Mars is inhabited.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Most suicide bombers aren't Islamic aren't religious and aren't crazy. Political and cultural ideology are the main motivating factors.


The imperialists and zionists switch on and switch off such bombings according to their advantage.

I think most of such suiciders are either under the effect of some drugs or they are unaware and driven to some designed places and exploded there by a remote control way.

This is indicated by the fact that such bombings occur in some crowded places, and the victims will be some innocent people from various sects; which indicates the bombing has been done by a malicious enemy, who does not care about killing women, children and other innocent people.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
The imperialists and zionists switch on and switch off such bombings according to their advantage.

I think most of such suiciders are either under the effect of some drugs or they are unaware and driven to some designed places and exploded there by a remote control way.

This is indicated by the fact that such bombings occur in some crowded places, and the victims will be some innocent people from various sects; which indicates the bombing has been done by a malicious enemy, who does not care about killing women, children and other innocent people.

They also employ the mentally deficient. The clear source of most suicide bombing in the ME is UK,USA and Israeli. All have historys of just such "divide and conquer" terrorist activitys, especially the UK who perfected thier long employment of terrorism most recently in Ireland. I do not doubt that Canada also employs terrorist tactics including the suicide bomber.
Civilians are the target of choice for very old reasons of hearth and home. Women and children are vital in any war therefore they are preferred targets. This reduces and or destroys morale at the front, always has always will.

PsyOp: Is Washington Intent on Sabotaging the Beijing Olympics? Pre-Olympics PsyOp creates Atmosphere of Fear and Insecurity
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2008-08-03
Pre-Olympics PsyOp creates Atmosphere of Fear and Insecurity. Islamic terrorist organization has announced that it is planning to "create havoc" at outset of Olympics.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
The imperialists and zionists switch on and switch off such bombings according to their advantage.

I think most of such suiciders are either under the effect of some drugs or they are unaware and driven to some designed places and exploded there by a remote control way.

This is indicated by the fact that such bombings occur in some crowded places, and the victims will be some innocent people from various sects; which indicates the bombing has been done by a malicious enemy, who does not care about killing women, children and other innocent people.

repeated and deleted.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
They also employ the mentally deficient. The clear source of most suicide bombing in the ME is UK,USA and Israeli. All have historys of just such "divide and conquer" terrorist activitys, especially the UK who perfected thier long employment of terrorism most recently in Ireland. I do not doubt that Canada also employs terrorist tactics including the suicide bomber.
Civilians are the target of choice for very old reasons of hearth and home. Women and children are vital in any war therefore they are preferred targets. This reduces and or destroys morale at the front, always has always will.

PsyOp: Is Washington Intent on Sabotaging the Beijing Olympics? Pre-Olympics PsyOp creates Atmosphere of Fear and Insecurity
- by Michel Chossudovsky - 2008-08-03
Pre-Olympics PsyOp creates Atmosphere of Fear and Insecurity. Islamic terrorist organization has announced that it is planning to "create havoc" at outset of Olympics.

You are right.


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
i hear there is also soil on mars that can support plant life

Mars is an earth like our Earth (as are all the other planets).
Mars includes water, rivers, seas, mountains; its core is hot, and its crust is cold.
It has a crust like that of the Earth, and its outermost layer is suitable for agriculture and for the plant to grow.
This is in the Quran 51: 48 about the Earth, which is applicable for Mars and the rest of the planets, with the exception of Mercury and Venus on which life has been exterminated.
وَالْأَرْضَ فَرَشْنَاهَا فَنِعْمَ الْمَاهِدُونَ
The explanation:
(And the earth –– We have covered [with a layer of soil]; and how well We have prepared it [for agriculture and for dwelling!] )



Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
People interested in the internet buzz about the unreleased Phoenix discovery may find this forum interesting:

But basically the scoop is the MECA team has made an interesting discovery, and they are withholding the release of the information until after it has gone through peer review.

