Perhaps, but I think the Nazi one was ripped off from the pre-Nazi European Swastika, not the Hindu one.
The swastika can also have the arms going in the other direction.Isn't there an angle difference between the 2 symbols as well?
You need to read more carefully. Swastika ON has been mentioned at least once before.All this talk about swastikas and not one mention of the town of Swastika, Ontario.
You city folk need to get out more...
You need to read more carefully. Swastika ON has been mentioned at least once before.
Switch to tequila.Damnit i just seen it too. 5 hours ago. Stupid gin and tonic, spiking my punch!!!
Here, let me repeat what I said to Curious Cnd with some appropriate emphasis.This is high-larious! Your ongoing and utterly doomed attempt to defend the Nazis just gets more and more desperate.
See, you're part of the idiot problem. The swastika has been a symbol of peace, good luck and positivity for 11,000 years but you're going to let 12 years of some asshole co-opting the symbol for his own nefarious purposes dictate the meaning to you.
Fixed that for you. Feel free to look up the meaning.OK, so as I understand it, your usual bellow about how immigrants should assimilate and adopt the language, customs, and culture of their new country has an exception for the Su-Asti,?
You need to read more carefully. Swastika ON has been mentioned at least once before.
If we do, it should be because of our own conduct. Certainly not because the Nazis used a golden eagle, a completely different species from the bald eagle.Getting rid of the eagle as your national symbol anytime soon? No? Then thanks for playing. We have some lovely parting gifts for you including a home version of the game.
Like the "f-bomb," some words are sapped of their power every time they are used. They lose shock value and become only a sign of growing desperation. Reckless use of the word "Nazi" is growing tedious. So are those who toss it around so recklessly.
Historical statues and monuments should not be taken down, but instead should come with a more accurate picture of who they were and/or the historical context it represents and if the guy was a psychotic asshole like Columbus there should be a disclaimer to that effect attached to the statue.
while I agree that statues should not be pulled as I see it as akin to book burning who do you propose should provide the historical context? Someone with a bit of knowledge or some PC fascist that wants to rewrite history?