Latest Federal Polls


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
I think we should just vote for A party,
A big loud 3 day all nighter at that.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You are totally full of bullshit and are too f**king stupid to debate with unless you have all the details of my employment over 38 years. Unless you plan on shunning the OAP and Canada Pension you are a fcuking hypocrite. My discussions with you are done...…………………..ASSHOLE!

In OTHER WORDS................................

I AM EXACTLY RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU ARE A HOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you are using INSULTS AND FAUX OUTRAGE TO HIDE YOUR FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article illustrating the delusional thinking of LIE-beral govt. And how sad that NDPers and Greeens- the less intelligent cousins of LIE-berals want to ride down this same costly and destructive road! With some comments of my own in brackets):

As simple as ‘unleashing Canada’s world-class public service?’

(Oh yes!! Just LOOK at the latest “world class service” offered by our HOGS!! In response to Doug Ford taking firm action to end the Beer Store MONOPOLY - set up by shameless vote buying LIE-berals - Hogs have made sure that LCBO shelves in Ontari-owe will BE SHORT OF STOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Such obstructionist behaviour designed to annoy the public and cut into govt revenues is the standard behaviour of a GREEDY MONOPOLY- and its union HOG EMPLOYEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

By Mark Bonokoski. Published: May 30, 2018. Updated: May 30, 2018 2:19 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ Opinion/ Columnists

Our nation’s capital, which would be nearly a ghost town if not for its collective of civil servants beavering away in their cubbyholes, the latest scathing report by federal Auditor General Michael Ferguson would have normally drawn little more than apathetic yawns.

But not this time.

No, when one of the disasters being outlined by our tax-dollar guardian had federal paycheques put in jeopardy, or forgotten, or lost, or totally out of whack with their pay grade, well, the great grey masses of our country’s public service suddenly got some angry colour in their cheeks.

Ferguson has documented a long list of failures under the Trudeau Liberals, of course, although no one can remember the last time there was an auditor general’s report that wasn’t headlined “damning,” or “scathing.”

And this one was no exception.

Like how our military justice system—which has been getting grief on the issue for more than a decade—is so ponderously slow, for example, that at least 10 court martial cases had to be kicked to the curb.

(Kicking court cases to the curb is a beloved LIE-beral hobby! In summer 2017 they released SEVEN accused killers with out the bother of a trial- simply because they “did not have the legal resources available to properly try the men”! And four men where also released without trial in spite of being accused of stealing a total of $34 million dollars by fraud from Ontarians!)

Like how the educational gap between on-reserve First Nations and the rest of Canadians hadn’t improved an iota in the last 15 years, and that drop-out rates were jimmied by the government to make that look less appalling.

(One quick way to improve life- and attitudes- on reserves would be to halt the endless corruption and waste of tax dollars on reserves - but LIE-berals do not want to lose native votes- so nothing is done!)

Like how the government routinely sells off multi-millions in surplus assets at bargain-basement prices—often at two-thirds of their value—instead of having them circulated to other departments,

(Oh the book keeping that would be involved- and which department would carry the depreciation and etc! Such stuff makes Hog heads hurt! Besides- shiny, new things are always more fun than old used stuff so why should Hogs bother with trading stuff around! Everybody keeps the good stuff for themselves!)

And, like how our consular officials take up to seven months to determine whether a Canadian being held in a foreign jail might have some validity to a claim of torture.

(In truth- some of these Cdns are idiots who think a Cdn passport makes them immune to any local laws- there is little diplomats can do for foolish and reckless Cdns held in foreign jails! One has only to think of “Cdn journalists” who march off to very hostile lands to seek stories- and end up BEING the story!)

None of these would normally create a ripple in the federal civil service, so accustomed as it is to criticism, and because their unions are paid to do the hard back-room work of publicly defending the work of their members.

But screw up their pay system?