Late last night, @MarsPhoenix (aka Veronica McGregor, a NASA employee) responded to the story, via the mission's Twitter account.

"Heard about the recent news reports implying I may have found Martian life. Those reports are incorrect," she Tweeted. "Reports claiming there was a White House briefing are also untrue and incorrect."

Covault implies that a test in which Earth water was mixed with Martian soil is the cause of the excitement. Mars Phoenix scientists have repeatedly stated that the lander doesn't have the tools to directly detect life.

Over at LiveScience, David Leonard hints, without sourcing or attribution, that a paper on the work is going to come out in the journal Science.

"The reason that all this seems so hush-hush is due to a future paper and press release that appears likely to pop out of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and its Science magazine," Leonard writes. "Whatever the poop is from the scoop that’s been studied by Phoenix, that information is purportedly going through peer-review."


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Mars is an earth like our Earth (as are all the other planets).
Mars includes water, rivers, seas, mountains; its core is hot, and its crust is cold.
It has a crust like that of the Earth, and its outermost layer is suitable for agriculture and for the plant to grow.
This is in the Quran 51: 48 about the Earth, which is applicable for Mars and the rest of the planets, with the exception of Mercury and Venus on which life has been exterminated.
وَالْأَرْضَ فَرَشْنَاهَا فَنِعْمَ الْمَاهِدُونَ
The explanation:
(And the earth –– We have covered [with a layer of soil]; and how well We have prepared it [for agriculture and for dwelling!] )[unquote]


It appears you are making these grand statements while living in a vacuum. You talk about the space probe Phoenix but you ignore what those phoenix scientists are saying. Phoenix has instruments for measuring atmospheric pressure as well as temperature and wind speed. It should be easy enough for you to see that Mars has no rivers, seas, What they have discovered is small amounts of water ice at one of the poles but plants need an atmosphere just like we do and alas, plants also require temperatures above the freezing point of water and Mars is frozen all year round,



Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
i hear there is also soil on mars that can support plant life

The big news? Scientists may have found perchlorates.

Martian Life Or Not? NASA's Phoenix Team Analyzes Results

ScienceDaily (Aug. 6, 2008) — Describing the latest findings from the Red Planet as "neither good nor bad for life," Phoenix Mars mission scientists spoke Aug. 5 on research in progress concerning an ongoing investigation of perchlorate salts detected in soil analyzed by the wet chemistry laboratory aboard NASA's Phoenix Lander...

...Perchlorate is an ion, or charged particle, that consists of an atom of chlorine surrounded by four oxygen atoms. It is an oxidant, that is, it can release oxygen, but it is not a powerful one. Perchlorates are found naturally on Earth at such places as Chile's hyper-arid Atacama Desert. The compounds are quite stable and do not destroy organic material under normal circumstances. Some microorganisms on Earth are fueled by processes that involve perchlorates, and some plants concentrate the substance.

Perchlorates are also used in rocket fuel and fireworks.

Perchlorate was discovered with a multi-use sensor that detects perchlorate, nitrate and other ions. The MECA team saw the perchlorate signal in a sample taken from the Dodo-Goldilocks trench on June 25, or Sol 30, or the 30th Martian day of the mission after landing, and again in another sample taken from the Snow White trench on July 6, or Sol 41.

When TEGA heated a sample of soil dug from the Dodo-Goldilocks trench on Sol 25 to high temperature, it detected an oxygen release, said TEGA lead scientist William Boynton of the University of Arizona. Perchlorate could be one of several possible sources of this oxygen, he said.

Late last week, when TEGA analyzed another sample, this one from the Snow White trench, the TEGA team looked for chlorine gas. The instrument detected none.
"Had we seen it, the identification of perchlorate would be absolutely clear, but in this run we did not see any chlorine gas. We may have been analyzing a perchlorate salt that doesn't release chlorine gas upon heating," Boynton said. "There's nothing in the TEGA data that contradicts MECA's finding of perchlorates."

