It's Climate Change I tell'ya!! IT'S CLIMATE CHANGE!!

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
So, you didn't read the article. Okay Dix, that's on you to be that ignorant then.
I did read it but I stand by what I said. Hopefully, Alberta will continue to explore the hydrogen options but again, if Trudeau has his way, I'm sure he'll try to nix the whole thing. Lets see how it works - I'm optimistic but I don't trust the Feds under the Liberals/NDP & god forbid if our election in May results in a NDP win because then Hydrogen will be axed. I'm hoping I'm wrong - we'll see.


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
I did read it but I stand by what I said. Hopefully, Alberta will continue to explore the hydrogen options but again, if Trudeau has his way, I'm sure he'll try to nix the whole thing. Lets see how it works - I'm optimistic but I don't trust the Feds under the Liberals/NDP & god forbid if our election in May results in a NDP win because then Hydrogen will be axed. I'm hoping I'm wrong - we'll see.

You're already wrong, so where's that admission?


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
What is she wrong about? It would not surprise me if TurdOWE screws up the hydrogen thin when he finds out it is made from oil.

Well, the fact they're ALREADY not just producing the hydrogen - for the testing - but that it's being tested at all despite Trudeau being in power... kind'a shows Dix is wrong. I mean, it's going to run for a year. They're testing not to see if the Government will approve it, but if the hydrogen process will survive the winters.

Also, the Feds have already put in 300 million for a hydrogen plant to be built. Now I know they like to toss cash around a lot but that's still a good chunk of change for Trudeau to "nix the idea".

So again, where's the "I was wrong about this"?


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
A pro-coal and pro-cattle video.
Nobody's interested in your random videos without explanation. That guy's an idiot, and it's not surprising he's your only source of information. He preys on the weak minded for clicks.

Trudeau has already been clear, he will NOT be supporting ANY hydrogen made from oil or coal. He wants it to come from water or nothing. There will be no large scale production of hydrogen under his watch.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

A pro-coal and pro-cattle video.
…Trudeau has already been clear, he will NOT be supporting ANY hydrogen made from oil or coal. He wants it to come from water or nothing. There will be no large scale production of hydrogen under his watch.
That was a pretty good video. It was talking about Democrats & Texas, but it’s very transferrable to NDP/Liberals and AB/SK.

Trudeau’s days are numbered, but Canada’s days are not. Politically Canada has taken a huge jump to the Left, but it’s still Canada with the same geography and climate and resources. Yes, hydrogen sounds like it’s part of the answer, & no, Trudeau/Singh won’t be in power forever.

The Trudeau/Singh policies affect us all, but some people and regions more than others. Those people & regions existed & functioned before Trudeau (both the 1st & 2.0) & will do the same afterwards.

That video if you haven’t watched, it is worth watching. SK & AB are not going away, are part of Canada, and will outlive Justin/Jagmeet.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
That was a pretty good video. It was talking about Democrats & Texas, but it’s very transferrable to NDP/Liberals and AB/SK.

Trudeau’s days are numbered, but Canada’s days are not. Politically Canada has taken a huge jump to the Left, but it’s still Canada with the same geography and climate and resources. Yes, hydrogen sounds like it’s part of the answer, & no, Trudeau/Singh won’t be in power forever.

The Trudeau/Singh policies affect us all, but some people and regions more than others. Those people & regions existed & functioned before Trudeau (both the 1st & 2.0) & will do the same afterwards.

That video if you haven’t watched, it is worth watching. SK & AB are not going away, are part of Canada, and will outlive Justin/Jagmeet.

I'm not sure I'd say Canada has taken a huge jump to the left but... I think it also depends on your point of view. I'm more of the opinion that Canada has taken a jump towards stupidity.

So right now it is, as always, costs that make hydrogen a hard sell. But as those drop it should become more likely to be processed.

"Green hydrogen is also expensive to produce, but an August 2020 report from Wood Mackenzie said costs could fall by as much as 64% by the year 2040."

Trudeau and Singh might not like it now, but if there's enough public pressure, they won't have a choice BUT to focus on pushing hydrogen as an answer. Withe Edmonton testing, and the cars in Australia testing last year, they might help Joe Public realize that with pressure it might be closer than they think. Sadly there's enough fearmongers out there, and doubters, that play into the "oh it won't happen" and thus it all becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
I'm not sure I'd say Canada has taken a huge jump to the left but... I think it also depends on your point of view. I'm more of the opinion that Canada has taken a jump towards stupidity.
I think we’re saying the same thing, but in different ways from different directions.
….Trudeau and Singh might not like it now, but if there's enough public pressure, they won't have a choice BUT to focus on pushing hydrogen as an answer. Withe Edmonton testing, and the cars in Australia testing last year, they might help Joe Public realize that with pressure it might be closer than they think. Sadly there's enough fearmongers out there, and doubters, that play into the "oh it won't happen" and thus it all becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Trudeau/Singh will eventually fade into the sunset in a few years with their MP Gov’t pension’s indexed for inflation, but Canada will still be Canada.


House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Trudeau’s days are numbered, but Canada’s days are not. Politically Canada has taken a huge jump to the Left, but it’s still Canada with the same geography and climate and resources. Yes, hydrogen sounds like it’s part of the answer, & no, Trudeau/Singh won’t be in power forever.
That's just not how it works tho Ron. Events happen, and opportunites come and go. There was a time when coal was so valuable people fought wars over it, worse than they do with oil. Nobody goes to war to secure a country's coal supply these days and haven't for quite a while. The longer you take to get to market the more market you lose and the less valuable your product tends to be.

The damage trudeau has done will last for many many many years after he's gone from office. And he's not gone from office yet. IF - and it's an if - IF the liberals are thrown out in three years, then it will still be at least 15 years before we can attract the appropriate investment, actually build the infrastructure. and go to market.

And thats if all goes well. Very well. Investors will want to see that the liberals won't be getting back in quickly before they go risking projects that take decades to pay off. Or decide that the libeals have changed so much they won't be left wing anymore. So a minority gov't may not be able to attract that investment. We may be so burdened with debt by then that investors want little to do with canada, which we've seen before in period of very high debt. So it could be a LOT longer. It took about 15 years to bring the oil industry back after NEP and that was with significant gov't incentives. And they were already here at the time.

And then there's the people Trudeau will leave behind - the left wing judges he's been appointing, the bureaucrats he's put in place (lets not forget how much the public payroll has grown under him). All of which will likely not get behind the kind of changes the CPC wants. If you haven't watched 'yes minister' before go take in a few episodes (not from season one - it got better after that).

The Trudeau/Singh policies affect us all, but some people and regions more than others. Those people & regions existed & functioned before Trudeau (both the 1st & 2.0) & will do the same afterwards.
With more violence, more church burnings, more prejudice and hatred than before, and no sign it'll go away. It's like telling the jews "hitler is no big deal, jews were around before and will be around after". Yeah - technically true but that sure didn't make it a good thing or that he had no impact.

If you were hoping that the day trudeau got thrown out of power Canada would suddenly snap back to what it was and everything would go back to normal overnight, i'm afraid you're going to have to prepare for disappointment. And while we're waiting, we're missing the boat others will be happy to board.