Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

There is NO right on this. "At least they gave the civilian population warning" are you KIDDING ME?

A warning without time to even avoid the slaughter is NOT a warning, Ron.

It's a lie to make Israel appear "humane" somehow.
So, Israel shouldn’t have warned the Palestinian population like they did? They should have behaved like Hamas?

After this previous weekend, many news services stated that for Israel, this was their 9/11x3 (adjusting for total population), and do you remember what the population (much of it) of Manhattan did on Sept 11th, 2021? They left, as a Hamas-like group crashed airplanes into some large buildings, etc….and Manhattanians (?) did so with the tunnels & bridges closed.
…& the average age of Manhattan wasn’t 18 years of age.

The Palestinians didn’t even have to leave Gaza, but only to rotate 90° to the right, and walk for half a day or less….& they’re in Southern Gaza and away from Northern Gaza. Does that sound impossible? How many people left Manhattan the first day of 9/11?
….& that wasn’t with at least 24hrs notice.

Somewhere along the line in this last week, it seems like the onus of humanitarianism is fully upon the Israeli’s because….???

Why is that? The Israeli’s have stated that if the hostages abducted this previous weekend are released….then the siege ends and supplies can come in from Egypt but not people out because Egypt doesn’t want them. That’s Egypts call though on people exiting.

How come nobody seems to expect Hamas or the Palestinians to show any humanity, or to be capable of anything remotely compassionate. Isn’t that belittling to assume that, even with advance notice, that the majority of the portion of Gaza peoples in the northern part can’t walk for a couple hours in a generally southern direction?
The Zionists of Tel Aviv commit mass murder

They take revenge…
Wait, what? You’re saying the “Zionists of Tel Aviv” were provoked? How could that be Torch light? How is that possible even?
…by demolishing buildings and towers on the head of civilians including children and elderly, on pretext…
….that the Palestinians killed many civilian Israelites.
So…are you saying that the Hamas of Gaza didn’t, the previous weekend, do exactly what they did? What are you saying (?) in your own words please?
In the past a prophet of the tribe Aad said to his people, as in the Quran 26: 131:
(“And when you defeat [your enemy], you deal with them ruthlessly as tyrants [killing the child and the elderly.]”)
Blah blah blah…..why don’t you stick to your own words here? If Islam is the religion of peace, then it’s got no place being cited by you in this thread as any form of justification.
All this happens under the eye watch of the US and its allies: UK and France, and by the American weapon, even their president Biden told them to retaliate….
Retaliate violently…for what Torch light?
So who is the true criminal?
Good question! Let’s ask the hostages (of various indiscriminate nationalities) taken the previous weekend from Israel to Gaza?
…they are the USA who act with their might and haughtiness.
Wait, what? Are you saying it was the USA that flew into Israel on gliders to attack a Music Festival and machine gun unarmed civilians at 6am on a Saturday morning, while raping many and abducting others, while murdering all the rest that they possibly could? If so, then the USA are a pack of bastards…but were you not celebrating this massacre just a week ago?
But God is the Almighty over them watching them and they cannot escape His might, amen.
I think you’re probably watching the hammer of your God the Almighty coming down on northern Gaza right now….& if only he’d been merciful enough to give a biblical warning to the civilians of Gaza in advance so they could walk away…but Gods can be fickle that way…But wait…the Gaza folks in the North DID get an advance warning… so praise Allah the all merciful?
As in the Quran 89: 14, which means:
(Surely, your Lord is [over His Throne] in the place of ambush. g )

g i.e. He is in the high place, sees and watches people, so that none of their deeds or acts may be unknown to Him.
The ‘place of ambush’ is the Throne, for He – be glorified – is over the Throne.

