Latest Federal Polls


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Looking for FREE handouts. That's why they come here, to abuse the welfare system, scam the government and free health service

LIE-berals never follow through HONESTLY on ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how well LIE-berals are succeeding

in imposing their SCREWED up values on our school system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating how out of control life for our kids is getting at school!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Fresh bullying claims surface at school attended by Syrian girl who took her own life

By Dan McGarvey. CBC News

Published May 6, 2019

David Nganga says he wishes the school could have communicated the steps they took and what they found was happening in his daughters’ case. But he says the school denied bullying was taking place.

(What would the school tell the parent? The TRUTH is that our schools have become the WILD WEST- with NO Sheriff!! Teachers are so hamstrung by LIE-beral politically correct madness that they are not just UNWILLING to impose any discipline- the reality is that teachers are UNABLE to impose discipline!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The old standby of keeping a kid in after school for detention is GONE!! Eliminated by kids riding school busses!! The kid MUST BE on the bus or else some adult must drive the kid home if the kid misses the bus!! And teachers will not detain a kid during recess or lunch as that time is RESERVED for teachers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

WARNING: story contains descriptions of self-harm which may disturb some readers. If you need help, you can call the Canada Suicide Prevention Service at 1-833-456-4566. The service is toll free from anywhere in Canada, operates in French and English, 24/7.

(The fac that CBC feels the need for such a warning is indicative of the HUGE emotional problem our kids face!!!!!!!!!!!!)

More complaints are surfacing about bullying at a northeast Calgary school already dealing with a bullying crisis following the suicide of one of its young students.

Nine-year-old Syrian refugee Amal Alshteiwi took her own life in March after her parents say she was bullied for months.

Amal's parents, who don't speak English, struggled to raise the alarm about their daughter's bullying. But they say their requests for help were ignored by school officials who should have recognized and addressed what was happening.

(Lack of English is NOT the problem here!! An Anglo Saxon parent with perfect English would NOT make any better headway!! Teachers hands are TIED!! The old standby of corporal punishment for major sins is LONG GONE!! And as mentioned- teachers HAVE NO ABILITY to administer milder punishment!!!!!)

Now there are fresh allegations of serious bullying from another family, who recently took the step of removing their children from the school altogether and moving to a different part of the city. They say their complaints also weren't taken seriously.

Their daughter says there are two "worlds" at school.

"I would say I don't want to go to school and she would ask me why and I'd say because I feel like I'm going to be in a different world than the bullying kids. All the bullying kids are in the happy world and the bullied kids are in a sad world," said Grade 3 student Wangui Muigai, 8.

Nancy Kamau, says her daughters Wairimu, and Wangui were bullied for months but multiple complaints weren’t taken seriously. Her husband, David Nganga, says the school tried to brush the issue under the carpet.
Wangui was in the same class as Amal Alshteiwi and says she witnessed Amal's bullying while also being bullied herself at school and on the school bus.

(Being on a school bus is the absolute most dangerous time of day for many kids!!
The bus driver is under ORDERS- ONLY to drive - there is to be NO driver REFEREEING of fights or disputes!! Happily- so many parents have complained about conditions on buses that the school system is grudging putting security cameras on some of the roughest bus routes - so they can take some VAGUE retro-active against the worst bully offenders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"I remember Grade 5 and 6 kids teasing about her hair and she started crying and they pushed her in the snow. One boy took a ball and hit it on her. She was really sad," said Wangui. "I saw that problem and then I hugged Amal."

Wangui and her younger sister have lots of stories about Amal's bullying, which they say was common knowledge among kids at their school. They say bullying was happening to other kids, too, as well as themselves.

"They were saying that I'm ugly and that I was too black," said Wangui.

Her mother, Nancy Kamau, says her daughters' bullying problems seem to focus around race and their African roots.

(Kids often single out the one who is different. The problem is that our teachers are doing EVER LESS Supervision of our kids on the school yards!! As teacher unions grow ever more militant and demanding of Gravy - they often punish us for our reluctance to be taxed to death - by shunning supervision duties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Then there is the issue of text books which schools NO LONGER HAVE!! Most teachers now must regularly spend much time photo-copying the few remaining text books so they will have information sheets to give to the kids- because of the LACK OF BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

All this photo copying is done at lunch hour and after school - in time periods when teachers used to deal with kids in detention or with kids needing extra help!)

(And of course “in the old days” - kids used to go home for lunch and become a problem for parents rather than teachers!! LIE-beral gravy grabbing has become a social plague fueling school issues like bullying!! Now BOTH PARENTS MUST WORK to supply the govt gravy train- and the kids are essentially abandoned!!!!!)

"It made me feel like I had no friends around me and nobody would play with me and I would get frustrated," said six-year-old Wairimu Muigai, Wangui's sister.

