called to submit themselves to God Most Gracious alone without associate or peer or equal.
In fact, there is no other god besides God Almighty in the entire universe, neither is there any equal to Him - be glorified. He kills generations and He is the All-Living Who does not die.
And we Muslims believe in God as One God with no associate or son or parents: God is the Eternal.
And we Muslims believe in all God's messengers to people: including Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed - salam to them all.
And we believe in all the heavenly books that He revealed to His servants: the messengers: the Ten Commandments and the Torah revealed to Moses, the Psalms revealed to David, the Gospel revealed to Jesus Christ and the Quran revealed to Prophet Mohammed.

Quran 2: 136-137, which mean:
(136. Say [O Muslims]: "We believe in God and [the Quran] that is revealed to us, and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the Prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction concerning any of them, and to Him alone we have submitted ourselves."

137. So if they [: Jews and Christians] believe as do you [: Muslims] believe then they will be rightly guided,
but if they turn away [from believing and from the Quran] then they are in schism,
so God will save you [from their wickedness and plight];
for He is the All-Hearing [of their words], the All-Knowing [about their work.]

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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
UN Human Rights agency has detained the Zionist offense against Gaza as war crimes, and the PM of the Wicked Zionists says it is "shameful!"

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
It was not the wicked zionists that destroyed the twin towers in America, it was the wicked Muslims that did this.
So just who are the bad ones?
The Wicked Zionists are the bad ones: it was only the American intelligence work; Zionists were not present at that time in the twin towers..
The consequences were the occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, which was a good service for the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The extensively large Muslim countries

Muslims everywhere do not like the stance of America to the side of the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv; it is only when America is non-aligned to the side of Zionists that Arab and all Muslims will feel excellent with the American people and its just government.
While now all Muslims resent the American bias to the side of the Zionists to the disadvantage of the Arab and Muslims who demand the American government to be just with the Palestinian People and to observe the Holy Aqsa Mosque in which God's name is glorified day and night.

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House Member
May 18, 2010
All Muslim countries are pure shiteholes.

Muslims like to beg Christian countries to take them into their great countries, but most countries do not like Muslims in their countries, this includes N American countries.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Jewish groups decry mock 'eviction notice' sent to residents in Canadian cities
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Christopher Reynolds
Publishing date:Jun 03, 2021 • 6 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation
A picture taken on June 3, 2021, shows the predominantly Arab neighbourhood of Silwan, just outside the Old City in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, and the Jewish cemetary of Mount of Olives.
A picture taken on June 3, 2021, shows the predominantly Arab neighbourhood of Silwan, just outside the Old City in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, and the Jewish cemetary of Mount of Olives. PHOTO BY THOMAS COEX /AFP via Getty Images
Article content
OTTAWA — Jewish advocacy groups are condemning a mock “eviction notice” dropped into mailboxes across Canada as part of a campaign to draw attention to the planned removal of Palestinians from a neighbourhood in East Jerusalem.

“We regret to inform you that your house is scheduled for demolition in the next three days. If you do not vacate the premise within this time frame, we reserve the right to destroy all remaining belongings,” the document reads.

A night in the life of real-life heroes
It goes on to qualify that the document is not real, but says the threat remains a reality for Palestinian families living in Israeli-occupied areas.

The 150-person collective behind the faux alerts says it has delivered them to homes and businesses from Edmonton to Toronto to Quebec over the past four weeks, but that no individuals or neighbourhoods were targeted based on their religion or political outlook.

The Jewish Federation of Ottawa says it has seen no evidence that Jewish homes were targeted, but that police are aware of what the organization calls an “upsetting,” “crass” and “counterproductive” tactic.


Article content
“While it is egregious and outrageous, these flyers do not constitute a hate crime,” spokeswoman Pauline Colwin said in an email.

Shimon Fogel, head of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said mock eviction notices run the risk of triggering intergenerational trauma in individuals whose ancestors have faced expulsion and ghettoization spanning millennia.

The campaign contributes to a “profound sense of distress and anxiety,” he said. “I have never seen the level of fear — almost panic — that is taking hold within the Jewish community across the country.”

Reports of antisemitic incidents have shot up across Canada over the past month, according to three Jewish advocacy groups whose hate hotlines have been flooded with calls in a spike the organizations link to the latest Mideast crisis.


Article content

The notices, which resemble mock eviction documents that have circulated on North American campuses in recent years, first went out last month as a legal battle waged by Israeli settlers to take over properties from Palestinians in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood spilled over into an 11-day conflict in the region.