The Role of the American Imperialism
He knows when you’ve been sleeping, and he knows when you’re awake, he knows when you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
And the people of Gaza voted the Hamas in so they bare some responsibility - elections do have consequences as we're so often told. So it applies to them as well as us don't ya think?
I'm not sure if they actually voted Hamas in. More like they were ordered to vote for Hamas. Or only Hamas votes were counted. Hard to tell in that place. We do know that Hamas ruled Palestine much like Stalin once ruled Russia.
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House Member
Aug 13, 2022
The aya 89: 14 cited in my previous post
which means:
(Surely, your Lord is [over His Throne] in the place of ambush. g )

g i.e. He is in the high place, sees and watches people, so that none of their deeds or acts may be unknown to Him.
The ‘place of ambush’ is the Throne, for He – be glorified – is over the Throne.

The word translated as "in the place of ambush" in fact means: He is in a place of observation and watching and then taking action against the tyrants and haughty people... so that He terminated the peoples of Aad near Yemen, and Thamud in the north of the Arab Peninsula, and Midian in Sinai, and Pharaoh and his troops ... when these disbelieved their prophets and messengers and they became tyrants and rebelled against God and His messengers, and so He took revenge on them and terminated them.
Much like Hamas terrorists did to Israelis at a music festival.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Zionists of Tel Aviv, stop your transgression on Gaza at once!
You have by now killed and injured of the Palestinians more they killed of you, so stop now; it is your last opportunity, or else your end is certainly imminent.
As much as you kill of the Palestinians, it is recorded and will be retaliated by the Arab and Muslims.
You transgressed beyond the limit: this will make your future dark and gloomy.
Don't be cheated by the Americans and the Europeans... these will not help you to the end, and they cannot withhold God's punishment from reaching you.

Jews Work According to Their Illusions

"Jews are still occupied by their illusions, thinking that they will possess the land from the Nile to the Euphrates, and that their glory will return to them if they gather in Palestine, and the Zionists think that - by force - they will overcome Muslims; so they have inclined to the power of U.S.A. and the authority of its president Biden.
They killed the Muslims in Palestine and Lebanon, and drove away children and women without mercy or kindness and they oppressed, taking not into consideration the consequences, and they did not realize that they did not sow save evil for themselves and will reap more than what they sowed: and that, presently, God – be glorified – gives them respite, but He will not leave them without punishment; then neither Biden will avail them, nor the power of U.S.A. : when the Muslim states will cooperate with each other and unite their will to fight Jews and Zionists, and God is with Muslims to let them have victory; for time passes by, and things and affairs are in continuous change; and as have they done to the Muslims, likewise the Muslims will do the same to them.
Moreover, Jews and Zionists are a minority in relation to the Islamic countries which are 29 countries: the first of them is Saudi Arabia, then Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Maghreb (Morocco), Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries.
Then can Jews and Zionists resist all these Islamic countries when Muslims will unite their will to destroy Jews and Zionists and save the earth from their wickedness; specially when God will be with Muslims to aid and help them [when they will worship Him alone and associate not with Him any sheikh, imam, prophet or saint]?
God – be glorified – said in the Quran 40: 51, which means:
(We will help our messengers and those who believe, both in the present life [of the World: by saving the believers and terminating the associaters], and on the day [of Judgment] when the witnesses [the recording angels] will stand forth [to give testimony: and say about the believer: he is a believer and about the non-believer: he is a non-believer.])
Therefore, you have now no other choice to be saved neither from God’s punishment nor from the punishment of Muslims except that you should believe in the messenger of God, Mohammed the son of Abdullah, and you should believe in the Quran and follow his way and his instructions."

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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Zionists of Tel Aviv, stop your transgression on Gaza at once!
You have by now killed and injured of the Palestinians more they killed of you, so stop now; it is your last opportunity, or else your end is certainly imminent.
As much as you kill of the Palestinians, it is recorded and will be retaliated by the Arab and Muslims.
You transgressed beyond the limit: this will make your future dark and gloomy.
Don't be cheated by the Americans and the Europeans... these will not help you to the end, and they cannot withhold God's punishment from reaching you.