Nine-year-old Amal Alshteiwi took her own life at her northeast home in March after months of being tormented by bullies at her school.

"My children being black children in that school and in that community, there were a lot of struggles, being called names," said Kamau, who came to Calgary from Africa in 2005.

Kamau says being black in a largely south Asian school wasn't easy for her daughters.

(Black kids having trouble with SOUTH ASIANS? So much for LIE-beral multi -cultural values!! Yet LIE-berals insist that it is only white people who are racists!)

"One of my daughters was hit by a boy with a stick on her private parts. She was embarrassed to tell the teachers. There was a cut, so I nursed the wound and contacted the teacher," said Kamau.

Kamau says she was told the school would follow up but nobody called back.

(Too many of our kids are growing up so wild that schools have BANNED kids from bringing sports equipment like hockey sticks and baseball bats to school for fear they will be used as weapons!! Teachers DO NOT wish to discuss this for fear
of public reaction And the longer teachers sweep the mess out of sight- the bigger the problem gets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In another incident, Kamau says, her younger daughter told her a boy cut off some of her braided hair with scissors during recess.

"The words were commenting on race. She was told, 'I don't like your hair,' 'I don't like your skin colour,' 'you're ugly' — and that is very sad for a child to process," she said.

Again, she contacted the school. She says they told her they would investigate, but Kamau says no action was taken.

(School Principals are selected for their skill at DEFUSING volatile issues and not for their ability to actually SOLVE a problem!! Making problems disappear is a PRIZED SKILL in our militant union school system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In one email exchange obtained by CBC News between Kamau and Wangui's teacher, Kamau wrote: "My heart is bleeding and I am very disappointed for our kids, because so many times I've been called by school [that] either one of my kids is being hurt, and I know all these things are being done for there is bullying going ahead in school but as a parent I call, the answer is they will investigate but afterwards no one ever say anything."

The teacher replied: "I would like to solve this between the girls so that both girls feel that they are safe and cared for in my classroom. As for how a school handles bullying, this is something that I am unable to comment on. However, I am always more than happy to meet with you to discuss how I prefer to deal with things in my classroom."

(Yes- such reassuring and MEANINGLESS PLATITUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Kamau says she and her husband did meet with the teacher, principal and vice-principal several times. She says they always downplayed incidents and didn't recognize what was happening as bullying or offer any solutions.

(The principal KNEW- but is powerless to intervene- even if willing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"My concern is if my kids go to school with the CBE and they are not protected, where are my kids going to be protected?," said Kamau.
Nancy Kamau says she told the principal to “stop being blind’ to bullying at the school after her daughters were both bullied about their skin colour and race.

"My kids used to cry in the morning all the time, saying I don't want to go to that school. It traumatized the kids psychologically, emotionally, and when my kids tell me what's been going on, it traumatized me," Kamau said.

Wangui and Wairimu are both now at a Catholic school in the northwest, making new friends and enjoying life at school again.

(Yes- Catholic schools tend to be more peaceful because they can reject kids who are too wild- UNLIKE the public school system!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"I hope and I pray that will not happen again," said Kamau. "The CBE should have reports, they should follow up. They don't say anything. I told the principal, 'Stop being blind. You know there's bullying at the school. You know that,'" said Kamau.

(Schools DO HAVE REPORTS!! Its just that they often HIDE the reports for political reasons and for covering their backsides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"The school, it has to change for our kids to be safe," she said.

"Having kids come home telling you they've been bullied and are not happy, it's sad," said Kamau's husband, David Nganga.

"You could tell she wasn't faking it. Something really happened but the principal was 'maybe it didn't happen,' she kind of denied it," he said.

(It is one kids word against another- in the absence of adult supervisors -thus there is NO EVIDENCE of wrong doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

"But when that small girl committed suicide, it was scary because it could have been my own daughter. I just want CBE to follow up, so something like that doesn't happen again," he said.

The Calgary Board of Education emailed a statement to CBC Calgary:

"We are aware of the complaint made by this family. The school principal is reviewing this concern with support of the area director, which is our typical practice."

(Yes- nobody would want teachers to be Blamed so its best to get the union HOG story straight with the superiors - before reporters start calling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
I think the $600 Million investment in media is starting to pay off

Prime Minister Trudeau Is Leading In Some Polls For The First Time Since The SNC Lavalin Scandal

OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are QUITE RIGHT ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are also getting a BIG PAYOUT from their Long Form Census!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They know know exactly which parts of the country TO TELEPHONE.......................

in order to get "SUITABLE ANSWERS" for their allegedly RANDOM polling efforts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If LIE-berals ever stopped LYING to us........................................

in their shameless puff pieces.....................................

the amount of green wind power produced in Canada.............................................