Sabrine Azraq, a committee member with the group that typed up the notice, said a jarring effect is part of the point.

“The goal really is to give individuals that momentary shock of what it would feel like,” she said.

“The goal is to just try to put yourself in the shoes of the Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah, in Silwan, in Jaffa and many other villages and cities where Palestinians are facing the imminent threat to be forcibly displaced.”

The group, called Palestine Advocacy GTA though it has members from across the country, has also undertaken awareness campaigns by hanging banners, including from bridges above Ontario’s Highway 401.

Michael Mostyn, chief executive of B’nai Brith Canada, said in an email the language is “indeed threatening,” and that residents whose first language is not English may “not understand the ‘mock’ nature of the notice.”


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Jewish groups decry mock 'eviction notice' sent to residents in Canadian cities
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Christopher Reynolds
Publishing date:Jun 03, 2021 • 6 hours ago • 2 minute read • Join the conversation
A picture taken on June 3, 2021, shows the predominantly Arab neighbourhood of Silwan, just outside the Old City in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, and the Jewish cemetary of Mount of Olives.
A picture taken on June 3, 2021, shows the predominantly Arab neighbourhood of Silwan, just outside the Old City in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem, and the Jewish cemetary of Mount of Olives. PHOTO BY THOMAS COEX /AFP via Getty Images
Article content
OTTAWA — Jewish advocacy groups are condemning a mock “eviction notice” dropped into mailboxes across Canada as part of a campaign to draw attention to the planned removal of Palestinians from a neighbourhood in East Jerusalem.

“We regret to inform you that your house is scheduled for demolition in the next three days. If you do not vacate the premise within this time frame, we reserve the right to destroy all remaining belongings,” the document reads.

A night in the life of real-life heroes
It goes on to qualify that the document is not real, but says the threat remains a reality for Palestinian families living in Israeli-occupied areas.

The 150-person collective behind the faux alerts says it has delivered them to homes and businesses from Edmonton to Toronto to Quebec over the past four weeks, but that no individuals or neighbourhoods were targeted based on their religion or political outlook.

The Jewish Federation of Ottawa says it has seen no evidence that Jewish homes were targeted, but that police are aware of what the organization calls an “upsetting,” “crass” and “counterproductive” tactic.


Article content
“While it is egregious and outrageous, these flyers do not constitute a hate crime,” spokeswoman Pauline Colwin said in an email.

Shimon Fogel, head of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said mock eviction notices run the risk of triggering intergenerational trauma in individuals whose ancestors have faced expulsion and ghettoization spanning millennia.

The campaign contributes to a “profound sense of distress and anxiety,” he said. “I have never seen the level of fear — almost panic — that is taking hold within the Jewish community across the country.”

Reports of antisemitic incidents have shot up across Canada over the past month, according to three Jewish advocacy groups whose hate hotlines have been flooded with calls in a spike the organizations link to the latest Mideast crisis.


Article content

The notices, which resemble mock eviction documents that have circulated on North American campuses in recent years, first went out last month as a legal battle waged by Israeli settlers to take over properties from Palestinians in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood spilled over into an 11-day conflict in the region.

Sabrine Azraq, a committee member with the group that typed up the notice, said a jarring effect is part of the point.

“The goal really is to give individuals that momentary shock of what it would feel like,” she said.

“The goal is to just try to put yourself in the shoes of the Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah, in Silwan, in Jaffa and many other villages and cities where Palestinians are facing the imminent threat to be forcibly displaced.”

The group, called Palestine Advocacy GTA though it has members from across the country, has also undertaken awareness campaigns by hanging banners, including from bridges above Ontario’s Highway 401.

Michael Mostyn, chief executive of B’nai Brith Canada, said in an email the language is “indeed threatening,” and that residents whose first language is not English may “not understand the ‘mock’ nature of the notice.”

GOOD on whoever came up with this idea.

And I also can't help but read the irony in this: "

Shimon Fogel, head of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, said mock eviction notices run the risk of triggering intergenerational trauma in individuals whose ancestors have faced expulsion and ghettoization spanning millennia.

The campaign contributes to a “profound sense of distress and anxiety,” he said. “I have never seen the level of fear — almost panic — that is taking hold within the Jewish community across the country.”"