Jews Work According to Their Illusions

"Jews are still occupied by their illusions, thinking that they will possess the land from the Nile to the Euphrates, and that their glory will return to them if they gather in Palestine, and the Zionists think that - by force - they will overcome Muslims; so they have inclined to the power of U.S.A. and the authority of its president Biden.
They killed the Muslims in Palestine and Lebanon, and drove away children and women without mercy or kindness and they oppressed, taking not into consideration the consequences, and they did not realize that they did not sow save evil for themselves and will reap more than what they sowed: and that, presently, God – be glorified – gives them respite, but He will not leave them without punishment; then neither Biden will avail them, nor the power of U.S.A. : when the Muslim states will cooperate with each other and unite their will to fight Jews and Zionists, and God is with Muslims to let them have victory; for time passes by, and things and affairs are in continuous change; and as have they done to the Muslims, likewise the Muslims will do the same to them.
Moreover, Jews and Zionists are a minority in relation to the Islamic countries which are 29 countries: the first of them is Saudi Arabia, then Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Maghreb (Morocco), Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, and other countries.
Then can Jews and Zionists resist all these Islamic countries when Muslims will unite their will to destroy Jews and Zionists and save the earth from their wickedness; specially when God will be with Muslims to aid and help them [when they will worship Him alone and associate not with Him any sheikh, imam, prophet or saint]?
God – be glorified – said in the Quran 40: 51, which means:
(We will help our messengers and those who believe, both in the present life [of the World: by saving the believers and terminating the associaters], and on the day [of Judgment] when the witnesses [the recording angels] will stand forth [to give testimony: and say about the believer: he is a believer and about the non-believer: he is a non-believer.])
Therefore, you have now no other choice to be saved neither from God’s punishment nor from the punishment of Muslims except that you should believe in the messenger of God, Mohammed the son of Abdullah, and you should believe in the Quran and follow his way and his instructions."

Torchy, this smells a lot like a copy&paste of “not your own words or thoughts”…

What are YOUR thoughts & words here?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Word it this way...."if Jack was stuck on a roof and couldn't get off, would you help Jack off?"
If Jack had previously invaded Israel last weekend, and taken 150 hostages, I’m sure the Israelis would help Jack off the roof if he was in Northern Gaza & didn’t heed the warning to move a couple miles to the south….but that’s potentially another story.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So, Israel shouldn’t have warned the Palestinian population like they did? They should have behaved like Hamas?

They already have/are behaving like them, have been for a while. That's the whole point. Hamas just stepped it up this time. And Israel doing this is condemning innocents because they have nowhere to go.

After this previous weekend, many news services stated that for Israel, this was their 9/11x3 (adjusting for total population), and do you remember what the population (much of it) of Manhattan did on Sept 11th, 2021? They left, as a Hamas-like group crashed airplanes into some large buildings, etc….and Manhattanians (?) did so with the tunnels & bridges closed.
…& the average age of Manhattan wasn’t 18 years of age.

Yes, but there was a difference. THEY HAD FREEDOM TO LEAVE! People in Gaza DO NOT.

There is ONE major entry towards Egypt, TWO - ONLY TWO - possible ways to get out of Gaza and Israel has attacked one and the other is not viable to let 1 MILLION PEOPLE through it in 24 hours. People in Manhattan also did NOT have to deal with back and forth attacks, air strikes, and a literal war zone. They ALSO could go to the sea, which people in Gaza could have, sure, if Israel would have guaranteed they wouldn't shoot boats in the water. But it's also not like Gaza has any boats that COULD move 1 Million people in that short a time.

You may think people in Gaza have all this freedom, Ron, but I actually look to the people who have lived there, live there now, experts IN this sort of thing and the entire situation. If YOU think that 1 MILLION people can leave that kind of situation easily, then you are one HELL of a specialist in this kind of thing and you're in the wrong profession.

The Palestinians didn’t even have to leave Gaza, but only to rotate 90° to the right, and walk for half a day or less….& they’re in Southern Gaza and away from Northern Gaza. Does that sound impossible?

Yes. Absofuckinglutely.

How many people left Manhattan the first day of 9/11?

You CANNOT compare that to this. Seriously, you can't Ron and you're being insanely disingenuous for trying to equate the two all because Israel claimed it.