Its possible life might use these perchlorates as an energy source. Its possible they could be useful for making rocket fuel on Mars. Its also possible this is a big mistake and the souce of the perchlorate is earth. The third stage of the rocket that sent the Phoenix lander to Mars uses perchlorate oxidizers... the scientists might be observing rocket contaminants...


Time Out
Jul 26, 2007
Again there should be emphasis that there is life on Mars in the form of intelligent beings: people (and – although to this some do not agree: there are also demons or genies like those on Earth), in addition to animals and plants; with rivers, seas, mountains, forests, towns and cities.

The following points give the clew:
  • They have taken photos of Mars, either from very high altitudes, or from the ground level; while if they take the images from the level of one hundred or two hundred meters: everything will be obvious.
  • I asked some astronomers at NASA, about the mountains of Mars, they answered:

"In general the southern hemisphere is the highlands of Mars and the northern hemisphere is the lowlands.
The Tharsis province is a notable high volcanic chain, and the tallest volcano Olympus mons is nearby (27 km high and 600 km wide at the base).
Other peaks in decreasing order of height are Ascraeus mons, Arsia mons, Pavonis mons, and Elysium mons--all of these are taller than Mt. Everest.
You can see maps of the topography of Mars at the following link: "

Therefore, all these mountains are taller than Mt. Everest, which may give an idea that Mars is in fact larger than Earth.

The other thing is that their knowledge about Mars mountains is obviously defective: because where are the mountains less than Mt. Everest?

Moreover, the tops of these mountains are covered by ice, then will not this ice !sublimate! as do they claim, specially if the atmosphere of Mars is allegedly thin? And how does such ice accumulate again?

On Earth, the ice and rain will percolate in the ground and will come out in the form of water-springs on the slopes of the mountains and in the valleys in between them, and the streams of water will form tributaries and these will form the rivers that will flow from the mountains to the lower planes.
  • On Earth, their advanced technology enabled them to view the detailed features of the land and towns and may be people walking in the streets; but on Mars, it seems that such technology is difficult to apply, and moreover, they descended their tools quickly and cannot fly on some low or medium height to have better viewing of the surface features.

Now see this link about an image of the Inka City, by Mariner 9

And this is another image of this Inka City by, Viking 2

Then they attributed such features to the effect of winds! How can winds do such straight lines as seen from very high altitudes?
  • All this indicates that their knowledge about Mars is defective, and nobody can rule out the possibility of the existence of people on Mars. And the claim, of some that they have viewed all the surface of Mars and drawn some precise maps, such claim is not precisely correct.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Yes, we can rule out the possibility. Half the things you state in there are blatanly false.

There are no birds, people or giant mosques on Mars. Its too small and too cold. Most of your logic is about "well on earth...", Mars isn't earth and its immense physical differences than earth means it does not operate the same way.

I do not think you grasp how truley different and alien mars is from earth. Its not different like "apples to oranges" its different like "apples to molten boron"

Scott Free

House Member
May 9, 2007
I've got a question for you eanassir:

What does it mean that Muhammad is wrong about mars?

Or if you can't face that reality yet how about:

What would it mean if Muhammad was wrong about mars?

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Again there should be emphasis that there is life on Mars in the form of intelligent beings: people (and – although to this some do not agree: there are also demons or genies like those on Earth), in addition to animals and plants; with rivers, seas, mountains, forests, towns and cities.
<------- = complete nonsense