The Israeli Government is doing it to Palestinians so perhaps these people so upset and outraged over these letters should take those emotions and send it to Israel and demand they stop doing it to Palestinians.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Netanyahu, battling for political life, attacks deal to unseat him
Author of the article:Reuters
Jeffrey Heller
Publishing date:Jun 03, 2021 • 14 hours ago • 3 minute read • Join the conversation
In this file photo taken on September 19, 2019 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, Israeli president of the Supreme Court Esther Hayut, centre, and Benny Gantz, left, leader of Blue and White party, attend a memorial ceremony for late Israeli president Shimon Peres, at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
In this file photo taken on September 19, 2019 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, Israeli president of the Supreme Court Esther Hayut, centre, and Benny Gantz, left, leader of Blue and White party, attend a memorial ceremony for late Israeli president Shimon Peres, at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. PHOTO BY GIL COHEN-MAGEN /AFP via Getty Images
Article content
JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday fought back against an agreement by his political opponents for a government of left-wing, centrist and right-wing parties aimed at unseating him.

Netanyahu, facing the prospect of an end to his 12-year run as premier, said on Twitter “all legislators elected by votes from the right must oppose this dangerous left-wing government,” and he targeted historic Arab participation in the coalition.

The right-wing leader mounted the social media attack the day after centrist politician Yair Lapid’s announcement, about 35 minutes before a Wednesday night deadline, that he had succeeded in forming a governing coalition.

Under the deal, nationalist Naftali Bennett, 49, a former defence minister and a high-tech millionaire, would become prime minister and hand over the post to Lapid, 57, a former TV host and finance minister, in about two years.


Article content
A parliamentary session, in which the government can be approved by a simple majority, could be up to 12 days away, far-right politician Avigdor Lieberman, a member of the new coalition, said.

With parliament’s Speaker, a Netanyahu loyalist, widely expected to try to ward off any legislative attempts to hold the vote earlier, the prime minister could use the period to try to twist arms.

The coalition agreement capped a March 23 election in which neither Netanyahu’s Likud party and its allies nor their opponents won a majority in the legislature. It was Israel’s fourth national ballot in two years.

The governing lineup comprises a patchwork of small and medium parties from across the political spectrum, including for the first time in Israel’s history one that represents its 21% Arab minority – the United Arab List (UAL).


Article content
On Twitter, Netanyahu – who once drew accusations of racism by urging his supporters to get out and vote because “Arabs are flocking to the polls in droves” – highlighted the new alliance’s links with UAL leader Mansour Abbas.

Netanyahu posted an old video clip of Bennett saying that Abbas “visited terrorist murderers in jail” after a 1992 attack in which Arab citizens of Israel killed three soldiers.

Spokesmen for the United Arab List did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Members of the prospective government have little in common other than a desire to oust Netanyahu, who is also on trial on corruption charges. He denies any wrongdoing.

The roster includes Bennett’s Yamina (Rightward), centre-left Blue and White, headed by Defence Minister Benny Gantz, the left-wing Meretz and Labour parties, former defence minister Lieberman’s nationalist Yisrael Beitenu party and New Hope, a right-wing party headed by former education minister Gideon Saar, who broke away from Likud.


Article content
Political analysts expect Netanyahu to try to pick off what one described as “low-hanging fruit,” seizing upon Yamina members who are unhappy about joining forces with Arab and leftist lawmakers.

“We launched the move, but we haven’t completed it. There will be 12 days that won’t be easy, and in the end, there will be a government,” Lieberman said on Channel 13 TV.

Netanyahu controls 30 seats in the 120-member Knesset, almost twice as many as Lapid’s Yesh Atid party, and is allied with at least three other religious and nationalist parties.

During his tenure as prime minister, Netanyahu has been a polarizing figure at home and abroad. His rivals have cited the criminal charges against him as a main reason why Israel needs a leadership change, arguing that he might use a new term to legislate immunity to shield himself.


Article content
A source involved in the coalition talks said the proposed new government would try to retain consensus by avoiding hot-button ideological issues such as whether to annex or cede occupied West Bank territory that Palestinians want for a state. Bennett has in the past advocated annexations.

“This government will focus mainly on economic issues,” Lieberman said.

Perhaps the most immediate test for a new administration is passing the budget, an issue that has toppled coalitions in the past.

Due to the prolonged political deadlock, Israel is still using a pro-rated version of a base 2019 budget that was approved in mid-2018. There may be some big budgetary shifts since the government is without ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties that seek state funding for religious institutions.