While it may seem like inside baseball to someone who doesn’t live in Ottawa, talk radio in the capital has expelled a lot of air talking about the problem-plagued Phoenix pay system which was put into play two years ago with no beta-testing and no backup system.

The old system was simply unplugged, and the switch was flipped on the brand-spanking-new Phoenix platform.

Naturally it short-circuited.

(One would think that the Ontari-owe experience with E-health might have given the Ottawa LIE-beral poobahs some pause for thought but apparently not! Or is there something SINISTER in Phoenix? Special and preferred civil service Hogs get “extra” pay while others not so popular get LESS? Is this yet another SNEAKY way for LIE-berals to reward loyal pals and screw others designated as enemies? This mess has gone on for a surprisingly LONG time?)

“The building and implementation of Phoenix was an incomprehensible failure of project management and oversight,” said Ferguson.

(Civil service Hogs have a LONG history of burying their mistakes- its one reason the Chalk River nuclear reactor- that produces one third of the world supply of medical isotopes- was allowed to become so dilapidated- was because Hogs with AECL were to busy trying and failing to build a replacement! The leader of the failed project was fired by then PM. Harper- with Hogs whining he was “muzzling scientists” - with no mention of the UTTER INCOMPETENCE INVOLVED!)

It was the Harper Conservatives who projected Phoenix would save $70 million a year by requiring fewer bodies, but it was the Trudeau crowd who determined the time was right to go live.

That led to almost 300,000 public servants being under-paid, over-paid, or not paid at all, with the tab to fix the glitch now homing in on $1.2 billion.

If there is a definition for cockup, it’s Phoenix.

When Ferguson recommended—wisely in reflection—that an oversight mechanism be in place before any new IT projects are launched, Treasury Board President Scott Brison—Justin Trudeau’s point man on this—came up with a purple-prosaic answer bordering on poetry.

He said change in the culture could be accomplished by simply “unleashing the creativity, energy and enthusiasm of Canada’s world-class public service.”

Such “creativity, energy and enthusiasm” will come in handy, of course, now that the Trudeau Liberals are going to build the Trans Mountain pipeline on their own, having just given Kinder Morgan some $4.5 billion to take the project off its hands.

Strange how no one had thought of this “unleashing” before.

This pipeline thing should now be a piece of cake.

What could possibly go wrong?

(One has to wonder at the magical hypocrisy of LIE-berals! Poor idiot Boy Justin has variously told us that he wants to shut down the entire Cdn oil patch and use carbon crap and trade taxes to drive up the price of fossil fuel so high we are FORCED to halt any and all use of the stuff; and now he has told us that getting Alberta oil to new markets is a national priority? In addition it is now public knowledge that Cdn oil is produced under tougher environmental regulations than oil from foreign sources such as Venezuela- which feeds all of eastern Canada- so why would Our idiot Boy shun the Energy East Pipeline that can supply us with oil produced under stronger regulations than the Venezuelan stuff? Does the idiot Boy have any recollection of his various strongly conflicting promises? It seems NOT!)

(IN related news- all levels of NDP have told us they too want to use carbon crap and trade taxes to render fossil fuel so costly we give up on it- and at the same time they decry B.C. LIE-beral efforts to block Kinder Morgan pipeline! Ontari-owe NDPers want to reduce the oil “price gouging” that is occurring here without bothering to find out why oil shipments are bottle necked and backed up due- in part- to a shortage of rail cars for shipments! NDPers have no better recall of their promises than LIE-berals- so it seems! Perhaps we should “unleash the creativity, energy and enthusiasm of Canada`s world class civil service” to investigate why LIE-berals and their NDP cousins are such world class hypocrites and MORONS?)

(And how is it that NDPers can shrug when one of their own says the Ontari-owe carbon crap and trade tax should be immediately jumped to $150.00 from the current $10.00! Imagine the staggering inflation and economic chaos as gas and heating costs jumped by easily 25 percent and costs for food and clothing did the same! NDPers are like LIE-berals wh osee inflation as a GOOD THING as it gives them an excuse to provide Hogs with more gravy at the “rate of inflation” that govt is creating! Too bad the rest of us will be reduced to beggars at the door of govt- which is just where they want us- silent and humiliated and obedient in exchange for CRUMBS from their plates!)