….& that wasn’t with at least 24hrs notice.

Doesn't matter.

Somewhere along the line in this last week, it seems like the onus of humanitarianism is fully upon the Israeli’s because….???

They. Control. EVERYTHING.

Just like the onus is on prison officials about what goes in and out of THEIR prisons.

Why is that?

It's been said, repeatedly, you just ignore it or don't believe it and I honestly do not understand why.

The Israeli’s have stated that if the hostages abducted this previous weekend are released….then the siege ends and supplies can come in from Egypt

And Israel isn't believed by Hamas, the ones who have said prisoners. And it's not like Israel has been truthful always either for them to be instantly believed.

It's also because Hamas would lose their bargaining chip.

It's also because Hamas KNOWS that by doing exactly all this, Israel looks WORSE, not better.

And Israel is playing right into their hands.

but not people out because Egypt doesn’t want them. That’s Egypts call though on people exiting.

It is, and it's not just that simple.

There is no PLACE for them for a 24 hour notice without it being a crisis just as bad as inside Gaza. Egypt would need time to organize. Other nations would need time. Israel did not want to give that time because it let's Hamas have that time too.

How come nobody seems to expect Hamas or the Palestinians to show any humanity, or to be capable of anything remotely compassionate.

.... really?

Hamas, no, do not expect humanity from them, because they gave that up.

Palestinians sure, they should be showing humanity, they should rise up against Hamas and deal with them themselves. Truly.

But how the fuck do you do that when a) you're being bombed by an outside force b) Hamas likely has members of your own family in it c) Hamas has all the weapons and Palestinians, the plain civilians are not like Americans with X number of guns per person.

Unless half the population wants to suicide themselves trying to take out Hamas - that's if they knew who every member was - and the other half just hopes and prays it happens because if it doesn't they're dead anyway...

With that kind of scenario, what do YOU think people will decide? Remember, when it comes to survival/self preservations, humans don't normally think of others beyond themselves or an immediate group.

Isn’t that belittling to assume that, even with advance notice, that the majority of the portion of Gaza peoples in the northern part can’t walk for a couple hours in a generally southern direction?

It's not belittling, it's called recognizing the facts of a situation, ALL the facts of the ENTIRE situation.

Again, if you think it's possible, then you're in the wrong field of work and you'd best get out there to explain to experts why it's possible.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
If Jack had previously invaded Israel last weekend, and taken 150 hostages, I’m sure the Israelis would help Jack off the roof if he was in Northern Gaza & didn’t heed the warning to move a couple miles to the south….but that’s potentially another story.
Anyone who says they stand with Palestine should stand IN Palestine.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
They already have/are behaving like them, have been for a while. That's the whole point. Hamas just stepped it up this time. And Israel doing this is condemning innocents because they have nowhere to go.
Israel’s condemning innocents. Israel is behaving like them. Maybe it’s just the way I’m perceiving this, but you’re condemning Israel here, but not Hamas? Initially you were, but now they get a pass?
Yes, but there was a difference. THEY HAD FREEDOM TO LEAVE! People in Gaza DO NOT
They don’t have to leave Gaza, but they’d be Felony Stupid to not heed the warning and move a few miles inside Gaza still from Northern Gaza to Southern Gaza. That’s what I’ve been trying to say.
There is ONE major entry towards Egypt, TWO - ONLY TWO - possible ways to get out of Gaza…
Which is irrelevant to movement inside Gaza. Not trying to be a Dick, but nobody has to enter Egypt to get from Northern Gaza to Southern Gaza.
…and Israel has attacked one and the other is not viable to let 1 MILLION PEOPLE through it in 24 hours.
Through what? What’s it? If “it” is the Egyptian border, nobody would have gotten through that anyway, because Egypt doesn’t want them to. Egypt was willing to send aid into a siege (look up the definition of siege) to keep Gaza’s people in…’cuz they don’t want what would come out with them.
People in Manhattan also did NOT have to deal with back and forth attacks, air strikes, and a literal war zone. They ALSO could go to the sea, which people in Gaza could have, sure, if Israel would have guaranteed they wouldn't shoot boats in the water. But it's also not like Gaza has any boats that COULD move 1 Million people in that short a time.
I’ll look up the definition of “siege” here:
Nobody in, nobody out, no supplies in, until the hostages are released. Not my rules. I’m not putting Gaza under “siege” with the above condition, but I understand the meaning of the word, so I can follow the program.

