Man dies after Taser shock by police at Vancouver airport


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
RCMP subdue hospitalized man, 82, with Taser

An elderly man in Kamloops, B.C., was zapped three times on the torso by a police stun gun while lying on his hospital bed, CBC News has learned.

Frank Lasser, 82, appeared fragile Thursday when he showed the Taser marks on his body and talked about the ordeal he went through Saturday.

"They [police] should have known I had bypass surgery," Lasser told CBC News.

Lasser has had heart surgery and needs to carry an apparatus to supply oxygen at all times. He was in the Royal Inland Hospital Saturday due to pneumonia but has since been released.

RCMP said nurses called police after Lasser became delirious and pulled a knife out of his pocket.

Lasser told CBC News that he sometimes becomes delusional when he can't breathe properly. He said he couldn't explain why he refused to let go of the knife even after the Mounties arrived.

"I was laying on the bed by then and the corporal came in, or the sergeant, I forget which it was, and said to the guys, 'OK, get him because we got more important work to do on the street tonight,'" Lasser said.

"And then, bang, bang, bang, three times with the laser, and I tell you, I never want that again."

Kamloops RCMP said Thursday that officers had no other option but to deploy the conducted energy weapon when Lasser refused to drop his knife.

"Whether the person is 80 or 20, we are dealing with a person who had a deadly weapon in their hand," Cpl. Scott Wilson told CBC News.

"We could not deploy our … pepper spray, because we could potentially contaminate the entire hospital."

Lasser said there were three RCMP officers in his hospital room and believes they could have easily handled him without the use of a Taser.

"They could have gone in there and taken an old man without any trouble at all," said Lasser, who is an ex-prison guard.


kind and gentle
Feb 27, 2006
Backwater, Ontario.
:angryfire: Really, wasting electricity like that. Shoulda "Glocked" the ol bastard!!!

Very nerve
Getting sick
Going to the hospital
Becoming delirious
He's only 82, he could have been reeeeeeeeeely dangerous
Mighta cut someone's hand.

:walk:(off to recharge the batteries, and change my undies. That ol geezer scared the sh!t outa me.)
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House Member
Jun 9, 2006
And what would have been the outcome if they'd simply used a folded blanket to cover him and disable his "knife-hand"? Our RCMP has turned into a brainless gang of thugs hiding under the cover of "legislation"...... just like our phoney corrupt government!

Maybe they should serve a duty in the local Tim Horton's where they could use the taser to guard tim-bits!

Our country is a joke and our police are the new modern Keystone Kops!


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
'OK, get him because we got more important work to do on the street tonight,'

If the above was truly said, then that just goes to show our police forces have some heads full of bricks considdering the attention they're already getting for using Tasers in situation where they were not needed..... one would think they'd try other methods first.... but these guys seemed to not have the time, as they had more important things to do on the streets that night.

What exactly would that be? Collecting their weekly pimp money from the hookers they blackmail?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
And what would have been the outcome if they'd simply used a folded blanket to cover him and disable his "knife-hand"? Our RCMP has turned into a brainless gang of thugs hiding under the cover of "legislation"...... just like our phoney corrupt government!

Maybe they should serve a duty in the local Tim Horton's where they could use the taser to guard tim-bits!

Our country is a joke and our police are the new modern Keystone Kops!

Unfortunately, I agree.

Perhaps for different reasons than you, but the RCMP have become a joke.....a dangerous one at that.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
A former prison guard with a knife..just devil's advocate here,

But one wrong slash with a knife can be lights out , permenently, if the delerious guy gets a lucky slash.

A better question, is why does a guy getting out of bypass surgery have a knife in his pocket?


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

I have been trained and a great many other people have been trained in disarming far more dangerous assailants than this old man! There is absolutely no reasonable explanation for resorting to this kind of behavior and if in fact the quote provided with this story is factual, it's long past time that the RCMP was hauled onto the carpet and something other than getting rid of scum like Zacardelli took place!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
A former prison guard with a knife..just devil's advocate here,

But one wrong slash with a knife can be lights out , permenently, if the delerious guy gets a lucky slash.

A better question, is why does a guy getting out of bypass surgery have a knife in his pocket?

His bypass surgery was some time is only mentioned as the reason he is on oxygen.....although I don't quite understand that.

The knife, in my understanding, was a pocket know, a folder with a blade of less than 3".

Legally, IMHO, the RCMP had a right to use lethal force......he did have a weapon displayed.