The new government, if it is sworn in, will face other considerable challenges. As well as Iran and the moribund peace process with the Palestinians, it also faces a war crimes probe by the International Criminal Court and economic recovery following the coronavirus pandemic.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Netanyahu, battling for political life, attacks deal to unseat him
Author of the article:Reuters
Jeffrey Heller
Publishing date:Jun 03, 2021 • 14 hours ago • 3 minute read • Join the conversation
In this file photo taken on September 19, 2019 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, Israeli president of the Supreme Court Esther Hayut, centre, and Benny Gantz, left, leader of Blue and White party, attend a memorial ceremony for late Israeli president Shimon Peres, at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
In this file photo taken on September 19, 2019 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, right, Israeli president of the Supreme Court Esther Hayut, centre, and Benny Gantz, left, leader of Blue and White party, attend a memorial ceremony for late Israeli president Shimon Peres, at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. PHOTO BY GIL COHEN-MAGEN /AFP via Getty Images
Article content
JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday fought back against an agreement by his political opponents for a government of left-wing, centrist and right-wing parties aimed at unseating him.

Netanyahu, facing the prospect of an end to his 12-year run as premier, said on Twitter “all legislators elected by votes from the right must oppose this dangerous left-wing government,” and he targeted historic Arab participation in the coalition.

The right-wing leader mounted the social media attack the day after centrist politician Yair Lapid’s announcement, about 35 minutes before a Wednesday night deadline, that he had succeeded in forming a governing coalition.

Under the deal, nationalist Naftali Bennett, 49, a former defence minister and a high-tech millionaire, would become prime minister and hand over the post to Lapid, 57, a former TV host and finance minister, in about two years.


Article content
A parliamentary session, in which the government can be approved by a simple majority, could be up to 12 days away, far-right politician Avigdor Lieberman, a member of the new coalition, said.

With parliament’s Speaker, a Netanyahu loyalist, widely expected to try to ward off any legislative attempts to hold the vote earlier, the prime minister could use the period to try to twist arms.

The coalition agreement capped a March 23 election in which neither Netanyahu’s Likud party and its allies nor their opponents won a majority in the legislature. It was Israel’s fourth national ballot in two years.

The governing lineup comprises a patchwork of small and medium parties from across the political spectrum, including for the first time in Israel’s history one that represents its 21% Arab minority – the United Arab List (UAL).


Article content
On Twitter, Netanyahu – who once drew accusations of racism by urging his supporters to get out and vote because “Arabs are flocking to the polls in droves” – highlighted the new alliance’s links with UAL leader Mansour Abbas.

Netanyahu posted an old video clip of Bennett saying that Abbas “visited terrorist murderers in jail” after a 1992 attack in which Arab citizens of Israel killed three soldiers.

Spokesmen for the United Arab List did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


Members of the prospective government have little in common other than a desire to oust Netanyahu, who is also on trial on corruption charges. He denies any wrongdoing.

The roster includes Bennett’s Yamina (Rightward), centre-left Blue and White, headed by Defence Minister Benny Gantz, the left-wing Meretz and Labour parties, former defence minister Lieberman’s nationalist Yisrael Beitenu party and New Hope, a right-wing party headed by former education minister Gideon Saar, who broke away from Likud.


Article content
Political analysts expect Netanyahu to try to pick off what one described as “low-hanging fruit,” seizing upon Yamina members who are unhappy about joining forces with Arab and leftist lawmakers.

“We launched the move, but we haven’t completed it. There will be 12 days that won’t be easy, and in the end, there will be a government,” Lieberman said on Channel 13 TV.

Netanyahu controls 30 seats in the 120-member Knesset, almost twice as many as Lapid’s Yesh Atid party, and is allied with at least three other religious and nationalist parties.

During his tenure as prime minister, Netanyahu has been a polarizing figure at home and abroad. His rivals have cited the criminal charges against him as a main reason why Israel needs a leadership change, arguing that he might use a new term to legislate immunity to shield himself.


Article content
A source involved in the coalition talks said the proposed new government would try to retain consensus by avoiding hot-button ideological issues such as whether to annex or cede occupied West Bank territory that Palestinians want for a state. Bennett has in the past advocated annexations.

“This government will focus mainly on economic issues,” Lieberman said.

Perhaps the most immediate test for a new administration is passing the budget, an issue that has toppled coalitions in the past.

Due to the prolonged political deadlock, Israel is still using a pro-rated version of a base 2019 budget that was approved in mid-2018. There may be some big budgetary shifts since the government is without ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties that seek state funding for religious institutions.

The new government, if it is sworn in, will face other considerable challenges. As well as Iran and the moribund peace process with the Palestinians, it also faces a war crimes probe by the International Criminal Court and economic recovery following the coronavirus pandemic.

Mentioned it elsewhere but I think it says a lot when a once ally, and the Arab's, plus left wing, are all willing to join just to get rid of you.