WOULD BE DRASTICALLY CURTAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
OH YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are QUITE RIGHT ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are also getting a BIG PAYOUT from their Long Form Census!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They know know exactly which parts of the country TO TELEPHONE.......................

The amount of 'publishing' you do in a day is truly remarkable! Does your busy schedule allow time for any other activities whatsoever? :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The amount of 'publishing' you do in a day is truly remarkable! Does your busy schedule allow time for any other activities whatsoever? :)

I do notice that JLM........................



and Cliffy are on here quite often...................................

HOW MUCH does the LIE-beral party pay such people.....................................

to spew that LIE-beral friendly CRAP????????????????????????????

And does a guy like hemerHOID get paid anything extra...................................

from the six hundred million dollar LIE-beral media slush fund?????????????????

the one LIE-berls are using to BUY GOOD PRESS........................................

from news media "THEY TRUST"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals know no shame and no limits to their greed!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I do notice that JLM........................



and Cliffy are on here quite often...................................

HOW MUCH does the LIE-beral party pay such people.....................................

to spew that LIE-beral friendly CRAP????????????????????????????

And does a guy like hemerHOID get paid anything extra...................................

To set your mind at ease any money the Liberals have been sending me has failed to reach me so far but I'll gladly accept their cheque! My only purpose on here is to correct the erroneous assertions made by the other three aforementioned fools. :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Indigenous and first-time voters split, new Canadians still prefer Liberals: CBC News poll

In other words.....................................

the people who expect to BENEFIT MOST......................................

from promised LIE-beral hand outs........................................

at the expense of OTHERS...............................................

are KEY LIE-beral supporters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somebody ought to tell those "first time voters'...................................

that LIE-berals HAD A PLAN.........................................

to reduce student debt going into the 2015 election..............................................

and the plan DIED after the election!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral BAIT AND SWITCH is the order of the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
To set your mind at ease any money the Liberals have been sending me has failed to reach me so far but I'll gladly accept their cheque! My only purpose on here is to correct the erroneous assertions made by the other three aforementioned fools. :)

And WHAT is it you do for a living???????????????????????

As I have said before...............................

YOU QUALIFY AS A HOG.........................................

if your major work income is provided by govt cheques!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other words.......................................

if your income would be CRIPPLED by govt spending reductions..................................

THEN YOU ARE A GOVT HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note...............You dont actually have to work for govt to BE A HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For instance.....................................

You can be a dentist.........................................

and if ALL your customers are civil service union HOGS.....................................

because you like the RATES HOG benefites will pay you...........................................

and YOU DONT HAVE any ordinary non union people as customers................................

because they are so cheap and whiny about the cost of your service............................................

then YOU ARE A HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are a financial advisor..............................................

who EXCLUSIVELY MANAGES HOG pension funds............................................................

THEN YOU ARE A HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is AMAZING the range of EXCUSES A HOG will provide.....................................

to PRETEND HE IS NOT A HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
And WHAT is it you do for a living???????????????????????

As I have said before...............................

YOU QUALIFY AS A HOG.........................................

if your major work income is provided by govt cheques!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other words.......................................

if your income would be CRIPPLED by govt spending reductions..................................

THEN YOU ARE A GOVT HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note...............You dont actually have to work for govt to BE A HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For instance.....................................

You can be a dentist.........................................

and if ALL your customers are civil service union HOGS.....................................

because you like the RATES HOG benefites will pay you...........................................

and YOU DONT HAVE any ordinary non union people as customers................................

because they are so cheap and whiny about the cost of your service............................................

then YOU ARE A HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you are a financial advisor..............................................

who EXCLUSIVELY MANAGES HOG pension funds............................................................

THEN YOU ARE A HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is AMAZING the range of EXCUSES A HOG will provide.....................................

to PRETEND HE IS NOT A HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

You are totally full of bullshit and are too f**king stupid to debate with unless you have all the details of my employment over 38 years. Unless you plan on shunning the OAP and Canada Pension you are a fcuking hypocrite. My discussions with you are done...…………………..ASSHOLE!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
I believe that the latest federal polls show the conservatives and liberals roughly equal in the low 30 % area.
This is working out perfectoy for the people who will hold the balance of power in their hands - the NDP/green.



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I believe that the latest federal polls show the conservatives and liberals roughly equal in the low 30 % area.
This is working out perfectoy for the people who will hold the balance of power in their hands - the NDP/green.

Can you give us the English translation? :)


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I think the $600 Million investment in media is starting to pay off

Prime Minister Trudeau Is Leading In Some Polls For The First Time Since The SNC Lavalin Scandal
When is the investment in the last 2 World Wars going to start paying off? (in case you are wondering why our social programs are being stressed at all is because the billions that used to cover the costs now go to the bankers alone.