But ANY level of common sense would dictate that a very old, sick man, out of his head, with a tiny little blade, could be easily subdued.........these guys were behaving like jack-booted morons.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Ah, pocket knife..well thats not nearly as dangerous.

Wrap an extra stab proof vest around your arm and dive in.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

And why given the incident at the Vancouver Airport might we expect anything else?

There's an ad currently running on TV for some truck manufacturerer that suggests that the true measure of a man is how he handles power.....

While not a fan of TV advertising the question is germane. If we're accepting applications from testosterone and adrenaline junkies hoping to join the RCMP to fulfill their fantasy of power and control....we have a serious problem!

Or is it simply the nature of technology that once the "easy" and "expedient" are embraced as "soluitons" common sense is given the day off.....?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

And why given the incident at the Vancouver Airport might we expect anything else?

There's an ad currently running on TV for some truck manufacturerer that suggests that the true measure of a man is how he handles power.....

While not a fan of TV advertising the question is germane. If we're accepting applications from testosterone and adrenaline junkies hoping to join the RCMP to fulfill their fantasy of power and control....we have a serious problem!

Or is it simply the nature of technology that once the "easy" and "expedient" are embraced as "soluitons" common sense is given the day off.....?

Mikey, you're being surprizingly clear headed and sensible today......



Force majeure
May 28, 2007
I would just like to offer up my services to disarm any delirious 80+ year olds in hospital beds welding pocket knives. No electrical or firearms will be used and that's my iron clad guarantee to my customers!

Also as part of my Golden Years service, Yours will be this fancy tree shaped room freshener for those Nah Tze Emm Pee cleanups. Mmmm pine fresh!

Reasonable prices and fast friendly service. :wave:


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
If people think sick old men are easy to subdue, they haven't worked in a hospital before. My aunt had her jaw broken by a nice old man who asked her to tie his shoelaces while sitting in his wheelchair. I've seen 5 people struggling to subdue a patient who is delirious. It's one of the main reasons nurses have such a high workplace injury rate. The units with the highest rate of violence against staff aren't emergency rooms, they are geriatric units with men like him.

I'm sure the police could have risked injury and subdued him without the taser, but I don't see why that would be such a good thing. Then he'd be on tv showing the bruises on his wrists or whatever other injury he suffered. Being tased isn't nice, but it isn't the end of the world either. Plus, no offense, but if you know you become delirious due to oxygen deprivation why on earth do you keep a knife?


Council Member
Sep 28, 2007
Ardrossan, Alberta
- One would expect only criminals to do something like that,The RCMP have turned into a bunch of cowards, 20 years ago they would have held him down and taken it away- now their just a bunch of pussys who are too lazy to get their hands dirty.


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
Agreed.....Although my mother is also a nurse in a retirement home for mentally disabled people and her risks can sometimes be high depending on the situation, these situations can be dealt with very easily.... and RCMP officers tasering people, yet again becuase they don't have the time or the patience isn't acceptable.

And if a middle aged guy from Poland can die from the involvement of the taser twice, I'm sure the chances of this 80+ year old man on oxygen and had heart surgery and shot three times wasn't too far behind.

Tough ol fart.

Socrates the Greek

I Remember them....
Apr 15, 2006
Agreed.....Although my mother is also a nurse in a retirement home for mentally disabled people and her risks can sometimes be high depending on the situation, these situations can be dealt with very easily.... and RCMP officers tasering people, yet again becuase they don't have the time or the patience isn't acceptable.

And if a middle aged guy from Poland can die from the involvement of the taser twice, I'm sure the chances of this 80+ year old man on oxygen and had heart surgery and shot three times wasn't too far behind.

Tough ol fart.

What else is new two big RCMP officers are not able to subdue an 81 year old man. F BULL SH!T. They just love to use the taser because their idiots in the Union said it is better for them, les threat for two big men in case the old man has a black belt in Karate.
F idiots. :angryfire::angryfire:


Dec 18, 2007
Halifax, NS & Melbourne, VIC
What else is new two big RCMP officers are not able to subdue an 81 year old man. F BULL SH!T. They just love to use the taser because their idiots in the Union said it is better for them, les threat for two big men in case the old man has a black belt in Karate.
F idiots. :angryfire::angryfire:

Maybe all the RCMP officers used to be nerds in high school and got beaten up all the time by bullies for watching too much Star Trek and now they got their own Phasers to role play on us all with their nerdy fantasies.