Israel isn’t stopping movement inside Gaza, but from Gaza into Israel.

With a “siege”, they’re also stopping support from entering Gaza from anywhere. That’s the definition.
You may think people in Gaza have all this freedom, Ron, but I actually look to the people who have lived there, live there now, experts IN this sort of thing and the entire situation. If YOU think that 1 MILLION people can leave…
Not leave, move. A few miles, from North to South….in Gaza. You said it yourself, Hamas’s Family are the Gaza citizens.
…that kind of situation easily, then you are one HELL of a specialist in this kind of thing and you're in the wrong profession.
I’m in logistics, but not Terrorism
Yes. Absofuckinglutely.

You CANNOT compare that to this. Seriously, you can't Ron and you're being insanely disingenuous for trying to equate the two all because Israel claimed it.

Doesn't matter.

They. Control. EVERYTHING.

Just like the onus is on prison officials about what goes in and out of THEIR prisons.

It's been said, repeatedly, you just ignore it or don't believe it and I honestly do not understand why.

And Israel isn't believed by Hamas, the ones who have said prisoners. And it's not like Israel has been truthful always either for them to be instantly believed.
It's also because Hamas would lose their bargaining chip.
Double Yep. At what expense to Hamas? That makes Israel what?
It's also because Hamas KNOWS that by doing exactly all this, Israel looks WORSE, not better.

And Israel is playing right into their hands.

It is, and it's not just that simple.
When you have two UGLY choices, pick the least ugly one.
There is no PLACE for them for a 24 hour notice without it being a crisis just as bad as inside Gaza.
Inside Gaza, yes, just south and not north.
Egypt would need time to organize. Other nations would need time.
After the Siege, if they’re willing….but irrelevant during….by definition. Not my rules or definition, but that’s the actual meaning of the word siege.
Israel did not want to give that time because it let's Hamas have that time too.
They (Hamas & the others in Gaza) where given that day, and then Israel is going in after the Infrastructure (the tunnels, etc…).
.... really?

Hamas, no, do not expect humanity from them, because they gave that up.

Palestinians sure, they should be showing humanity, they should rise up against Hamas and deal with them themselves. Truly.

But how the fuck do you do that when a) you're being bombed by an outside force b) Hamas likely has members of your own family in it c) Hamas has all the weapons and Palestinians, the plain civilians are not like Americans with X number of guns per person.
There’s been a week to prepare inside Gaza for everyone since last weekend, & then the 24 hours notice to vacate “north” Gaza to south Gaza. I hope people use their time wisely.
Unless half the population wants to suicide themselves trying to take out Hamas - that's if they knew who every member was - and the other half just hopes and prays it happens because if it doesn't they're dead anyway...

With that kind of scenario, what do YOU think people will decide? Remember, when it comes to survival/self preservations, humans don't normally think of others beyond themselves or an immediate group.
It's not belittling, it's called recognizing the facts of a situation, ALL the facts of the ENTIRE situation.

