So, Israel shouldn’t have warned the Palestinian population like they did? They should have behaved like Hamas?Wrong.
There is NO right on this. "At least they gave the civilian population warning" are you KIDDING ME?
A warning without time to even avoid the slaughter is NOT a warning, Ron.
It's a lie to make Israel appear "humane" somehow.
After this previous weekend, many news services stated that for Israel, this was their 9/11x3 (adjusting for total population), and do you remember what the population (much of it) of Manhattan did on Sept 11th, 2021? They left, as a Hamas-like group crashed airplanes into some large buildings, etc….and Manhattanians (?) did so with the tunnels & bridges closed.

Maritime response following the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia
The Palestinians didn’t even have to leave Gaza, but only to rotate 90° to the right, and walk for half a day or less….& they’re in Southern Gaza and away from Northern Gaza. Does that sound impossible? How many people left Manhattan the first day of 9/11?

….& that wasn’t with at least 24hrs notice.
Somewhere along the line in this last week, it seems like the onus of humanitarianism is fully upon the Israeli’s because….???
Why is that? The Israeli’s have stated that if the hostages abducted this previous weekend are released….then the siege ends and supplies can come in from Egypt but not people out because Egypt doesn’t want them. That’s Egypts call though on people exiting.
How come nobody seems to expect Hamas or the Palestinians to show any humanity, or to be capable of anything remotely compassionate. Isn’t that belittling to assume that, even with advance notice, that the majority of the portion of Gaza peoples in the northern part can’t walk for a couple hours in a generally southern direction?
Wait, what? You’re saying the “Zionists of Tel Aviv” were provoked? How could that be Torch light? How is that possible even?The Zionists of Tel Aviv commit mass murder
They take revenge…
…by demolishing buildings and towers on the head of civilians including children and elderly, on pretext…

So…are you saying that the Hamas of Gaza didn’t, the previous weekend, do exactly what they did? What are you saying (?) in your own words please?….that the Palestinians killed many civilian Israelites.
Blah blah blah…..why don’t you stick to your own words here? If Islam is the religion of peace, then it’s got no place being cited by you in this thread as any form of justification.In the past a prophet of the tribe Aad said to his people, as in the Quran 26: 131:
(“And when you defeat [your enemy], you deal with them ruthlessly as tyrants [killing the child and the elderly.]”)
All this happens under the eye watch of the US and its allies: UK and France, and by the American weapon, even their president Biden told them to retaliate….

Retaliate violently…for what Torch light?…violently.
Good question! Let’s ask the hostages (of various indiscriminate nationalities) taken the previous weekend from Israel to Gaza?So who is the true criminal?
Wait, what? Are you saying it was the USA that flew into Israel on gliders to attack a Music Festival and machine gun unarmed civilians at 6am on a Saturday morning, while raping many and abducting others, while murdering all the rest that they possibly could? If so, then the USA are a pack of bastards…but were you not celebrating this massacre just a week ago?…they are the USA who act with their might and haughtiness.
I think you’re probably watching the hammer of your God the Almighty coming down on northern Gaza right now….& if only he’d been merciful enough to give a biblical warning to the civilians of Gaza in advance so they could walk away…but Gods can be fickle that way…But wait…the Gaza folks in the North DID get an advance warning… so praise Allah the all merciful?But God is the Almighty over them watching them and they cannot escape His might, amen.
He knows when you’ve been sleeping, and he knows when you’re awake, he knows when you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.As in the Quran 89: 14, which means:
(Surely, your Lord is [over His Throne] in the place of ambush. g )
g i.e. He is in the high place, sees and watches people, so that none of their deeds or acts may be unknown to Him.
The ‘place of ambush’ is the Throne, for He – be glorified – is over the Throne.
The Role of the American Imperialism