The following points give the clew:
  • They have taken photos of Mars, either from very high altitudes, or from the ground level; while if they take the images from the level of one hundred or two hundred meters: everything will be obvious.
  • Yes it would be obvious. They would have a different view of a lifeless, frozen surface with very little atmosphere than they have from ground level or orbit. Idiot; a satellite orbitting Earth has clear resolution to within a couple meters and Earth has an atmosphere. Mars is relatively devoid of atrmosphere (little if anything to interrupt the optics).
  • I asked some astronomers at NASA, about the mountains of Mars, they answered:
"In general the southern hemisphere is the highlands of Mars and the northern hemisphere is the lowlands.
The Tharsis province is a notable high volcanic chain, and the tallest volcano Olympus mons is nearby (27 km high and 600 km wide at the base).
Other peaks in decreasing order of height are Ascraeus mons, Arsia mons, Pavonis mons, and Elysium mons--all of these are taller than Mt. Everest.
You can see maps of the topography of Mars at the following link: "

Therefore, all these mountains are taller than Mt. Everest, which may give an idea that Mars is in fact larger than Earth.
roflmao Your nose is bigger than my nose. So that indicates that I am smaller than you? Preposterous.

The other thing is that their knowledge about Mars mountains is obviously defective: because where are the mountains less than Mt. Everest?
You obviously have either forgotten about basic trigonometry or didn't understand it in the first place. Everest is about 2.7 million tonnes and about 8848 meters in height.

Here is a partial list of smaller mountains (and their heights in meters) of Mars:

Ulysses Tholus (formerly Patera)5,864
Uranius Mons (formerly Patera)4,853
Anseris Mons3,959
Hadriacus Mons (formerly Hadriaca Patera)3,959
Euripus Mons3,945
Tyrrhenus Mons (formerly Tyrrhena Patera)3,920
Promethei Mons3,789
Chronius Mons3,240
Apollinaris Mons (formerly Patera)
3,155Gonnus Mons2,937

Moreover, the tops of these mountains are covered by ice, then will not this ice !sublimate! as do they claim, specially if the atmosphere of Mars is allegedly thin? And how does such ice accumulate again?
Ice on Mars sublimates. That means it goes from solid to gaseous form. Deposition is what the reverse of sublimation and that happens also.

On Earth, the ice and rain will percolate in the ground and will come out in the form of water-springs on the slopes of the mountains and in the valleys in between them, and the streams of water will form tributaries and these will form the rivers that will flow from the mountains to the lower planes.
  • On Earth, their advanced technology enabled them to view the detailed features of the land and towns and may be people walking in the streets; but on Mars, it seems that such technology is difficult to apply, and moreover, they descended their tools quickly and cannot fly on some low or medium height to have better viewing of the surface features.
Now see this link about an image of the Inka City, by Mariner 9

And this is another image of this Inka City by, Viking 2

Then they attributed such features to the effect of winds! How can winds do such straight lines as seen from very high altitudes?

  • All this indicates that their knowledge about Mars is defective, and nobody can rule out the possibility of the existence of people on Mars. And the claim, of some that they have viewed all the surface of Mars and drawn some precise maps, such claim is not precisely correct.


Of course the knowledge is limited. We haven't discovered everything about Earth yet. Mohammad was limited to Earth and didn't even have probes, so his knowledge of Mars is even more limited. DUH
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Time Out
Jul 26, 2007

It appears you are making these grand statements while living in a vacuum. You talk about the space probe Phoenix but you ignore what those phoenix scientists are saying. Phoenix has instruments for measuring atmospheric pressure as well as temperature and wind speed. It should be easy enough for you to see that Mars has no rivers, seas, What they have discovered is small amounts of water ice at one of the poles but plants need an atmosphere just like we do and alas, plants also require temperatures above the freezing point of water and Mars is frozen all year round,

Don't be rigid in following their presumption; because it may turn like the alleged frozen CO2.

So tell me why the ice is only confined to the two poles, and much of it will melt in summer? Why won't all the planet be frozen and ice will cover it all over?

Why is the ice seen on top of some of the mountains of Mars? Why – in case the temperatures are as such so low – why won't all the mountain be covered by ice from the bottom to the top? But in fact the ice is seen only on the tops like on our Earth.

And in case the atmosphere is so thin, why is there the cirrus cloud on some high altitude like on our Earth?

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