Again, if you think it's possible, then you're in the wrong field of work and you'd best get out there to explain to experts why it's possible.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
They already have/are behaving like them, have been for a while. That's the whole point. Hamas just stepped it up this time. And Israel doing this is condemning innocents because they have nowhere to go.
Israel’s condemning innocents. Israel is behaving like them. Maybe it’s just the way I’m perceiving this, but you’re condemning Israel here, but not Hamas? Initially you were, but now they get a pass? It’s probably just the way I’m perceiving it.
Yes, but there was a difference. THEY HAD FREEDOM TO LEAVE! People in Gaza DO NOT
They don’t have to leave Gaza, but they’d be Felony Stupid to not heed the warning and move a few miles inside Gaza still from Northern Gaza to Southern Gaza. That’s what I’ve been trying to say.
There is ONE major entry towards Egypt, TWO - ONLY TWO - possible ways to get out of Gaza…
Which is irrelevant to movement inside Gaza. Not trying to be a Dick, but nobody has to enter Egypt to get from Northern Gaza to Southern Gaza.
…and Israel has attacked one and the other is not viable to let 1 MILLION PEOPLE through it in 24 hours.
Through what? What’s it? If “it” is the Egyptian border, nobody would have gotten through that anyway, because Egypt doesn’t want them to. Egypt was willing to send aid into a siege (look up the definition of siege) to keep Gaza’s people in…’cuz they don’t want what would come out with them.
People in Manhattan also did NOT have to deal with back and forth attacks, air strikes, and a literal war zone. They ALSO could go to the sea, which people in Gaza could have, sure, if Israel would have guaranteed they wouldn't shoot boats in the water. But it's also not like Gaza has any boats that COULD move 1 Million people in that short a time.

You may think people in Gaza have all this freedom, Ron, but I actually look to the people who have lived there, live there now, experts IN this sort of thing and the entire situation. If YOU think that 1 MILLION people can leave that kind of situation easily, then you are one HELL of a specialist in this kind of thing and you're in the wrong profession.

Yes. Absofuckinglutely.

You CANNOT compare that to this. Seriously, you can't Ron and you're being insanely disingenuous for trying to equate the two all because Israel claimed it.

Doesn't matter.

They. Control. EVERYTHING.

Just like the onus is on prison officials about what goes in and out of THEIR prisons.

It's been said, repeatedly, you just ignore it or don't believe it and I honestly do not understand why.

And Israel isn't believed by Hamas, the ones who have said prisoners. And it's not like Israel has been truthful always either for them to be instantly believed.

It's also because Hamas would lose their bargaining chip.

It's also because Hamas KNOWS that by doing exactly all this, Israel looks WORSE, not better.

And Israel is playing right into their hands.

It is, and it's not just that simple.

There is no PLACE for them for a 24 hour notice without it being a crisis just as bad as inside Gaza. Egypt would need time to organize. Other nations would need time. Israel did not want to give that time because it let's Hamas have that time too.

.... really?

Hamas, no, do not expect humanity from them, because they gave that up.

Palestinians sure, they should be showing humanity, they should rise up against Hamas and deal with them themselves. Truly.

But how the fuck do you do that when a) you're being bombed by an outside force b) Hamas likely has members of your own family in it c) Hamas has all the weapons and Palestinians, the plain civilians are not like Americans with X number of guns per person.

Unless half the population wants to suicide themselves trying to take out Hamas - that's if they knew who every member was - and the other half just hopes and prays it happens because if it doesn't they're dead anyway...

With that kind of scenario, what do YOU think people will decide? Remember, when it comes to survival/self preservations, humans don't normally think of others beyond themselves or an immediate group.

It's not belittling, it's called recognizing the facts of a situation, ALL the facts of the ENTIRE situation.

Again, if you think it's possible, then you're in the wrong field of work and you'd best get out there to explain to experts why it's possible.
I’m not Israeli, or Palestinian, or Hamas, or a Jew. I don’t have a dog in this hunt. I do read the news, watch YouTube, and claw my way through life with this as a distraction from my own stuff, etc….& in the process I do form opinions.

I understand the definition of retaliation and Siege, and from the outside it even sounds like, from the sound bites, the Palestinians & Israeli’s are even speaking the same language (they probably aren’t, but I don’t have that ear).


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Israel’s condemning innocents. Israel is behaving like them.

Because they are.

Maybe it’s just the way I’m perceiving this, but you’re condemning Israel here, but not Hamas?

Oh I FULLY blame Hamas for this.

I have, and will continue to.

But unlike a lot of people, I also recognize that barbarism against barbarism does nothing in the long run.