(All this babble over pipelines and carbon taxes reminds me of the fine print on the federal NDP platform of 2015 in which Turkey Tom Mulcaire offered up all sorts of grants to save those good auto worker jobs and in the next breath he supported a carbon free Canada! What wonders- what does the typical NDP knucklehead think we would do with nice shiny new cars and no gas for them thanks to carbon crap and trade taxes? Do NDPers expect us to BUY the cars and use them for lawn ornaments?)

(Or should we assume that both LIE-berals and NDPers are working on similar plans to put our gas powered auto sector to work after we become carbon free- how much are the loonie leftists going to pay auto mechanics to convert gas powered cars to crappy electric battery powered TOYS? Is this the bright new future of green jobs- an endless recycling of old useless crap? And not just recycled machinery but recycled political policy as well- since none of the loons have noticed how PISSED people in Ontari-owe are at what they have seen of LIE-beral mouldy green policy so far!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
there is no path to a conservative majority other than leading a successful minority.

but their basic beliefs are appalling and no leftie party is going to go along with them.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
there is no path to a conservative majority other than leading a successful minority.

but their basic beliefs are appalling and no leftie party is going to go along with them.

As bad as the Liberal's basic beliefs?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
The liberals basic beliefs are much more aligned with the NDP and Greens than are the conservatives.

just a basic fact of Canadian politics.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
The liberals basic beliefs are much more aligned with the NDP and Greens than are the conservatives.

just a basic fact of Canadian politics.

The value of N.D.P. and Green beliefs is? Not sure how much employment they will provide!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
I would have to say that their beliefs are as valuable as anyone else's

But i'm not a white nationalist

I don't subscribe to the view that being white makes a person better or more valuable.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
I stand by my statements:

1) the conservatives have no path to a majority and cannot form a minority

2) the beliefs of all Canadians are equally valid.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I stand by my statements:

1) the conservatives have no path to a majority and cannot form a minority

2) the beliefs of all Canadians are equally valid.

1. You're wrong. There is no easy path to majority, that is true. But it is not at all unusual for election results to differ from polls by 3 or 4 points............and even now the cumulative poll from 338Canana gives the Conservatives an equal chance for majority to Libs and Conservatives. (23.6% chance Lib majority, 22.4% chance Conservative majority)

2. You're wrong. You have every right to believe what you like, but philosophies such as Naziism, communism, or Satanism can hardly be considered "valid". Relativism is idiocy.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
1. neither the Liberals or the conservatives are anywhere near the 170 seats they would need. There would need to be a massive shift in the vote in these last couple of months and I don't see how that could happen .

2. We are talking about Canadian Green and NDP voters.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
1. neither the Liberals or the conservatives are anywhere near the 170 seats they would need. There would need to be a massive shift in the vote in these last couple of months and I don't see how that could happen .

2. We are talking about Canadian Green and NDP voters.

Better than a 1 out of 5 chance a majority happens. That is not "no road"

Some Green/NDP "values" are not valid to me, although (obviously) I didn't know what you were talking about. My point is "valid" is a completely subjective judgement when one is speaking of political philosophy.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Hmm. . . I think I've figured out why Americans have only two parties of any significance and a "winner-take-all" system.

We're too dumb to handle anything more complicated.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The liberals basic beliefs are much more aligned with the NDP and Greens than are the conservatives.

just a basic fact of Canadian politics.

Poor hemer-HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He DOES NOT wish to discuss the REALITY........................................

that ANY improvement in status .....................................

for either NDPers or Greenies..........................................

will come at LIE-beral EXPENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is an "either or" situation..........................

there cannot be more of all three!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!