But we'll see how it turns out. It's a ballsy all for nothing try to avoid another election at least.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Zionists are the devils among people

Yeah, yeah, so are people like you who con/force their religion onto others all in the name of your own spiritual guilt.

now and in the past; they annoyed and even killed many prophets, disobeyed God and His messengers and rebelled even against their own Prophet Moses.

The Conflict between the Torah and the Quran
The Conflict between the Torah and the Quran (pdf)

That had nothing to do with Zionists, that has everything to do with human effing nature. And people in your own religion have killed others of your own religion more than 'Zionists' have killed your people; harp on that for a while.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
"Anything that so many people believe, even with Absolutely ZERO proof, just has to be true."

Just don't trust the local deity to tie up yer camel when you go in for a snort.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
WARMINGTON: Eviction notice to a Jewish family a protest tactic
Author of the article:Joe Warmington
Publishing date:Jun 05, 2021 • 1 day ago • 3 minute read • 44 Comments
Police officers stand in line to separate protesters supporting Palestine from a small group of Israel supporters in front of city hall in Toronto May 15, 2021.
Police officers stand in line to separate protesters supporting Palestine from a small group of Israel supporters in front of city hall in Toronto May 15, 2021. PHOTO BY CHRIS HELGREN /REUTERS
Article content
It was an ominous notice taped to a Toronto family’s front door that came as shock.

“We regret to inform you that your house is scheduled for demolition in the next three days,” it stated.


There was more.

“If you do not vacate the premise within this time frame, we reserve the right to destroy all remaining belongings.”

And “you will receive an invoice for the charges of demolition.”

By the time the person receiving this realizes it’s a fake document, the trauma of it has already occurred.


Mayor John Tory and Premier Doug Ford spoke out after swastikas were displayed at a recent pro-Palestinian rally at Nathan Phillips Square.
Toronto mayor sends out strong message about Jew hatred
Pro-Palestine supporters take part in a protest in Toronto, Ontario, Canada May 15, 2021.
LEVY: TDSB educator still tweeting virulent anti-Israel messages
A Twitter image of Saturday's pro-Palestinian protest at Nathan Phillips Square.
LEVY: Israel supporter says protest 'scariest thing I've ever endured'

It gets creepier. Some receiving these notices are Jewish who wonder just who is watching them and what’s coming next.

“The most disturbing thing about this notice was that we seemed to be the only ones in our neighbourhood to get it,” said a Toronto resident who we are protecting the identity and address of.


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An investigation is underway!

“Though the notices have understandably alarmed Jewish recipients, there is no evidence at this time that they are being sent specifically to Jewish homes,” says B’nai Brith.

But many Jewish people have received one. Whether homes have a mezuzah on the front door or not, it seems whoever dropped them off had intelligence that Jewish people live in these homes.

“First time ever for us to be targeted as Jews in Canada,” the victim told B’nai Brith Canada.

Mock eviction notice.
Mock eviction notice. PHOTO BY SUPPLIED PHOTO
It’s not the only complaint they have received.

“These unsolicited notices mark a new low for the anti-Israel movement in Canada,” said B’nai Brith CEO Michael Mostyn. “Not only are they spreading false propaganda, but they are frightening and confusing many recipients, not all of whom speak English as a first language.”


Article content
The notice is crafted in a way to deceive. It does say “mock eviction notice” but also indicates it’s “effective immediately.”

Reading closer it states “while this eviction notice is not real, real eviction notices are routinely given to Palestinian families.”

It appears to be a propaganda campaign that doesn’t use social media but targets people were they live.

With the ongoing conflict that sees Israel responding to thousands of rocket attacks from Hamas controlled Palestine, several hundred people have been killed in fighting that is currently halted by a ceasefire.

Strong emotions have sparked spirit protests. But this unique approach seems to cross a line from the public square to the privacy of people’s homes.


Article content

A Canadian Press story quotes Jewish Federation of Ottawa spokesperson Pauline Colwin calling it “crass” and ”counterproductive” while the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs’s leader Shimon said it creates a “profound sense of distress and anxiety.”

Mostyn said “no credible organization can afford to be associated with this disturbing campaign.”

To their credit, says B’nai Brith, some mentioned in the mock eviction notice have disassociated themselves from this effort. B’nai Brith has “written to all of these groups and asked them to account for their involvement in this campaign.”

The Toronto Sun has reached out to the organization listed at the bottom of the letter for comment.

There are strong views on this situation but with no equivalence to what’s happening in the Middle East, using a tactic to harass people in their homes is taking it too far.

B’nai Brith says if you receive one of these notices or any form of antisemitism, contact police.