That's why I say, and keep saying, in the end, both sides just need to explode themselves, wipe them all off the face of the earth. Be fucking done with it.

What I WON'T do is continually deny that Israel has as much to do with this as Hamas does. Hamas was more brutal this time, yes. But that doesn't excuse Israel's own brutality.

Initially you were, but now they get a pass?

No. But since you are so pro-Israel that they can do no wrong in this, even when they have, and so many seem to think Hamas = all Palestinians... yeah, I'm gonna throw back counters even if Hamas is just as batshit insane and deserves NO defending what so ever. Because I'm not defending or excusing HAMAS, rather the Joe Palestinian who in the end is DEAD because of this.

They don’t have to leave Gaza, but they’d be Felony Stupid to not heed the warning and move a few miles inside Gaza still from Northern Gaza to Southern Gaza. That’s what I’ve been trying to say.

Then I guess everyone in and out of Gaza, even experts, are felony stupid, and you're the only smart one.

Which is irrelevant to movement inside Gaza. Not trying to be a Dick, but nobody has to enter Egypt to get from Northern Gaza to Southern Gaza.

No, but do you honestly think it's going to stick to Northern Gaza? Really?

Through what? What’s it? If “it” is the Egyptian border, nobody would have gotten through that anyway, because Egypt doesn’t want them to. Egypt was willing to send aid into a siege (look up the definition of siege) to keep Gaza’s people in…’cuz they don’t want what would come out with them.

I’ll look up the definition of “siege” here:
View attachment 19599
Nobody in, nobody out, no supplies in, until the hostages are released. Not my rules. I’m not putting Gaza under “siege” with the above condition, but I understand the meaning of the word, so I can follow the program.

No, you're not.

Israel is.

And you think it's okay. "Not my rules".

That's an excuse and if it were other people than Palestinians, the world would be throwing their shit.

"Not my rules" Yeah? Reverse it, throw Israeli's/Jews into Gaza, have Palestine/Arabs keeping them under siege "until hostages are released". Would you be just as "oh well" about it? Honestly? Truthfully?

Because I wouldn't be. I'd be just as pissed at the unfairness of it. The inhumanity of it.

Israel isn’t stopping movement inside Gaza, but from Gaza into Israel.

Well, if they're dead they aren't moving.

With a “siege”, they’re also stopping support from entering Gaza from anywhere. That’s the definition.

Uh huh, and you think that does... what exactly? Sure, stops support of Hamas... but what OTHER "support" does it stop?

Not leave, move. A few miles, from North to South….in Gaza. You said it yourself, Hamas’s Family are the Gaza citizens.

And Experts. Who also know this. Say it's near impossible.

I’m in logistics, but not Terrorism

Then if you're into logistics, why aren't you over there proving you know more than other logistical experts?

"The UN and aid groups have said such a rapid exodus would cause untold human suffering, especially for hospitalized patients, older adults and others unable to relocate."

So guess fuck those people, right? They deserve to die, right?

""What we know is that hundreds of thousands of people have fled. And that one million people have been displaced in total in one week," she said."

So guess 1 million have been displaced - in a WEEK.

The only benefit of this warning is that maybe those that could leave, did already.

"Aid groups appealed to the international community to stop what they denounced as a possible war crime of forcible population transfer."

So war crimes are okay, so long as Israel does them, right?

"In understaffed and poorly supplied hospitals, Palestinian doctors said they felt they had no choice but to stay put. There was no way to evacuate Shifa, Gaza’s biggest hospital, its general director Mohammad Abu Selim said. Even though the hospital was in chaos — its electricity dwindling under an Israeli siege, its beds overwhelmed, its morgue overflowing — Abu Selim said there was simply no other safe place in Gaza to put 600 patients, many of them in serious condition from the attacks.

“To ask us to evacuate is ridiculous, it’s impossible,” Abu Selim said.""

Again, fuck those that can't leave, right?

"When asked about how civilians would be able to evacuate to safety even as heavy bombardment persisted, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, an Israeli military spokesman, told reporters: “We will try to make sure that it will happen.”

Despite the danger, some stubbornly refused to leave their homes. They watched the convoys pass, remembering previous tides of Palestinian refugees who fled other wars only to never be able to return home. Some Palestinians point back to what they call the Nakba, or “catastrophe,” of Israel’s creation in 1948, when some 700,000 fled or were driven from their homes in what is now Israel. Gaza’s Hamas rulers have also urged people not to flee, describing Israel’s order as “psychological warfare” to break their solidarity.

“This is the Nakba, all of our traumas, all over again,” said activist Yasser Hasouneh, in Gaza City. “We will not be intimidated.”"

Ignoring what Hamas says, because Hamas will say anything, the actual people don't trust Israel because Israel tends to break its word.

In the end, those that could leave, did or have.

And Israel commits war crimes and gets away with it because "well we gave them warning" and continued world guilt over "oh we can't hold Israel to account for what it does because Anti-Semitism/WWII"


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I’m not Israeli, or Palestinian, or Hamas, or a Jew. I don’t have a dog in this hunt. I do read the news, watch YouTube, and claw my way through life with this as a distraction from my own stuff, etc….& in the process I do form opinions.

I'm not Israeli or Hamas either.

But we're all fucking human and should be able to recognize the wrong in ALL of this, regardless of WHO it is. Whether it's Hamas' insane brutality, or Israel's insane retaliation brutality.

The entire CYCLE between these two has to stop because it IS a world wide problem.

You don't have a dog in this fight? Hell yes you do, we ALL do. Because what happens there, WILL spill out. Hell it already has.

Everyone has an opinion, the problem is sometimes the problem is more nuanced than the opinion.

I understand the definition of retaliation and Siege, and from the outside it even sounds like, from the sound bites, the Palestinians & Israeli’s are even speaking the same language (they probably aren’t, but I don’t have that ear).

Oh on that I'll agree. There are those in Palestine and Israel who are TIRED of this shit.

Generations of this shit.

But war is louder than their desires.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I’m no more pro Israeli than you are to be clear. I’m also not pro Palestinian.

In the end, I'm not pro either of them.

But when you DO sound like you are being Pro-Israel and excusing them and making out Palestine to be "The worst" then no, you ARE being Pro-Israel.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
The Zionists of Tel Aviv commit mass murder

They take revenge by demolishing buildings and towers on the head of civilians including children and elderly, on pretext that the Palestinians killed many civilian Israelites.

In the past a prophet of the tribe Aad said to his people, as in the Quran 26: 131:
(“And when you defeat [your enemy], you deal with them ruthlessly as tyrants [killing the child and the elderly.]”)

All this happens under the eye watch of the US and its allies: UK and France, and by the American weapon, even their president Biden told them to retaliate violently.
So who is the true criminal? they are the USA who act with their might and haughtiness.
But God is the Almighty over them watching them and they cannot escape His might, amen.

As in the Quran 89: 14, which means:
(Surely, your Lord is [over His Throne] in the place of ambush. g )

g i.e. He is in the high place, sees and watches people, so that none of their deeds or acts may be unknown to Him.
The ‘place of ambush’ is the Throne, for He – be glorified – is over the Throne.

The Role of the American Imperialism
So exactly the same as the muzzie terrorists did to Israel. Something in the bible about this. You reap what you sow. AKA payback is a bitch.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
But unlike a lot of people, I also recognize that barbarism against barbarism does nothing in the long run.
It does when you run out of barbarians.
This is still a religious war from 1500 years ago. WHich shows what religion is really all about.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Zionists of Tel Aviv destroy Gaza by the US weapons
The Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv attack Gaza, demolish its buildings and houses, and commit their mass murder with the aid and blessing of the USA.
The true criminal is the USA with its fleet, and the UK with its military ships in addition to the wicked Zionists.
From the first day of the government of Tel Aviv, it was the USA and the UK in addition to European governments that supported it.
But this will not last forever, and God's will will rule in the end.

A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran
The saying of Imam Ali
The saying of Jesus Christ
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